The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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0 jft THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: THURSDAY JANUARY 29 1920 554 544 OTCS Want Ads Start Here Tel 3 150 (Continued rom Eleventh Pige) isoo Business Announcements Help Wanted 7 10220 ifyrraglis THOROUGHLY be GRAIN AND PROVISIONS equalizing EXPERIENCED CARROLL BOOKEEPER GREETING TO VALERA APPLICANT TO STATE 518 franc AGE AND POSITIONS ROOM 202 TEL RIVER 811 HELD DURING THE PAST IVE YEARS i BOSTON CURB MARKET 0 BOX 1132 Stocks or bloom keep TEL BLD SPRINGIELD (MASS 1 town that burns 3 HALE BLD men who rushed WANTED It DO YOUR EET ACHE? i Low they hon 131 90 America's of To 3 man who Crescent Petroleum Co Births TXi 3 'A OREIGN EXCHANGE a Asked 1 ex Oc GAGE MAKERS BOSTON PRODUCE MARKET jT EXPERIENCED MEN Tuesday Senator TAP CATTLE HOGS AND SHEET 1337 2ue Two Papers 3 Help Wanted Men At' a Single Rate 1350 bulls WANTED Cc 8c 52c SASH and DOOR MEN HAMPDEN LUMBER CO Laborers He 3c 850 State Street DRY GOODS 85 STRUCTURAL IRON workers for bucking up and ETVLS LEYLAND LINE adjourned without CARPENTERS stoailr: Apply Labor Dept spnt and ebruary flared Inrty Izniis tie '4 the New meas MUST INORM ALIENS AS TO THEIR RIGHTS eb 25 WANTED Lost ana ound Permit ted Lapland 5c 35c 5 OPERA WOOL MARKET BETTER HELP WANTED SWAN RIGGING CQ Personals 25 Harrison Ave Or Authorized Agent Business Announcements' 50 Pond NEW YORK HAVRE 145 J2W2 MAK COMPANY 1 fancy and in Boston hind lambs NEV YOKK PRODUCE MARKET 62h 63 1 A DIS' guaranteed centrifugal 13U4C tine LAUREL HOUSE A Sensible Cigarette Lakewood Resorts Georgia for manual the TA lid Buobelman I a Down Through the 3 cure ANDREW Manager months sold 15 to 20 points beow last sfffened of of 45 10c 16c 32c Kroon'and inland 8 8 20c 25c 4b 29 71c 25c 14 30 6 10c 1507 1505 8c 5 7 5 75c 10c 37c 15c 17c 75c 25c 10c 4 94 91 88 Denmark England inland rance Germany Holland India pn Russia Spain Albai Divide Alining Co American Oil Co of A aski Mims rjorut J' Am Consolidated Mines Co American ork Exploratoo Co Ajax Divide Miring Co All Sugar Products Arizona Extension ilter Mines 30c 25c 70 25c 20C 4c 2 1 16 do Naw do do do bO lc 33 10c 20c 15c 1 50c 3c 35 73c 30c 17C do S6 97 65 61 3 bbl ALL ROUND man 6 days week boulevard East Springfield York Central be 2 1 3c 4c 98 96 02 59 15 14 5UC 13 1327 1325 ll id 107 04 2015 2025 1815 tin In np for Re Engineer with trbt class license West Box Co 16 53 26c 3 4 loc 30 38 35c lUc 53 75 bl 83 91 indict was de by Sen 135 132 130 HOC 15 65 USc 6 60 42 LOST Pearl bends Monday evening in Audi torjim or on Maple street Telephone River TINSMITH wanted Stein Metal Co 54 Taylof street 10c 5 LUNCH Room help wanted at Bnwlps Lunch 282 Main st 93146 48 market value of utures High CLASSIIED ADVERTISING RATES THE REPUBLICAN do cables rhcks do cables 15c per loO barrel lots Arizona Mines Co As Corbin Temp Ct fa Electro Cleaner Co ntaiia Dev Co Divide Minlnff Co Ixmdon Copper Dev I OST At union station Westfield nn open face Hamilton watch Reward If re turned to Ticket Office West field WANTED Experienced clerk for butter dept Apply Mohican Co :0 27 required for Bermuda Particulars Apply To BERMUDA LINE Whitehall St New York 10c 26c 4014 3C I provide in every case where a hearing: cannot be had immediatplv tho WORTHINGTON ST BELL BOY WANTED Apply at Office Hotel Victoria Ray State Gas Cons Copper Mines Gadsden Copper Company Jerome Verde Mines ii Massachusetts Breweries Neva la Douglas Copper Onondaga Ohio copper Co Pacific Tungsten have reached their The conferees told Mr Will in a business to draw a sal This will stand If you are a 35c 10c 5A 1 20c 6 80c to the bill fixing at live the of trustees of asri school in Northampton The sent to the House democrat of he would of VIOL1N LAYER wanted to tench school chil dren in clft work age 2 2to 40 steady nork good Connecticut city Write details Ilmen Institute of Music 212 Crown st New Haven Conn for Inter view LERKS 8 experienced sienuy position to rt 370 Main st Springfield DISPENSER wanted fur soda fountain and lunch counter PHOTOS WHILE WAIT passport registration and postcard photos DAY AND NIGHT STUDIO 232 Main st so too were foreign ex put much P5 37 46 69 79 103 76 59 84 5G4 4b 29 81 86 101 7 32 lated 0S 48 996 00 90 91 98 tit 3 bn: proufs 30'5 lour To ship from the vton