The Virginian-Pilot from Norfolk, Virginia (2024)

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AUCnbNS AND LEG ''S I Development AUTOMOTIVE Of Wronged LIGHTNING (Am) after area after after after and High News of Courts Banks no ields Thomas Tut Pool Opened 't 159 GakxSe 4r bard top: ordo Mite waver siractar radio an4 be towed GALLERIES Inc oth Photographs Exhibited at Newport Area Students Receive with a the CfrO ter Mystic Glasser Trustee dated 2 1956 from Delaware Cora Reed the balance said deed of trust to be at the sale The Virginian Pilot 21 Norfolk Portsmouth Va Saturday May 2 1859 AR Morchandiso To Bo Sold rom Our New Stage With Now Seating Arrangement 7 by the Council AprU 28 DUCKWORTH President ot the Council HUDGINS City Cleric RANDOLPH DC year scholar ships to Hamp ton Institute All three of the students won their' scholar ships at the first Career Confer ence held on the college campus last weekend The three day con ference sponsored by the Division of Technology attracted approxi mately 100 high school students interested in Careers in technical and engineering fields ishing Vessel Taken in Tow The Coast Guard cutter Marion was dispatched riday night to take in tow a 65 foot fishing vessel that had brok en down some 80 miles from Cape Henry( The Bessie owned by McCotter Sons of Vandcrmere NC called for assistance about 7:30 pm the Coast Guard re ported She was 65 tniles cast north east of the Chesapeake Light vessel The Bessie was to in to Norfolk Corporation Court Judge Lawrence RuUock Criminal Dipoition Kenneth Levem easter six years for grand larceny and forgery (Continued from Back Page) A 150 of the 769 parcels and has demolished 29 of the 827 struc tures in the 140 acre project area Cox said the amendment peti tion before being submitted to the Housing and Home inance Agencyfs Urban Renewal Ad ministration? must be approved by City Council Involved in the new is in excess of three acres most ly occupied by commercial struc tures Many of the properties however are vacant and have been for an extended period The new areas are within the 300 acres of downtown proper ties originally studied by the au thority before establishing boun dary lines for the downtown project The downtown project em braces property lying generally south of Brambleton avenue to the waterfront and east of Monti cello avenue The eastern boun dary is the western end of Tide water Park and the Berkley Bridge ner Poorer quality low as 25c fflon fw 28c per pint Sweet Po orto Rican type $400 450 id va Live Poultry Market veady to unsettled Buyers re demand unsettled with severe Excellent condt Llcense 3306) Dial merchandise loaded atNews Dtchmann Wright Inc CONCORD (Am) Kearny cargo of coal loaded at and the Virginian coal pb Steamshln Dividnn AVASAKA (Swed) To Rotterdam with a cargo of coal loaded at the CAO HODGE 1954 4 door Station Wagon: extra clean Inside and out: nice running: nice looking Only $335 down New and Used Cars Inc 2001 Granby St Dial MA 7 7719 (Va Li cense 13821 Attorney Champion Antique AUCTION SALE Monday May 4th 10:30 AM Nice Stock of China Glassware Bric a Brac and urniture I Court of Law And Chancery Judge Hume Taylor Judge Sydney Smith Jr Civil Sult iled Ralph Basnlght vs Daniel Hart suit for $20000 alleging traffic injury cnancery suits rnea Powell McClellan Lumber Co and others vs Morris Wides and ers suit to void conveyances Clinton Tuttle vs Else Merthe tie bill for divorce Civil Knit Enrteri Taylor Oil Co Inc vs Ernest Lawson suit for $111627 judgment verdict for plaintiff Donald Alexander vs Jack Pearce suit for $15000 alleging traffic Injury judgment of $2000 Decie Mae Carroll vs Buford Carroll suit for S35000 alleging mis representation verdict of $7000 In many respects is the most successful musical the William and Mary Opera Workshop has ever presented The work was given its first per formance riday before a good sized audience at the college gym a second and final showing with different performers in the leading roles is scheduled for the same place tonight at 8: 15 Good Singing Production i merits praise The singing night was of a generally order the acting: has never better The choral groups last good been sane with clarity and spirit with the exception of some unfortunate confusion in the first act finale The ballets created and per formed by Lawrence Blick with Luis Oliver and a corps under direction were artistic and charmingly realized the finest dancing this reviewer has seen in any Workshop opera And the settings were the best that have been devised for any pro duction at the college gym The stars of perform ance Dorothy Linzey as Julie Jordan and Robert Randolph as Billy Bigelow brought an ex cellent quality of acting to their parts enhancing their vocal per formances thereby enormously Mrs Linzey is pretty and appeal ing and her voice is sweet if a little uncertain in the upper range Randolph has a sturdy voice of fair resonance and good quality a little stiff but compe tent and aside from pitch diffi culty at the beginning of his I Loved solo sang com mendably Oustanding voices in the show were those of Henry Bernick who made a delightful Mr Snow and ranklin Sumners as the deep eyed scoundrel Jigger Crai gin Again their singing was il luminated by good acting per formances and Rose riedman also did a fine job in a speaking role as Mrs Mullen the carnival operator Bonnie Spark was a cute Carrie Pipperidge though her voice also was a little shaky on the high notes and Athena Bassil a singer with a fine strong voice generally could be in the Net tie' owler role The orchestra gave below aver age support to the singers and the balance war sometimes poor Harold Hawn as the conductor kept the pace generally WARNER TWYQRD LITTLE Ceremonies at the Naval Amphibious Base riday opened a new Olympic style swimming pool as an addi tion to base recreational facili ties ormally opened by