The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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RIDAY EBRUARY 11 1921 THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN 14 COLLINS SIGNS Classified Ads Start ere WITH WHITE SOX Close LuW Merchandise 1 61 Employment Building Materials 20 6 10NEY and BUSINESS (Continued rom Thirteenth fBid BOSTON PRODUCE MARKET I'M Boston Curb Market Listed Asked rc 7 5 IS 17 BOX AND WRESTLE expert 1 11 BUSINESS NEWS G7c STEEL REPORT 8 Births 40 Marriage Intentions legitimate? 12 4c 6 Sue COTTON AT NEW YORK 5 9c noc 40C 2c 10 3c Personals 30 10c 73 3c DEERIELD WINS 9 11 Agents Wanted Business Announcements 24 38 0 40 10 26 50 8 84 9 44 13 Bids for Contracts SUIELD GIRLS TO PLAY 29 GRAIN AND PROVISIONS 1000 SUNDAY SOLOIST NOTES SOCIETIES of BANK ENGLAND WINNERS EGO PRICES DK0P AGAIN IN MISS LUCY VAN BE MAUK AGAIN 1WG PRlvES PB0P of Educational CITY ANTI BLUE SUES SUGAR COMPANY Bay DAILY NEWS Your Name May Be There TO DAY Jr The Wn tdies nsHi Wvii Bid 6 5c 66 68 earnest ef the cost of per bills bills I coun shape move out of green a a $200 000 Alleging 180 34 10 8c II Sitnik A Smith Smith Starzyk Wetsei 31 90C 14 13c 8 10 11c 11c 2 18 Me 10 5c 11 So rc 15 0 I 40C ftc 10c IO 75c 168 156 43 44 bS 4 26 10 10 7 5 3 EMPIRE MAILING CO 103 WORTHINGTON ST Telephone River 7360 43 44 qrocers of Brockton is named in cne suit for $70000 charged with failure to accent 1317 barrels of sugar The I Renaud company of all River is sued for $35000 S3 5c 95 44 7 16 45 30C GSc 80c 13 69 80 10 Of re RECALL COMMUNITY CHEST IN TAX RETURNS 2c Sc 8 6c 44 44 6 32 II 16c 50 161 151 1 1 loc 10c 'SGB sit 99 102 99 0 75c 167 156 Count 6 words to a line 14 lines to an inch Min mum Space 2 linra Minimum BooA Charge 50c republican and DAILY NEWS 66 68 de decreased decreased decreased increased increased 'TA VI SYSTEM TREATMENT 18 a process of strengthening: weakened nerves and tis sues It's logical and simple Call at our of fice Room 405 168 Bridge st River 3609 MR CLARENCE COOK Enfield Inn Enfield Ct was the winner of the two dollar bill for yesterday Hisname appeared in The Republican yesterday morning under the classification for Sale" Number 77 33 89 Oli no 35 23 READ THE CLASSIIED SECTION BOTH TYPEWRITING MIMEOGRAPHING MUITIGIL1PHING ALPHABETICALLY arranged for easy reaping 40c 2S 33 JU Boston eb The forts of the hen to lower living were noticed here to day when tho best eggs reached a new low price of 455 cents a dozen resh dairy but ter was quoted at 52 cents for a one pound print The line up: Arms Academy ff Johnson 1 Brown Thompson usraweii Manohan 1 Temple Goals from Snvdgrsx 12 Atkinson Xfutmhiin Ttniin'A aiinmiMr i varaweu 0 minute periods WOMAN Competent and thoroughly reliable for general housework 2 days a week must have references Box 517 City Island and return to INew Yorku i Sailings Saturdays for 16 day cruises and on alternate Ved nesdays for'20 day cruises Big comfortable steamers especially i equipped for tropica! service PORTO RICO LINE I 11 Broadway New York lie 6c 7 80 10c 40c 3c Out of town winner may mail the clipping to tti with proper identification care i normal and al) Address Boston Arms Academy Trounced by 51 to2 Score South Deerfield eb 10 Deerfield won easily from the Arms academy five of Shelburne alls here to night by a 51 to 25 score The first part of tho first half was the Only time that visitors showed themselves dan gerous and at half time the score stood 27 to 15 in favor of Deerfield Klmmcar Snodgrass and Peterfilze featured for the locals and Cardwell was best for Arms Deerfield Academy Klmmear If nodgraas lrntt Atkinson McKay IUinso Switzer I Butterferd rg Score Deerfield 51 Arms noor Mtnmear Pet filse 2 txoaia rrotn luii'n Referee Gore Time MR ALRED CHARRON 16 Johnson street we are pleased to state was the winner of the two dollar bill in this contest His name appeared in The Daily News yesterday under the classification Wanted to Number 33 39 10 9 31 5 40 from Repudiated bad free was the crops New York eb 10 Cols Jacob Ruppert and Hus ton owners of the New York Americans will not be repre sented at the American league meeting in Cleveland to mor row it was announced at club headquarters to night Hany razee owner of the Boston Americans and Charles Coinis key of the White Sox other owners of the of clubs also will be absent it was said here The owners men tioned have been opposed for some time to the policies of Ban Johnson president of the league Chicago eb 10 Difficulties getting wheat from the producers suited in a sharp advance in prices The market closed strong at 3 to o'c net higher with March $1(7 to and May 155 to 'R15G Corn gained Yi to 114 and oats to The outcome in provisions was unchanged to 10c lower Bulls in the what market made many converts to an assumption that from this time forward the chief fac tor in establishing values would be domestic instead of export conditions It was especially pointed out that be sides the evident unwillingness which growers displayed toward selling at current prices tne majority or try roads were in such from soft weatiier that a meat of grain at present the question Moreover bug nest a danger to noted to day in Missouri and Oklaho ma as well as in Texas Announce ment of large export sales of flour with a prospect of more added some what to the strength of the market RUGS actory prices all kinds no rent or snlesmcn to pay You save the difference Call write or 'phone 126 3 John Gar side Mill Acents 176 PenrI st Thomp sonville Ct sc 34 Nantuis Norton Pease Pond Reach