The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD SUNDAY UNION AND REPUBLICAN: APRIL 25 1926 8B BUSINESS SERVICES EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES Help Wanted emale 32 Help Wanted Male 33 Automobiles for bale Help Wanted Male 11 33 11 Automobiles for Salo 11 Automobiles for Sale Building Contracting 19 $29 st $5000 WEEKLY COMMISSIO2C 19 Insurance '20 24 GRIDLEY AND ACME AUTOMATIC 22 Millinery Dressmaking SCREW MACHINE 20 Moving Trucking Storage 23 for RIVER 98 Painting Papering Help Male or emale 34 Legal Notice Salesmen and Agents 2S Printing Stationery WANT ADS START HERE ANNOUNCEMENTS 8 lorists Professional Services 27 Lost and ound 10 Help Wanted Male 33 4 SPRINGIELD BUICK CO USED CARS Repairing 28 AUTOMOBILES Auto Dealers Automobiles for Sale 11 1824 repainted DODGE 1025 Sedan driven very little less than SPRINGIELD BUICK CO 708 Main St River 7872 LOST Boston bull terrier about one week ago Call River 3523 and receive reward 1 Ic GENERAL HOUSEWORK GIRL Protestant no laundry city references Call Riv 8131 WILL DECORATE furniture In your home Also' restore antique decorations or furni ture trays etc Martha Livermore Tel Walnut MOVING AND TRUCKING Satisfactory ser teas rates loads Insured or Park Ex pres Hediger 549 Dickinson W1R32 WATCH lost on Church St or trol ly to Hooker St car barn River 4764 Reward Buick Touring 4 cyL Jewett Brougham Paige Sport Touring Jewett De Luxe Sedan Nash 5 pass Sedan Chevrolet Sedan ord Touring ord Tudor ord Tudor Maxwell Touring CUMMINGS will do your painting and pa perhanging at reduced prices this month River or 34 Grant St HOUSE Mix own paint work absolutely guaranteed Reasonable A May Walnut TYPIST AND EDIPHOND By insurance company A permanent position Address Box 1443 Springfield WANTED A competent maid for general housework Walnut 5108 MAN WANTED to learn firing tnd engineer ing 41 Sharon St been made by the de type of to COPPERSMITH wanted Box 132 Union Office BARBER at once Apply to 39 Cabot St Holyoke Mass PAY ENVELOPE Call Walnut CHEVROLET TOURING 1924 Phone Walnut 4093 REST HOME for invalids and elderly peo ple Rates reasonable Walnut 5419 GIRL for general housework Beldlna Xnn Westfield Mass Tel POCKETBOOK LOST on Allen St Wednes day evening Reward Call CARPENTRY and jobbing of all kinds Call Chandler Whelan Hiver 745 UPHOLSTERING and repairing or esti mate call RIVer 5223 BRICKLAYERS Must be union men $12 per day Call 3343 travel Give full Address Washington YOUNG GIRL TO HELP with housework in exchange for board and room Walnut ft Competent cook 2 In family no washing apply in morning or telephone Holyoke 1354 Mrs William Towne 242 Oak Holycke REO Good condition new 'Int will sacrifice for cash 1119 State St BLACK POCKETBOOK lost In Springfield or Westfield containing money bracelet and keys Walnut 528 PAINTING and paperhanging work guar anteed Prices right Koehler PROOREADER Must be experi enced and capable of reading final proof on high grade book work Steady work work Morey Son Greenfield Mass LADY unencumbered for pleasant outside work: state languages past employment pay expected and references to Box 170 Union Office WANTED Experienced wood attern mak ers Steady work Good equipment'1 and conditions Box 1609 Union Office WANTED ACTORY REPRESENTATIVE LAWN Ground And overhauled collected and delivered Hildebrandt 45tontrose St NICKEL PLATING polishing and oxi dizing all metals Enterprise Plating Co 49 Taylor St River 2036 ANTIQUES restored furn repaired tefin ished Steve ormerly at Chaoush 772 Main Walnut 6449 YOUNG WOMAN for part time in store Apply before 1 Sunday at 411 Dickinson St ARTIICIAL EYES Matched and fitted careful and courteous attention given A Gordon Optician 119 State St PAINTING paperhanging get outside esti mates now satisfaction guaranteed al lowest prices Harris 4S4 An experienced Butterlck pattern woman Apply employment office orbes Wallace inc GIJL (neat) 2S8 Main Street Room 21T GARAGE Washers and floormen for garage in New Haven good wages and best of working conditions Apply Mr Grover Hotel Worthy Sunday April 25 between 8 and 10 a BEAUTY Gray and faded hair restored to its natural color In 15 min utes Ruby Call Hartt Hair Coloring Spe cialist 417 Main St GIRL OR WOMAN General housework all conveniences in country house 3 children refer required Box 1622 Union Office EXPERIENCED pocketbook makers want ed Buxton inc 895 So Main St ACTIVE MAN wanted between 30 and 70 years of age to book orders for Nursery Stock In Springfield and vicinity Experi ence unnecessary to make big money Equipment free Replacement free cellent opportunity for right man Knight Bostwick Newark New York Mate VALLEY MOTOR SALES Walnut B360 YOUNG GIRL for general housework Walnut COMPETENT COOK and second maid Mrs Smith 49 Chestnut St ApplJ evenings WOMAN WANTED or light housework and helper Call at 117 Marh borough St Tuesday from 230 to 4 If we send you a free sample garment and sales outfit will you sell our lingerie? Write ilbert Box 565 Reading Penna MEN To demonstrate nationally adver tised articles In homes $4 and bonus to start Apply 44 Vernon St Room 514 Monday 8 10 or 4 6 BROWN AND WHITE terrier answers to name of Jeff lost Reward II Miller 16 Marshall St Northampton Maes GIRL for general housework Longmeadow River 5650 COOK for short order work Apply Park Square Hotel Westfield Mass YOUNG lady to keep house for man and one son Nice home with all modern conven iences a permanent position A young wid ow with or without child will bo consid ered Box 85 Union Office GIRLS WANTED In weaving dept Spring field Webbing Co 235 Mill St Wa want two men'of character and per sonal force who can show ability and fitness to become permanent members of a strictly high class organization where the incomes earned" are very large Tills la a bona fide offer to a man who Is in earnest and the oppor tunity la greater for quick reward and prompt advancement than is usually of fered through a want ad Make ap plication 1n writing to Hopkins district sales manager 6 Sumner Ave Springfield giving full details of age married or single experience etc in first letter INTELLIGENT WOMAN as cook In tea room Apply after Van Heuaen 780 State St NIGHT WATCHMAN on poultry plant $50 month without board Tent ac commodation Good references required Union Office Good all round man Call Sun day between 2 and 4 35 Maple dell St Walnut 639 WILLYS KNIGHT TOURING 1924 small mileage and original paint Crosby Over land Co opp Kimball Hotel Master cleaners and dyers of garments rugs and household furnish ings ree collection and delivery service 135 State St 'Phone River 7528 IRE gives no warning Insure you busi ness now Don't take a chance Marsh 428 Main St Wai 3U33 BOILER SETTING All kinds of furnace work Mason Contractor and Builder Oscar Carlson 145 State St b)13 BARBER wanted steady Armory Barber Shop 481 State St cor Walnut St White Christian In country for 'family of two adults and four chil dren Wages $60 per month Answer Mrs Shaun Kelly Richmond Mass Telephone Richmond 17 HAIRDRESSER With at least two years' experience Call 602 Carew St ELEC Washing machines repaired and parts all makes River BUSCALL NURSING Est 1890 Moderate rates 235 Tine St Tel 6838 EMP BUREAU SPRINGS! ELD Ma chine designer (only thoroughly experi enced need apply) 66 Vernon 8t MASSAGE Nothing better mentally and physically than a thorough massage Call nurse Walnut 2564 EXPRESS Local and long distance