Capt Smythe commanding officer of the base the pool is 50 meters long and features Olympic stand ard diving boards at pool level I meter and 3 meters Jewish Center Twenty four black and white and color prints were placed on exhibit riday by the Norfolk Photographic Club at the Jewish Community Center 700 Spotswood Ave The exhibit will be open to the public Monday: through ri day from 9 am7 through 5 pm On Sunddy it will be open from noon until 5 pm PUBLIC AUCTION SALE 5301 Virginia Brach Blvd Norfolk 2 Va DAVID GLADSTONE BONDED AUCTIONEER LIQUIDATOR SALVOR OR INSURANCE COMPANIES Experienced Since 1930 ShiDpiiis News Information luppllea by the Hai ton Roads Marttime Asua And Virginia Pilot Assn Vessels Due PHOEMK (Lib) Pelts BLACK EAGLE (Nor) UnM VANOS iPanI TOCANSA (Pan Lines KTEEE RCORDR Am I Tth PIONEER MYTH (Am) US Un AUQA GORTHON (Sw) Host BREITENSIBIN (Ger) Lavino DONA AURORA' (PhiUL) Va Ship pine ACH1OS SPYRIDON (Gk) EL SALVADOR (Nic) Va Shipping nrnu Lines GYPSUM DORIAN CAPBINO Inadtn? CECILE ERICKSON (Lib) To foreign after loading at Esso National snipping TATARRAX (Am) To foreign repairs Mobile SARONNO (Ital) To foreign loading coal CAO Hasler CREST VI LI (Nnr Tn fnralra loading general cargo Pier Pugh PEGGY SHERIDAN (Tug) To Rock land towing the barge Blanche Seridan Robins LINDI (Belg) To BelgfanCongo via Baltimore with a cargo of general Newport A Pugh Tesie: LOUIS Rv MARY May 2 1t NOTICE Auction sale to be held May 13 1959 at 10:00 A to aell to highest bidder a 1954 Dodge No 34686920 Terms: Cash Place of sale: EmRhae Motor a company Highway 13Y Bayside Virginia COMMONWEALTH DISCOUNT CORPORATION 3t rom New genera! cargo at A picture of the attorney as champion of the wronged was painted for the Norfolk and Ports mouth Bar Association riday by Judge Jerry1 Bray Jr of South Norfolk Corporation Court' Judge Bray featured speaker as the association! observed Law Day USA told attorneys: is a sa cred trust "Only in the7 protection of the rights of the indi i vidual man can 11 a nation remain engaged JudSe Bray in a lawsuit needs a the judge told a lunchean meet ing of attorneys at Restau rant 'That champion he said is the attorney at law In war he said lawyers fight for their country In peace they fight for the rights of individual citizens he added American law and the English common law from which it stems are based on the adversary prin ciple Judge Bray said parties are set to Sketching in the history of the i legal system the jurist said it was the custom in early England adopted from? the invading Nor mans to hire champions who de cided arguments by individual combat The adversary principle re mains the judge said but longer do lawyers fight each other with at least not for their The charter whfch the original settlers brought to Jamestown from 'England in 1607 guaranteed them the freedoms Englishmen enjoyed in homeland the speaker said When those freedoms were breached the colonies fought England to assert their rights he added Even today English common law rules the Virginiar legal code the judge said Scholarships HAMPTON Three Norfolk students James ields a senior at I Norcom High School Portsmouth Elmo Mosley Jr Booker 1 Washington School Norfolk Wg and Jasper Bank Crest i School Norfolk Irff Inr emergency grMit rhall ii 22 22r 8000 head 4 per 22c 36 per cent at 22c per Carolina Live and Prices generally unenngs aaequair ur 18UG' Bl rr nor lb 512500 57 per cent at 15c 1 per cent at 15Mc 2 per cent at intra company sales 1 per pent intra company sales at 17c 39 per cent undetermined Heavy nenx at the farm 14 15c moatly 14c per 1t DUCKWORTH Preaident ot the Council HUDGINS City Clerk District Court Judge Walter Hoffman Civil Suit iled Merle Wrikert vs Mrs Marilyn Jennings and William Jennings Jr suit for $52850 alleging traffic in jury and property damage Bankruptcy Petition iled Willie Armlin Wright Norfolk la borer voluntary petition of bank ruptcy mung aeota ana assets Circuit Court Judge Clyde Jacob Judge Thomas Johnston Chancorv Suits ilwl Donna Kay Wittig Riccio vs Angele Paul Riccio bill for divorce Kathleen Pfender vs Htrold Pfender bill for divorce Leon Marion Eason vs Grace Car more Eason bill for divorce TREASURY DEPARTMENT Office of Assistant Regional Commissioner Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Internal Date ot first publication April 1959 Notice is hereby given that April Door with folk County Virginia ot 26 USC section 73 1957 8 ordomatic assume payments $64 Apply 704 Manteo St Apartment 4 Norfolk Markets Virginia Department of Agriculture Market News Service Eggs: Prices paid by receivers for cooler controlled picked up at the farm cases exchanged Minimum 80 per cent A large 24c Grade yield basis A large 26c A medium 20c large 21c checks 17c and current receipts 19c per dozen Prices paid delivered to buyer cases7 not exchanged Grade yield basis A large 29c A medium 22c large 26c checks 22c per dozen Sales by wholesalers to Norfolk retailers in cartons: Grade A large 35 40c Grade A medium 31 32c per dozen Grain? Buyers in the Norfolk area offered farmers the following prices for grain delivered: No 2 12 shelled corn $140 on the cob $130 135 White shelled corn $135 on the cob $125 'per bushel New York Vegetable Vir ginia Grown: Cabbage 1 bushel crates $150 Hanover Salad Si 50 per bushel Turnip $150 per bushel 6 8c per bUNew York North Caro lina Grown: $150 200 per bushel Romaine tvpe 1 bushel crates $150 200 Big Bostwi type eastern crates 24a $200 2 50 Albrittons 35c per pin Deeds Recorded (15 Cent per 5100 Conlderattn) HOTrartKC Owen et ux to Jme Elmore and Helen Seay from oolnt 235 feet In et direction from southwest comer lot 1 Section Platt Bayview Beach Corp running 205 feet Tax $28 50 Karen Corp to Jerod Dewitt and Warthel Henley 47 48 Blk 5 Plat Lamberts Point Tax $13 80 Barham et vir to William and Dlcie Mae Harris Western 16 fret Lot 22 and eastern 16 