The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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20 Htlp Male uneral Olreeters Drath Xnttrra Drath CLASSIIED INDEX Klanke uneral Parlors 34 35 ANDERSON ARCHITECT 33 33 31 Run H' AI 34 Side In The Center ol Greater Cleveland's Meenra held Thursday Aug (OPPOSITE LAkEWOOD CITY hall) IARREII 29 mother blavd ntt BAR TMKOWSKl HMK II 'ilKUCS TO MIET IRY XI Br kv i lb Road itlt rn Drrrffnin Stri itf to Meet I my Request Alfred rDNESDAY UNERAL DIRECTORS 31 22 John Strand Emil Klanle Ha oid Klank ASSEMBLERS William Birth AC 8058 23 bitid iKIISII Bun: Emma Stamrv and 26 32 BAHS DAY I BENZEI MARTENS I brother 30 to 1 2 the 11 I 0 The Ziehm Co A'Jt lx STI MI 31 anti Paul amm I 1 L' I 1 Slfctpf or III! 1 VWNl 4 I inothei Hah and 22 NC 65149 tuple Meinmiul 1 rph THOMAS Aug KRAUSE Thomas air hl II Box AD308 Plain Dealer DI 1 2515 12512 Miles in eon nf Paul 27 BOEMC 28 i in 28 hu hand 3(o I uii day Kit i i itnhiri I LiZZi 15 Personals Business Notices Pin i Kent urnished Apartments landfall i GLADSTONE Reni urnished PAY Agr 33 HAtr in it nt urnished But hn ThiHdav srudinan and Turret Lathe Operator and lot St il 'Die 28 OR Rent Housekeeping beh'Wd lOi William 28 33 PETRICK Sh'llnn Anii'v Pr ol I 28 Lorain i csiih ii 28 PM Wi Mid 28 EM IL IH Ruth Isbtll LIVINGSTONE EDUCATIONAL urgent ly K'lids ma i a 1 1 V'uel TXe wu i i cash tiMh St lk late ri i Hi al EROMl and ADVERTISING Helm Deranco Repp ample a Aur moi hr ma Will Be ound In i rsldith Mh'uIjv ACK TO SCHO 0 SECTION sary A 10 resl Aur at in A UR i'l'tuclrty Mis 20 Help Male niiu it' Berk'Hy Kumtn Im LO' Hl ACCOUNTANT Mi Bl'd and WILLIAMS GOSSMAN rail Nt Mahon Iprnl WI 1 1180 unri fl I llnmr I ni fl ii i Structural American Motor b'uneral man M' Ei tn Sales Corp Charles hu'lMiid id Layout and it Hiul GKII I1TII Rambler Zone Office AUTO MECHANIC Blvd acr Grit fl th Experienced Aiic irAU in 15919 Industrial Parkway WISNIEWSKI and Ei rink Welders tale unei nl band ACCOUNTANT held Machinists diiedav AUR i Intel meat Hnlv I Wetnl rmrtri brli husband tinr K'uche Mary Krlvanek Julia' (Experienced) MAXOCCHIO OPrll Horizontal Eum ral Home du nimur: Rd Boring Mills 2 ANTIA Radial cyui Kia tike i out ibut 1 'ii' HARVEY Drill Press nt Hanev uift Qua Buick Of nr "i la lut Turret Lathe In Memoriam 4 Advertising MAKETICH PAPPAS Tape Control huban 1 A Pappas Au It al lntt men! Me Wil1' Drill Press Randv may Jakal) Tv instun Cntholl' I 1 Lost and Rewards (Qualified trainee? accepted) El 1 7 a Electricians Cleveland Crane Harry I CARS 'DELIVERED USA' viandmi'Hn day auk At 2 Me white SCHMIDT um MiNAMARA II NOTICE held li ticc Bull 11 SatU'day Am Burial Knoll 1 up II 10 'MICHAELS Air reight Agent dear father of Mrs Shirley Pfrlem Ljaroszjrs Rose Mary Eaton and Ri Emery Airfreight Corp I 4S20 130 St Cleveland 35 I hu? I Ed Barter and Swap Ii WIs h'ical for II Saturday Aus 15 Personals Business Notices PPLI NCE PARTS MAN SMITH 5 Clarence band of Churi HOURS Mullaney 'lr I'ithollc Mlle Rd Of 1 of Sull piouram Expanded tables chairs Thu: 54Rth St day Auk 28 28 28 28 a I I nient omit 28 29 THE CLYTEL MG CO 3603 2 iS of Untoci Wednesday Interment Ed aid Bjorn A uc Ma wheir isda) the late Minerva Wllford Lilly hr 29 30 Experience desirable for large hotel Salary hospitalization insurance and ether fringe benefits Write and 2 TO 1 30 'em The Cud But TIdav Anc Chui ch 9 ft? Mvrdav rraldrnrr 1570b brlosed daught Hlch1 1 4 1 26th and Some shift work Involved 2 college or equivalent Apply by mall no phone calls oadway 11 lc held 1 I I liuband hu dra i Holds Houses for Rent 1 1 vend iv desired mav WEDNESDAY arlors unera I Directors In Memoriam 5236 MAYIELD RD 7474 MENTOR AVE 12737 EUCLID AVE A Munda AND Chrysler product experience preferred lat rate shop with plenty of work Manv benefits Good working condi tions Apply In person to Don Jordan 4 Mav'ield Pd i M'tmirlal Chap Taylor Rd Uicvland i Wednesday nj 33 33 33 Joseph late WEDNESDAY Mhhael i AUTO BODY OR MECHANIC EV 1 0457 Sit TH OLLOWING PAM OB MOP( ADS IN THIS ClASMICATlON BUd wl ii Thursd hl i i lU'ot I ic luia Kubu '57 OLDS convertible or cury convertible VU 3 sJ SWAP btcwlc butlt for 2 value TV 228 2706 5 7 that I can buy "'2? personal time of me Iflie Rent urnished (West i Rent Housekeeping Green Rd 1 a vitlr DAY Rent Suburban Property Rent Summer Cottages Share Apartments Houses 1 Thursday in the Hoswcll June M'lrtumv Euclid Av orest Hill IB I 7 10 Rent Offices Desk Room Rent Rooms Hoard i East i Rent Rooms Board dear i MHaiine of Rv Dorothy 30 a Edward and belHrd son and Hazel brothei Lois Vitgmia McS'Aecn New Haven ('mtn WEDNESDAY at A A Church At 2 Park Ceme h'id Thursday i Interme daugthi lair red Shelton Beechwod 13 late 'ends unrial ILitnu 1 nv one other Redding l0l WEDNESDAY eld Thursday a to a Trinlt Church Interment Otneterv in L'lain JENNIE MORGAN DOROTHY OLSEN Sec I St beheld Bennett drat monfv Reward Call 944 49551 and Angela brother John uncia! rr Alk 13 Hoh Ro 9 io a VISIT WDESPY 7 It) El lends reels rl To 10 THURSDAY at of not i Rolw and Jeffrey late 02 1 Wai ren Rd Lake tuhM passed awa' at 1 akewuod Hospital Theie