mov ing trucks going to once a week Goldberg 79 Sharon River DELIVERY Young man with drlv license Reliable with experience Market 460 Liberty St A man familiar repair work in woolen mill Must wi decs tau piping Reply to Somersvllle Mfg Qo Someraville Conn STAR COUPE Just like new Many extras inance Co 320 or 6756 METAL CEILINGS for your house new designs for all rooms special prices Spfld Metal Ceiling Co 23 Bond 788 SALES MANAGER WANTED for Springfield territory by big corporation In business 15 years making a well known home prod uct sold through plumbers We send ex ecutive to aid In organizing territory profit allows producer to make SS'V'O to $22000 a year Successful applicant Is trained In Chicago at our expense $580 temporarily required which Is refundable 10 year contract To an ambitious man this Is an opportunity of a lifetime Andress President 2234 ullerton Ave Chicago HOUSEKEEPER Small family Box 106 Union Office and more ORD TOLRING New top starter lights $65 terms $25 down 2142 BUICK 1925 Sdan driven 4(HX) miles fully equipped list We the price' PAINTER Visit our bundle sale of wall paper Earle 29 Har rison Ave River 304 ACME JOB 500 cards $2 letter heads circulars labels etc printed at low prices 22V Court St upstairs ATLANTIC STATES WAREHOUSE AND COLD STORAGE CO 885 LIBERTY ST WALNUT 7400 EXPERIENCED fitter and one accustomed to do alteration work on coats and dresses Apply in parson 402 Main St a CALL EXPRESS for furni ture moving general trucking rates rea sonable 11 ranklin Walnut 1581 Compressed air cleared steam steri lized: 9x12 tapestry $150 Crescent Car Bet Cleaning Cto Hgrxiasn Are 8J96 BARBER at once Hotel Nonotuck barber shop Hol yoke Mass See Mr Roche WOMEN TEACHERS WANTED TO TRAVEL During summer vacation Interesting work congenial teacher companions and at least 160 per week Salary to start and railroad fare paid Give age education and details of experience in first letter Address Gillfillan 109 Wabash Ave Chicago Ill YOUNG MEN (3) by national concern to train for executive positions $22 per week more when experienced Apply Mon day 8 10 or 4 6 at Room 514 Security Building WILLYS KNIGHT BROUGHAM Bargain for quick sale Run only 3 mos ast sum mer Guaranteed Al condition Inq 78 Maple St THE MAPLES Invalids and elderly people cared for moderate rates 1656 Long meadow St Walnut 2695 AUTOMOBILE BODY BUILDERS We can use several body builders who are able to build direct from a draft Good wages for competent men Write James 'Cunningham Son Co Rochester REO SALES AND RUSSELL TABER INC HEDGES MGR PARK ST AT WILLOW RIVER 4930 CHAIRS RESEATED by the blind Edward Schurer 739 Sumner Ave EXPERIENCED PACKERS SHIP PERS AND MOVERS HIGH GRADE HOUSEHOLD EECTS PIANOS ANTIQUES ETC MOTOR VAN OR RAILROAD REIGHT SERVICE LADY We are seeking high class woman for outdoor work neat appearance and courteous manner preferable to business experience Excellent 'opportunity Box 105 Union Office STUDEBAKER TOURING Like new Perfect throughout 6756 or 320 BUICK 1924 Like new also a tour ing ear Par gain prices Overlaag Spfld ORD COUPE 1024 shock absorbers good I PACKARD TWIN SIX $200 good condition tires Call Walnut 8551 I Call Walnut 3781 ARTIICIAL TEETH AND OTHER BRANCHES DENTAL WORK DR HARVEY 288 CHESTNUT ST 2121 SHOEMAKERS WANTED National Slice Repair Co 40 Harrison Ave ARTISTIC METAL CEILINGS kitchen parlor or bedroom: roofing and sheet met al work Pratt Co 774 Main 4942 COOKS SECOND MAIDS general glrla Blight's Emp Agency 61 Harrison Ave Walnut 6722 EXPERIENCED BUSINESS MEN WHO CAN SELL WEDDING BOUQUETS decorations and floral designs for all occasions our spe clalty Plant your barberry and privet hedges now We have them at special prices Wenk's Garden 128 Hanco*ck St Walnut 4724 ORD TUDOR coach 1925 small mileage balloon tires many extras must sell cash or terms Can be seen at Tire Store 72 Pynchon St between 4 and 9 Tel 1946 DECORATING painting paperhanglng $4 50 per room Regan HAVE that room done over now Reason able rates Call River 4033 STEAM AND GASOLINE SHOVELS to rent or will take excavatlorr work by con tract Good equipment and expert crews Tannatt Jr 231 Main St East ham pton Mass TEN salesladies 'Phone River 1614 Sunday 10 12 a for appointment SALESMAN Al for New England to eprew nt leading manufacturer artifi cial flower decorations window display fixtures valances Worth S5000 double later to right man Straight commission no advances State age experience ter ritory HP Co 319 Van Buren Chicago UPHOLSTERERS On popular price chairs answer unless you desire steady position Metro polhan um House Hudson WIDE AWAKE SALESMEN to eoHett or ders for rugs made of old cwrpwtew and old clothes We have a wonderfohprop osition for the right man er further information write or call Perry Rug Company 37 Cedar Street Meriden Conn DRESS PLEATING Aecordlan knife and millinery buttonholes iooped edginghemstitching while you wait Edwards prop 34 Besse 5144 EX INSURANCE or Inst Collector Must be a hustler salary and commission Box 162 Union ROOING YOU WANT YOUR ROO WORK HONE RIGHT BY EXPERT WORKMEN CALL BRUNTON 773 LIBERTY ST 6658 (Est 1876) Buick 4 cyl Touring Moon Coach Cadillac Roadster ord Coupe balloon tires ord Tudor Hudson Coach Essex Demonstrator Willys Knight Coupe Sedan RANGEVTEW SANITARIUM Amherst Mass Well known well conducted well situated best of personal attention from trained nurses and resident physicians A SELECTION WONDERUL BARGAIN! IN USED CARS $100 AND UP CADILLAC SEDAN 7 pass PACKARD LIMO SEDAN 7 PAS WILLS ST CLAIRE MARMON COUPE CLEVELAND TOURING BUICK CX)PE HUDSON TOURING HUDSON LIMO PIERCE ARROW LIMO PIERCE ARROW TOURINGS 1916 1 Hk A a HUDSON COACH THE ARROW CO 11 PARK ST RVER 4307 1923 1925 1919 1925 1925 1924 MACHINISTS Two general machinists one lathe hand Work from blueprints On day shift Bigelow Hartford Carpet Co Thompsonville Conn New Dwight Lunch 28 NewDylght St WANTED Secret aria! stenographer will ing to work Chance for advancement Apply Mr Classic Haynes A Co Renovating and Dyeing 29 Al TOOL GRINDER and all round mechan ic Al machinists New Departure Mfg Co Bristol Conn JDLDERLY LADY to assist with house work Hill ITienn8 Mrs Gaguler Locust We are expanding our works and re quire several experienced men for our day and night shifts guaranteed piece work prices Steady work for experi enced men Give full information in first letter State earliest date can re port for work Willys Morrow Employ ment Department Elmira EXPERT vulcanizer state reference steady work for reliable ma Apply Bog '195 Data EXPERT tire vulcanizer Day work good pay Must furnish references Box 163 Union Office BUNCH KEYS LOST Sunday afternoon Pear! St or business section reward Phone River 4383 NOW IS THE TIME to have your trees sprayed Call 4680 STAR TOURING 1925 Good condition bumpers niotometer windshield wiper 524 Sumner Ave River 1012 PEJRLESS SEDAN 1923 7 pasnger Packard Motor Car Co of 721 State St Walnut 2580 jBuslness stationery of all kinds Ask for quotations Premier Printlug Co 56 Harrison Ave River 1156 SALESMEN on brand new proposition sell Ing to all classes of retail stores: also Sales Managers for several territories Give past experience in first letter for preferred attention Address Box 2619 Boston Mass PORTABLE Steel or wood con struction Unit Construction Co 225 Park Ave West Springfield River 3470 VICTOR AND ROYAL HEATERS Service repairs al! makes nf furnaces etcher A Co rear 55 Dwight St River 4357 1923 921 1921 