feet Lot 21 Blk 5 Plata Villa Heights Tax Gerty Perry James A and Helen Blk 14 Section 1 Plat Greenwood Park Tax $3 75 James A et ux to Nellie Scott Blk 14 Section 1 Plat Greenwood Park Tax $525 "William Wright et ux to Onrllle and Joanne Whaley Lot Blk 10 Plat Lakeland Home Tax Wesley Young et ux to 4aek rank and Marie Bussa 1933 East Ocean View Ave Tax 114 25 Loring Realty Corp to Joe and Margot Jacobson Lot 17 Blk 39 Plat Colonial Plae Tax $1920 Hugo Seliger efcux to Eugene and Evelyn Bunn Lot 6Blk A Plat River orest Shores Tax $2160 William Campbell et ux to Max imo ontillias and Delta Smith Lopa 6356 Alexander St Tax $1575 Leon Shelton et ux to "Richard and Opal Mae Almond Lot 177 Plat Oakdale arms Tax $1475 James A Murphy et ux to Charles and Lucia Hill Lot 15 lat Oakdale arms Tax $12 Sadie rancis Hewitt et al to Walt and Bluma Newsone 20 Pop lar Ave Tax $1290 Otis Anthony Schmitt et ux to Jo seph and Patricia Eksterowio $223 Andrews La Tax $12 90 a muucaJ play by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Kammerstein 2d Presented ythe College of William and Mary in Norfolk and the Opera Workshop Harold Hawn conductor Principals: Carrie Pipperidge Bonnie Spark Julie Jordan Dorothy Linzey: Mrs Mullin Rose riedman" Billy Bigelow Robert Randolph Nettle owler Athena Bassil Enoch Snow Henry Bemlck: Jigger Craigin ranklin Sum ners Starkeeper and Dr Selden Clar ence Sutton Uouise Luis Oliver: Enoch Snow Jr Richard Cheshire Heavenly riend Edwin Goddard Jap Parliament Pushes Through 2 Military Bills TOKYO ffl Prime 'Minister Nobusuke Conservatives won final passage of two military buildup measures over stiff So cialist opposition in an 18 hour session of upper House of Concillors riday The measures increasing total manpower of the Japanese de fense forces by 12000 to 254700 and establishing three ground corps headquarters were ap proved 96 to 45 BUICK 1956 Station Wagon 4 door power brakes and 'Steering white wall tires Excellent condi tion Dial GA 8 4693 BUICK 1953 Super hardtop Good Urea new oaini equippea tion $495 (Va UL 5 4777 BUICK 1952 325 Olney Road Norfolk Va EXECUTOR'S AUCTION SALE A Monday May iuuu am CONTENTS 12 ROOM COUNTRY ESTATE talk rrxTrRV URNITURE Ilepplewhlto serpentina ownonra Cantsln'g Cnmphorwomt Ches (105) yt chair Teak PVDinn ttPRDDDCTION Chippendale Hofa and Wing Unair ieaK Oeealns! Chair Table 8ewlnr SUnda Chaise Lounge Beds 20 INE OIL PAINTINGS By Noted Landscape Portraito Seascape Pastorals Inte riors In ine lorentine and rench trainees CHICKERING GRAND PIANO 12 BRONZE CRYSTAL CHINA CHANDELIERS or Every Room and Hall In the House "fc PORCELAINS rBRIC A BRAC Hnft Medallion Punchbowl: Pair Canton Urns: Sets Crystal Stemware ari Avnerlean Pattern Glass 7 Pair 1 urquolse Lusters Wedgewood PltX "marl bL1s Bel Meissen Hate Set Teerapl Bools Ch lea Bohemian Ruby Glass Bisque iarlan HKtires Bnw Tronitone 8 Bottle Tintah Set Colleetlon 11 Antique Vstral Lamps Cut Glass 'Set Rare (IlrOBdoles Mantel Garniture Hire Caehepots Pair Spill Vases Tureens Sela I ups and Saucers Pair Decanters Compote Phhers STERLING SHEIELD SILVER I' anei CnffM Service Tea Travs Nalyers Branch Candelabra Cruet Sets Centerpieces Punchbowl Covered IMwhea Revolving Entree rein Pitchers Set Sterling Sterling Tea and Coffee Service ORIENTAL RUGS ANTIQUE LAMPS a IVORY MINIATURES CHESS SET GOLD COINS EXHIBITION RIDAY SATURDAY MAY 2 3 aht comnetltion from other areas Prices paid and reported purchases at the broilers and fryers 21 lbs and over mostly 3V lbs and over 16 per lb 736 100 head Including 502000 read purchased at Eastern Shore Poultry Growers Exchange Less than 1 per cent at 16c 7 per cent at 16 60 16 90c 65 per cent at 1770c 65 ner cent at 17 1740C 2 per cent at 1750 1775c 14 per cent undeter mined 12 per cent Intra company transfers Heavy type hens 900 head at per lb Virginia Live Broiler and mostly unchanged to sllehtly lower Available supplies very light as growers resisting lower of fered prices Undertone unsettled Prices paid at the farm lbs at lb 246 00L 6 ner cent at 16c 51 per cent at 17c 43 per cent undetermined owl Trading very light with demand slow 'feavv type hens 14 15c 5000 head 13 per cent at 14c 45 per cent at 14U 42 per cent It 150: Light hens too few to' quote Movement slightly Increased Supplies of desirable: birds small and short of a good 'demand Small type turkey frvers cent at lb North nrnHtrs Io mand fair to good Prices pal the farm 2 lbs at 15 17i duch*eSS (Pan aMer iLib) Spraguv Arrived rasta REY A' TORM tDan) rom foreign load gefieral cargo Pier Cava lier DAVID IRWIN (Am) rom foreign to load Mobile Pure Oil ALM KN (Swedj rom Germany via Baltimore to discharge potash at Royster Robertson and Smith Douglass Stone A Co PILOT (Am) rom Ger many via Baltimore to discharge and load general cargo at Newport News US Lines Co RIVADELUNA tspanj rom Phila delphia to load a cargo of coal at the coal pier Parker Host Inc NOROLK (Am) rom Bal timore with Old Bay Line EXECUTOR Am rom Izmuir to discharge general cargo at New port News discharge and load gen eral cargo at Pier Lamberts Point Docks and load general cargo at the Army Base American Export Lines Inc VALIANT ORCE (Am) rom Balti more to load a cargo of grain at the Cargill Grain Elevator Cavalier Shipping Co P1A COSTA (Ital) rom New York to load a cargo of coal at the CAO coal pier Sprague Son (a (JJ to mad News Norton Lilly A Co Civil Service Calls Again or Applicants SOUTH NOROlK Civil Serv ice Commission Secreary Wil liam Cooper issued another call for applicants to police and fire department jobs this week Cooper said the eligibility re quirements posted several weeks ago have as yet brought no ap plicants Though no positions are openTin i henfepa rtment yet he said or applicants are needed to set up competitive examinations and eligibility lists AN ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Norfolk: Section That the