be im fu ASSISTANT Trainee $90 to $125 weekly aalary or incentive To manager Expansion program for large company Must I have leadership ability and able to work with others Excellent opportunity for right man or interview call Mr Sanders MA 1 8631 before noon or assembling sheet meta! fab rications and electrical cabinets Must be able to read blueprints and be familiar with sheet metal tools Rfrird I'nttl 11 PM for Sfxt Pla Hra'cr Helen vllh'i wife beloved Lou grandfather of Driscoll and Thomas If rfU 1 fan Thursday Au DENISON 281 7111 5618 BROADV IEW E11JSROOK CliAPTKR Cur Griffith Denisnp Ave in TH! RSDaY Thui'xdrty at 10 3 10a Idence 353! mav i All al Xnif 5 HlH Hid Nuis dltl'dlier tlhl Si Uasirnn Inirrmi nt Cai 33 Sold TH! LAIN DIALIU 3 rath Nnitrra Ihnir 1 53 v( EDNESDAY Rak isi a Rii'I Home 5'38tj ROM 2 5 WEDNESDAY be held Thurs i fifLitink' Inter cuts Uemeuny THURSDAY U) mass Bleisrd aritmei Hdflv 1 1 9 Intf'inient Unlvstv '5'inf hutlti Mis Dian JlcVt Earl and lltoild Arnold Aug 'ihnds rkei WEDNESDA5 2 5 AND 7 9 al the Win Abel A Sons Uo uneral lionip 15317 Interment Holy 'r will Wine Memuridl emt it i vm! Inlerment Cal belov ed husband Who A ph Experienced must be able to read blueprints Graduate architects with minimum 5 years experience in consulting offices on design and or working drawings for commercial Indus trial and Institutional buildings Group leader qualifications re quired Well paid positions with established and expanding aE firm Rrlwt i i Mt'nvrnl und i a Gpoi Andrew A infonnatb'n 0) SI Rbeit Riddle WEDNESDAY Walter Michaels view Dr Eastlake unera ihxn WEDNESDAY To Lease Wanted Real Estate Donald She beloved the iate Nora tnee father nt John Elaine Harwood ADVERTISING MANAGER Medium si zed manufacturing company brolhPJ Miami la 3 MUI Rd Bitnk8no rail WEDNS AND THURSDAY 2 wa Hi' "ill he hveth still ROM MOM Is lih furihrt information AU xO5 Ml amily at Mel 12737 Euclid be conducted I'nauei Wednesday Eustis la hush nd father of Clinton 111 Rii'hmd of Elvna and grandfather residence 1430 84h St riends ma call at the Bern uneral Horae 7 200 DetTit Ave 2 5 AND 7 10 WEDNES DAY All services will be held the Bower Memorial Chapel nf IJlKWUOa Thursday Interment tery BUSINESS SERVICE Barter and Swap Cemeteiv lads Monuments Personals Business to Houston Thurs expenses with same Responsibiliti include trade Journals brcchutcs anu nah? ohtvs multihth prlnunc equipment cd tn cur own print shep silaiy quirement Write Bo AC 70 Plain Dealer Johnson Rdfud Mrm rial Ulmm I 19S5 Stmtiifivloi Rd Cleveland Heiiihlv Wednesday I I al 3 in mee nir William THVRSDAY at Pflvrlt uneral Rrylamn Rd lhe Mall! tl Hmiif i tiofd tiuUand all er Jame unt'ia! lair rrsld iu'f 1 Milton BuelaiH Ah I Milton ugnianu AUTO only Sirpadv Salts 8514 Carnegie Ave AUTO BODY MAN Must be A Excellent working con ditions Auto Service 795 0909 Mrs Eunice Hempel 'tine iein i te i of Clifford mot hr: A rhocnx Ari? and Ser ACJofi Pliui Doa'er riday and AUTOMOBILES Parts Service 34 sale AUtomooiies Sale Sports ard Imported Cars Sports and Imported Paits Accessories MILES Albert Mlle beloved of Marie nee King' George I Designations as to sex in our Help Wanted and Employment Agency columns are made only (I) to indicate bona fide occupational qualifications for employment which an em ployer regards as reasonably necessary to CktiH uitev of Wuhtv vt itt of i h' In Henrv motht i I rihI irnls and grand iIut ri ndx may rail Divij i SaratiHr Rd i Sel( Zdeiicma Musicians Rcrtna LOHRKI Mhip Jarr iKiidtius Rulan'i rank Aniiiih and Janie i deceased i tii of Maria Biaiualo rajiK J'rph hjiin Rose Butfa Anna Campola grandmother and gi fttl gi andmoi h'i riends nia zi uncial Clair Ave ALUMINUM WELDER Also must be experienced in tizht guige sheet metaJ Hourly nte over time Pleaso apply before noon week Ix rain St tWEDNES Congregational AUg 12 Lakewood rh nds may ail Johnsioti if 15 3 14 Mm Aul Pai rs Scalp Treatments $2 persona massage Suite 512 Sin'le men and wom i ti ri iv Hiicre ieu I foi mlna a SIngIrs Coupli fur prises or (2) as a convenience to our readers to let them know which positions the adver tiser believes would be of more interest to 'th tf Alien Wai Iz'ts Ge: aid Aliinan Ranald and grandm u' I hda Smith Mis Smuklei Al K'anke uneral i 29 IVf nlt Univrislly Mfslli Hl lie Umii i ibtil Irin may he mail In it bial Pil und Jane Somerville of Call VISITING HOURS THUR In Re riend call al DiCiivo Ac Son Mivfield Hciihis uneral Hutve 197 3 field Rd WED I NDAY 7 THURSDAYl deal faiheri Mi Rdfe of lima iv TruiH of Mei 1 ntrrnb nt IENAL Arlhlif 3 67 0 Au 'IM 1 I al the EUSTACE Thoma Eusta1 dearly beloved husband nf Dorothea 'nee Rosei father of Norman Thomas and the late Esther Louise and A two grandchildren brother of Mrs Ann Brewer of estus Mo rest fhnee 10221 Baltic Rd riends jqay call at Sandals uneral Home Detroit Ave Lakewoodivhere services will be held Thurs day Aug 12 at 3 iho Herkowit Kumln Inc ic U85 umth Thursd av Aug 1 JeaneDe lluillei I I'URSl At ire Walter Springboro father Mis Sam Tullus grandfather Irf sic Tullus S' allle Wah if the laie Richard and Dena Wspringborn brother uf Dr Ben