common rate points) 1 timothy $38739 No 1 eastern 3573G No 2 ay nUxel straw dye 22(23 oat Comnv ai GO days da 9 'ayR rance checks do cables Deig'um check do cables Cerrary checks do abTs chocks cables Jan May Troupe Member of Experienced ehnuffeur on our de livery truck Rood Woodbury Co 144 LINE RATES PER DAY OR THE COM RIN A I itN rnelai we mend It: auto rep brazing welding In wti mowers sharpened Spring fiehl Brazing and Welding Stu 10 12 Willow BARBER wanted Hotel Grand Worthington street 97 99 86 87 65 53 75 b) 83 91 82 97 qjiiet Rio ICc WANTED Experienced meat and fish metu Mohican Co Woolworth Cr GENERAL nU round machinists nnd assen bhrs wanted Langelier Manufacturing Com pary 51 Washington ae Arlington CranstoB fancy 34 A tit1 Young Arneri young men of 1 102 1400 130 1313132 Black Hawk Con Mining Co stun Boston Reston Boston Bui ion JULIP Bohemia ning ($8 paid) 1 nhiveras Canopus Iren Corporation Chief C01 solldited Mining Cons Arizona Smelting rtez Associated Mines inwn Reserve Mining Ltd Oliimot Jerome Copper Co Clamplon Copper (new) hcroxce Co $5 paid) Contact Copper ($250 paid) olonial Mines Development Co 7 9 OVERSEERS of dyeing spinning cardingf alsi slasher tenders spindle setters roinliet men fullers second hands and fixers for all departments of mills many good jobs now open Charles Raymond Agency 294 Washington st Ib ston 351 8 4 849 347 HAD or RENCH GRAND In the arch ot foot tn the heels or to balls of thf feet This can be cured by proper treatment My system admits of qo failures Consultation free RICE 318 MAIN STREET Room 403 Rivet 4099 Secretary Wlson however who pre upon their own Address A Republican Office or apply in person 5th floor Republican Building WANTED All round man to work on fann Charter Ellington Conn WANTED An experienced wool sorter a nJ grader to take charge of wool department only steady man nvl apply SotuersviUa Mfg Co Somersville Ct and cutters 5 ft edor steers bfe 1 1(1 K5 liecp 10000: estimated to morrow IOjO firm Lambs 84 pounds down $125044 2165 culls and common Idfal'J: ewes medium go 1 and choice 1350 culls and common MON nnd RflINQ'8 WANTED At once two fast linotype opera tors perinnmnt fobs model phint clean light convenient sanitary healthful city good summer report scale $30 will pay up to $33 fur competent men Even Ing Day New London fnvnlids Apply in person only anitarHim Thompsonville Ct Mar 10 Mar 21 NT1LE Oa May July Pc rk: Jan May Lard: Jan WATCHES diamonds and tewelry: my low rent gives von low prices lust below State! Clinse 562 Mnin 1E BEST steam and rench Dry Cleaning elty Springfield Cleaning nnd 'velng 74 Harrison ve River 1034 86 163 93 83 70 97 71 94 70 amous Winter and Spring resort health and recreation Hydro hern prut Io department in nmci Generations ha vr TOURISTS OR ENGLAND Renns New York 9 yellow eyes $9 5(17? 10 15 white California Ss leaned and pwr draft consult ofs repaired A 98 S3 7'9 97 71 95 70 3 lib WANTED Traveling salesman for 5 gland States One familiar with supply trade preferred State age enc ana ren rex Republican Office VIBRATORY MASSAGE and Vin Ti rat merit Mra Cooley 25 Har Teh Rer 4025 faded hnlr Ruby I A Oirnn Tel Wai 1696 WANTED If yon are Interested In rummer cia! Soanisli telephone River 7810 for com pletr hfornmllob serviceable materials instead of de manding the market's best High clothing prices in the associ ations opinion crest jams that "any speculative jobber who might be holding back his stocks in the hope of higher prices will be dis appointed for the normal require ments of the trade soon will be met directly from the bill Amend to day included Gerry of Rhode the pay and BARBER Steady jfob shop 166 Weit 8t Pittsfield of wear for advance of 80 per cent to day price niter tue armistice steadier wnn anneis burlaps LOST Airedale dog Monday Answers to nniiie of Jack his tongue bangs out the time is ret Return to 178 Dud uion'lnnd nve Tel Walnut 431 WANTED Machinists to operate lathe planer drill and milling and for lisp and floor work ien shop 48 hnur week gcod wages steady work can furnish rooms nnd Hall Printing Press Company Dunellen New Jersey YOUNG MAN to learn' trad Reply to Box 161 Republican Office Hero we are with WALL PAPER PAINT and VARNISH ter ALBERT HALE CO 3630 Spgfld Mass at the Nortliainntou Man uork In kitchen Apply to Ds llnmitf Supf Northampton Manw depressing effect on throughout