Herman Ritter 11 A Rourke Seaver WE WILT REPAIR ANY WAI CH mrardlesa of condition for only 3150 Parts suppllsd at cost Our work Is guaranteed for aear Expert workmanship jM Keller 2(19 Main st Room 205 opp polt office 'Paone American Seeks State irms Contracts Boston eb the MacDowell chuir in giving what promises to be an unusually pleasing musical entertainment Miss van de Mark possesses a beautiful dramatic soprano voice anti has been warmly received in New York and other cities in which she has appeared especially in concert This will lie her first ap pearance ift New England TYPEWRITERS All make sold and rented Overhauling etc Ribbons and Carbon Papers ORM LETTERS ON MUITIGRAPH addressing etc Tel River 34 S3 SACKETT'S EXCHANGE Room 628 Myrlck Building council Royal Arcanuhi will meet this evening in Memorial building State street An oyster supper will be served after the meet ing St Valerian court Catholic order of oresters will hold a meeting this evening in Odd ellows' hail Thre candidates will be initiated Arrange ments will be made for a joint class Initiation to be held in he Auditori um will full German experimenters have fccted a combined mechanical chCmiLal process for opening PGS New made from old canfts: cleaning repairing and upholstering mate given We call for and deliver Unit ed Oriental Rng Co 1 19 Liberty st Ks 1906 River Rev Mr Norton ires Possi bly Parting Shot at Rev Dr arnham in Controversy Ninety six per cent of the Spring field people are opposed to according to carefully com puted data collected by workers ill the local anti campaign Thin announcement was made yes terday by Bev Sidney Nortcn campaign leader Rev Mr Norton i at the ame time denied the contention of Ryv Dr arnham that 3ev Dr Harry Bowlby secretary1 of the day alliance did not sxk to stop recreation close stores and eliminate newspapers on Sunday hdv met Dr Bowlby and Know Instructors Wanted J8 TEACHERS YvaNTI Yi More i nllB thnn ever for triliied toiifherR and at better aalariea Telephone calls from four state re cently Emergency calls calls for Sept 6 lour cnance nay 'ome nru right teacher ror me Morrill American and National Toledo eb 10 AVholesale prices fresh eggs were cut five cents here to day making a total de cline of 20 cents within a week This brings the price to 38 cents for se lects naid 35 cents for candled grades The retail price is 40 to 43 cents a ze A motor weighing S10000 pounds is used to drive the largest steel plate mill in the world at Durham Eng land It is i a 205 horse power motor and turns at the rate of 40 revolutions a minute Great slabs of steel white with heat weighing 10 tons with dimensions up to 7x4x1 feet are thiust into immense rollers These turn out steel plates for battle ships three 'dgths of an inch thick nine feet wide and sometimes are l(Xi feet long The Republican and Daily News a Day in May Business of importance be transacted this evening and a a 1 1 endancr is req esteri LONDON INANCIAL MARKET London eb 10 Consuls inonffy 47 Grand Trunk 4 He Beers HW Rand mines 2V( Bar sil ver 3GV'd an ounce Money I cent Discount rates short (511 10 per cent three month 0 0 11 1 (I ii THE REPUBLICAN and 4 3 3 AUTO in fit our fre employment bureau Send for Ixxikltt La porte Auto ycbool 94 Broadway BARBER wuated Tease City Na tional Bank Bldg 380 High st Holyoke London eb 10 The weekly jstatff ment of the bank of England shows the following changes: Total reserve increased £002 000 circulation creased £(lb00 Million £9314 other securities £2109000 other deposits £23 "20000 public deposits £1573000: notes reserve £(5110i0 0vernment securities de creased £2(1419000 The proportion of the re serve to liability is 1402 per cent last week it was 1154 Thd discount rate is 7 per cen and Daily News combined DAY 16e DAYS He DAYS Contract rates upon request I Porto Rico ALL EXPENSE CRUISES $180 UP I Includingmealsandstateroom accommodations to and around 1 1 VnrV the Corporation a Hogan Howard rancU Hudson A Jenks Kendall Kent Kirby AV A Lurtiner A Ludden Lynch XV SluClcnch McDonnell A McDonnell A Morse Mosman utures at Chicago High" Gobi rom Colombia New York eb 1U Gold valued al mure than uudoV0 arrived here iroin Colombia to day aboard tne steam ship banta Matta It was said to be tne largest smpmert of its kind from that country in ever a year three safes being necessary to hold the metal which consisted chiefly of coins 15 40c 20c during the last part of the session Corn hnd oats reflected the wheal bulge and were also influenced by ex port business in corn and by tlons of continued unseasonable weather Provisions were weak The Leading Articles Open Wheat: March May Corn: May July Onts May July Ryo Mnv July XjuxI: May July Ribs: May Turk May TIN PLATE and tin cans for salp at bt prices Agents wanted Write for free sample The Skat Co Hartford Ct IX and muni cherry and other fruit stones and ex tracting the oil contained in their United States Unfilled Orders Show Sixth Successive Monthly De crease New York eb irf The monthly tonnage report nt the United States steel corporation made public to day showed 7573164 tons of unfilled or ders on hand January 31 On De cember 31 the total was 8143122 tens This is the sixth successive monthly decrease in unfilled orders since July 1920 when unfilled orders amounted to 1111S468 tons To day's figures bring the total down to approximately the lowest level since November 1919 when unfilled orders amounted to an aggregate of 7128330 tens The peak of bookings by the United States steel corporation was reached" in April 1917 when