1922 1921 1920 1923 1917 1920 4923 SPRINGIELD 9 Cypress going to New York city with 2 closed vans Returning empty will give low rates on anything you have returning Vans are equipped to handle furniture or freight or rates call between now and April 26 office phone Walnut 2117 residence 45 Church St Walnut WOMAN owning car for responsible position with large mfr Give age references Opportunity for advancement Box 171 Union Office ROWN POMERANfAN dog lost riday Park section return to Ritter 32 Sor rento St 8041 CHEVROLET TOURING 1924 Original paint good tires: a mighty fine touring price $250 Walnut 9633 Young Motor Co 145 Main St Chevrolet Dealer CH VEVLET COUPE 2 EXPERIENCED auto top maker and up holsterer wanted Chicopee alls Auto Top Co 71 Montgomery St 1924 Oakland touring Duco finish four wheel brakes $215 flown bal ance as you ride 1923 Oakland sedan now In the taint shop $24U down Balance in monthly payments These cars are in fine condition Have you seen the new Pontiac? SPRINGIELD OAKLAND CO Sales and Service 770 State St River 141 IQ'M 1 JACK STONE AUTO CO 631 Main St Walnut 5565 EXPERIENCED WOMEN for Iterations tfn dresses and coats Arthur Leary 3ot Dwight St irst class on old house work 75c hour 28 Pleasant Ave Call betw 4 and 6 Saturday EXPERIENCED MAN for Venera! worlTin our market Rood Woodbury Co 144Maln St EXPERIENCED salesman to handle state territory calling on building trade Ex ceptional opportunity with earning pow er possibilities of ten thousand dollars yearly Battley Secretary Box 3286 St Paul Minn LINOTYPE At ON BOOKWORK UNION STEADY DAY 44 HOURS $32 AND UP NIGHTS 40 HOURS $55 AND UP QUINN BODEN CO INC RAHWAY? WRITE OR REE Sell Madison "Better Made Shirts" for large manufacturer direct to wearer no capital or experience required many earn $100 weekly and bonus Madison Mills 560 Broadway New York If you want a good genera repair man ask for Beaulieu 55 Bloom field St RELIABLE middle aged woman Capable of operating a machine Part or full time Apply 5084 So Main St 7 9 a Ref erences required CHAUEURS Wanted men over 25 vears of age to drive yellow cabs Muv know streets Springfield Yellow Cab Co 454 Worthington St DRATSMAN irst class man wanted Ty large New Britain concern Position per manent Apply giving details as to age experience etc phone number 1f you have one Humphrey 633 Arch St New Britain Conn DIEMAKERS WANTED by large New Britain concern position permanent wages right Apply giving Information as to age married or single and experi ence glva telephone number if possible Humphrey 633 Arch St New Brit ain Conn SHAMPOO marcel and facial $1 mornings 0 12 Katherine Beauty Parlor 387 Main St River 5456 CHIMNEYS ewept from top to bottom furnaces fireplaces and boilers chaned if you have a poor draft we can make your chimney draw roofs and valleys re paired: estimate free: est 26 years A Richardson 133 Orleans St 6201 WEIGHT REDUCING Our method is safe and sure Ask us about it Dwight Baths 166 State St River 6372 May 15th competent 'dAep and trim man for permanent poMtldhr by a concern doing a large retail tn Connecticut Must be able to read" plana State age experience and salary expected Box 1614 Union Office 4 GOOD OUTSIDE PAINTERS at once Ap ply to Joseph Patterson 154 Main St Suffield Ct (On bus line) EMP BUREAU Stenog rapher typist girl for clerical work as alstant bookkeeper 66 Vernon MAN AND Woman to cook and man to take charge of garden and help some in house Small club 10 miles out Box 124 Union Office mo mo mo mo mo NEW DELI VERED PRICES iwdgeIodge Dodge Dodge Dodge LADIES We pay straight 40c hour adver tising and distributing samples homes and offices Send addressed envelope Deni son Heckel Bldg 898 Dayton Ohio SALESMAN to travel with campaign man ager Good opportunity for advacemantA' Room 300 44 Vernon St AGENTS Sensational invention! Breaking all sales records Every home a rect $106 commission each sale Newly patented Hot Water Bottle Perfect aide line Write 9827 Rubber Corp Middle boro Mass HOUSEKEEPER for working man 2 chil dren 10 and 8 47 Parkside St Poulin After 6 MAN OR BOY on dairy and poultry farm teamster and milker Give wages expected in first letter or apply tn person A Walker Monson Mass MEN to treJr for firemen brakemen be ginners $150 later 1250 monthly (which position?) Railway Box 1611 Union Of fice Yr sale Chevrolet truck I ORD TOURING New paint and CIWM Von I condiUon bSd? tire perfect: 190 833 White St rei re ir iuurpny SALESMEN I can place one man on the outside selling force of major department store If you can sell and want rear connection apply Box 15M Union COMPETENT GIRL for general housework Good home for right party Inq 95 Dick inson St COMPETENT reliable women to register no fees State Employment Office Wo men's Dept 80 Broadway Pusiness Services Offered 18 Automobile tools dlrt to mechanic and shops Walnut AGENTS To sell all ashioned andK ash ioned Hosiery and Ladies' You get your commission aa you make" sale No delivery Apply Oxford Knitting MtHs rankford Philadelphia WOMEN An known Chicago corpora tion with branch offices throughout the and three foreign countries offers an unusual opportunity to women with re finement and individuality to become es tablished as traveling' representatives Dignified congenial permanent connec tion with prosperous organization Salary to start and bonuses insuring 92400 to 93600 annually Transportation paid Business experience unnecessary but ap pearance tact freedom to travel and good education essential formation In first letter Compton Company 68 St Chicago Illinois GARAGES built of reinforced concrete Con crete blocks furbished and laid Harttor 49 Dom St River J1 SALES MANAGER with successful experi ence in selling direct to the homes to or ganize and supervise New England sales force for well known manufacturer of high grade household appliances Give age experience references salary expect ed photo and full information In own handwriting Strictly confidential' hold Sales Company 5V8 Worcester Klass RECONDITIONED ORDS Late '25 coupes Ivilloon tires $275 Late Tudor sedan 260 1924 runabout 175 1925 touring car 250 1923 runabout 10U You cannot afford to buy before seeing our display All other models Cash or terms Open evenings GEO ADVMS INC 643 State St Authorized ord Dealers Write for free samples over 30 shades Absolute wearing satisfaction guaranteed Customer to be the Judge Largest commission Salary after SO days We three references re quired Co Lexington Kft WILLYS Late models reflnished like new at very low prices Overland Spfld 743 Main St River 7455 CADILLAC PHAETON Very good condition price reasonable will demon I HUDSON SEDAN (7 Perfect Why strate River 7830 I pay city dealers rents? See Chatlos across South End bridge 6445 MOTHER'S White Christian In country care of two boys ages 8 years and 5 Light housework $60 per month Answer Mrs Shaun Kelly Richmond Mass Telephone Richmond 17 1923 1924 1925 1924 1923 1922 1923 1925 1924 1923 condIUon HUDSON COACH Late many good rubber 56 Armory St I tras owner win sacrifice 320 SALESMAN Ambitious to sell soda foun tains and fixtures in Westsm Mwsachu setts for large wholesale drug house A good opening for of ability 'Give age references and Box 160 Union Office LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOV ING PACKING CRATING STOR AGE HOUSEHOLD URNITURE PIANOS OICE EECTS MER GHVNDISE ESTIMATES URNISHED CENTRAL STORAGE WAREHOUSE COJIAM! Z76 LIBERTY ST PIANO AND