the ses good deal to reduce proportions Lower LOST Black lizard skin wallet with gold edges marked Jr on train be tween Holyoke nnd Springfield or on plat form in Springfield late Monday night Sult nble reward If found communicate with Saillvan 136 West 44th st New York Resorts Atlantic City 132U 130 form already started arv and chare' In the profit the moct hustler write to Box 1C1 Republican Of uce permanent positions in up to date organ i iL vuino nuiaLia 4 ItC CApn I wages exrwvti'rt CrL 11SLD SAYS ARMY PLANES NEARLY OBSOLETE tn buyers and downturns in Leading bears the European financial likelv to he of Paramount importance in determining future val ues and in this connection were dis posed to urge greater notice of the abundance of corn In the country On the other hand commission houses readily picked up all the offerings to day on any decided dip in prices Oats as well as corn were weakened by the inability of shippers to get out grain already sold Provisions were under selling pres sure from packers Cash demand was slow and the to the yen pressman i Main st PATER CUTTERS and Bookbinders steady work chance for advancement State sal and give reference Box 195 Republi can Ofllcf building exnerl Address Box 5V 196 38C50 WANTED irst meat cutter and 2 meat counter snlcuien Rood Wood bury Co 144 Main st and CjfliPinO Oiei ffirouffhoufthe year New York Jan Butter easy receipts 7KH tube creamery (higher than extras) I creamery packing btock Secretary Wilson Orders That Those Arrested Must Be Allowed Counsel and Bail if Desiring Them SHEET METAL and tin work btve nnd fni mire repairing water heater connected Il 1 Pomeroy 4 Whittier ave Wai closing rates change on all the principal markets were as follows: Yesterday i wj 336 346 The Laporre Auo School fhe choi ol efficiency Send fot nnnfc let J4 Broadway Springfield 1st 4V 2d of A I 3 yr notes ctfs 1922 5s rtfs 1929 2V year 1937 von 4 4a 1921 ctf 5 1968 Marquette WANTED An experienced Al retail grocery lerk for live store Address for inter view stating experience Holloway North Wilbraham Mass WANTED patent single or mar ird f( general farm work on Doner South Vernon Address stating ago nnd wages expected Belding pringfleld Mass Eusticnd County Royalty Sy nd Ey tgle Ai Blue BH1 irst National Cop ($375 pdj rtuna Mmes Corporation Gila er bph de Co Answers hi To morrow's Nature Notes eh 15 7 May July 15W Srptcmbe 4571 fi ber 1367 December 1553 Spot 5SU I rentgb Mining rp Umglity Tire Co market iikctird to further in May selling ol 1572c and clrpung nt 15 0 The general 'hard nt a ret tlrrlin' 14 to 35 pn with January relatively weak January 15 SPELLACY street (Mercy AUSTIN Mr and Mrs SufHeld Ct (Wesson maternity hospital) lltfiCSc: mutton nnd yea ri Ings 142: spring 32 fall nnd winter 3 CARRIAGE OR AUTOMOBILE PAINTERS The SMITH CARRIAGE Cft 2 Park Street is advised that the BRITISH PASS PORT CONTROL OICER at New York is authorized to say that tour ists may be encouraged to visit Eng land during the coming Spring and Summer Bookings are now being made Persons intending to sail should make reservations early of foreign One with experience on fine stationery John A Murphy Co 29 Sheffield st end of Kingst car line BOYS WANTED OR 1UESSENGER WORK Good pay and opportunity for advancement POSTAL TELEGRAPE CO 205 Worthington St LIVERPOOL Only One Class Cabin Bohemian eb 21 I Apr 3 Winifredian Mar I Apr The Leading A teles Ccrn Jan Mar July Men to harvest Ice at Wntcrshops (leginn nir Office 195 Alden tt 20c 3c 88c 3OC $250 Gal Varnfsbe A ItnishCB Mnll Orders illed HAHKY ZI XDEIL 5 24 Main Strwt VOHK BOBIIBAI'X EB in cd $3 So bag meal 3 20 5(h3S0 while com hominy grits nnd cronm rolled 4C5 cut an 1 and ask for The Classified Dept when sou want Resuis Service Circulation irnnce repairing nl Rptil River 392" WASON MG C0 Brightwood Mass A anr ft nnd stiff hat nnd repaired Al wokiianhit 9 KKSSSOS i ATLANTIC CITYN I Xin A mpnicarv Plan Hotel i iof DisliuctianardRealConxfbrt IMSPROOP GARAG CAPACI4 vuv Washington Jan 28 Modifications in Immigration regulations to insure the right of arrested aliens to coun el and to bail were promulgat' to day by Secretary Wilson In a statement he said that under the new regula tions immigration otlicers must in ferm aliens of their rights an attorney the immigration officer in cnarge that he has been retained by some tliiid per sons or