orders on hand amounted to 121S30S3 tons EXTERIENCED ON DRESSES AND SKIRTS APPLY AT ONCE TO MR LIEBLING AT THE WOMAN'S SHOP 419 MAIN ST Watches Diamonds Jewelry 27 BIRTH STONE or ebruary nnn'tbyxt We have tlwm In nml han 1 Mm designs ntvery prlres so I Imse the Jeweler 5C2 Main st reir NEURITIS CURS Try It neuritis and neuralgia cure Results quick and sure Hrs 12 3 A Jackson 475 Main 1270 THE BOSTON CHILDREN AID SOCIETY wants good homes for boys near schools and where they will receive the best of accompnniea ny tne anecuon or a I home Reasonable rate of board clothes paid for by this socity A Turner 43 Hawkins st Two Amateur Events Held at American Legion Hall Tommy Uousolini and Art Hall both of the local wn stled draw in one of the numbers of the American Legion's weekly entertain ment program in Legion hall on Worthington street last night The first fall went to Cunswlini while the NOO 140 rutind roundfi of Ho1voke Man Seeks ormer Wife or Dying Child A pitiful story was related to the llolice yesterday afternoon by Albert Roberts of 57 Adams street Hol yoke It was the story of a dying child his child calling for an absent mother from whom Mr Roberts was divorced several years ago The child a nine years old girl is very ill at Holyoke city hospital and cries continually for her mother tTho dis tracted father has asked the police to aid him in locating Miss Irene Perry Haywood 27 mother of tho girl who is believed to be in this city She tormerly lived in Claremont Recent letters fro mher brother who lives in Springfield Vt gay that the woman is living here Mr Roberts in ulscussing the ease last night said that lie hated the publicity but simply mdst do' some thing to bring the mother to her child Ho is not certain that his lormer wife has remarried but be lieves she has done eo and is living hi this citj American sugar refining company to day filed suits in federal court here to recover a total of $200000 from Massachuetts firms which are alleged to have repu diated contracts for sugar at 22 'j cents a pound The Hall company whoIesaU i IO were 6 to io points net higher March closed at 436 May at 4 JU July at 476 and September at 492 The chief feature in the market for coffee lutures to day was cqntlnucd near mouth liquidation mostly In the way of switching to later deliveries March was exchanged for May at 40 to 4S points for July at 87 nc'nts ami for September at 125 points while May was exchanged for July at 40 points The general market opened at an advance of 3 to 6 points and held within a narrow range with May selling off from 675 to U71 and closing at 672 the general list closing steady at a net advance of 4 to 6 voints Closing bids: March 026 May 672: July 713 September 751: October 763: Decem ber 7SG Spot coffee quiet Rio 7's 66(4 GLENWOOD RANGES 25 REDUCTION ON ALL PATTERNS THE BURDEN BRYANT CO STOVE REPAIR HOUSE 109 111 LYMAN STREET MM10GANY 64 inch dining room table and 6 chairs Colonial reproduction in splen did condition Can be seen at Main Street OLD IVORY suite consisting of 4 pieces new Call 50 Terrence st for men's clothing department VIOLIN pupils wanted: term reasonable 13 Willard st Wai New Y'ork eb 10 Early declines were again followed by rallies in the cotton market to day but they were not fully maintained and the close was barely steady at a net decline of 7 to 20 points May contracts advanced from 1380 to 1410 and closed at 1394 compared w'ith 1414 the closing price of the previous day The market opened easy at a de cline of 14 to 2S points and soon told some 21 to 34 points net lower ow ing to lower Liverpool cables continu ed reports of British trade depression and reports that cotton was coming here from New Orleans for delivery on March contracts There was consid erable southern selling as well as scattering liquidation bn the eariy de cline and after buying at the start Liverpool sold here The New Or leans selling of July was said to be against purchases in Liverpool to undo old straddles however and the pressure of that sort subsided after the close of the English market This left the local market more sensitive to buying orders and prices recovered all hut 3 or 4 points of thdir early losses on a renewal of Wall street and local covering March selling up from 1 1338 to 136S and July from 1418 to 1447 Reports of an increased spot busi ness In New Orleans helped the early afternoon rally but therv were also I reports of free spot offerings in the I Southwest which promoted some local I selling in the late trading Closing prices showed reactions of 15 or 16 points from the best Rumors were circulating that 20 (KM) bales of cotton were to be shipped here from New Orleans for delivery on March but scattering March liquidation was ab sorbed at a discount of about 42 points under May It is reported that Mississippi cotton growers through one of their organizations have ship ped a first instalment of 5000 bales on a contract to send 50000 bales to Hamburg to be disposed of on the toll system Exports to day were 23 079 bales making 3125305 so far this season Bort receipts 24913 United States port stocks 1445956 I Cotton futures closed barelv steady March 1352 May 1394 July 1432 Spot tlsG'i Spot No 2 mixed shipment Oats Spot Cottonseed sales Mareh 870 The market for raw offerings were limit 12000 bags of Porto for centrifugal but retiorted in tunas asking There was card to the proposed I'tilutn rrnn throtityh trade was still rather confused i uias iu tt about a more active demand for refined and all refiners report a better business Prices are