amin spnngbom Detroit Mich Mr Geilrude Heimer Ravenna Airs Theodore Rtdner Northfield Mrs Howard Dungunlock Chevy Chas? Md Sunday Aug lib) a KeinesaaKill icirive friends Roy of MaNAell Md Orlon Mich and I1 ahlrsfl Hilis a ulo Height the Jernes me OH 1 1 Mlle A' 7 10 lAlc PrtUl Wllloiuhbv wheie services will be held Wednesday at I 3h in Gifts may be made to llu ihr lt't Willoughby and bert residence 103rd riends may Thomas uneral innic md Emmanuel 1mih i Mill iti 1 1 ui i ua nrothi i in I iw n' cariH iing ru is co*cktail tables lounge 'hairs De i YOUR HOME or beat all sale pi ices Easy terms no down payment 3 years to pav first piynient In October 1965 See more 8t more 1 eny block with 6 foors of display Park fre or take bus to our door Distributors Warehouse 6920 Union Ave Opn daily to 9 30 Immediate deliver or tree stor wanted 2 5 AND 'rniav Alii! 9 30 a one sex than the other because of the work involved Such designations shall not be taken to indicate that any advertiser intends or practices any unlawful preference limitation specification or discrimination in employment practices DALTON DALTON ASSOCIATES 97 The Arcade TO 1 0300 equal opportunity employer hid it Adria Rd Real Estate Loans Mortgages Bought NOTICES iWEHNRsnAY nd In WANTED TO RENT Want actory Ware House Want urnished House Want Housekeeping Rooms Want to Rent Apartments 28 Want Rent Garages Barns Want to Rent Houses imiiy will friends ai Uot rigan's uneral llunie Lorain Aw at l4Slh St (WEDNES DAY 3 5 AND 7 10 neral mass Thursday Aug 12 our lady of Angels Church 10 a Interment Huly Ciuss Raymer nf (aiifv lutr hvseph Hrgler I louses 28 33 Car Experienced only Get affiliated with the voungeM and mod pro gressive match company in Amer tea Highest commission paid tn the! industry Plenty of leads ELLIOT Reuben Robert Ntanflh Mlldif Dun combc And ureai randfa'Jici Item with commission 391 5050 dotiiir recruitment Donor ava'lable 'nurnmrr hours dailv evpv 'till 7 Sun 1 hour': preferred or appointment Clah MA 1 5 1 iioenk NPiM'!) rne win it ee'VA friend': 7 WEDNES DAY ai Jenkins uneral ('tia nr 2914 Dover liter Rd West lake wfirje rrvtccs win be held Tliursdav Aug 12 at 11 a 'The tamilv uggrts contubuUonsi be made to tle Memorial und of North Olmsted United Church) pf ilfuln der raved i Anna Unblk Hany Kun'ura (Indus di'Ceasrd i ideet a rd and unci Old Diamonds Coins SOI BERGMAN CO 1 Ynars in ('leveland Dll Prospect MA 1 4350 NAS Mary Pianskuna DOLL Matilda I vens brb and William Mail ii Mein il hulie South Euclid u' 4 090 Mavfn'td Rd of blr tthrre NOVAK Huth Uurtii Crvrtbeit jid Ard al! of Went Virginia riends ma 11 at the Gattnrzl uneral lair Ave AND 7 10 in iimilv at the rmdrnee Auto Mechanics Experience Is a must both flat rate and hourly rate personnel needed Apply in person to Steve Qua at Qua Buick 13 0 ThuuMUy AM EIl Minnie Ki? Rose Jarosz dear sister of John il'lflb of Poland dear aunt of Catherine Szpotowicr Walter Jo senh Michael Mary rank and etrai aunt of Ted and Pat dear friend of 1ittle Kllsh riends re ceived at ('udnik uneral Home 1U5 79th St VISITING HOURS 2 1O Services Thursday at St Caimtr Church at 9 ni rm el ei ASSEMBLERS and MACHINISTS Need men with tools and good me chanical background Paid vacation and holidays We design and build automated equipment for steel mills Call Mr Pilney for appointment Carl Krasny fc Assoc Inc 9416 Rich mond Avp 641 1317 ni'IVirr I liapli I Wrd Merle Owen Son CL 1 21 01 16049 U' lid at Nbie Rd 8 Cemetery Lots Monuments GRAVES Knoll'AOGd Cennteiy sc 15 lo atbm 2 1R 1312 CALIORNIA Liberal las allowance no wages PR 1 5721 or LA 1 1277 ANY unmarried mother needing help write Salvation Army Hospital Torbenson Dr or rhone IV 6 4100 MAN driving 'shirfl 1rtvin2 exchange references 431 1729 DRIVING SCHOOL OR DETAILS CALL 451 0200 ruial service At Mrs ic qijr' her hne been nated b' Wrstrm Ri'ene Uni nirdu al i i I nda amily 120 Help Male i Continued rom Preceding Column) GADl fication Reward GL1 1539 WALLET 30 Re ward No questions asked 946 4594 WATCH lost ladles gold Wed on Grevhound bus to Chautauqua Re ward Box AB139 Plain Dealer LOST at EAST SIDE DRIVE IN "Sat Automatic Screw Machine Operator WARNER SWASEY BROWN SHARPE 4h A Snn uneral larl Rd ROM 2 WEDNESDAY jAUTO BODY MAN 111 experienced: Ii painter: 2i painters helpers 3851 West 25th St at Denison latp resi Ae Ma riends rived Mullanev unna WrDN THURSDAY SPRINGBORN cnolin2 a in To Assist exp in whole Dealer sale nr reiail AuU moblle accounting desired ull charge accounting post tHlhl 'f (5i i Ru Jcnmip And Raymimd drii btpfhti lorida Express Calif Compare Our Rates on 4000 lbs 1 1 A 1 A 1 1 A i 1 ampa st Anna NflJtxth 10 riend a um i a rr4 grandfather of euht brother of I nni nf Kvansviiip donee 13 233rd St amilyaIH rrceise 3 li WEDNESDAY at Die Monreal neral Home 4 1 Euclid Ave near Shaw Services and in terment Apply by mail only giving com plete resume 13633 Euclid GL 1 5722 Opposite orest HHIa Blvd DANIELS 28 28 AUDITOR NIGHT A suburban motor inn' experience preferred on NCR 3ox AB 100 Plain Dealer sizru nirtuu tav iu i vi nivuuuii I 'ree with minimum of 4 yrs in I accounting Should be