association as counsel for the alien the person under arrest must be forthwith of the facts and allowed to accept the counsel if he so desires said sent themso'ves initiative arc not to be permitted to act until the alien himself expresses a desire for their services" Ttegard ng bail the regulations GEORGE EIiMl'NU KER pleaM? correnimirt wHh Sadie' 377 Colnnibu orc Boston at enrp ARMY NAVY BILL DELAYED Washington Jan 2S Bocause of the absence of senators who wished 200 Jlarioo hospital) IL 15 Colonial hospital) and Mrs Henry 59 Auburn hospital) GIRLS Mr and Mrs John 70 Church hospital) 1021 1921 1929 492 324 49H ernt512 rcnt to 193 rent1 to the peseta to propose amendments the Senate to day deferred finaJ action on the army and navy increase ments accepted one by Senator isfand allowances of officers and enlisted mpn of the coast guard and nav and an cther by Senator Wadsworth of New York extendmg Indefinitely the com mutations and quarters allowance for all army and navy officers I nfMTHl eirtHVUm kC 91 Crystal Copper (new uu shoe clerks men Th hills and vales of Worcester town are true ana valiant yet Hearty a when for name ored Lafayette And bright shall burn the welcome neprt niume sacred cause and a valiant comes in name PUBLIC stenographer first class work reasonable Walnut 543 Miss White 145 Stat? st corner Willow st for merly located in Third National Bank Bldg Sterling demand d' Bnnkr (ID tlays Ing i fairs on a home ton Clark of Northampton and John Cailahan of Holyoke explained to the committee that the bill will incorpor ate Messrs Clark and Callahan and Louis Campbell of Northampt The corporation will take over the property of the late Henrietta Wright of Northampton under the name of the Wright home for young women The bill provides that the number of corporate members shall not be less than three or more than seven The corporation would be authorized receive and acquire other property by gift or otherwise for its purposes Under suspension of the rules moved by Senator Hardy of Hunt ingdon the Senate to day gave a final reacting number cultural bill was The bill to abolish registra tion fee for school teachers was ad vanced to a third reading In the House to day Rapidly Approaching Normal Basis Says ood Administrate: Clothing Will Cost Less Ne York Jan 2S The wool mar ket is rapidly approaching a normal pie war basis and the time is almost here when the de mands for raw wool will be met in full according to Arthur Williams federal food administrator who held a conference with representatives of the American woolen association here to day Tlie encouraging outlook for cheap et clothing Mr Williams said is fur ther enhanced by a nearly normal commercial output by the nulls which devoted 5 per cent of their capacity during the war to mak ing cloth for the army and navy he i said with no additional manufactur ing equipment than that required in peace times The experts told Mr Will iams that a long stride toward low ering the price of clothing would be made if the buyer would confine him self styles and plain of Mexico 32 Realty Improvement S' 7S Tfc Rubber Smelt A con 6'o noteln3li steel rerun! inc oa Virginia Hallway Wethington Terminal 4a estern Electric let Vest Shore Wilton con Wls (Superior Dili) oreign Ronda Anglo rench Vhlncae lly City City of ire Dominion of Canada do year notes do 10 year uotca do 5S 1931 Japan do do du do do NEW HAMBURG Manchuria eb 11 Mongolia eb S3 Mar 3 I Apr 10 I May 15 Mar 10 Apr 17 May 1'2 I May Apr 3 May 8 I June 'J up to morrow Sen notice he would op pose the measure because he said the people were tired of tbe constantly mounting expenditures and Would rot approve the appropriations oi tne sums carried ure Senator McKellar Tennessee announced fer an amendment removing the post office department from the consolida tion authorized by the bill post office department" he as serted "has built up the only efficient self sustaining aerial mail service in the world To make the change oro posed would ruin its STATE AND EDERAL INCOME TAX REPORTS Prepared for individuals partner ships and corporations shies 2023? fores IGc Chicago Jan 28 Hogs receipts 19000 es timatC'l to mi rrow 55COO 10 15c lower uk S1520Q 550 top 1560 15frr l535 mwllutn 5 2611545 light 1535(57 15 6v light light heavy packing mw a month 112511G3 do rough 141423 pigs 1375(16 1475 Cattle Receipts 7600: optima t'd to morrow 12000 firm Ilccf medium ml heavy weight cHofcr ami prime S1550(h 1750 me dium and gcod 11501550 mnvm 1150 lightweight good and choice :162 common and medium butcher cattle 12 cannrrs veal cahes 18(7 1950 stacker steers refined nr pearnneo to assist in the care of nervous 1 (1 A 1 I Steamship and Tourist Agent 389 MAIN STREET iur i ization irst clasa ence in tail and state rmnovniMn iwnt AND DIE CORI Greenfield Mass 1645 1660 1870 18 no 10220 5025 5050 9375 9400 15100 15 700 4350 rom Our Special Reporter Boston Jan 28 ollowing a hear tho committee on mercantile af i to day made a favorable rejort bill to incorporate the Wright for young women in Northamp John Hammond and rank WANTED A porter plenty of wort good pay Hava Lunch 12 Vernon st WINDOW SHADES We make ell and repuir all kind of window shades Also marie to order Springfield Win dnw Shade Co 1114 Main st Walnut 1539 Ship Building Co Ltd Airplane A Engine Co United Verde Ext Mining Utah National Mines Co Vlitorlfi Minin Verde Mines Milling Co 36 Yukon Guld 1 ELECTRIC IXTURES Al) kinds at reduced prices tor January I SATIN ELECTRICAL CO 44 Main Canof1? Crctie INTERNATIONAL grow? 3 Has the skunk need of bravery? BEAI'TV Try our rench Henna irfH unpin rop rrrnr Harlt successor to Rachel Room Kppnhhmn Ring graduate masseuse Elliot st or nppmntnient Walnut 1121 1 Day (both papers) 10c per line 3 Days consecutive 9e per line' 7 Days consecutive 8c per lineLonger term rates on application No Classified received aftr tor The Repuhncan and 10 for Php Dfiilv Nawa Copv for the riday ail? News must he tn before 9 30 A MCLASSIIED Cony for the NOON EDITION of the Saturday Daily News must be in riday before rt NO BOOK CHARGE LESS THAN 50c CALL 3150 IRST hr licensed an to wnshwf stockroom hrk bd rm un 2d class engt operator exp Boston surely likes At the Touraine the Copley Plaza the Par kerllouse and out at Harvard and at many other goodilaccs atima is the eading seller Michael Earls of the faculty of Holy Cross college has written the following poem as a greeting to EJamon de Valera president of the Irish republic who will visit Worces ter as well as Springfield next week: The seven hills of Worcester the many vales between In winter wear a whiteness before the spring oi green And hill and vale in frost steadily one The ardent love of Worcester to name I 7(iR do browns extras 68fj 7i) go gathered owns anu mixeu coiurs nrsts to extras G7 i Raw sugar ENIERPRISE PLACING COMPANY Plaiting of all kinds 19 Tavlnr m1 Rbei ANSWERS TO PRE QU ESI IONS Do young birds ever leave the nest before being fully Hedged? A great many young birds come to grief by leaving the nest before they can fly Something slurbs 'or alarms the young birds and the fear of danger leads them to attempt flight before their wings are strong enough Is the life of a drone pleasant? The drones in a hive of bees have the least enviable time of it Their foothold in the hive is very precarious They look like the giants the lords the swarm but they are really the tools Their loud threatening hum has no sting to back it and their size and noise make them only the more conspicuous marks for the bTds They are all candidates for the favors of thq queen a fatal felicity that is votmhsnfed to but one It is a singular fact that the fecundation of the queen costs the male his life What familiar wild animal shows unusual courage? The 'coon is probably the most courageous creature among our familiar wild animals1 Who ever saw a 'coon show the white feath er? He will face any odds with perfect composure have seen a 'coon upon the grottnd beset by Chicago Jan 28 Corn prices tend ed downward to day owing largely to indications that railroad traffic diflA culties east of Chicago had grown worse 1 The close was steady at ile same as close to lov er with May SI In to $135 Vs and July $132 to $1321 Oats finished unchanged to Wc down and provi sions off 25 to GOc that no new permits for grain shipments to the ast were be ing issued nad a the corn market sion and did a trade to small quotations on hogs were likewise dis couraging continued change stress on uation as Artlsti snnmirv per bv Wellman 41 River Washington Jan 2S An irent of the army air service livered in the Senate to day ator New republican of Indiana in opening debate on his bill proposing the creation of a separate depart ment of