PLAYER repairing (10 years with orbes Wallace) Tuning $250 Rebuilding a specialty WOLE HENN70N 284 Walnut St 'Phone Wai 326 Young man to run elevatdr See Mr Classle Haynes fc c1 Experienced machl'neSefl er Must have had at least 5 years' expert ence Box 173 Union Office GRAPHOTYPE and Addressograph operator at orce Apply Albert Steiger Jp HIGH SCHOOL GIRL to care for baby after noons Apply 56 orest Park Ave URNITURE re upholstered slip covers made to order Prices reasonable Work guaranteed Call Walnut 4176 URITURE REPAIRING upholstering draperies window shades etc Beverly Coffer 482 Chicopee St River BUICK 1925 SEDAN 7 pass brand new Dueo paint tires like new car ia in fine condition River 7410 SCHOOL BEAUTY CUL Rm 622 Ct Sq Bldg 31 Elm St 6858 TUBE Thorough course all branches to join selling of world's largent specialized business training Insti tution doing $500000 national advertising yearly for the purpose of enrolling as stu dents men who are interested in improv ing their business capacity and earning power must lie men of edu cation and Integrity? have business and selllntf experience and willing to work hard to make good earnings in rapidly growing field Territory Springfield and vicinity capable of yielding $3600 to 86000 a year will be assigned to each man ap X'Olnted Compensation on salary and commission basis Personal interview will be arranged provided you can first qualify by answering a few important fundamental questions Telephone Walnut 8828 LASALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY 308 Stearns Bldg Sprlngtbejd CONN 339 Worthington St IRST CLASS or general housework Must experl enced good cook and understand table service 2 adults In family good wages give age experience references and na tionality Box 625 APPERSON 8 1923 sedan good condition trms consider light ear In exchange McKenzie 515 or 4232? UTCK Yb 1 9 touring used only by own er never run winters 4 good cord tires 3 spare See car at 222 Allen St Wai ItH PLATING polishing oxidizing lacquering and coloring silver brass or copper Spfld EUtinc Wprka II Jxylog CL fcSt STAR TOURING 1923 motor overhauled $150 Crosby Overland Co 18 Bowdoln Terrace USED CAR AND TRUCK SALE Orders from finance company to clean them out Your profit our loss Easy terms '21 Auburn Sedai '22 Dodge Touring21 Essex Touring '21 Buick Touring21 Essex Coach 22 ord Coupe 22 ord Roadster '22 BOSTON WALL PAPER AND PAINT CO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CONTRACTORS DECORATORS PAPER HANGERS 597 MAIN STREET WALNUT 8530 USED CARS Norcross Cameron Co est 1904 distributors for Chrysler fours and sixes 151 Bridge St Tel River 0170 USED Norcross Cameron Co est 1004 distributors for Chrysler foun Xnd sixes 151 Bridge St Tel River 6170 4 high grade land Robbins 318 Main St Springfield Mass River 6293 Tixcnix srniV JUMM'onMr nrl ESSEX COACH Used very little disc I vately owned Excellent condition Can wheels etc Cash or terms Walnut 820 I be seen at 67 Market St Phone 6048 I VERS Established 1871 fur niture and piano moving 1320 2900 19 Broadway res 2994 Heating and Plumbing SO WANTED Expert battery and IgnlUpa man at once good wages steady wrk Only first class men need apply Jfo hawk Garage 1 Mala St North Adamai Mass? 500 profit Sell gold lgn let ter scripts ree samples Metallio Letter Co 435 Clark Chicago $25 to $100 weekly Represent this 67 year old house Take orders fur niture house furnishings Direct from catalog on easy payments full or part time Experience unnecessary No col lections No investment Beautiful out fit free ish urniture Co DenL A404 2225 West Pershing Road Chi cago III AGENTS Make $100 weekly rjj in Chrysler closed car: show samples aqd distribute teas coffee spices extracts things that people eat 50c out of every $1 Is yours This offer only flMt person answering in your or wire Health Quality Products Co Dept 1012 Cincinnati Ohio AGENTS CANVASSBRSSALESMlW 233 profit Spaulding products toilet ar ticles extracts soaps (over 100 itetfisK American 225 Belmont Ave Newark bLjT A BUSINESS of your making spar kling glass name and number plates checkerboards signs Big book and earn Tie free Palmer 657 Wooster Ohio ANYBODY CAN SELL Spare or whole time Men and women gladly pay a $10 bill for complete pro tection under our $5004 Accident and Sickness Policy paying $25 weeklycne fit Big opportunity big commission big company Salary and bonus Ad dress Underwriters 116 Bonnell Bldg Newark Mack Mack White White White TToriara 1 9 LL i ah 2 ton btewart ton Selden 3Uton Reo dump ord dump Ruxell rear end rora i ton jumoo irans panel body a ton beach body ord ton panel body Reo 1 ton 25 ord 1 ton Many others coming tn Cars at 77S South Main St JOHNSON BROS During Sale Open Sundays and Evil 9 Tel River 6128 66 MILES ON 1 GALLON Amazing new Gas Saver AH autos" 1 free Critchlow 14 Wheaton JlL $50 TO $200 WEEKLY Side or full time salesmen Largest exclusive manufacturers celluloid advertis ing novelties Many patented Weekly checks ullest house cooperation Parisian Novelty (Eat 1898) 137 West 22nd Chicago ORD TUDOR 1924 coach looks like new I jjaRMON 1925 New Duco low Se Savoy 268 Central St mileage excellent condition 7410 HEMSTITCHING done at 8c a yard pleat ing skirts for $150 we also do dry clean ing Baby Shop 297 Bridge St River 1254 METAL CEJLINGS roofs and eavetroughs Glenwood furnaces sheet metal work II Havens 23 Brooklyn St Walnut 6929 Special New Duco new tires mechanically nerfect Ar vs A 4 Vvsa "reconditioned new paint and new lrei: ORD bate model good condl Jerry Duryea inc 563 St 410 I tlon Tel Rher 71 ORD 'TRUCKS SPECIAL PRICES ON TON TRUCKS AND LIGHT DELIVERIES: ALLKINDS BODIES LIBERAL TERMS AUTO SALES CO 05 LIBERTY ST AUTHOR IZED SALES AND SERVICE TEL WAL 1460 BUY NOW WE WILL STORE YOUR CAR REE CHARGE STUDEBAKER 1924 SPECIAL 6 5 passenge Packard Motor Car Co of 721 State St Walnut 2580 Man who knows how to raise vegetables and flower on place in the country near Springfield Tel £74 from 9 a to 5p Ask for Mr Smith KITCHEN MAN Wesson Me morial Hospital 140 High St Two mn ovr 2) with experience represent lead ing def etore this is outside work and nationally advertised product iesreeable work large earnings cat furnished Apply 280 Main St Room 250 between 930 and 11 and 2 to 4 guaranteed $35 a wk against commissions New fast selling specialty Every merchant a prospect Universal Novelty Co Box 622 EX Iowa City Iowa CITY SPRINGIELD Department of Police Apr 24 19 6 Application has been made to the Board of Police Commissioners of the City of prlng field by Emanuel Plasse for a license to keep one pool table for hire gain or reward for amusem*nt merely but not for the pur pose of gaming for money or other prop erty at 670 St James Ave In Spring Attert: A A kEbLIHER Department Clerk CHRYSLER 1926 Low mileage rrr ZTZ TT good tires excellent condition 7410 I ORD COUPE 195 With balloon I Ti a KaroalM TCai ORD SEDAN Original paint bal loon tires spare big wheel foot accel erator and other extras price $400 terms If desired Young Motor Co 145 Main Sf rUiov rxlaf XVnlnuf Laa Auver BIG PAY placing radio agencies with dealers guaranteed during um mer Two sales ay $70 on repeats Radio knowledge unneces Box 497 Iowa City Iowa COMPANY established 42 years offers big pay hour or day selling 175 necessities big future business Auto furnlsd hustlers Experience unnecessaryCredit given Amole Co 93 irst Tlppscaaos City Ohio EXPERIENCED rug agents fnvItedXo write Highest commission fairestwand most liberal treatment to people Waterloo Rug Company inc Waterloo IT Give AWAY finest launflry soapefrr make 10 dally easy by tiw II Ingr plan Bls repeat quirk Wolverine Soap Co 99 Wolvtyln Bldg Grand Raplds Mich GO INTO Crlepett bulneaa avrybdy likes Crlpettes: you can make a lot ot money: Gordon Nw JerMyBMd 94000 profit in two months weatart you: write for facts Long Eakins High St Springfield Ohio I TOU ARE not making tfoO a week I win see that you do selling new auto valve cap free cample Alrlox AiCLN Homan Chics go NEWEST INVENTION! 