unchanged nt 8GS5 for tine granulated The firmness of the epot market led to re newed covering in futures and together with considerable buying by cottou exchange in terest caused advances of 10 to pointe tn active positions during the early trading Near the close however there wus a partial setback under liquidation and final prices SWEDISH GIRL desires position as simple maid Apply at Mrs Sodo 437 Chestnut at 9 to 5 Sbano May Be Shifted to Outfield Because of Loss of elsch and Jackson Pittsfield eb 10 John Collins has signed a contract to play With the Chicago White Sox again this season The terms submitted ly Owner Comiskey wero entirely satis factory and the contract was prompt ly signed by who appreciates the handsome way tho Chicago ownerhas used him Collins is anxious to see the White Sox have another big season particu larly because of tlie which was such a blow to baseball in gen rai ihe faithful layers and Owner 'miskey in particular Coliins who first base last season may be sb i the ontfiehl because of the elsch and Jackson 'I will leave tor the training quar early in March In tb meantime Ji is interesting himself in the des iHiics of the Pittstieal team of the Easrjrn league ui il he hopes to be able help out the Pittsfield club by sc ing that seme White Sox recruits are sent to the Pittsfield team ofwhich club he ts an a th director firmer: No 1 white 55c oil barely steady: prime crude prime summer yellow spot 7 nml Ti11 ti nil 1 Other articles unchanged sugar was unu hu There were sales of Tlicnn nnrlv nt $302 no fresh business was mill wiinr iiue itz cost and freight holders were notniDg new in re plan of selling the committee and the i in uriii market has brought LINE KATES PER DAY Including The Republican and Daily Neue AT ONE RATE Sunday rates the same as The Republican Ilia line line Percentage Roy scents of America Springfield branch city chib Springfield Girl Hampden eurnty aid associa tion Springfield hom*o for friendless women and children Sprlngrte'd St institutional activities Spring field Salvation Army Springfield Springfield chib Springfield Springfield day nursery i Springfield club Springfield Rescue mission Springfield Visiting Nurse association Springfield Gmd WHI incorporated Springfield Union Relief association springfield United Hebrew charities Springfield Wesson memorial aids and charities Springfield Youne Christian association Spring field Child welfare committee Springfield teach club West Springfield relief association Vest Springfield Massachusetts society for prevent! of cruelty to children Boston 1 find right Alfred Agency 626 MyTlck Bldg bbl lb: bnl tig K19 bbl lemons rt oranges Califor nia navels $4 5041 550 lorida t250Q 13O Almeria grapes $15120 bbl: grapefruit $5'i 650 Irnx tangerines $3425 box strawberries 50tfj0 box Vegetables Green beans 7 5ilO lkt cabbage 112362 150 bbl new southern S3 25fir375 ert carrots Ixx celery $4ffXC box: cauli flower $25(S275 crt unions white $23 bag yellow sifii35 bag 50ciQS1 box peppery lorida SoJi'CJdJO lx: eggp'ant lorida 565068 case: $125L75 bn: lettuce hothouse 50c6S115 box lorida 3150630 hamper Ca'ltornia Iceberg S3 5064 5 ert: ro maine 15062 tomatoes hot house 15660c lb new lorida 2506450 ert repacks 566: potatoes Jl504rl65 bag (100 lbs): sweet potatoes Jersey 1754(2 bskt winter squash 6477c lb: turnips 26250 bag (140 lbs) Cape white 12561 50 bag purple tops 75c4Jtl bu: rat beets 15062 box: pars nip 15062 Im: snlnach 1256150 bskt mudireoms 125482 25: brussels sprouts 15 4125c lb endive 254735c lb: parsley J25 ert horseradish 57 bbl: rhubarb 20 4j 25c lb Specialist In tone preductton and song repertoire Teaching Mondays Tel River 5933 or address Mme Maude Devoe New York 17S Maple st City PROPOSA7 OR COAL THE COMMONWEALTH MASSACHU SETTS DEPARTMENT MENTAL DISEASES The fourteen Institutions under the super vision of the Department of Mental Diseases Invite sealed proposals for furnishing approx imately 46000 tons of seml bitmninous coal In each case the ton means 21140 lbs Blds may be submitted for the supply of coal to each or all or any group of the insti tutions All blds must be made on the com bined form of bld and speciticgtlons which may be obtained from Warren A Merrill Business Agent of the Department Room 109 State House Boston Mass No bids will bo entertained unless so made All blds must be plainly marked "Proposal for Coal" and Ij'ft with the Business Agent of the Department on or before 12 noon ebruary is 11121 at which time all blds will pnbllclv opened and read DEPARTMENT MENTAL DISEASES By George Kline Commissioner Miss Lucy van de Mark at Auditorium Concert Miss Lucy van Je Mark of New York will be the soloist at the Young Christian association meeting on Sunday in the Auditorium to assist October 1475 December 1485 quiet manning Plate and window stool sash glaznjr windshields repaired Gotler Son 1132 North st' R1vr GtibM American League to Meet Without 109111 Lyman st A Blaisdell Bostwick Suffleld Ct eb Suffield acliool basketball team will not have a regular game Saturday night but the girls' team will play tho Sims bury (Ct) high school team on the Sutlield floor his mind on these matters I am not misinformed" Mr No ton ex plained! quoting extracts from news paper editorials in support of his position' A SAD TALE ATLANTIC CITY NJ I i ArcAmenicaa Plan nojet i iof I 1 GARA6S capacity coo do 2d 4'j'a 1925 82 Norway 19 10 99 Switzerland 1940 102 of Ire 3 yr note 21 99 5 1G do 5 ctfs 1922 95 do 5 rtfs 1929 KS78 do 20 year 1937 86 of Mexico 1954 34 do 1945 47 Carter Courtney Crehnre