famlli Krhb teUned nes mutner of Jerry Mrs Norman Conneri lElea nnfp and the Mrs rank I Sruchel iMti'h lister of Joseph Mrs Ar ton Stiacnu*ta ijuhai Loma (hares Mr Nyc iStrphana and the late Mr Kavan Barbara i srann! nine zi eat grandmother i a' eidmce 7022 ormweld Products Co 1 530 Cott Ave 1 Block of Euclid Ave Lodge Notices Ri i I 'ntil II TM hp rl'r PanarM Ktrhari chi abba DYSERT Hany bind of a af rtf William and grandfather biolhet iii'atin'i of Arthur Mabel Hsle George tllLAll rvancne 4 06? call at Smith wife of mother of tl'a lata Hendrickson passed im Aug 9 residence 573 Woodlane Dr Ba Village Graveside services will be held Wednesday Aug 11 at 1: 30 in Lake View Ceme tery Saxton Service ivnstd lnixnn unera' Home 52 1 Brnadwav Bedford tint ra idtnoi i itrr Anna i ba Mi Ma ry WAGNER Miry Wduier beloved bus he ial i tiA Adamsi 'athu of Llovd rantz Dorothy Karchcr and the iaie weuy BrtlV lfiU rantz brother of Louise Hill and the late Phillip The until will leceive friends 2 5 and 7 10 WEDNESDAY at The Martena netal Home 9811 Denison Ave uneral mass Thursday Aug 12 at St Ignatius Church Lorain and West Blvd at 10 a Mem ber of the Holy Name Society AniniLelle Uarh 1 1 suieiu 3 1 5 Melboui ne beloved wife of Alberl iii uhei of Brother James CKC mortal services 2 ni Wedncs itsv Church of Good Shepherd 235Q9 Cedar Rd Iyndhuist omit floA'i The fiiniiD tr of red dear mother of Jacob Wagiirr B'tty Hnimok giatul uioi In i of four gioat grand mother oi ainilv will receive friends HEIS1IMAX David He i liman o' the lair Hrlshmati de Na gentle and lale lesidrncf riends mm 2 5 and 7 10 Burman unrra' Euclid Ave services Thursday i 7 Intel mrnt Knollwood v'em iIC 1X I Repair and Servl HELPS Employment Agency emale Employment Agency Male 25 Employment Agency Male and Eemale 25 28 Employment Resumes 28 Eemale Instruction 27 Male Instruction 26 Help Wanted Eemale 26 27 Help Wanted Male to 25 Help Wanted Male and Eemale 25 Help Wanted Salesmen 25 Help Saleswomen 27 Position Wanted emale 27 Position Male 27 INANCIAL Personal Loans i Licensed i 33 Personal Loans i Banks 33 Loans Diamonds BILLINGTON Jflrt Bl1 met 'h Pd Ul'c infer WHNEDAV 2 5 AND 7 tl Ihr Nt' Mrth'ili Mm ph Pl IltAM Uibih'l Muys llrnvxtvoii UliUich arid Ar si 9 inb'imrnt Ual (Vmrlf'T Retired New 1 empbve IMPORTANT NOTICE CASH IMPROVEMENT IRAN'S Payment to you pay 'rtpair yourself 75 1 7268 wants same to share id'ive your car Io San rancisco 8 27 Reference Ashtabula 964 9963 i Huntmet A ARC WELDER Experienced: read prints Apply 12911 Taft 761 6900 BUNDZV Mrv not It will receive friends al the! Parma uneial Home 5762 1 1 1 1)1)1 a Ik mass at rancis de rrspunsibie for debts contracted by ih in tnveoir A RI AN Marte Urauia raman ne Hrxevarii uf 26 330th St beloved wife of Ute rank dear moth cf rank Briber! and' Richard grandmother of eight) SiMer of Ann Burdelica Josephine auric drard Luke H'e i vat Joseph Hocevar (deceased AlMna Tofar Christine Mklaunc Altxrf Hvevar deceased ani Veronlra Mrs mor riendi may cal) at the Grdma ake Shore uneral Home 170)0 Lane Shore Blvd WEDNESDAY 2 10 uneral nlA A I LUI'UXj A fc a fl Mart Mardiiere Church nn si 1 0 a Liiluo Oakley "I more Rd Auto Body Man Reliable over 30 experience neces Muggsy Automotive service 475 2280 body repairman first class High hourly rate benefits employment Central Auto DEMARCIII Rov nemaichi nf 5 ion M'niBarCj Rd beloved wife of Aotrr defli I mnthri of Carol Brvan aih! Ibn Mm and "raudm dluu dumhieii of Giulio Pellr vlsfci An tmnettc DiNatale Ann Au'sl1 I Mary DlNnlale Jack Mio Yin Hefty RHiirv and I the Hk' 93 id 1 ROM Un i SO negative vc and All needed it 6Mh RoM CSnrl 9 39 a rr Immaculate Heart Mary Chun at 0 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUMness Oppoi tunnies 29 fatlu Jr and Shan ar hro'her of Mule (Sis ana i nomaa tn James and family will receive uneral Ap at 14Mfh DAY 3 5 AND 7 10 i neral mail Thursday Aug 12 olman'R Church 9am Inter Ridetimj Uhuiih hi 930 a VLSI ING HOURS WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY 2 5 AND 7 10 SALE MISCELLANEOUS Boats Supplies 29 Clothing Eurs Repairs 33 Construction Equipment 29 Dogs Pets Supplies 29 Hi i and Cnmponents Stock arm Tools 33 Machinery Tools Motors 29 Llanos Musical Instruments Sale Diamonds Jewelry Sale Household Goods Sale Miscellaneous Store and Office ixtures Typewriters Office 'Machines Wanted Old Gold Diamonds Wanted Miscellaneous APPRENTICE man to learn heating and fradp or interview write background Box AC165 Plain in PUlrlMi I Unique opportunity I I in cvtfom fm 24 1 0886 cjzed manufacturer BONDED DRIVERS whiteipR 1 5721 LA 1 1277 TURKISH OPEN 24 HRS The CLUB STEAM BATH 14 IS 32 St of Detroit or Mon Men Operators WO 1 2727 tfuaid H'rnlt a 4 2 7 nvrk Rd von husband of Helen Clara McLeod Mi lrom mav call 2 TO 4 AND WEDNESDAY th' Pottl Me 1 mortal uneral Berre North son wiieir services Thursday at 2 wood Cemetery HBOBAR Roe Hrobar See notice Cleveland 35 Ohio Si No phon? call? aulhaber un ri I 'Hv Broad low Rd Spi where s' rvit vill held riday Au I HdUl Don Jordan Inc 13105 Miles Ave WA 1 2700 EMBROGXO Peter Embrogno beloved husband nf I'ulse 'tie