172 prrfiL Great Demand! Automatically prevents telephone and Iron card from tangling Actual device sent forteet If desired Neverknot McClurg Bldg Chicago RESPONSIBLE man In every rltg nd town to demonstrate and distribute ad vertlslnc material No talking aieeear sary No experience All year round outdoor work ull ori part time Goodmoney Write for compluU freelnstruc tlons Weiner sales manner 129 CLEVELAND 1923 2 door edan new I 7T paint good tires perfect mechanically I GRAT TRUCK 19 4 1 ton good condition irst payment J1ST30 balance In 10 notes covered body Tel 3150 Mr Murphy 2810 each Harrington tno 150 GARDNER In excellent condition Chestnut St Walnut 40o0 I Can be taught very reasonable The Huntting Co 523 Worthington St 3788 SINGLE MAN on dairy farm Westfield ANDERSON BENSON furniture and piano movers: local and long distance storage 157 159 Lebanon St Wai 3087 ALL KINDS of trucking and moving Rates reasonable leming Walnut Brothers roadster Brothers touring Brothers 4 19oJ Brothers sedan (Spec) y5 Tlrnthsve Io 1ilY0 A 1 1 61 LAPORTE MOTOR COMPANY 74 76 94 06 Broadway Walnut 1852 Open evenings Sunday 10 am to 2 pm STILL SPECULATING ON TOBACCO CROP SPECIALT3' Lowest prlca add ing ajrd listing machine on the market good commissions Call Walnut or River MEAT TER for ridays and Saturdays Market 460 Liberty St MEN Steamship positions Europe Ori ent etc Good pay Quit any time Send addressed envelope for list Box wMount Vernon New York PAINTERS and paperhangers wanted Begley 255 Appleton St Holyoke ROOER make big In come acting as general agent for our guaranteed products No capital re quired We furnish everything Box 1610 Union Office High grade To sell Dodge Brothers cars Motor Co 74 Broadway We pay $24 commission per barrel on Goodyear Liquid Roofing Cement This ma terial makes any roof waterproof Guar anteed for 10 years Used by railroads large industrial plants warehouses schools farmers etc Many salesmen sell 2 to 3 barrels per day Correspondingly large profits on paint varnish enamel etc Big season opening now ull commission paid each nothing held back Salesmen well equipped opportunity for live specialty salesman Tell all about yourself in first letter please Sales Manager Standard Taint and Lead Works Willry a dijivtav zruns like new Norcross Cameron 151 RANKLIN In good mechanical con Brldge St River 6170 by lady Can be Been at 24 I I Burlington SLupstairs CLEVELAND BROUGHAM Packard 1 GUARANTEED USED Late models at low prices "Used But Not Abused" CLEVELAND TOURING 1923 ine paint Baribault Co 666 Main St Rlv 5989 and excellent running condition Extras I 7TTT 7 7 Norcross Cameron Co 151 Bridge St HEAVY DUTY 1925 Reo 2 ton truck spe 6170 I clal stake body guaranteed In Al shape mileage under 750 Owner going out of COLUMBIA ROADSTER A wonderfully trucking business An opportunity for some good automobile The Huntting Co I concern needing a serviceable truck at a 523 Worthington St Walnut 3788 I fair price No dealers Box 130 Union Office PAY STARTS AT ONCE Reliable man to manage and kok our business In unoccupied territory tn this state No capital or experience neces sary We deliver and collect an4v fumlh everything ready to start Your pay starts the first day Large manufacturer Prod ucts nationally advertised Blgdemand Opportunity to make $5000 a year right man Age no handicap tCyouuJire willing to work THE TR tTEn X160 yr yter Bldg DiytonO Essex 1923 4 cyl ccach Essex 1023 sport touring ord 1024 coupe lint 1925 sport roadster Chevrolet 1923 coupe Several others BEAUDRY MOTORS CO I ORD SEDAN Balloon Iree used 673 Main St at Central Walnut 8603 I very little Richter 49 Green St ORD Newly painted thoroughly PIERCE 5 ton truck also trailer and block overhauled carry a 30 day guarantee I Ing sell reasonable good condition 30 1024 1925 coupes 250 up Special terms I Cumberland St apt 3 Auto Sales Co 95 Liberty St Wai 1460 pAIGE SEDAN ine condition ready ORD ton truck with expresa body and I to drive 6350 terms 100 down 2142 cab 40 LibertX I PAIGE TOURING 100 Hudson Tour 100 OR SALE Lats 1923 worm drive ord Buick Roadster 100: Buick Tour 125 ton truck Run about 75 miles Covered Willys Knight Tour 150: Olds four 50 cab and body River 3488 I ord Coupe 100 ord Sedan 75 These IVE TON TRUCK Work for aummer I rars are In Rood running condition See Private Inq Laporte Motor Co 74 Henry 186 North Main St Tel 480 Broadway I ORD ROADSTER Good shape a Nnv of grlL Tt XTXO Xt 11 Xnrfl CHEVROLET TOURING New paint good Main St tires excellent mechanically price low I TT rw ewr Taos rra A Center inc 486 Bridge St City TL DOR COACH Used ery River 7t15 I gg81 Eacr'ce inance Co 320 or ORDS ORDS 3 1925 Tudor se dans 350 each 2 1 925 late coupes 350 each 2 1925 tourings 250 each: 1924 I The time to pick good eggs Is at the touring 125: 1925 touring 225: 2 1925 nest A USED CAR well bought Is a roadsters 200 each: 192 4 ton truck 250 I car half sold The assurance of the Cash or easy terms Ackerman sale ot our USED CARS depends on 48 Willow St Open evenings till 9 the care with which we take them In o'clock I We won't Invest our cash in any car ORD TOURING Practically new that will not sell readily DON'T QUIT $50 below market price Terms can be ar I reaa entire ranged Call Allen Torrey at Walnut I nave the car you want at between 6 and 7 I can PaY ALL ROUND outside man for yard garden and care of furnaces Apply in person only Dr Sanitarium Enfield fct Thompsonville ADVERTISING SALESMEN Sell mer trade boosters that bring results $50 1250 weekly Specialty Advertiser 20 ackson Chicago A CHICAGO HOUSE a for this territory A connection with us a real opportunity to a man seek ing a permanent connection with a future Experience desirable but not essential Reply giving and experience Transo 3512N KJmball Ave Chicago Ill PIANOS TUNED $1 as first Introduction thereafter $3 repairing 25 exp references airfield 5170 or 2 Suffield Growers Will Prob ably Raise Usual Amount operation Needed rom Our Special Correspondent Suffleld Ct April 24 During the past weeks speculation has been rifo in regard to what amount of the aver age tobacco crop ould be grown dur ing the coming season estimates of all kinds having been advanced by those who claim to be in a position to know and also by 'many in a position not to know At present a few of the more venturesome have planted their tobacco beds hoping that fortuhe may smile on them the season at present being about three weeks behind Some predictions are that about one half of the usual crop will be raised others 75 per cent while others predict that about the usual amount will be grownJudging from present data available11 would seem that the last mentioned 'prophecy is about as reliable as any as the gpower is far different from those of yesteryear when crops other than tobacco could be raised The growers of today have become so ac customed' to the raising