Deroin Drlseeil nller Gaylord Members Amnhnn Bailsman Beauchamp Beesley Blancbficld Bostwick Breck Bryant A Buckley Buckley Canty CnntyN Carter Chapin Geo Charpentier" Courtney Crehore Ernest Dalton Dendn Desmond Driscoll A ield letcher uller Gaylord Grlse Hasting Hfgzins second was won by Hnll rey and "Bub Hranev boxers furnished three fast and clever boxintf Both hnnts vrtre rlr nn Affairs and were a denr Mjstrat of what three months under Adam cun do for novka The two numbers were furnished )v the courtesy of Secretary A Hoover of the Young Christian associ ation Legal Notices LN COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 29 CHAP TER r9(i Ads lyus tne ciera oi inc Chicopee Ravines Bank hereby announces that the following officers of aald bank have taken the oath of office to which they were elected and following Is a Hat of the mem bers cf the corporation: President Nelson Carter Vice Presidents romolins Driscoll Dana Courtney James Pease George A Blaisdell Clerk William Bostwick Treasurer Charles Seaver Trustees Grlse Kirby A Morse Norton Tease Pond Sitnik Smith at To ehipifrotu rnlUs Bostoi common rate points In sacks new spring pat ents $10 25(f(11 spring patents standard iiiyd whiter patents $9 (h 1 soft whiter patents $9(iil0 soft winter tralghts $850(59 soft winter clears $H25 ftiS75 rye lour white patent Carlots transit and prompt shipments No 2 vellow 878c No 3 yellow ts Carlots for spot or nearby none of fered: transit or prompt delitery fancy 40 lbs BOQOlc new fancy 38 to 40 lbs regular 38 lbs 58ri'h9e 34 to 36 lbs 56(ti57e Cornmeal and oatmeal Granulated $2 iolt ed $100 $160 cracked corn $160 white corn flour $225(275 white cornmeal $2252T) hominy grits and samp $225275 cream of maize $425 oatmeal roiled $290 ent and ground $515 No 1 timothy $32(34 No 2 timothy $29 No 1 eastern $2920 No 2 eastern $24tfJ 25 No 3 hav $2321 clover mixed $30 34 fine hay $2324 rye straw $2326 oat straw $1((7LS Spring ornn $30 winter bran $31 middlings $295033 mixnd feed $345O(Ji? 57 red dog $40 recond clears $43 gluten food $4328 hominv feed $30 stock feed $35 oat reground $15 cottonseed meal $3740 White sugar The American sugar refining company quotes 685c for refined sugar with usual 2 per cent in even days New Vrk nd Michigan pea $o0 white California green peas 61550 Japanese peas $5(5550 dried ilmas $8509 yellow eyes $105011 red kidneys 1050CU 1 2930c fancy white 28290 pastrv 1700c cakemaking and breadmaking 2i(ft23c nut margarine 36c Pork provisions Backs and short cuts heavv $3675 backs and shoit mts medium 525: long cuts $3725 lean ends $1925 bean pork $19 75(a3125? loose salt pork I7c fresh 15c: shoulders smoked I 17c shoulders fresh 20c hams skinned regular 26(tJ 34r groked 404T4Gc bacon 2341c briskets 19c bologna 46c frankfurts 20 24c fresh sausage 18(o29Vtc sausage meat bags 25c pressed cooked meats 2126c pork trimming IGc raw leaf lard 18c rendered leaf irr pure laril 13c country dressed hogs 1415c pigs little pgs Upuultry Dressed northern fowls large 3801 40c medium small native broiler chicks 4345c northern roasting chicks large 38D40c medium 30Ci35c native pigeons $350 (£4 dozen native squabs $57 dozen western dry packed In boxes turkeys choice young turkeys fair to good 52c turkeys old 4()a30c roasting chicks large 3940c roasting chicks medium 32Gi35c: broilers 49 50c fowls large fowls medium 37G 38 fowls small 300 i3 old roosters 27c gecHu 3503c 'lick 35058c Live owls spring chick 2D Butter ancv northern creamery tubs 48c fanev northern creamery boxes 49il 49i4c fanev northern creamer prints 49 ft' sue: fancy western creamery tubs 46J47c western creamery good to ctnice 4445c western creamery fair to good Hl420 L'gTS ancy hennery choice east ern fresh western prime firsts 46 47c fresh firsts 4445c Uheec New York twins fancy 30X31c New York twin fair to good 27 28c Young America Jllft32c Meats Beef fancy native sides 1415c binds 18 ft 20c: forea 11c cows 11 12c lambs lSft22c yearlings 812c: mutton 8ftil2c veal $L50225 bo $36 western $35()ftJ box bananas 77c 'ranlMTries Cape 1 TYPEWRITERS Sold rented and repaired HAMPDEN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGS Tel Wai 2014 109 Worthington St TYPEWRITERS RENTED SOU) OUGHT CORONA AGENCY Sprlnrtleld Typewriter Exchance Inc River 4b51 123 Worthington at metals New York eb 10 Copper steady electro lytic spot and first quarter 136134 second quarter 134 613H Iron unsettled No 1 north ern 31632 No 2 northern 2930 No 2 south ern 27506 28 Tin firm spot and nearby 327 63350 futures 34034 Antimony spot 5250550 7 cad dull 475 Zinc steady Last St Louis delivery 5 Adi may start tn either The Republican or Daily News Closing time for The Republican is 1130 for the evening News is 930 a except Saturday and t'riday when 0 a is tlie closing time CSE THE TELEPHONE CALL RIVER 3180 OR A WANT AD Contributors Can Make De ductions rom Their In come Returns Situation Outlined Local contributors to the community chest should remember that fact when making out their income tax returns It will save them money as deductions from income can be made for contribu tions to charitable religious and edu cational institutions or example any citizen who gave S7000 to the chest can save about $1500 on his in como tax through compliance the law Tho situation is made clear by President A AV Damon of tlie Spring field ire and Marine insurance com pany in the following letter to The Republican: that our citizens are pre paring their returns for the United States Income tax it would seem time ly to call their attention one fea