construction of a sanitary sewer from the sewer "to be constructed In Galveston Boule vard at San Antonio Boulevard eastwardly along San Antonio Bou levard to Dalias Street Is hereby authorised and the City Manager Is hereby authorised to proceed with the work Section That the cost of construct ing said sanitary sewer when the same shall have been ascertained shall be apportioned by the City Manger between the City of Nor folk and the abutting landowners along the line of Mid proposed sanitary sewer and assessed against said abutting lanaowners as provided by law Section That pending the ascer tainment and apportionment of the cost ot constructing said sanitary sewer the sum ot $760000 or sc 'itnuch thereof as may be necessary Is hereby authorised to be expend therefor from Bond und Bal ances on Completed or Abandoned Accounts Section That the City Clerk shall forthwith cause to be recorded an abstract of this ordinance showing the ownership and location of the property to be affected by the proposed sanitary sewer and the estimated amount that will be as sessed against each abutting land owner as shown on the statement thereof on file In his office Section That this ordinance being an emergency ordinance shall be In effect from and after its adop Adopted by the Council April 21 VfW side ot said boulevard the place No down: assume payments of beginning containing fifty one Of $2556 a month Will finance Nor uiu uim iniiiii ijijj atacs luuiti or less this convance was made however in gross ahd not by the acre Save and except Lots One (1) Two (2) Three (3) our (4) ive (5) and Six (6)as shown on the plat of property of Regal Park Section I and recorded in the Office of the Circuit Court of Norfolk County Virginia In Map Book 38 at pace 90 A deposit of $150000 will be required of the successful bidder and settle ment to be made within fifteen days EDWARD WOLCOTT Trustee running westerij and parallel Cm I tr Rt fAAf' thfrnr ning southeasterly and parallel with luvanna Street 60 feet to the nrwtnrn im at thence running In easterly direc tion along the northern side of Craig Street 35 feet to the point of beginning: being parts of Lots 18 and 19 and Street as shown on the plat of" the Ives Property of record In the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Norfolk countyVirginia In Map Book 1 at Page 34 Said real estate will be sold subject to the Hen of a first deed of trust to simcoe November Reed anddue under intiAiinpM A deposit ot 10 pet cent of the bld will be required of the successful bidder at the time the property Is knocked down to him with the bal ance to be paid In ten days Sale subject to confirmation by the Court HOWARD I LEGUM Special Commissioner I hereby certify that bond In the above case has been given Teste: PRIEUR JR Clerk By STOVALL Deputy Clerk apr2930 mayl23 5t EXHIBITION Sat May 2 AM to 5 PM Sun May 3 1 to 5 PM SIEGEL'S AUCTION HOUSE 515 Plume St Siegel Auctioneer I Phone MA 7 2124 Norfolk Va WEDNESDAY MAY 6 AT 10:30 AM rrLr fanned ruita lb Champ Dot Meal ISO i nx Aspirin 100 Razor Blades DRY GOODS: Handkereh iefs Blankets Mattress Tads Pillows Stainless bteel Hatware Carving Sets Kitchen Tool A Pot Sets Bl Cologne igurines Toys Portfolios ishing Line Hair Clippers Needles Crosses Screw Hammers Pictures Sponge Mops Irench Mufflers Elec tric Heaters Sheffield Steak Knife Sets Sunbeam Elctrio IronsUni versallrle PercutatOri Small Appliances Thermo Jug Cards Restaurant Dishes Sinks 40 Asst Doors Windows Cig Machine Lawn Mower Rugs Norge Refrigerator Admiral reezer Automatic usher MuGrtss Spring Sets Bedroom Dinette And Living Room Suites Crib Asst Tables A Chairs Vacuum Cleaners Metal Wardrobes bofu? PocOL DAVID GLADSTONE Auctioneer KENNETT MOTOR CO kn usUeAge rasbsto WftSs Vk WMK WkJHsK kufav ORDS 1957 MODELS Several to choose from with pay ments as low as $995 Weekly Kimnach ord BAINBRIDGE AT POINDEXTER SI SOUTH NOROLK Dial KI 5 7351 Va License 1705 ORD 1958 Convertible Blue and Whits Radio Heater Power Steering Pow er Brakes Crulsematlc White wan Tires Only $2266 CAVALIER ORD USED CAR LOT Monticello Ave near Olney Rd Dial MA 2 2600 (Va License 4541 1955 Custom 8 with Over drive 2 tone paint white wall tires radio heater extra clean inside and outside privately owned $825Dlal KI 3 0033 after 5 1948 53 8 motor 4 cam high speed Colombia rear end ra dHhfater white wall tires special $169 Many other good buys Towne Motor Co Inc 747 Little Creek Rd (Virginia Lie 3403) 1956 2 door 'sedan large heat er very clean $795 Glenrock Motors Inc 5984 Virginia Beach Blvd Dial UL 3 0698 JVaLlcense SOaiJ 1956 convertible 8 Radio heater ordomatic $1395 Glenrock Motors Inc 5984 Virginia Beach Blvd Dial UL 3 0698 IVa License 3031) 5 Have 1959 ord low mileage will trade for older car Call Chuck Green MA 7 8951 (Va License 454) ORD 1940 Tudor Oldsmobile en gine extra clean throughout $550 Dial JU 7 8279 1951 Victoria with overdrive privately owned Dial GY7 2111 1 1 Automobilas or Sale DODGE 1953 Coronet 4 door se dan: fully equipped Now only $495 no money down small monthly pay ments Most Economi cal and Easiest A Motor Co 2500 Granby St Dial MA 5 5521 (Va License 1354) DODGE J946 radio and heater black real clean good transporter tion $125 2909 ireside Rd 1956 convertible Nival ofS cur must sell $1275 Dial GA 8 2222 extension 337 days GA 8 1895 nights CinrirtMtl Ohin MlDUdUOU April IB im 4 1W one W52 Chevrolet 2 Sedxn Motor No KAM 49817 icceuorltt wa tdzed in Nor i(r Tiouuoii TWi Arw nersnn tn Interest in property must a claim and deliver a $25000 coat bond with the Super visor in Alcohol and Tobacco Tx Richmond Virginia on or be fore May 18 1959 otherwise the property will be forfeited and disposed pf according to law Peterson Assistant Regional Commissioner vp may2 3t 5 TREASURY DEPARTMENT Office of Assistant Commissioner Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Internal Revenue Service Cincinnati