of tobacco only that they thoroughly believe they can grow nothing else' Regardless of what the outcome may be this method is entirely wrong and the grower must eventually awaken to the fact that there must be a curtailment in production for the time worn rule of supply and demand' must govern the situation sooner or later and for the benefit of the grow er the sooner the better The procur ing of the necessary fertilizer to care for the coming crop will seriously in convenience a certain class of grower as the fertilizer companies are draw ing the lines closer each year in re gard to credit and this year the buy and pay when you get ready rule is almost eliminated cash or gilt edge security being the requirements that will produce the wherewithal to do business with At present it' is estimated that not one half of the usual amount of or ders have been booked with the dif fnront rnmnaniGs me reasons this shortage is partly the lateness of the season the inability to pay cash or furnish the necessary security the feeling of unrest as to the disposal of the crop at a fair price the marketing conditions in general and future pos sibilities of the Connecticut Valley Tobacco association all of which have a tendency to make the grower more skeptical more cautious perplexed The present unrest has more manifest each year 'rossA in demand for this bacco and by the failure of the Con necticut Valley Tobacco association to function for the best Interest of the members This association which was 4 formed nearly five years ago for the mutual protection of the tobacco growers has during this period failed to meet requirements satisfactory to the many thousand members and constant turmoil has resulted between association officers and members While the principle of this association is believed to be absolutely right the undertaking was a stupendous one 7 requiring constant study and atten tlon and the full co operation of the members Reverses were met owing to different prevailing conditions The members becoming dissatisfied co op eration ceased to exist and a spirit of antagonism has for some time hov ered over the association At present the dark clouds of doubt seem to be lifting and if the members would only remember that in co operation there is strength and that a co operative selling organization is the best asset that the farmer can have he would bs on the high road to success Until he realizes that this is his only salva tlon he will be the victim of organ ized buying associations and unable to help himself or fellow workers ESSEX COACH 1925 $460 Maxwell sedan OT U'" YETI 1922: they look and run like new many I JORDAN 192o VICTORIA New ares rood extras will sell reasonable 42 Ozark St mechanical condition River 411 ESSEX 1924 Newty painted this ousham new paint car has been rebuilt irst payment I neaj! neX enJ $17640 balance In 10 notes $2646 each I Center Harrington inc 150 Chestnut St Inc 486 Bridge St Walnut 4030 JORDAN BLUE BOY Nearly new tire equipment mechanically fine: just the car LINT TOURING 19 5 Winter top 5 new for tn0 long trips of this summer A balloon tires new paint Excellent me I Center Inc 486 Bridgs St City River chanical condition $700 Norcross Camer I 7915 on Co 151 Bridge St 610 JORDAN De luxe sport 4 pass many LINT MODEL 60 BROUGHAM Has not extras including tnurneau windshield been run at all Owner must sell Will give very low mileage Walnut 6155 QiSCOUni kzrlli niVri viv REGISTERED pharmacist desires relief work A McConnell Westfield REPAIRMAN for truck work white ex perienced preferred 5V 8118 REGISTERED PHARMACIST for relief work 2 days each week and every other Sunday Cal! 1380Jas Templeton Co inc 26 Elm St Westfield ORD COUPE 1922 new paint lock wheel I good tires $125 Walnut 4650 BUICK 1924 6 cyL Sedarf rebuilt ex a a I cellent condition uvui'n uai in ca ouv I Tudor 1350 25 Tnurinjr $250 24 $250 21 Tudor $300 '2i Touring $150 24 Roadster $150 '25 Roadster bal 1 bon $225 23 Coupe $150: 23 Touring $100 Roadster $100: 21 Coupe $125: Coupes etc $35 to $75 23 Ton Truck $150: others at prices tn I suit terms and tradeg arranged 12 months to pay Stoddard Motor Car Co ord Dealers 17 Pearl St River 990 I ORD SEDAN 1935 Original paint bal loon tires spare big wheel foot accel I and other extras: price $400 I term If desired Young Motor Co 145 I Mais St Chevrolet Dealer Wei 9633 CHEVROLET TOURING 1924 Original Yvnl rned tires: a mlehtv fine tourlngr price $25h Walnut 9633 Young Motor I ORDS coupes sedan bodies tourings Co 145 Main St Chevrolet Dealer Chevrolet sedan bodies Velie sedan bod CHEVROLET TOURING late 25 slightly I le9Overlandsedan body: used parts all used 6 balloon tires inance Co kinds Chatlos across So End Bridge River 6445 BUICK SEDAN 1923 excellent condition ORD SEDAN Private party cheap throughout Paint tires motor 1st I River 2659 CentCr 8S UrldSe ORD TOURING ine condition will bl JvlVer Hnmnnatrnlo IValnnl YOUNG MAN over 18 willing worker with license to operate ords Must have ref erences Apply Standard Tire RubberCo 318 Chestnut St YOUNG MAN (neat)" 7 Main Room 217 (nr Balloon tfrps coach Just out of extraslnanceCo oO or 6756 pftlnt ghop f75O Willing to take your car PODGE TOURING 1923 Excellent condi as part payment Walnut 4030 tlon all accessories bargain 8825 J94 COACHNew pa)nt good tires Terms it desired walnut ORDS GUARANTEED RECONDITION ED 1925 Tudor $350: 25 touring $250: coupe $250 24 ordor $325 tirn CHEVROLET SEDAN good tires dan n5 23 coupet $130 '23 tourings bumpers tc a real good sedan price and roadsters $100 21 roadsters $150 $400 Motor Co 145 Maia St each 25 roadster bal tires $250 23 Chevrolet Dealer Walnut P(33 coupe $175 coupe $125 '24 ton CHEVROLET SEDAN 1924 5 good tires I truck $125 23 pane! del truck $150: bumpers etc A real good sedan Price Hudson coach $350 others at prices $100 Young' Motor Co 145 Main St I and terms to suit 12 months to pay Chevrolet Dealers Walnut 9633 I arranged Stoddard Motor Car rora uraiers if reari st Kiver wo Open evenings ORDS Coupes sedans tourings Hud son speedster J922 Chevrolet' coupe 1924: Willvs Knfeht snort tourinr 1923: many others open evenings Dwight PACKARD COUPE 1 New paint recon Auto Exchange 828 State St 9632 dltioned Packard Motor Car Co of ORDS RECONDITIONED ORDS 4 721 State St Walnut 2580 Tourings $6fi to 228: roadsters and PACKARD 1 43 STRAIGHT 8 SEDAN 7 $35 to 08 19 2 sedan I passenger Packard Motor Car Co of $150 tg ton truck $35 Lsed ord 71 State St Walnut 2580 parts Showroom open evenings Byrnes I Motor Co Authorized ord Dealers 24 PACKARD 1 26 SEDAN Packard Motor Caj Belmont Walnut 8S2 Co of 721 St 2580 TlZTir: nnA rendition River HUDSON COACH 1925 Packard Motor Car Co ot 721 Stat St 2380 ORDS All models $3o op At MAXWELL TOURING Also 1923 Max runabouts and touring cars coupes and I welI Bport tourlng Both overhauled and i repainted Priced extremely low for 4mme Llberty St Authorized ord Deales Wai I diate clearance Norcross Cameron 151 I Bridge St River 6170 ORDS GUARANTEED RECONDITION MAXWELL COACH 1925 Condition AL ED nrds 19 5 Tudor 350 25 tour I trade privately owned ing $250: 24 coupe $250: 24 ordor 1 $35 Tulor $275 24 touring $150 MITCHEL 1st class condition23 $175 23 coupe $150 23 driven only 8900 mile all new rubber tourings and road 00 cash Wai stere $150 each 25 roadster bal tires XASH 1925 2 DOOR SEDAN Advance 23 Coupe $175 21 coupe $125 (wheel brakes balloon tires duco finish 24 ton truck $125 23 panel del truck paint fully equipped This car is in ex 8150? 