Caputo i dear father of Mrs Shirlev Pfriem rth Mad! rtvnvb i DAMICO Ufltinn Ditnii'o brl'v Bunda stcnnioihe i Ail da Rubm Jo soph ami 'asiinier PCHtiskunas ram! mol her ami groat grandimi th dftf xKler nf Walter Petke views nf Lithuania amily wllU roccivo friend at the Jakuh Nt Smi uneral Ihnc 936 185th St WEDNESDAY 2 5 AND 7 10' um'rnt spi rs Thinsdiv AU2 12 at (Mir ladv of Pcrpcluall lb Id Tim eh 3n a in Infer (HAYE Paul ilme of 2U2O dcai father of Elim! Wherlrr and Paul i)rl irtidPiwe San D'pjto Ave of fVilll CampbHD 'tn i of Mary 'harlr Gem grandfather of Hilda Hlciwa Ella GnotiMh amily will te fiii nds at (' un A partmenis 28 I louses 28 ilends mav Busch and Mklev dear er ImIp Aihii? a )U1 11 1 rtK I i 1 I 4 call ti? airhill 1 HOAIAS VI I I in I 1 tv I a at bft4 vhPlP iovel vMf Ute 1 1 William i in i of Willi tn Ran ami Eduaid I Pau nf Ihdly Aond 'i II i i tidim I ip i Tt i ('KISS Albeit Jam' riends nuv a II at Thomas umial me 12512 Mib i Ap WEDNESDAY 3 5 AND 7 9 Srrvicpy tt Epiphany Athnlf Lliith and (ixkheld io establish le ft stable medium Accounting do in cos be familiar with xiinHarri rots OrndUCt and budgetary control Salary dand East Box AC126 men I 'Hv i i ind of I 'epii i menl I 2 1 riend' rot pivi i neral ll mie 1 1 VISITING HOURS riday AUK 13 Church at a ('Olli BEV Itijlh 1 Cl ADVERTISING salesman to sell silk screen printing Also have novel Ulnh I Silk Screen GOLDBEBG im 1111 i AUk ER REAL ESTATE Exchange Real Estate 29 Home Building 29 Out of Town Real Estate 30 Rea! Estate Miscellaneous Sale actories Sites Sale arms and Acreage 31 Investment Property 29 West Southwest Cleveland Rockv Rivei airview' Bay 32 Westlake Avon Avon Lake North Olmsted Olmsted alls 33 Brook Park Berea Medina Middleburg Heignts Strongsville Brooklyn Parma Brooklyn Heights Parma Hpjtfhts North Royalton 31 Seven Hills Brecksville Broadview Heights Independence 32 Suburban Property West Southwest 31 Shaker Heights I'niversity Heights Cleveland Heights Beachwood act Vnrthpast ast Cleveland Euclid 30 Southeast Garfield Heights Maple Heights Bedford Warrens ville Heights Wickliffe Willowick tvilloiiehliv Eastlake Mentor 30 South Euclid Lyndhurst Richmond Heights High land Heights Mayfield Mayfield Heights 30 Pepper Pike Orange More land Hills Solon Cha grin alls Hunting Valiev Gates Mills 30 Suburban Property East Southeast Sale Lots NOVOTNY Rudolph A Novoti Xfirth Hin of Norman Raymuiid am! Dal? or tiur H3 ka pa sed iwiy Sunday Aux bclovr! hm i nr? i i and Albr i to 1 ic hu drar tatiier of Robert rUiiiT rr du Mont brother of Jolm Biker of Tampa li Atiihonvj 1 2 det eacd Alex Eve hirtrzetnbski Private Investigator or night 243 4449 WIGS 70 SAVING Salesmen sarnoies 50 colors WB IMPORT CO A 1 0230 WAKE UP SERVICE ANY TIME EV 2 1080 WAKE SERVICE BOX 19g0 rts 1 ttilAliW MX res I arr ev Detroli Clvcago enroute 431 1000' ADVERTISING SALESJEN iCniranU' 8 100 DPT Week and DRIVING knowledge of silk screen mark 41 JLA? Sy1 4 ings pictures etc 943 5324 alio iiisurance low 1031 io iu iu John Wilamosky RA 1 4660 3D YEAR art student needs financial assistance Call Jerry 371 4938 INVESTIGATION tn outf town: li censed detective 241 0127 CASH AVAILABLE Private party for business or per sonal bU 1 41 4 LOANS ON DIAMONDS JEWEl RY AT OLD GOLD AND DIAMONDS' HARMAN JEWELERS 1902 9 MA 1 3129 IM XSCOMBE Walter St Petersburg Re nil band the Lite Dunscomb? dear fa' her id Aubrrv DunM mnbp Gainesville la Mrs Williftin llrrlbart nf lind'pv hiimiil il'iHi' lm a 1 iMth SI Winje: held WrdnesdA i tij liiii'inp mm im I I'i i 8 1 0300 ShakerBlvd Cleveland Ohio AUTO MECHANICS Need 3 men with GM experience: See rank Molnar DOWD OLDSMOBILE INC 2900 Mayfield Rd I AUTO Mechanic: VOIGT William Voigt 6699 Bonnlr view Rd Mayfield Village () beloved husband ul tale Gus ie (lice Hikcri father of Rud1 and tuner gramlfaiher ofr I inilnvaHWathcr xf rtlin 1 I BLOOD DONORS 1 1 ii ri i i ran 1 1i Ave il orext BUd when i Cli MiTIbHWl und (ft I) 'vnu or Oblk pased awiv Aug 8 19651 the Mullal'v 1 5 fq St' i WEDNES Hu era Merle Rm! nee Hemani be Imed wiG ol lhe late Thoma diUiihtei of Kaiheiine Hernan i sister of Adi'Ua Zimmer late residence Laki Shore Hotel Thei family will receive fr'ends 3 5 and' in imstlay at Hie hrvuv: uneral Home Al Mon 1 Sat I' 3 I I Cali for CBI 7 ACCOUNTANT CPA I Unusual opp rtunity with a well estab 1 lished local acc untiii firm Applicant I should at least 4 vears' experi ence in public accountin' and tax I work Please qive summary of cx hiiu "nd i perience education marital status Dins anal nii4 confidential Box AA175 Plain Dealer Buy Direct Pay Less at Distributors Warehouse URNITURE Living room bidroom dining room kitchen set ranges re ors washers arvers ix seis all sizes end occasional roeketx bible lamps amni rvbKY i 1 1 1 Wt? guarantee in meet Ave beloved husband nf fftiher nf John and Kafhlen grandfather of four Monday A te I9n5 riends may call the Geo i' Lang t'o uneral 'inc I'Hii Lorain Ave AND 7 9 WEDNESDAY BRAMAN Tlmenre Braman bflnxrd wife K'elia' detko of grandfather of ta Ju'v 10 5 AND 7 10 ami Toth uneral Ruckve Roni riday August 1 3 a beth Church al SAB AINO Michael Sarratno