Ohio Date of first publication April 18 1959 Is hereby lven that on April 4 1959 one 1957 Oldsmobile 2 Door bedan Motor No '577 69584 with accessories was seized hr Nor folk County Virginia for violation of 26 USC6 section 7302 Any person claiming an Interest in said property must file a claim and deliver a $250 00 cost bond with the Super visee in Charge Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Richmond Virginia on or be fore May 18 1959 otherwise the prop erty will be forfeited and disposed of according to law Peterson Assistant Regional Commissioner vp may2 3t NOTICE SALE VALUABLE PROPERTY Pursuant to a decree of the Court of Law and Chancery of the City of Norfolk Virginia entered on the 24th day of April 1959 In the chan cery suit of Cora Reed vs Delaware Reed the undersigned Special Com mission will offer for salt at public auction for cash to the highest bid der on the 4TH DAY MAY 1959 At 12:00 O'CLOCK NOON on the Ironf tep ot the Corpora tion Court ot the City of Norfolk Virginia Bank at City Hall Avenue Norfolk Virginia the following real estate with the building and Im provement thereon: I All that certain lot piece or parcel of land with the butldines and Im provements thereon now numbered 821 Craig Street in the City of Nor folk Virginia and more particularly and described as follows to wlt: BEGINNING at a point on the north erly side of Craig Street 35 feet west from th northwestern Intersection of Craig and luvanna Streets and running thence In a northwesterly direction parallel with luvanna Street a distance of 60 feet: thence wnn run St Apartment 4 ORDModel coupe on chassis New paint and race Mercury engine Also '29 conver tlble body Dial EX 7 0859 ORD 1958 convertible: a beauti ful low mileage car ready to give Uke new service radio heater ordomatic power steering many other extras priced right big trade terms Bruce lournoy Tractor Corp juat south ot Indian River Rd on Military Highway Dial KI 3 2587 or KI 5 7368 (Va License3818 1954 Crestline club coupe black paint partially customized Must be seen to be appreciated To be sold Immediately by private ownerDlal HO 4 0447 ORD 1952 Dependable and eco nomical Dial MA 5 6167 $250 ORD 1957 Ranch Wagon good condition $1650 Dial HO 4 1721 att er 5 30 pm ORD 1956 airlane chib sedan: radio heater ordomatic $1395 Merlin Motors Inc 1117 Little Jrcek Rd Dial JU 7 8736 (Va Li cense 3714J Production 7 AUTOMOTIVE If Automobilet or Sale 1953 8 4 door sedan Ba djo heaters automatic trinxmlwon Selling for only $495 No money down $31 month Glenrock Motors Inc 5984 Virginia Beach Blvd Dial UL3 0698 (Va License 3031) 1956 Special 2 door hardtop power brakes and steering exed lent condition: $1265 Dial KI 5 2253 BUICK 1958 4 door Century: gleaming black and white 2 tone: double power Like new $2595 1400 Bainbridge Blvd South Norfolk Dial KI 5 3539 (Va License 1460) 'KENNETT MOTOR CO ORD 1955 8 Victoria: sparkling two fone finish set off by white wall tires: fully equipped: radio heater has straight shift Small down payment RS rldW 1107) ORD 1949 coupe 175 Lorengn Ave nr dlkl JU 8 5290 after 4:30 Pm ORD Station wagons choice of eight 19M to 1958: all colon and models and 9 pasaengen CITY MOTOR CO 7700 Granby St at Wards Corner Dealer's Lfcanae 1033 NOTICE SALE Default having been made in the terms of a certain deed of trust executed on the 3rd day of Novem ber 1955 to the undersigned Trus tee and recorded in the nffii fif th Clrmiit Court of Nor folk County Virginia In Deed Book at page zvo ana navinx uceu requested by the holder of the note secured so to do the undersigned will proceed to sell at public auc tion for cash in front of the Court House of the Circuit Court of Nor folk County Virginia on MAY 4 1959 AT 12 00 NOON the following described property: All that certain tract or parcel of land situated la tite Pleasant Grove Magisterial District Norfolk County Virginia containing ifty one and three tenths (513) acres more or less and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East side of Great Bridge Boulevard at a corner of the estate of John Hodges deceased: thence along the East side of said boulevard South wardly fifteen hundred and thirty three and five tenths (1533 5) feet more or less to a point midway betwean two ditches: thence along the line of Richmond Cedar Works midway between two ditches thirteen hundred and fiftv seven (1357) feet more or less to middle of a ditch: thence along said ditch six hundred and sixty (660) feet: thence four hundred and sixty two (462) feet thence three hundred and eighty (380) feet more or less to the middle of ditch line of Hodgea estate thence along pt' said ditch 83 15 sixteen? Hundred and one (1601) feet more or less to East 1956 9 passenger Country Se dan Station Wagon low mtleage like new fully equipped: beautiful blue finish: only $1495 A Mo tor Co Granby at 28th St Dial MA 2 0889 (Va License 3248) 1956 Station wagon Can bt seen at Overhead Door Co 530 Mil itary Highway 1958 Country Squire Black fully equipped Atr Conditioned pow er steering and brakes 300 HP Cruis Matic 4 way seat radio heater Save hundreds of dollars Buy from original owner Dial GA 8 1525 nights GA 8 2763j ORD 1951 8 Tudor Mn ra dio and heater full price $295 We finance you when others fall Big stock of cars Towne Motor co 747 Little Creek Rd (Va cense 3403) 1957 Custom club sedan' ord omatic 2 tone blue Only $1295 30 months to pay GUI Motor Co 1318 Granby St Dial MA 5 1695 (Va License 1149) 1959 WU1 sell for as little as $200 down cash or trade Up to 36 months to pay balance with 45 days from date of purchase be fore first payment Is due Pay ments as low as $46 per month with 1 3 down 1000 mlle check plua 90 day warranty on all cars Cau MA 5 3185 ask for Jim (Va Li cense 454 LOUIS HUDGINS City Clerk By Mary Randolph DC May 2 It SALE The undersigned by virtue of that certain deed of trust from Henry Divers and Annie Divers