23 Hudson coach $350 others at cellent condition Orr Motor Co just prices and terms to suit 12 months to over Memorial bridge Walnut 5103 pay trades arranged Stoddard Motor Car Co ord Dealers 17 Pearl St I NASH 1921 SPORT TOURING $150 own 990 Open evenings driven needs paint otherwise iliuiuii iiio riciiru BARGAINS RENEWED CARS Chevrolet sedan 24 $150 down Chevrolet coupe 24 $95 down ord coupe jiio aown ord sedan 23 $65 down jord sedan 26 $200 down $20000 17500 17500 19000 35000 8500 4000 Touring 12000 TRUCKS TRUCKS ton flat 120000 5 ton flat body 165000 ton 17500 2 ton 45000 2 ton 60000 30000 15000 7500 20000 45000 27500 large 27500 4000 6500 20000 15000 CAREY PRINTER Personal and commer cial printing wedding invitations 46 Hampden St Low prices River 7013 DIE STAMPED STATIONERY appeals to the most discriminating The Lothrop Press 288 Main St WANTED Live wire stock and botuLusaU man salary and commission See Mr Ma gee Room 510 Third NaHnny Tfanfc Bldg Henry Doherty Co WA Salesmen new pleasant itable reliable specialty plenty terri tory strong spring summer opportunity Supt 383 Cedar Rapids la WOOD CHOPPERS Steady job Inq Walter ronc 6 Parker St Indian Orch nnnrr RrniN 1Q23 EtcdW condition Price $475 $100 down $30 per month Tel I HUDSON 1923 coach nice paint tires ephone 5312 mornings evenings I etc $350 terms arranged Stoddard Mo DURANT SPORT ully equipped Al tor Car Co 17 Pearl St jynn HUDSON BROUGHAM Practically new hauled $250 Studebaker touring 20 willing to trade for smaller car 4030 $85 terms Lambert Amherst HUDSON COACH 1925: Hudson Coach 3lasSe I 1923 Essex Coach 1923: Hudson 4 pass DAVIS 1923 sport model very excellent Coupe 1922 Wlllys Knfght Coupe edan mechanically paint and tlrAS like new aok A Center Inc 468 5 1 Roadster1921 Chevrolet Coupe1924 ESSEX COACH late 1924 perfect condi Chevrolet Tour 1924 Essex Coach 1924 tlon many extra inance Co I Lincoln 7 pass Tour 1922 These cars 5603 I arG right up in good shape and ready for ESSEX 1925 Driven very small the road Term to suit or agood used mileage fully equipped irst payment car see Henry 1o6 North Main St 48S0 $24180 balance on 10 notes $3527 each rnrrnr nao Harrington inc 150 Chestnut St HUPMOBILE STRAIGHT 8 COUPE Walnut aftso I 4 passenger Packard Motor Car Co of I 721 State St Walnut 2580 TOOTH LOST April 15 vicinity of Bijou theater and Springfield National Bank Bldg Reward A Gladstone 317 Main St 14 kt gold case open face watch April 21 1926 Monogram on back case Reward John Barry 10 Prospect Terrace City TAILOR steady position Schaffer 624 9 Main St 7 THE NEWELL EMP £rafta man with architectural exp: tooldjHrfjf er sales promotion mgr sales dent gen office clerk 18 22 St? lrst cla "Tyufcusfom made and repair work Long season wages $8 day Schaefer rinqton Mass VADTuOD i XI 1 Im vnallAnf AAntlfinn throughout The Hunttlng Co 523 NASH 1925 5 passenger paint and Worthington St Walnut S788 fires good mechanically Bound River 412 ORDS! ORDS! ORDS! 1925 4 door se I OAKiJAND TOURING 1921 Perfect condt dan With balloon tires $400 3 1925 Tu tlon $UY Walnut dors with balloons $350 each 2 1925 1 OVERLAND COACH balloon tires coupes with balloons $350 each 2 19 jike new $375 833 White St tourings with balloons $2o0 each 192 1 7 touring $125: 1923 touring $100: 192t se pAHAND TOUR 19 Just like new ex dan $75 1924 coupe $250 1925 ton truck tras inance Co Wai or 6o6 with cab and stake body $300 1925 run I OVERLAND COACH Like new Will about $200: 1924 ton truck $200 1924 sacrifice Call 320 or 6756 runabout $100 Some ot these cars are TT 7noK'Z'JT practically new Repossessed from a bank OVERLAND 19 A cyl sedan like new Cash or terms Ackerman 4S Wil also a coupe Overland Spfld 43 Main St low St opei evenings ONE 2 ton and 2 i ton White truck with or without body price right cad Motorcar Repair Co 53 Church St 3116 ORD TODOR SEDAN 1924 $300 roupe BUICK 1924 6 cyl Touring 194 d2 th mechanically overhlGled extras $350: 24 ordor $300: 24 ordor eij one ton truck $2V0 Terms to I rtttcK Snnrf uii suit or good used cars see Henry 136 pj Bmail mileage North Main St Tel River 4880 mllea8e ORD COUPE 1925 Good condition Also DODGE Roadster late model excellent furniture River 4315 mechanlqal condition WILLYS KNIGHT A condi tion $300 Overland Springfield 743 Main St 7455 Motorcycles and Bicycles 12 BICYCLP Good condition medium size $10 River 7524 HAVE YOU SEEN The new type Har Jey Davidson 80 miles per gallon com fortable safe $85 first payment Dyer A Everett inc 555 State St HENDERSON MOTORCYCLE 4 cyl like new Inquire 145 Main St MOTORCYCLE Indian Chief with side car balloon tires in perfect mechanical con dition all latest improvements many ex tras Sauers 721 Worthington St Wai 530 LARGE STOCK of used motorcycles with or without sidecars: low prices: lock them over or send for free bulletin Dyer A Everett Tnc 555 State St START WEEKLY payment on a 1926 Henderson or Super XMt bargains in used machines Leo de Montlguny 11 Catherine THE DAILY TRIPS TO WORK and the week end trip is always a pleasure when you ride an Indian motorcycle Come in and see our stock of rebuilt Crandall Cycle Co 826 State St 1920 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE andn sidecar juat overhauled 4777 after 7 11 1 Auto Accessories 11 AUTOMOBILE PARTS (Used) Chatlos Across South End Bridge River 6445 AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT There is hardly an orphan Genden Bro cannot supply parts for at their new store 69 North Main St Call Wai 1300 PARTS for all makes of new and used All kinds of bought sold and exchanged Barney Shapiro 55 Morgan St Walnut 87S4 AUTO 'TOPS Slip covers body trimming Auto Shop cor Page Blvd and Be rk sh i re Ave Phone Orchard Service Stations Repairing 15 DUPONT DUCO Applied by KNOX "VEL process Knox Motors As 53 Wilbraham Rd Walnut 3130 Authorized Duco refinlshing station HAVE ME repair your car and pay at your convenience work guaranteed ords not wanted Maurice Danzlger 113 Vermont cor White (Kimberly Park Ga rage) Walnut 8791 MAGNETOES AND Brouillet 61 Dresden St 6 above Hen toward Worcester Tel Wai 5445 Anto Garages 16 AUTO TOP Side curtains upholstering and metal work Hampden Auto Top and Metal Co 31 33 Winter St River 4906 DR1VH YOURSEL Hire a brand new closed car and drive yourself Tel River 889 66 Taylor St ESSEX COACH Business or pleasure trips reasonable rates owner drives 1466 OR RENT Garage 31 East Court St Rent $100 month Tel Chicopee GARAGE IN HEART THE CITY ALLIS REEDMAN A SON 377 MAIN ST WALNUT 61 DRIVE YOURSEL MAXWELLS ORD ORD TRUCKS SPRINGIELD AUTO LIVERY CO 84 SANORD ST RIVER 7600 PORTABLE 1 car garage Sacrifice for quick sale Walnut 7250 Wanted Automobiles 17 ORD TOURING '23 Jail 29 Mat toon St after 5 WANTED Ton truck reasonable Call or 15 Grlffln St after 630 BUSINESS SERVICES Business Offered 18 CHIMNEY'S from top to bottom fur fireplace and boilers cleaned If you have a poor draft we can make your chimney draw roofs and valleys repaired estimates free est 23 years A Richardson 133 Orleans St Walnut 6291 COPPERSM1THING We are specialists making and repairing range boilers Her cule loat Works 200 ranklin 5380 Ants moths fleas bed bugs roaches waterbugs rats mice heat bugs cyaniding by experts and guaran teed: contract for job 40 yrs experience Martin Maillard 38 Jefferson Av 8390 LAT A little better washing and laundering here Belmont Laundry 333 Belmont Avet River 371.