aeronautics to combine all governmental air activities He charged that the service had been a failure and that the present army planes were "very we were to have trouble with any foreign government take Mexico for example" said Senator New would not have afiy fast pursut planes by which we could go across the border have to go to a foreign government to get planes of that Senator Now saij the whole course of the United States regard to aeronautics ha been little short of absutd and reflects small credit on the The Senate reaching a vote on the Neiv bill and it win lie ta'ten ator King gave OICE 10 State St Thursday Jan 29th Senator New's 2ill to Combine Governmental Activities tc Reach Vote To day King Opposed Potatoes tcidy Maine 180 lbs $7tfZ9 New Ycrk do 7UXS50 Long Islam do 75044925 Cabbages red barrel Win ar Hpot steady No 2 red $265 nominal steamer New York rn sirt btendy No 2 yellow 1172 and No 2 mixed 171 cost and freight New York 2'J piuciR Oats spot quiet No 1 white $101 I rd oil asy prime summer yell nr spot nominal March $2155 Muy 2198 July 2211 other articles unchanged The mark for cdTc futures was lower to day f't' ijrr rquidation part of i was believed to be for European account OICE SUPPLIES and full line office equipment reasonable prices and prompt service Call River 4232 THE ASGOR OICE SUPPLY CO 324 Main St up one flight div York Ulty 4s 1063 1265 Ontario 6c Wetset 4's York State 4 1962 Yorx Telephone 8 1949 Ut A rariuc 3 rets Bordeaux 1934 Lyons Marseilles 1934 Paris Ts Go read the roll of Worcester to line Tim igcdow the captain led your kin and mine Bill Gates the laggs John Cole and Morse all valiant men and true Nick Powers Ed Hare the Cunninghams and bold Donohue Go call the hfghts of Leicester the vales be tween recall Hear from their hearts of memory what cher ished echoes full When Major Treadwell and our kin with cheer ing nice and gun hall and welcome gave our ather Washington edward McDonnell 256 Exchange St Chicopee Masx Telephone 224 VV Chicopee WANTED Orleans Cojnpany Quit When Guaran tee is Refused New Orleans Jan 2S The rench grand opera closed last night when the playjrs walked cut because they were refused a salary guarantee for the remi nder of the season and will not be reopened again during the present season it was stated to day Members of the troupe presented their demands shortly before the cur that was chilled to rise on the pro duction of Receiving a re fusal they walked out in a body tV ANTI 14 1 voung men with $5n0 apiece to Avtiu tin i iii'orp*rn non man icuing prices on one xiu fall 'showed nn ovt tne low Cntimt roods were linrbiff of ginghams nnd for fall Linens were very firm and steady RED STAR LINE NIAV YOHK SOUTH A'IIT(X 1 BO I RU AST ER Lapland I Hearing on Northampton Measure Committee Reports in avor of It New do dn Northern do Pacific Gaw ennaylvunia 4 1913 io do do do ere PhilftdvlphjJi Co conf Public Service Corporation RcaJirig 4'a llork island Ark Sc Lou St Louis A San ran adj G's ao me o' do prior lien 4's ser A Rt Minn Manitoba 4 St Paul con Seaboard Air Line adj do funding Southern jhUc 48 do conv do conv do funding Southern Railway halted 375 feeding corn Hour 425 whte cornmeal 4 i zma sump 4 25 white maiz oatmeal gerund 534 Hay anti URNITURE upholstering overhauling and repairing Cushion work and can 1 ing New tukh made from old carpets We will call any time UNITED ORIENTAL RUG COMPANY 119 Liberty Street River 1409 MEN wanted fur mill work no experience necessary permanent worR Apply oprln field Waste Co Mill at Iilcat Winter Vacation Rt sort URNESS BERMUDA LINE ast twin screw palatial steamers 11 000 Tons Displacement Sailing from New York eb 7 18 25 14 060 Ton Dlrlnment reoruary i pnsaoortR or urther URNESS urness House Gladstone Mines Reduction Co Gu fport Oil Refining Co Hainei Dblde Mining Hecla Divide Mining Co Houghton Ccpper paid) nu Hl 15c I per al Cons Mining Co 31c Inter Mount Mining A Dev Co Iron Common 11 Liuie Kiugth'in Ijiud Mmes Co nruger Aiming to lj Comtulida ted Mines La Cons Mnes Ltd Longford Co tf America Rim Corporation Mnsturi lb ver to Mutual Divale Mating Co Mojave Tungsten Btajestlc Mnea ($149 paid) McKinIvy Darragh Savage Mine of Cobalt Ltd Mexican Silver Metals Mluwiiy Moxn Mining Co Monarch Mining Power Co Naunikeag Copper i paid) National Zj ic Lead New Baltic Copper pd) North MidiiM Coppi Nixon Nevada