ture of espocfal importance to the contributors to the community chest charity fund is generally" known de ductions from income may be made for contributions tc charitable re ligious and educational institutions but the exact manner in which this must be done In order to secure the allowance is not so well known I would call attention to the following regulations: department regulations 45 revised as amended by treasury de cision April 10 1020 contributions A gift to a common agency (as a war chest) for several such corporations or as sociations is treated like a gift di rect to them In connection with claims for this deduction there shall be stated on returns cf income the name and address of a ch organiza tion to which ti gilt is made and the aproximate date and the amount of each gift In each "In order that contributors to this fund may be able to comply with the above requirements I have had Mr Karl Hammond secretary of the budget committee firepare a list of the organizations participating in the fund together with the approximate percentage of each contribution which will be given to ea organization This will enable taxpayers to compute the amount of their contribution dis tributed to each of' the charities and so compiv strictly Uh the require ments of the law Tabic inclosed The table follows: OICE TABLE A nice 4 foof table which you'd be proud of and it's going at a bar gain to make room for new stock Spring field Office Supply Co 71 73 Worthington street The 100 computing scale "Barnea Ideal" 75 Come and see it Connor 6: Lyman st TYPEWRITER DESK one of the best made goes to the first to come and get it at a splendid bargain Mittleman 126 Main street COLLI XS GETS SICK Knmons ire Allows Chapman Valve to Win 31 25 Indian Orchard eb 10 Chapman Valve evened its score against the Collins A of North Wilbraham when it downed that five 'Jl to 25 in Polish hall here to night In the second game of a series The first half went to the Chapmans by 20 to 1 but In the second period the visitors fame Lack and regained 5 points Cart wright and starred for the winners Keefe and Powers were best for Ci ns The line up: Chapman Valve Collins A A Itoiichard Benoit 1 McAuley Cartwright Keefe Johnson Murphy 1 Gnrvey Connell 1 Powers Score Chapman 31 Collins 25 Goals from Boor Bow hard 3 Betwit 2 Cartwright 3 Johnson 3 Kohaueck 2 O'CYmuell Powers McAuley 4 Keefe 3 Murphy Coals from toms Bouchard 2 Benoit Keefe 6 Powers Ecferee Rooney Time 20 minutc periods LUMBER If you are Volng to build new or repair any of your buildings get our prhes on doors windows frames alate surface shingles wall board or anything in'thi Huebf lumber Wut Bent 73 Dwight st Wai 366 NEW All sizes at saw mill North Monson 2500 to 3500 in 1 2'J ROOING 1'he famous lino of Genasco Trinidad Lake asphalt shingles ill natural slate colors red and reen a'so roil rooflia write tor sninn'es nn nrices Burden Bryant Co distributors for Western New ungiana River H2S STRUCTURAL STEET Second hand pipes machinery and belting Wi'liam Dnshevnky 125 127 erry St 'phone River 3572 WEATHER STRIPS Athey cloth 1 ind met al eb and March the windiest mouths of the year are ahead of you Metal weath er strips will eliminate draughts around your doors and windows ox Cushing '203 Bridge St River 7477 Employment Men Wanted 7 THE EDYTHE PAYNE Garments for chlldrt'n of nil ages designed duplicated copied and made to order Bejso System Bldg 356 Main bt Room 4V2 EV ENING Thorough course by competent instructor in hairdrean ing manicuring ealp treatment electric and Swedish massage and manufacturing of hair goods Room 622 Court Square Thea ter Bldg 31 Elm at rhone River 6858 Two second hand gas ranges verv pood condition The Burden Bryant Co Stove Repair Hoiho 109 111 Lyman st Revelation pottery kiln for sale cheap only slightly used also tlon china kiln No 4 Address Box 82 Old Deerfield Mass Business and Office Equipment 21 CHEESE CUTTERS for delicatessen trade: Davtou scales of all kinds and safety meat el rs Write for circular Cruise 121 Lvman st Walnut 2158 or River 6f6 COMPLETE OICE OUTIT for sale Every thing practically new and tn tine condition Box 1 Republican Office MOTOR 1 II Bargain ab" time clock Central Real Estate Co 476 Main st Good Things to Eat CHOCOLATES and enndy special ties at special prices: high grade Meekins Packard Wheat "amous Candy Corner" Household Articles ANTIQUES at the Ptwell Shop: Sheraton bureaus retinisbed Sheraton drop nf ta ble footstools 433 Bay Walnut DINING ROOM mned oak 9 pieces25000 Must be sold at once Can be seen between 11 and 1 o'clock 'Phone Walnut 195 TRNrrniB Second hand bought and Bold at lowest prices Brightwood urniture Co 279 North Main St 'Phone River 2611 URNITURE bought and sold We pay high est cash prices urniture repaired Matthews urniture Co 444 Worthington st 'Phone River 5717 New rugs from old carpets Write to day for particulars and prices Spring field Economy Rug Co 17 Taylor Stphone River 713 Springfield Mass RUGS at factory prices all sixes new per fect beautiful patterns A Lorimer 37 Grant St 60S SEWING MACHINE White crate scarred 1 1 about one half regular price White Sewing Machine Company 31 Harrison arc SEWING MACHINE Sirger drophead all at tachments light running gnnrnnl ed 22 White Sewing Machine Co 31 Harrison ave IRON AND EVERYTHING IN IRON STEEL STEEL THE LEWIS CO 30 36 LYMAN ST Announcement Lost and ound 5 COLLIE DOG 10 mos old answers to name of Peggy lost in vicinity of Buckingham and Bay fits inder please call River 1133 or Walnut Ileward GENTLEMAN acarf biu and purple