residence 27 4 Javcox Rd Avon belmrd bus hand nf Itici ft i nee Kin father of Mrs Ann Beni MIcharljCE Jr Mn Gean (reev uucta kcii a'd and Anthony grandfather of' 11 riends may call al the Bur mrlter Countv Line uneral me 32000 Rd iRt 25l DEAR LADIES Meet for co*cktails PATl ROWE Entertains Nitrh un RENCH CELIAR 1022 Euclid LEARN the Safe Way It" al Cail CH 1 3000 Ext 2520 MAKE CONTRIBUTIONS TO' THE HEART UND (Continued Nest Column) in rip Stump brother of Ms Wilbur Gfraaii iGerliuaei and Do Ivan riends received lh Bwe Jones Mortuary 1 613 Euclid Av at orest Hill Blvd Graveside services In Maa Hon cemetery on Wednesday THE AMERICAN MATCH CO 30W 117 St Cleveland 44111 rana is of 11207 Hu da A "pd huband of Heb ne Indmj' devoted Ltrier of Sunday Aifg hth riends may 5 AND 7 IO a' he Jdkab A neral Home 11713 Bucaeye Rd S' tvirr Thurnday Auu 12 al Our Iji1v (f Pea church 9 3 0 Engineering Co East 289 St Wickliff Ohio VH 3 3700 Open 8 AM to 4:30 PM An equal opportunity employer feta Iarence dear mother of Paul of HMisUn Tm and Den Andersen of Arcadia Mn Bender BethUirm and Mrs Harry razier of Girorxe and Joseph Toimutil of Cleveland ri'mds may tall at Russell uneral Home Mid dl'fl ld WEDNESDAY ROM 7 'a here vprviros held inuisdav 89 yeats late 81i St Dr Lived aifr of lhe late U'wls dear mother uf Wilbur Esther dt fea ed' Marietta deceased! Al trl tde cased and Donald uelovcd grandmother of Donald If and David riinds received at tub ki bunttai Halge Rd Parma AND 7 IO Service will be held Aug 11 Interment private Thoe who wish may contisbine 1 (in Lutheran Home fur lhe Aged RITKAl Julius Ruikrt losmi Dov Ave i hU laud tZa lore GomtMK irv ttd fi'hcr nf Richaid of Chagrin alls dcit brother of lonn Ha Salem Andrew John KAI THAN Koae kautman neiosen wre ol iMdure devoted mntba of Alorton Pierie sister of Gertruda Scburran and Harry Roaentht) both de i a i und Ni ii saiih lfvensun NEUMAN Arthur Neuman Sr lata resi dence 1713 lUrey Ave beloved husband of Anna ruiiKr dear father of Arthur Jr and broth rr Christopher trand fatler of Arthur HI CLaeiene Chnartre ard Athen brother of Bertha Pozun and art amily will receive friends at Corrigan's uneral Home Aro at W1 uneral mau eanes I st Mel Church iett Rd at 9 truss cemetery Antique Classic and ars Auto Parts Repairs Tires Camping Trailers and Equipment Mobile Homes and Travel Trailers 39 Trucks Trailers Parts 34 Wanted Autos Trucks 31 Motorexeles Bicycles 33 Lost and Pound Rewards OR RENT Rent Apartments (East) Item Apartments i West i 27 Business Places for Rent Homes for Aged rile of larre Mrs I) Helen Shafer and nine of ALTO MECHANIC Immed'Me opening steady employment tor a Journeyman mechanic Excellent I working conditions plus $125 weeklyguarantee Benefits Include hospitali ization health and life insurance plus 'paid vacation Paradise Pontiac Inc 800 1 Lorain OL 1 2626 Al) Doints East or South LOWES 1 KAI Eb Ohio Movers Storage Agpins for Bros HAVE you a question about Wiet Nam or an opinion Io express 1 Attend the to vn meeting Thurs Am: 12 at 8 pm at Temple Eminu El 2200 Gnrn Rd nuar CWi Main speak er Prof Robert Brown just returned lU rsv irom iri dni izim pctwro DAY Tu Tl'tVKSDArS 3 5 AXD 7 l( hrrr ser 1 REPttESENTATlVES vers will te held riday Air at 1:30 in URSDAY 2 5 7 III ii IX I lank Conti nlxi 2110 Munav Hill Rd de ii Litlu'i Mii if a rone and rof Uahftn nia 1 brother of Mrs Caroline Salupo and Cai men rased rt udfit het of II i Rrteivri nhl II ur Xiit Plain BEADS lost amber long i 1 1 f'nLinv Thpufot ved haceut uarkint lot reward 1 3100 Ant 90S BEAGLE nun male lost binck white ivcimty Lev Kd Miles ujsv ttewaru ia Lost: 45 rankhn area hint: halted grav blaek striped Rill be chin neck 961 193 at Hob (DIAMOND lnc LOST ary i tid laige center stope surroundedbv stuil Aug 2 Reward AU4 I Plain Dealer DO: LOST AIREDALE 1 untrimmed 1 HUSUftlKl 1 1 I IUIII fulie: of frundly partial blind and andfathc: of Tina pct Reward 23 4204 std mt 13 Kenil jn( Rsei hound lost Indtncnd irtiu ence aiea ntisyivania license Ui icier Eli epfather nf Juanita vhi Evelyn atlicr of 17 Assistant Manager Hotel rthirci Rd pro ai 1 0 a Berkcwiu Kumfi Inc Mnaortti Chapel 195 South Taylor Rd Cleveland HelfhU Wedneada Aug 11 at Ip amily at the resilience 1724 Middlrhurat Rd Apt 205 Cleveland Height! KAVALUNAS Leo Kavaluna beloved hJ ni if Mri nr 1 of Donald and Mli Barbaia NOVAK I i JIMJI uir lite Joseph and Mr Julia Sl! VISITING HOURS WEDNES DAY 2 4 AND 7 10 At at the I JoMph Schulte South Eudsd uneral Home 4090 Mayfield Rd Eat Noble Rd A I firrvlroa tiUft Thursday Aut KISS 1 1 i Ubl i 1 broth' 1 1 Ga i Drt i Gnit alia i In i a I Mr uitw id nf 1 1 rlaud A lv! Thomas A beloved brother of Giovanni Mn Marla Leonetti idc crased 1 Constantino i deceased both of Italy grandfather of six Mr mbrogno entered Into rost Mondav Au? 9 1965 amily will receive friends WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY 2 5 AND 7 10 at Coreno West Side I neral Home 13115 Lorain Aw Services riday 9 30 a ni St i Charles Church (Rldc and Snw'J Rd Parma Interment dy Cross Cemetery We need me chanic with GM experience Good working conditions and wages