Mining Co Oklahoma Boston Oil Co Onrco Cop Mining pd) Ophir Metals Co Pilgrim Gohl Silver Copper Mining co Pioneer Consolidated Mines Co Pfrlh ade Copper Company Porcupine Premier Iloiifer Petroleum Co Uinifc Mines Corporation YOUNG men for railway mail clerks 11O month experience unnecessary or freo particulars examinations write Leonard (ormer Government Examiner) Equltubh Bldg Washington if yuu Tin roof to the oetio to the rniwn to the kroner the sovereign to the (himnrk to the dollar i to the mark to the Corin CAN YOU ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS? Is the color of eggs ve to the color of the bird? Where does the cardinal flower mills (f In sacks St' ckln Im kroner checks 1990 I do cables 2000 Christiania kroner checks 3795 do cables is 05 Copenhagen kroner checks 1 640 io rubies pnln checks lo cables Ihvmns Aires spt Yokohama yen checks do cables 4900 ngkong dobars checks 96 Ou do cables 9625 Shanghai taels checks 158 0u do cables 159 (kJ Ci lcutta rupee (hecks 4175 do 42 00 Ci cada dollars 9000 tirsts (8 to 91 score) 5Si6 1 (in rent make Nn 2 IlLjGtl: I Eggs unset rd receipts cases fresh oh4Uc iresn guuicrea York Pennsylvania and buys SOULE Mr and Mrs street (Wesson maternity CUSHING Mr mid Mrs avenue (Wesson maternity WINN Mr street (Mercy Apply in person before 1130 a Employment Office GILBERT BARKER MG CO West Springfield irst class Operators for the follow ing Machines: JONES LAMS0N WARNER SWASEY PRATT WHITNEY 7 BARDEN OLIVER Also SHEET METAL WORKERS LABORERS TRUCKERS four men and two dogs and never for a moment losing his presence of mind or a of fear The raccoon is clear prit Rights Reserved by Houghton MifIBn Company A EMP DEPT 2 drivers on milk carts $25 hns house men on shipping 2 chaps sembllng $20 office man and clerk nnu iu snnp carpenter GDc nreman hotel 8 hrs $20 In irurngp days $25 $1650 houseman $35 mo skilled shop helpers 43v 50c: neer temp $10 steam drill office man $25 ULL LIST HILLMAN ST 90 37 46 7u 79103 76 59 84 Southern Ry of Mob Ohio 564 Third Avenue do adj Union Pacific rtr rnti 4 a do 10 year 1028 161 nited of San Ed ctf 27 NEW YORK PLYMOUTH CHERROl SOLI HAMPTON New York eb 14 Mar 13 I rani fcd 21 Mar 2(i Philadelphia eb 28 Mar 27 New England Audit Co certified public c'luntatit* engimers 15 Elm st Tel River 9G1 962 4770 I 30 1 84 bak rs pas brendmaking 30tfi3 I resh meatm Reef 1 fancy hinds 2Gr30c medium sides 17UT9e 9006 The par of exchange on Important countries calculated from the LJntel States intrinsic valuation of their standard coin in terms of Amer ican currency is as follows: Argentine 9649 rente 3 cents 26H cents $186 to Ruby Cons Sih er Mm Co SOS Oil Comnunuv Shamrock Mining Co Silver Reif nng Co Simms Petroleum Co Sunerior 01 (Jas Miami ($375 pd) do Cull 3 Slewart ng 15c Superior Globe (full paid) 5 Submarine Signal 10 Sunburst Cons Mines Corp 40c Star 'lex Petroleum Co 10 Silver Mini Co Me Ti xana Oil Refining Co 34c 'Croy Arizona Copper 5c Tne Seven Metals Mining Co Truro Steel Tuckahoe Mining 275 bskt Mpach' $18 57 2 bskt 3(77325 ovster $150(7175 do horseradish 25 30c lb: bvrt croc ns bn dandelions jiermmin beets tiu ana carrots cut Green pas $S(7(9 drum I sugar American Miter refin ing company ipintes crop granulated and me on a nasi VdllllUL UU UdU 4lllIlieUlaLViy LDP alien must be admitted to ball pend ing hearing The fact that an alien refuses to testify in Ms own case must not bb regarded as grounds for refusng It was intimated by oflicials that heretofore arrested aliens nad not at all times had the full benefit of coqn sc and bail and it was considered necesary to lighten what mignt considered harsh restrictions SPECIAL SALE Pairs Hand Drawn Window Draperies $340 EM1RZIAN State and 7 Willow St Red Cpobm Building Tel River 4G56 LINOTYPE OPERATOR On Morning Paper new patents pp 'ria! short 523tfi 1 spring standard 11 til 1475 hard winter pat nt 13(7715 ft patents 1225'13 soft vvirtor straights soft winter sprrg firt clears n'nri 1050 Grain corpora ton straights jute Sin 1080 cot ton 1 120 nnd prompt ship ments No 2 yrllow No 3 yellow 171(173 No 4 yellow LG7tfMtri Patti (arbts on spot nr nnorby none nf fcred tram! nml nronipt (Miveyv farer38 to 4i lbs $102 iz fanev 39 to 40 lbs LLOlT01 regular Ps to 40 lbs 14il0ou 36 to 3S lbs Iffirr Mf'lfoed Vnrjng bran $'o winter bran TOetJ 525I 57 I 6' second clears 67 gluten feed iivtuiuj uhnv siock leeii tw oat leground 2630 cottonseed tnrnl 7843 I eaf 32 W3' No 3e'hay Pork provis Heavy back end short cuts $316o medium backs 4GG0d48 long I cuts 49 lean 70 bmn pork 4310? 