his wile dsjed the 18tb day of March 1959 and recorded In the Clark'a Office of the Corporation Court In the Qty of' Norfolk Virginia In Deed Book 796 page 709 default having been made In the debt se cured thereby and at the request ot the holder of the note will pro ceed to sell at public auction In front of the Courthouse In the City of Norfolk Virginia MAY 4TH 1959 AT 12:00 NOON the following real estate to wit: 1 All those certain lots pieces or parcels ot land wlth the bulldlngs and Improvements thereon now known as number 812 Raleigh Ave nue situate In the City of Norfolk Virginia being known numbered and daslgnatad a Lot Sixteen 161 and the Western twenty (20) feet of Lots Seventeen (17) through Twenty (20) in Block orty four (441 on the Plat of Norfolk Com pany and Ghent Company which plat Is recorded In the Office of the Corporation Court of the City of Norfolk Virginia In Map Book 1 at page 28 A reference to which plat la made for a more particular description 1 All of the household and kitchen furniture now on the said premise! a list of which la set forth In the above mentioned deed of trust and will be supplied on the date of Terms: $10000 on date of rale and th balance of purchase price 15 days thereafter rtSwjL DEVANY JR Trustee Burton Auctioneer 1 vp apr2930mal23 St ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED bythe Council of the City of Norfolk: Section That the construction of granolithic sidewalks along both sides ot Craven Circle between Nor view Avenue and Chesapeake Boule vs rd where standard sidewalks do not now exist Is hereby proposed the cost thereof to be apportioned between the City of Norfolk and the abutting landowners and as sessed against said abutting land owners pursuant to law Section That the City Clerk Is hereby authorized and directed to publish in some newspaper pub lished or having a general circula tion In the City of Norfolk once a week for two successive weeks notice to all of the owners of prop erty abutting on raid proposed side walks of the Intention of the City of Norfolk to construct the same and to apportion the cost thereof as provided In this ordinance and stating the time and place when said owners mir appear before the Council some committee there of to be heard In favor of or against raid Improvements The last publication of raid notice shall be made at least ten oas wore the parties are area to appear CAZlrv 1 TTvaT 9M8 hrdimr tor in nrtriMTin be In effect from and after adoption 9 Adopted by the XJounCIl April 1959 DUCKWORTH President of the CouneU Teste: mtns HUDGINS Cltv dark Mary Randolph Deputy City Clerk vp mayt BUICK 1958 Special 2 door ra dio heater power brakes other ex tras one owner actual 13000 miles direct from owner will trade fnr older car or pick up Dial MA 5 1802 MA 5 7602 nights HO 4 3355 BUICK 1957 convertible: fully equipped ill power Cream puff Priced to sell quickly' easy terms New and Used Cars Inc 2001 GranbySt Dial MA 7 7719 Va License 1382 BUICK 1957 2 door hardtop fully equipped one owner extra dean $1795 Call Stmmona MA 2 7785 (Va Ucense 1477) BUICK 1950 Super convertible with new top $225 Dial GY 7 4464 ORD i1954 Victoria radio heater overdrive good condition privately owned Dial KI 5 3610 ORD 1954 Customline automatic transmission radio heater One owner Dial EX 3 1975 ORD 1953 Tudor sedan: new tires No money down: assume payments ot 831 a month Will finance Norfolk Used Cars 228 Little Creek Rd Dial JU 7 4950 (Va License 1497) ORD 1954 8 ordor sedan: lovely finish extra nice condition Inside and out No cash needed pay only $3750 a month Meekins Motors 2001 Monticello Ave Dial MA 7 6671 (Va License 1093) ORD 1952 with 44 earn dual carburetor hot head: very fast Assume payments of $37 53 a month Call Mr Bowman MA 7 2193 (Va License 1153) ORD 1954 hard top radio healer must be seen to appreciate one of the finest used cars will fl nance Call Charlie Nelson MA 2 7284 (Va License 1153) 1956 Country sedan: 9 pas senger radio heater ordomatic power steering power brakes new tires One owner car $1595 Merlin Motors Inc 1117 Little Creek Rd Dial JU 7 8736 (Va Ucense 3714) i ORD 1953 ordor sedan: new tires No money down assume payment o4 $31 a month Will finance Norfolk Used Cars 228 Uttle Creek Rd Dial JU 7 4950 (Va Ucense 1497) ORD 1958 Victoria Over drive: radio and heater Original owner Dial EX 7 4258 DATSUN See and drive the Little Giant from Japan: 4 door sedan equipped de livered in Norfolk for $l50 40 miles per gallon: weight 2 035 Superb craftsmanship Trade and terms A Motor Co 946 Little Creek Rd Dial JU 7 0694 (Va 4 License 3162) DESOTQ 1953 No money down: assume pay ments of $31 a month Will finance Norfolk Used Car 228 UtU Creek Rd Dial JU 7 4950 IVa canae 14971 1 ttr DESOTO 1953 8 4 door udan: radio heatar automatic dilvt unusually nice car inside and out ay only $50 down balance $1850 semi monthly Eger ton Motor Corp Monticello Ara at 26th St Open evenings Dial MA 1 3984 (Va Ucaaaa M0) coaI pier Parker Host inc PIONEER MILL Am) To ar East via Charleston After discharging and loading general and MSTS cargo at Pier Lamberte Point and New News US Unes AMERICAN BANKER (Am) To Lon don ria New York after discharging and loading genera! and MSTS cargo at the Army Baee and load ing general at Newport News US Lines ATLANTIC TRAVELER (Am) To sea after repairing at the Newport News Shipyard AUCTIONS AND LEGALS ORD 1958 8 tudor aedan onLv matlc heaters power steering 12008 miles CITY MOTOR CO 7700 Granby St at Wards Corner 7 Dvalar1 Ucenra 1033 ORD 1959 AIRLANE "500" Tudor sedan very few miles fully equippedi ordomatic power steering radio heater: many other extras a beautiful car Pay only $295 down balance 36 months bank financing New and Used Cars Inc 2001 Granby St Dial MA 7 7719 (Va Ucense 1382) ORD 1950 club coupe 8 engine: hag radio and beater: good transporta tion at a price No cash down pay only $13 a month