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About The Springfield Daily Republican Archive

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


What was the original name of the city of Springfield MA? ›

The history of Springfield, Massachusetts dates back to the colonial period, when it was founded in 1636 as Agawam Plantation, named after a nearby village of Algonkian-speaking Native Americans. It was the northernmost settlement of the Connecticut Colony.

What is famous about Springfield Massachusetts? ›

Springfield has several nicknames—"The City of Firsts", due to the many innovations developed there, such as the first American dictionary, the first American gas-powered automobile, and the first machining lathe for interchangeable parts; "The City of Homes", due to its Victorian residential architecture; and "Hoop ...

Who owns Springfield Republican? ›

It is owned by Newhouse Newspapers, a division of Advance Publications.

Who founded Springfield Massachusetts? ›

William Pynchon and a company of six men from Roxbury, a town near Boston, established Springfield in 1636 at the junction of the Agawam and Connecticut Rivers.

What is the racial makeup of Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

White: 46.06% Black or African American: 20.52% Two or more races: 18.5% Other race: 11.62%

What is Springfield best known for? ›

As the largest city in central Illinois, with a population of 117,000, Springfield is best known for being the home of our 16th President Abraham Lincoln and the place where President Barack Obama spent his early career in politics.

What language do they speak in Springfield MA? ›

While about two-thirds of Springfield's population primarily speaks English at home, it is an important reality that 23.9 percent of Springfield's population speaks Spanish at home and another 7.5 percent speak another language at home.

Is Springfield MA expensive? ›

What's the cost of living in Springfield, MA? Springfield is affordable Compared to other east coast metropolitan areas like Boston and New York City. Housing tends to get more expensive the further from the city center you go. The city's median home sale price is lower than the national median.

What is the highest point in Springfield MA? ›

Overview. At 3,491 feet, Mount Greylock is the highest point in Massachusetts. From its peak on a clear day, you can see as far as 90 miles away.

Who owns hot table in Springfield MA? ›

Hot Table was founded in 2007 by brothers John and Chris DeVoie and restauranteur Don Watroba in their hometown of Springfield, Massachusetts.

What is the federal arsenal in Springfield? ›

Springfield Armory was established in 1777 as a federal arsenal; as an arsenal, firearms that supplied the Continental Army during the American Revolution were stored here. After the Revolution, Springfield Arsenal was officially established as a federal armory where arms could be stored and produced.

Who owns Mass Live? ›

Advance Local, a subsidiary of Advance Publications, owns MassLive as well as 11 other digital local news operations in cities such as New Orleans and Cleveland.

What sport was invented in Springfield Massachusetts? ›

The Birthplace of Basketball

Basketball is built into the fabric of Springfield College. The game was invented by Springfield College instructor and graduate student James Naismith in 1891, and has grown into the worldwide athletic phenomenon we know it to be today.

What is Springfield Massachusetts sister city? ›

Springfield and Takikawa City officially became sister cities in 1993, In 1997, after a five year courtship, the Concord Town Meeting voted to formalize the sister city relationship with Nanae Town.

Why is Springfield MA called the city of Homes? ›

Springfield is known as the “City of Homes” for its Victorian mansions and collection of unique architecture as well as the multitude of single-family homes constructed for manufacturing workers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Where did Springfield get its name? ›

An early American colonist, Pynchon named Springfield after his hometown in England, Springfield, Essex. Springfield, Massachusetts, became nationally important in 1777, when George Washington founded the United States' National Armory at Springfield.

How many of the 50 states have a city named Springfield? ›

According to a common factoid, there's a community called Springfield in all 50 states, but the U.S. Board on Geographic Names says that's not true: only 34 states have a Springfield. The real champ is Riverside. Unless you live in Alaska, Hawaii, Louisiana, or Oklahoma, there's at least one Riverside in your state.

When did West Springfield MA become a city? ›

West Springfield, Massachusetts
Incorporated (town)1774
Incorporated (city)2000
28 more rows

What year did Springfield become a city? ›

Inc. town, 1832; city, 1840.

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.