predominating Reward Return Tel Riv er 3699 GOLD BRACELET 3 amethysts set square lost recently: return to 138 st tel River 7718 12 Reward GOLD PIECH found in South Main st car Tuesday Corto 260 Water St GLASSES lost between the and Washing ton school Reward Return to Gnldatick CIS Belmont ave River 7657 LEXIBLE brilliant bracelet lost In Audi torium Tuesday eb 8 Reward River PEARL CHAIN lost in car or on Main st Springfield Reward Hol yuke 1492 SILK SCAR near comer ranklin and Tracy streets Reward Bvx 121 Repub Office WATCH Gold octagon wrist watch lost eb 4 initials I Tel River SEWING 2 Suffer latest Im proved dronlvnd seven drawer all attacn monts $37 $39 White Sewing Machine Company 31 Harrlo are THE VARIETY of ads on this page wl makes it interesting and prufita! Mr Smith of 116 Pearl street winner of the two bill for this WINDOW We make sell and re pair all kinds window shades a made to order Springfield Window Shirle Co 111 Main st Walnut 1539 CHIME Imported and American Clilmo Clock Repairing specialty st Jewelry Store 324 Main St i ur lle Bldg 257 LOCKS watches jcwelrv repaired: work called for ttrd delivered: ntlsfuetioii guar anteed Mr Young KO Sargeant CIXM'K A real Swiss antique 'rrcMthadoiir clock beautifully hand carved: a tune with every hour See Mr Benoit Charles Lynch DIAMONDS watch's ewelry cut glass all venvaiu at low prices Ch ch nnld ur old feweirv Savoy Bros 163 Main A TCH MA ER ENG A ER ana jewelry repaired diamonds jewelry for sale Bixkstore Bldg 2d floor Women Wanted 9 BOOKKEEPER wanted by a paper mill in Hol yoke an assistant bookkeeper with experi ence permanent position to right person Address with refe to Box 77 Rep Office GIRLS High school graduates wanted at once to learn drawing and tracing Call morn iiigs Roberts 457 Main st COOK WANTED for private family out of city Reply to Box 101 Republican Of fice or Mrs IL Keeney Somersville Ct GARMENT Wa need in our bur ial goods department two women accus tomed to making garments actory located one hour trnlly ride from Court square Apply by letter giving age ex perience and where last employed Address 235 Republican Office Competent reliable woman must be good plain cook small family wages $50 per month references required Mrs Parker 65 Columbus Ave Northampton Mass Telephone 820 MAID competent for general housework Telephone River 7476 AV NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET New eb Butter steady receipts 6732 tubs creamery (higher than extras) 43 ft44c creamery extras (92 score) 43 creamery firsts (SM tn VI scre) 3942: packing stock current make No 2 21 Eggs unsettled receipts 2145 rases fresh gathered extra first 40c fresh gathered firsts I 37 VS39 New York Pennsylvania and ornrby western hennery white firsts to extras 434S brown extras 42: brown and mixed xdors firsts to extras 39(541 refrigerators 303 Potatoes and cabbages nnchanged Srot strong No 2 hard $194 Cl JnrlDll ew iwra udavu to arrive firm No 2 yellow 85c and 83c i New iork 10 day Arizona Tip Top Ajax Divide Mining Co All Suaar Products Alpha Minoa Company 8G Arizona Extension Si ver Mims 3 Arizona Si ver Minus Co 24 Albany Divide Mining (o American Oil Co oi Am Qomudldated MlnvCo Ahled Mining Milling Co Bagdad Silver Minos Co Braver Oil Assoc Syndicate Black Hawk Con Mining Cn Boston A Arizona Mines Co Boston Montana Dev Co Bullion Divide Mining Co Butte London ('upper Dev Bohemia Mining paid) Calaveras Copper Canopus Iron Corporation Chief Consolidated ining Cons Arizona Smelting Cortez Associated Minus Cmwn Reserve Mining Ltd Calumet fc Mont Cons Mln Co Calumet Jerome Copper Co Champion Copper Incw) Cheroka' Copper Co ($5 pd) Contsct Copjier paid) Colonial Mines Development Cn Copper Springs Mining Co Crystal Copper (new) Daddy Mining Co Denbigh Mining Corp Doughtv Tire Co tastland Cty Royalty Syn Ely Consolidated Eagle Bine Bell Eureka South Holly Mining Co irst National Cop ($375 pd) ortuna Mine Cvnratlon (J Ila Copper Sulphide Co Gilpin Development Co Gladstone MIjms A Reduc Co Gulfport OR and Ref Co Haines Divide Mining Heeia Divide Mining Co Houghton Cop per ($8 paid Homa Oil Cons Mining Co Inter Mt Mining 4 Dev Co Iron Cap common Little Kingdom I and Co ilon Hill Consolidated Mines Lu Ros Cons Mines Ltd Longford Co of America Lightning Rim Corporation Missouri River Coal Co Molnvy Tungsten Majestic Mines ($140 paid) Manhattan Mining Merrimac Development Co McKinlpy Darragh Savage Mexican Silver Metals Midway Moss Mining Co Monarch Mining Power Co Mutual Divide of Mass Trust Nanmkeag Copper paid) National Zinc A Lead New Baltic Copper ($1050 pd) North Midas Copper Nixon Nevada Mining Co Ok'aboma Boston OH Co Onero Cop Mining ($550 paid) Hnhir eta Is Co Pilgrim Go'd Silver Cop Min 6 Palisade Copper Co Porcupine Premier 2c Randolph Gohl (M 40 Ranier Mines Corporation 10 nnia (Th) Mining Co Io Republic Na'igntiin Coz 5 Xtibv Cons Silver Mining Co 30 SOS Oil Company Shamrock Co Silver Reef Mining Co Simms Petroleum Co Superior OR Gas Miami I) ($475 pd) do (full paid) Stewart Mining Southern Cons Corps Submarine Signal Sunburnt ConsMlnes Corp Star Tex Petroleum Co Silver Mining Co Texans Oil A Refining Co Troy Arizona Copper The Seven Metals Mining Co Tturo Steel Tuckahoe Mining Timket Ship BuCdlng Co Ltd United Verde Ext Mining Verde Mines Milling Co Yukon Gold Mark Mining Co Permitted Bay State Gas ns Copper Mines Gadsden Cupper Company Jerome Verde Mines Co Massachusetts Breweries Nevada Dougla Copper Onondaga Ohio Copper Co Pacific Tungsten Bien Wanted 8 Autu positions furnished free to graduates for particulars