Egerton Motor Corp Monticello Ave at 26th St Open evenings Dial MA 2 3986 (Va License 3400) 1950 club coupe Vextn clean and perfect 28000 miles 131 Blake Rd Dial MA 4991 ORD 1955 8 tudor mdan real sharp ear with overdrive and other extras cleanest 1955 at our spe cial price ot only 1995 will finance Krertoa Motor Corp Monticello Ave at Hth St Open evenings Dial SPECIAL NOTICE The owner of the following property Lots No 11 13 15 17 19 21 In Block No 52 Shadow Lawn Heights Vir ginia Beach Va have made ap plication to the Zoning Board of Virginia Beach to rezone the above mentioned property from 1 to at the next meeting May 7 1959 at the town hall Virginia Beach at 8 pm ROT A BARKES May2 4 2t SALE GROCERY STOCK IXTURES AND AUTOMO BILES Pursuant to the terms of a Deed of Assignment made by Nannie Har rell Trading As Grocery Company to the undersigned Trustee for the benefit of her creditors the undersigned will sell the stock of merchandise consisting primarily of groceries and the fix tures equipment automobile sta tion wagon and other property lo cated at the premises 2911 Colonial Avenue Norfolk Virginia to the highest bidder for cash on Monday May 4th 1959 at 10:00 o'clock AM Sale will be by public auction The right to reject any and all bids is reserved THEODORE A BOYCE Trustee 222 Citizens Bank Building Norfolk Virginia DAVID GLADSTONE Auctioneer vp apr 30: may 1 5t NOTICE SALE Default having been made In the term of a certain Deed of Trust executed on December 4 1954 by John sometimes known as John Daniels and Mary Downs his wife to the undersigned Trustee and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Norfolk County Va in Deek Book 1169 at page 310 and having been requested by the holder of the Note secured so to do the undersigned will pro ceed to sell at public action lor cash In front of the Circuit Court of Norfolk County High and Court streets Portsmouth ya on May 7 1959 at 12:00 Noon the following described prop Alirtthoae certain lots of land sit uated In Tanners Creek Magisterial District of Norfolk County Va numbered end known az Lot our i4 and the Western one half of Lot Three (3) In Block" Eleven (11 as shown on Plat of Oakwood Park recorded In the Of fice In the Circuit Court of Nor olk County Va In Map Book 3 APdeposlt of $200 will be required of the successful bidder and set tlement to be made within MARTIN SWERSKY Mavl 2 3 4 5 Trusrtee AN ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Norfolk: Section That the construction of granolithic sidewalks alone both sides of Ambler Street between Cape Henry Avenue and Azalea Garden Road along both sides of Shafer Street between Capt Henry Avenue and Azalea Garden Road along both sides of Bruce Street be tween Cape Henry Avenue and Azalea Garden Road: along both sides of Woolsey Street between Cape Hepry Avenue and Azalea Garden Road where standard slde walks do not now exist is hereby proposed the cost thereof to be apportioned between the City of Norfolk and the abutting landown ert and assessed against Mid abutting landowners pursuant to Section That th City Clerk Is hereby authorized and directed to In some newspaper pub or having a general circula tion in the City of Norfolk once a week for two successive weeks notice to all of the owners of prop erty abutting on said proposed slde walks of the Intention of the City of Norfolk to construct the same and to apportion the coat thereof as provided In this ordinance and stating the time and place when said owners may appear before the Council or some committee thereof to be heard In favor of or against said Improvements The last publication ot said notice shall be made at least ten days before the parties are cited to appear Section That this ordinance being an emergency ordinance shall be In effect from and after Its adop tion Adopted 1959 folk Used Cars 228 Uttle Creek Rd Dial JU 7 4950: (Va Ucense 149 CHEVROLET 1959 Brookwood 4 door sedan radio heater two tone red and white: 2600 miles $2375 CITY MOTOR CO 7700 Granby St at Wards Comer Ucense 1033 1959 Impala convert ible: loaded with extras: beautiful blue finish This is a steal only $2995: trade terms Motor Co Granby at 28th St Dial MA 2 0889 (Va Ucense 3248) 1954 150 lerles Dial UL 56946 CHEVROLET 1949 clean 2 door' fully equipped A condition $150 cash Apply 2401 Aspin St CHEVROLET 1957 4 door sedan ex taxl repainted Inside and out Good condition $750 Plal HO 4 0658 KI 5 6444 nights 1951 4 door sedan with radio heater and Powergllde Will sell or trade for boat and motor Dial MA 5 7355 CHEVROLETS Brand new 1959 Brookwood station wagon only $55 68 month also passencer King wood: $2661: 1 payments $5993 As low as $298 down or equivalent cashvalue of trade Payments based on one third down Davenport Lewis Chevrolet County St 'at 7th' Ave Portsmouth Dial EX 3 7341 CHEVROLETS Brand new Blscaynes $1995 payments $4595: Station Wagons 82443 payments $5568: Bel Air $2296 payments $5199 Impalas 4 door sedan $2456 payments $5566: 2 door hard top $2 462 payments $5595: Convertible 82666 payments $5998 Bel Atr 9 passenger station wagon $2661 pay ments $5993 As low as $298 down or equivalent cash value of trade Payments based on one third down Davenport Lewis Chevrolet Count St and 7th Ave Portsmouth Dial EX 3 7341 Ask for Ed Kenslc sales manager CHEVROLET 1954 hard top No monejr down as sume payments of $41 a month Will finance Norfolk Used Cars 228 Uttle Creek Rd Dial JU 7 4950 (Va License 14971 1 Buy where your dol lara go rt and lops Colonial Chevrolet Corp Boush St at Olney Rd Open evenings Dial MA 7 (Va Ucense 1 76) CHEVROLET 1958 9 passenger station wagon ully equipped like new $5895 month Davenport Lewis Chevrolet County and 7th Ave Portsmouth Phone EX 3 73411 Ask for new csr show room 1 CHEVROLET 1954 2 door Power glide fine condition: transferred must sell $495 Dial MAS 5941 CHEVROLET Brand new 1959 Blscaynes only $1995 payments $4595 As