Many benefits Apply in person to Mr Nay lor Carpenter Pontiac Inc 14000 Pearl Rd StrongsvilleO AUTO MECHANIC Alignment man experienced on John Bean good opportunity salary and commission steady modern shop Les ser Lpsser irestone 727 185th St KT1l7443 AUTO mechanic with ord experience for fast growing agency Apply in person Williams Motor Co 739 ront St Berea Bill Halnllne AUTO MECHANIC KA(K 2122 73D ACME GRIDLEY DAVENPORT BROWN SHARPE rl Exnerbncrd set up men and opera tors Kt and 2d shifts Metal Seal Products Inc RE 1 6900 Au I ii i wagon in iw expenses No calls after1 1 ni uvo i oiuD irvir iv cu tirnaw nii nr man iHaiiipr a let containing Important papers and TRAVLING? DRIVE A CAR! rar iimon mr a rr a inrin a 1 1 rn a 1 Auto Dnvcaway to 241 4365 MOVING TO LA I Van Loadinc Weekly None Better I SPARKS STORAGE YE 2 3331 TJ IM COMMERCE ord I dealing on new ApphailCC HomeseiVlCC Man land used cars sue now Commerce have experience on Maytag orX St Clair MU 1 4000 Whirlpool and Kenmore: references'll equal jtrrded Good starting vy benefits A IT TOR Rc innm huh cuooj aKe 'q inr 3986 131 br in vMt home per hour Cai: YR 0 A nt CG me ert at K' I I husband of Anna dear father of Helga Coon Walter Jr Paul Erick and Alan and grandfather beloved son of Emma and Paul tdeceaaertl (Imi brother nf Cmccp Michaels and Betty Thomas am SHEA ily will receive friends at the jaauos on Mineral Home 936 185th St WEDNESDAY 2 5 AN L) i 16 Al Wh' will be held Th rsd a at Kev officiating Interment Park Cemrteiy KOCHEBA Julia tM'l'Ofd wile i Tt enlpt HR1 1 AiAs iitKEs tor wnoirsa ler i lulv 30 Pri r( ii io Ditxsorwxd pniir oaiiv through ni'inthly statement ooci al Crown Hill Ceinr arrr Ruvers select vnur own eompanv benefits Call Mr Weston Pl 1 i 1 1 hl 111 (1 I I I i w'Tw fc me iiHuti' a uiui ''iNKIvrK nrnximately 2 onn on the a'a'lable Webster 64 1 Mad 1 lulu VVnkirr lair irtileire 17X5 rtvfr st Bdlrfmtaine 592 1fi2 "nh s' hubanri of ii lokl fathrr of ifroirr1 IMMEDIATE CASH I'rank Iron Vajda Cahloinia I Ymir Diamonds and jenelrv Klirabeth Maruka William Call BLY eiiuc ra ml a her ami gitat ramlfdlher Erirruls mav call ar lhe Louis A Bodnar Ar Sen uiiml 1 3939 Lorain Avr where WE PAY THE MOST DIAMONDS AND OLD GOLD i 1 Arcade Match 5310811130 I 1 He insurance impairment? Recent studies offer new low rates I Air immcrman ch 1 7450 DRIVERS 'AVAILABLE TO DRIVE YOUR CAR ANYWHERE nuH'tu rtet rt i ON and after this date I will not be Dealer ire pnnMble for debts contracted by I anyone other than mvseif Gary Dean siring at sharp 90 1 1 Lorain S2 000 Will repay at 6 and'or will share Interest In business AUTO Body Man combination Exper A 11 ienced only ull time 631 4477 Assemblers automobile buyer or buying and selling wnoiesaie to dealers experience and knowledge of market necessarv Bondable Call LA 1 8000 AUTO Clean Up man new cars 1st class Must know how to detail a new car for proper delivery Good wages and many benefits Apply In person to Mr Naylor Carpenter Pon tiac Inc 14000 Pearl Rd Strongs ville 1 Do i iin may' Reward ke after 4 IKK InM maikings Kamms Puritas reward 252 387 1 I SCHULTHEIS 'french P(X lost black (t male1 i A t5rr I uiiciippeu rvi ano nouui whr I co sc lulthcls 6560 seu na 1 Ave Independence beloved Gfauc County JO 4 bo03 husband of Mabel dear father of I WALLET lost Cleveland no Virginia Tavs of New York grand questions aked out of state identi father of two menus may can WEDNESDAY 2 5 7 10 at Independence uneral Home 6 505 Brecksville Rd iRt 2 1i Independence where ser vices win oe nciu inursaa? 12 at 1'30 0 Interment ole Shade Cemcterv Set up and operate Night shift Steady employment Excellent working conditions Holiday and vacation plan Hospitalization life health and acci dent insurance JERGENS TOOL SPECIALTY CO 19520 Nottingham Rd 486 2100 AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINE OPERATOR OR TRAINEE CONE AUTOMATICS Baird Metal Products 2704 34 AUTOMATIC screw machine daven port Set up and operate Experienced Jonly Superior screw Products 3786 Ridge Rd 651 2777 AUTO BODY MAN BudnestS is terrific! Our well equipped imip In need nf one moie high call b'i qualified frndcr and paint man Paid vacation guaranteed salary plus many fringe benefits JERRY PRICE (15500 Brookpark 267 3920 AUTO BODY PAINTER I irst class able to take charge nf 4 jman shop high hourly rate Welfare(benefits I Chester Body Co 340 1 Chester Ave 93 143 10 Shane Ttah MlddlHrtjrg Heights wife of the late Richard dMr mother nf Joseph 1 Mary1 ondvk Gertrude Shmidt Margaret Helman A ne Springer nd th Drtr giand mother of 13 rrMt urandmoUier Of 12 Au 0 received ATEP 7 30 1 34 $402 MI 1 67651 ESI 1946 Esl 19 12 Hdlh i B1 in widow Kfftmrj niolhcr Vict 4 Afttiington Jale Malh Mie snks A imr t'n I Drath iitirra II 1262? De: oG rG ci Dratl Nntirrs 1 i Xrxt Day's Plain Dtn't! 1 xn 405 tv He bamdy Grace dnCMlav nasM'd awav ai GA the normal operation of his business Very good future and pav fjor some interested Will match or exceed salarv if change of Jobs Is re outred A 1 3634 APPRENTICE WELDER for small fab ricating iop Apple in person 8:30 to 5 17521 Miles Rd (Continued Next Colamn).