Spring field Auto School 25 Harrlsou av Km 104 LOCAL vrfil start 3 men In busi ness for themselves One hundred advertised household products no capital required Offer open only for men of ability Commu niente Box lOO Republican Office MAN to drive truck for house Married or single Give reference Box J) 127 Republican Office MECHANICS wanted nt once who have in ventive I nd Roberts 457 Main st MEN WANTED who nave drHWjng Instru ments to dispose of Call K7 3007 OUTSiDE" to 'sell a nationally advertised pbou graph can make good pay: methods eLsily and quickly learned Apply The Dee Store 682 Main st SALESMAN who an sell and take charge of a crew We have a proposition open in New England states Apply Taylor Carlisle Hardware Co 324 326 Main St SALESMAN acquainted with the meat bus? nesa to represent a well known Boston wholesale meat and provision company: prefer one now employed in or around Springfield State full particulars All ap plications will be considered confidential Address Box 61 Republican Office SALESMAN experienced office speconlty man Call Wai 294 for npopiitment SALESMEN to take charge of our Pipeless urnace Department to have charge of eales and Installation Carlisle Hardware Co 326 Main street tvrvnnw Wrvv Pn Wnn ted an enced window trimmer and show card wn Apply Mr Benoit Charles Lynch y7 mc7a7 empTTjept A No 1 funner on general farm $10 mo Ld rm neat boy 16 18 to learn trade $8 $10 wk lie fireman single days $35 mo bd rm lie fireman single nights $65 mo bd rm cost accountant Situations Wanted Men 12 CAUPENTEIl skilled wants steady position or odd jobs Call Walnut 2451 CARPENTERING and jobbing wanted Wrlgh 875 Sumner ave Eight experience care ful driver moderate wages: references fur nished River 616 or Br 61 1 1 pu 1 lean Office HOTEL OR RESTAURANT WORK wanted by clean honest young man Address Wal ters 7 Piney place city MAN Married man wishes position as ma chinist In or out of city turret lathe work referred Box 114 Repu blican Office MAN Middle aged man would like work of any kind Box 2 Republican Office ALAN wants position in a grocery store or meat market 2S honest dependable and experienced best of references Write Box 1 26 Republican Office MEAT UTTER and grocery clerk would like position in city seven experience married man Box 109 Republican Office OICE Young married man wants position with good reliable concern offering opportunity for advancement: give best of references Address Box 137 city OICE MANAGER thoroughly familiar with cost accounting factory production and sales Telephone River 5976 Skilled wood and metM pattern maker wants position non union Write Box 236 Republican Office POSITION wanted as boiler tender or janitorr other work one willing to make himself useful Inquire 8 SiMllvan Tel 58701 or call 230 Main st city SALESMAN would like to hear of a good offer on salary or commission Answer 96 Republican Office WOULD you like a good butler can give best references Call 29 Auburn st George Epps River 2234 ring 2 YOUNG MAN wishes position In advertising department of Urge store or newspaper 00 Republican Office YOUNG man would like position In electrical stock room experience Write 733 8tate street Dy iiilddle Rged American woman jKitlon as helper Is a goal seHinstrcHB Box 90 Repub Office SEWING wanted by The day: experienced Phone Walnut 2983 eed and uel i 23 BIRCH WOOD sawed ready for use $6 ord delivered Young 374 Main St DRY KIN1LING White birch or mixed wood for tireplace stove or furnace cut to suit and delivered River 2353 Hardwood $15 per cord Cl A A Abbey 30 Allen avo Walnut 1668 WOOD for sale oak maple and white birch $12 a cord cut 95 Water st Tel Rlv 1075 WOOD Hard soft and kindlerfor furnace stnve or fireplace Chicopee Wco' Yard Phone Chicopee 756 4 foot length $10 cord sawed $13 2355 WOOD 500 cord mixed at wholesale prices $600 per cord on lot or $1000 delivered Tel your order now' and save $500 Tel River Partially seasoned white birch stove or furnace lengths Longmeadow and or est park sections only Ter' River Situations Wonen 13 CH A MB ER TVO or In Jlnen room or any other work River or Box 125 Republican Office COLORED WOMAN wishes hou5ework or laundry work by the day Box I) 89 Be rn blican Of 11 ce Pod ion ns housekeeper for a widower no objection tp one or two chil dren references given Box 115 Repub lican Office HOUSEWORK by etunpoient woman: good ref erences Box 12U Republican Office HOUSEWIRK wanted in small family or care of an elderly lady Box 116 Re pu 1 1 cn Office BUNDLE Mason 107 Mon roe street River 2162 TEA Cl I RS A NTE orm al school gradu ate for small rural school tn Hnrwinton Conn Salary $10 0 up work to begin eb 28 1921 Apply to Supt Brown Thomaston Conn 92 2 Vocal and Instrumental 17 COUNET Stanley Wouglck Tfencher of or net Studio 43? Main 8t Koomjl flAXO fitted for orenre tra work practical instruction or chestra 53 Jiffcrson ave Telephone 1 VIOLIN Special vocal Instruction Diction and ne repertoire Spthl Conser vatory of Music 14 Byers St River 30S Help Maie cr emale fiPPTCR CLERK Either sex 20 to 35 years of age one willing to work Reply in own handwriting giving age previous experience references and sal ary desired Box 122 Republican Office Help Male cr emale 10 I i MI 1 A A A 3 it 137 141 137 fl40 120 4 119 124 1215 1225 1215 1222 1250 1255 1240 11255 i 1117 1130 11 17 $1127 210G 2100 2087 f2100 $Asked rc Rc 2 2 40 60 16 20 5 7 12 25 20c 25e 5c 15c 10C 20c.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Views: 6419

Rating: 5 / 5 (60 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.