low as $298 down or equivalent cash value ot trade Pay ments baled on ona third down Davenport Lewis Chevrolet County St at 7th Ave Portsmouth Dial EX 3 7341 CHEVROLET 1955 2 door 6 pas senger Station Wagon: 8 engine: radio heater runs good: very clean Assume payments of $5120 a month Call Dara Pendleton MA 7 8675 (Va Ucense 3491) CHEVROLET 1951 club coupe No money 'down: as sume payments of $2553 a month Will finance Norfolk Used Cars 228 Uttle Creek R4 Dial JU 7 6950 (Va Ucense 1497) CHRYSLER 1958 Town and Coun try station wagon 4 door white Radio heater power equipment: can arrange financing Dial JU 3 0886 CHRYSLER 1957 Windsor 4 door hardtop power brakes and steering radio heater air conditioner on vate owner $1950 Dial JU 8 0783 1956 Mark II Orig inally coat $11000 Our prlca $5 000 Dial KI 5 0424 (Va Ucense 1199) Small amount of money and personal papers inder keep money oltase return wallet and perstmal papera Writ Box 414 oaro YlrBinlu PtlM and Ledzer Btar 4 door SMS Rill Britt Motors 409 21st St Dill MA (Vt License 1106) BUICK 1957 Century hard top fully equipped all power beautiful finish: low milcase Uke new now only $1895: finance trade New and Used Cars Inc 2001 Granby St Dial MA 7 7719 (Va License 1 13l2 BUICK 1955 Special hard top like new fully equipped: one owner: $1175 CITY MOTOR CO 7700 Granby st at Wards Corner License 1033 Buick 1956 Roadmaster hard top one own er All power like iWw $1695 CITY MOTOR CO 7700 Granby St at Wards Comer Dealer's Ucense 1033 BUICK 1959 LaSabrc convertible like new $3495: fully equipped: dl rect from owner Dial HO 4 1857 1952 4 door se dan power steering 2 light blue No money down $3753 month ly Price $595 A Motors (Va UcenseH9l Dlnl MA 7 3079 CHEVROLET 1957 Bel Air 4 dOor sedan 8 en gine Powerglide radio heater other extras: beautiful two tone finish Only $300 down and small monthly payments Call Buster Brown MA 2 7831 (Va License 1107) CHEVROLET 1957 8 9 passenger Station Wagon sharp as it comes with only 18000 actual fully equipped Including power steering power brakes and TurboglldeT See this real buy today big trade: wsy terms A Motor Co Granby at 28th St Dial MA 2 0889 (Va License 3248) 1950 with 1954 motor $250 cash Excellent condition Dial MA 7 8914 after 5 pm CHEVROLET iyizy passenger station wagon auto matic radio and heater Low mile age Only $1995 1400 Bainbridge Blvd South Norfolk Dial KI 5 3539 (Va License 1460) KEN ETT MOTOR CO CHEVROLET 1959 9 passenger demonstrator station wagon ully equipped Davenport Lewis Chevrolet 2220 County St Portsmouth DialEX 3 7341 ask for Ed Kensic Sales Manager CHEVROLET 1952 4 door sedan radio heater: Powerglide ull price only $295: no money down small monthly payments Most Economical and Easiest Motor Co 2500 Granbv SL Dial MAS 5521 (Va L1 cense 354 CHEVROLET 1955 6 and 8 cylinder 2 door sedan: fully equipped: choice $895 CITY MOTOR CO 7700 Granby St Wards Corner License 1033 CHEVROLET 1955 4 door sedan economical 6 cylinders radio and heater: nice condition Owner $830 Dial UL 3 6391 CHEVROLET 1057 Be! Air 8 2 door' sedan Powergllde radio heater $1450 Dial JU 8 0308 CHEVROLET 1953: A 1 condition: white wall tires Sailed riday (Ital) To foreign coal Browning at Esso Pleasing 7 fx' fj Jr A VL i i ANN0UNCEMEN13 1 1 'TTT 5 Special Notices AAAA DRIVING SCHOOL Ussnns daily evenings Sundays Traffic I Parking Dial UL 5 5521 any time BEVERLYS Swedish massage Vidoi baths slenderizing: for ap oointment dial MA 5 4804 BOXES ree! Used wood boxes good for building small Items around the home and firewood Apply American Suppliers 1148 Prin Anne ltd HELP CHILD READ Phonetic Spelling: Records by Paulina Griffin old easy method Copyright claw A 353968 Reaaon able Dial JU 8 1G40 after 4 pm JANE Enroll now op erators needed: learn murages and phyalcal mKapy Dial MA 2 6862 PRESCRIPTWNS If you live In Ocean View area have them filled at Tucker Drug Co ree delivery Dial JU 8 8282 REGISTERED Will room i and board elderly people ratea reasonable Dial MA 7 8911 SEAMSTRESS Experienced Party dressea and formala a specialty Dial JU 3 1398 Vacancies In private home for elder ly ladlea best of food and care $100 per month DIM MA 5 5248 We Undscspe yards and fix gardens cheap Dial KI 5 6203 Baby Sitters Inc Sends reliable women with medical clearance 'for Dial MA 2 before 6 pm Backaches headich Dr Saunders Chiropractic Naturo pathic Wards Corner Dial JU 8 3386 Seamstress experienced In ail fclnds of work alterations Dial JU 7 8581 9 Personals DIXIE DRIVING SCHOOI Thorough euy raft Traffic training Llcoue obtained Dial UL 5 5493 Registered Unwant ed hair removed permanently Call Mildred Malkin MA 2 5421 Painleu permanent removal of unwanted hair Certified 'Sheri Kaye Dial MA 2 0230 PRIVATE De tective Agency 132 Mapleshade Ave 24 hour aervlce Dial JU 7 3026 JLAC Candles' Please call 10 Lot) ound Sfrayd BOXER emale young white feet and white mark on cheat: named lut Been vicinity of Meadowbrook School Dial JU 8 2052 After 5 pm JU 1 2024 Reward Lost znale named Tinker mole on left side of cheat yellow domestic oat Reward Call ort Story extension 4167 CHIHUAHUA Lost male white with fawn markings vicinity Park view or Naval Hospital reward Dial EX 9 2441 ext Si 3 COAT Mana summer tan contain ing reading glasses Lost between Eders corner and Ballentine Blvd inder dial UL 5 1322 reward DOG Lost part Chow long haired red WMrrlnr black collar 1959 Michigan dog license answer to Susie female Welcome Informa tion Lost Asalea Gardena Dial MA 5 1431 BULLDOG Lost montna old brindla and white Dial MA 1 Uli extension 3700 Reward SIAMESE Bluepoint tamale lost vicinity Suburban Park Apts at Wards Corner Dial JU 7 1471 Reward WALLET lost vicinity Cd ley Ave near 27th St Keep money return papera Dial MA 5 5433 WALLET Black containing driver and work licenses Identification re ward for return Cowie Dial KI 5 6867 7.

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.