14330 loose salt pork 25Vc fresh ribs 27(iX 29 fresh shoulder shniild 23 smoked sbou'ders 2L 25 regular 2 SVQ14S skinned frtmR 2 5 324 briskets 25 bologna 1G17 frnk Dirts 19 pressed cooked meats 23 25 pork tr turnings 21 fresh snusagc raw leaf lard ndervd leaf' 274 pure I nf 26: countrr dressed hogs 250 lb 1000 IbA 23 15 25 lbs 2a New York Jan Krwit find first second quarter Iron steady nr res nnped Anthnony 1 Metal exchange quotes lead steady fl VnAlfnr ctnnjv tt rn" livery spot 907 biL 9 17 asked AND DAILY NEWS responsive to bnjrq at Chicago Close Hotel Bon Air AUGUSTA GA A and deluhtful place tnpend vour htrtdnyw Good driving and motonna amldh horses two golf ecursrs nnd all nutdnot sports Address Trussell Manapfci 57 15 bu Cfl $6 2 5ft bag parsnips $27(225 bu $1: 50? 2 box (5 duz) lorida $1 75 bskt $1i125 In snittiwb $65 tit 90 ton rench endive 20r'30c lb nntsbrnotns $25)h 350 bskt tomatoes hothouse lb: turnips yellow 27 hfg potatoes $450(U475 ICO lbs leek 05c eggplant 1: swept potatoes S22 TO INCORPORATE WRIGHT HOME ICOCIIAMHKAUeb JI Mar 1G Apr' 13 nnd Michigan poa $S5O reo KKiney til Ofu 9 croon non I S50 Japanese peas $10 5C dried lima $1450 I ftlG Oleomargarine Table use 35'38c fancy white 36c nut margarine 29 cooking cakemaKiug auc AMERICAN LINE ast Mall Steamers i ano Dressed poult rr Turkovs western choice dry packed 527 55c: fowU northern large 40 til 13 medhim 3 western and small 27Si3 5 nuti' rdaMing chlckors large medium west ern large 340 medium nnd smalt western broilers 42'77 16 western ducks 32 rlO geepp sqrabs Gvjl 10 dozen 3594 dozen Live poultry owl 3934 ie chickens 353 3 (hl rocstors 22723 Butter ancy northern creamery tubs 65 boxes prints 667 67 fiivy western creamery tubs west rn creamery good to fair to good 62 763 renovated 58(259 storage extra lit7761 firsts 5Qf7T3 Eggs ancy hennery 757 76c rhofee east ern 7175 fresh western extras 7371 frosh western prime firsts 7 'tit 72 fresh west ort firsts 6t'a70 storage extras 5 SrfiGU firsts oi scecnu Cheese New 1 ork tw fair to good 36'7737 ruit App'os general price $150'773 bushel Baldwins bushel all kind 4r barrel tst ern box bananas pound cranborrioa 75 250 crate (30 quarts) barrel strawberries $125 (uart Ernes $1 per lD lemons crate: Almeria barrel west ern pours per half box orang row lorida Sirnfffl crate 450(76 crate $L50 350 box tang Tnes $3r0(o 450 one half box ns ure 4 poets bbl Brussels carr ts bu col ds bunches) encumbers $4 California $17577225 Tt: bag peppers $3350 ert: raaisnes nntnouse lettuce 3bc(a 125 WHITE STAR LINE soi thampton Adriatic eb 11 Mar 20 Apr 24 Laniard eb 23 To Southampton Chrbourj Antwerp Laplnnd Apr 3 May 8 1 June 12 To Southampton and Antwerp NEW YORK LIVERPOOL Baltic Jan 31 Mar 13 Apr 17 Ortrra eb 7 Cedric Mar Of Apr 3 NEW YORK AZORES PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Miss White A mnn Hh formerly Third National Bldg Al work at)llity to write Accident Ctarces reasonable 145 state st b43 "nd Insurance Can secure the xnuvuii Lur a irODff AUDStAn jtlnl Company for Springfield Salary or viuitubtuun vuinruci 170 not write less you inpnn business Successful dustrinl Jlfe man preferred A fine pnrtunlty to got started in business yourself Address Box publican Oftlce I I i Lmss i fl Compare Gerale TransatlAntique Expree Poatl Service ESSq I A KAV A TOI tAK 27 IAI A1ETTE 1 KAN CH LA LOltBAIXE MWAHA UlKAlll 1 ft Hotel i 0 I 11 nU I 13 3 I I I 1 I ri 1 ky ware on a A 620 Cage Ute IIor anted I I TH Tft A A A fc a nr I 511 i vhieb Belmont I I IltMNKA i nv a )f experience in enter 1 I tnln'nir nrklefl tn the rveerifjnnu a i i (comfort of famous hostelry lnme like atmosphere nf cheery ch irm vvhhl Is very ipperng porU zfe rEWAirr ri nx ce all kind nbo roofin tlo ti Worthington 9U' i i i i ii A 1 ELECTRIi A TA 4 1 I itRii uu MI 1 i 1 rsou a A ifl A 1 72 72 66 66 77 774 77 77 6S 6 6 92 92 60 60 100 luu 1U0 10O 6 9 60 51 51 b0 SO 94 94 bo BO Bld Asked 35' 36c 13 14 14 15 2 3 1 1 15 16 4 5 3oc 5uc 2 5 1 25 75 S3 834 82 83 late 75 75 75 3940 3940 3925 3 25 3925 3925 3885 38 S3 23 13 2315 22 SO 22 SOa 2109 2400 2345 2345 19 45 1045 1930 1930 2050 2050 2030 2030.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.