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


Where is The Plain Dealer in Cleveland? ›

4800 Tiedeman Road Brooklyn, Ohio

Is the Cleveland Plain Dealer still in print? ›

Plain Dealer Publishing Co. provides content and publishes in print seven days a week.

Does The Plain Dealer still deliver? ›

Expect delivery of your newspaper by 6:00 a.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays, by 7 a.m. on Saturdays and by 8:30 a.m. on Sundays.

What is the history of the Cleveland Plain dealer? ›

The Cleveland Plain Dealer was founded as a weekly newspaper on January 7, 1842 by Joseph Gray. By 1845 it had transitioned to an evening daily. Joseph Gray died in 1862, and his paper was controlled by a series of editors until Liberty Holden purchased the paper in 1885.

What is the cost of the Cleveland Plain Dealer? ›

The huge majority of people who read The Plain Dealer do so by subscribing, but people who buy the paper on newsstands will see higher prices starting Monday: $5 on Sundays and $3 the rest of the week. It's part of our continuing effort to sustain local journalism for the long term.

Where do Blue Angels take off from in Cleveland? ›

The 2024 Cleveland National Air Show at Burke Lakefront Airport will be headlined by the return of the U.S. Navy Blue Angels. The air show, as usual, will be held on Labor Day weekend (Aug. 31 and Sept. 1-2) next year.

Is The Plain Dealer building empty? ›

The building has largely sat vacant since the Plain Dealer sold it for $12.4 million in 2022. Brad Harmon, president and publisher for The Plain Dealer and called the planned use of the building “a perfect fit.”

Can I read The Plain Dealer online? ›

circulation department, you have access to The Plain Dealer e-edition via any of The Plain Dealer apps and via the desktop browser version using the same username and password on up to three devices.

Who bought The Plain Dealer building? ›

The former Plain Dealer building is owned by Industrial Commercial Properties (ICP) LLC of Solon.

How do I contact the Cleveland Plain Dealer? ›

The Plain Dealer Production and Distribution Center 4800 Tiedeman Road Brooklyn, Ohio 44144 (216) 999-5000 or (800) 362-0727 Hours: 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

What is the largest newspaper in Ohio? ›

Top 10 Ohio Daily Newspapers by Circulation
  1. The Plain Dealer. ...
  2. The Columbus Dispatch. ...
  3. The Cincinnati Enquirer. ...
  4. Dayton Daily News. ...
  5. Akron Beacon Journal. ...
  6. The Repository. ...
  7. 7. News Herald. ...
  8. The Vindicator.

What does The Plain Dealer mean? ›

Word Forms Origin Noun. Filter (0) Someone who interacts or does business straightforwardly and honestly.

How often is The Plain Dealer printed? ›

Hundreds of thousands of copies of The Plain Dealer are delivered each week. The goal is to have newspapers to homes, coin-operated boxes and newsstands by 7 a.m. on weekdays, 8 a.m. on Saturdays and 8:30 a.m. on Sundays, come rain or shine, in most cases, before the crack of dawn!

What did Cleveland used to be called? ›

Cleveland was founded in 1796, the result of a Connecticut Land Company survey of a 3.3-million-acres on the shores of Lake Erie that it would originally call, “The Western Reserve.” Named after General Moses Cleaveland, the City of Cleveland was incorporated in 1836.

Where is the Cleveland Plain dealer? ›

Plain Dealer Publishing Co, 4800 Tiedeman Rd, Cleveland, OH - MapQuest.

Where is the RV show in Cleveland Ohio? ›

Welcome to the Ohio RV Supershow, presented by Progressive, returning from January 10-14, 2024, at the I-X Center in Cleveland.

Is the same as The Plain Dealer? ›

In April, Advance Local—which owns the Plain Dealer as well as, a non-unionized digital news operation—laid off twenty-two Plain Dealer staffers. (Advance positions as a separate media entity, though stories from both newsrooms have always appeared on the same site and print paper.)

Where is the boat show in Cleveland? ›

1 I-X Center Dr., Cleveland, OH 44135

Join us for the 67th anniversary of Ohio's largest and longest-running boat show – the Progressive Cleveland Boat Show!

Where was the Roaring Third in Cleveland? ›

In 1915, a pair of Oberlin College (in nearby Oberlin, Ohio) graduates opened a settlement house in an area of Cleveland called “The Roaring Third,” located at the corner of East 38th Street and Central Avenue.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.