Sweet Potatoes With Tahini Butter Recipe (2024)



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OK I try not to weigh in often but as a physician who has recently lost over 25 pounds, can I say that a vegetable 'fat bomb' of this nature fits in beautifully with starch and fat cravings while contributing vitamins and fiber that are so much better than any processed foods? Eating this recipe weekly is part of the secret to my success!


We frequently eat baked sweet potatoes that are wrapped in foil paper. This time I baked one in the oven in foil paper and steamed one. The steamed one was tasted bland; the baked one was deliciously sweet. The tahini butter was a nice touch, but was unnecessary with the baked one. I'll stay with baking.


This is one of the BEST recipes I've come across on here. It's delicious. I've made it several times in the past few weeks at the request of friends and family. And I've been asked to share the recipe several times as well. Delicious with Japanese yams, and works great if subbing tamari for soy, too. Definitely a winner!Full disclosure: I cooked my sweet potatoes in the microwave, because I'm often short on time and also I'm a complete heathen.


We use the Instant pot. Usually 8 minutes with high pressure, although maybe somebody else has used its steam function.


If you’re thinking of trying this recipe and are wondering what this unusual combination of flavors will taste like, well, close your eyes and try to imagine sweet potatoes covered with a sauce of tahini, butter, and lime juice. If that sounds appealing, this recipe might be for you. Unfortunately, I did not experience the thrill of “crunch, salt, umami and acidity” promised by the recipe, just a bunch of flavors that didn’t go particularly well together.


I always microwave them for 11 minutes, they turn out fine, so easy....


When I made up the tahini butter and tasted it, I had serious doubts and thought that peanut butter would make a better topping. However, I always follow a recipe's directions to the hilt on the first try reserving the right to modify it later. I was wrong. This is a keeper. I have a 4x8 raised bed in my garden devoted to sweet potatoes and next winter a lot of them are going to get steamed. Delicious!


This is delicious. Totally disagree with the person who said the flavors don't come together. You have to use a fair amount of salt on the sweet potatoes and then squeeze a good amount of lime on at the end. As Samin describes, you will wolf one down in 2 bites standing over your sink.


This is fabulous! Come on people, sweet potatoes are bland to begin with. Why is everyone harping on the blandness? That's what the Tahini butter is for. Followed the recipe as written, steaming and all. Potatoes were perfect as to tenderness, Tahini butter is outstanding. Gives the sweet potato a great and different flavor. Had this with Melissa Clark's Grilled Flank Steak. To die for. Stop harping on fat, and all the negatives. This is great food NOT junk food as someone said.

SF Mamma

The tahini butter is great with rice, wilted greens (kale, collard greens) and even on pan-fried tofu! Great umami flavor.


Actually, the best way to cook a sweet potato: with skin on, wash, prick a few times with a fork, place on a paper towel in the microwave. Heat on high around 3-4 minutes until the potato feels somewhat soft to the touch (time will vary depending on the size of the potato and how many). Immediately remove and wrap tightly in foil. You should be able to hear it still bubbling and cooking in the foil. Leave it about 10 minutes, unwrap, and you have a buttery soft, sweet, perfectly cooked potato


Made this for my Dad for father’s day, it is absolute heaven. We put little more garlic and salt, lots of lime. I will never broil sweet potatoes again, they were heaven! My toddler also loved the tahini butter. This is a new staple in our house. Thanks, Samin, for sharing w us!

Alonna Smith

I want try some togarashi instead of the sesami seeds. I think the sweet potaotes wouldn't mind a little heat and a whiff of dried tangerine rind.


Turned this into a bowl by scooping the potatoes out of their jackets, spreading tahini butter on top, sprinkling with sesame seeds, and then adding a poached egg. It seemed to require slightly less butter that way, and also allow for better flavor distribution.


depends on whether you'd rather spend a few minutes whisking or a few minutes washing out the parts of your food processor.

Violet J.

Was doubtful about this recipe at first. But it is amazing! Making it again tonight and doubling it up, as my husband and I love it and want leftovers.


I have to agree that steaming the sweet potato does make them fluffier, less fibrous and less tough. Making the tahina butter is a bit of a chore but well worth the time and effort. We have used it in other vegetables with great results. ( any one out there with any advice or tricks to help mix the the two ingredients ?) This recipe is now in my "go to" cookbook for family and when we have friends over.


I did not at all care for the lime in the tahini butter. I ended up making an alternate butter using pb powder instead of the tahini because I ran out. All in all I think the smoky nutty flavor from soy sauce and pb was interesting, but not really my favorite.


Tried to use steam function on IP - took three rounds of 10 minute cook times, so ended up just nuking at end, which is what I should have done in the first place. Other than that, super tasty. I usually make this over roasted sweet potatoes and like it both ways, don't mind stringy roasted sweet potatoes.

Betsy M

Followed the recipe exactly except I have lemons, not limes. I will definitely steam, or possibly nuke, my sweet potatoes from now on. And I'll probably make the tahini butter again.


Im not sure I would include the soy sauce next time. Otherwise I thought it was delicious. To prepare the sweet potatoes, I wrapped them in foil and baked them in a airfryer for 1 hour at 350 degrees. Delicious!

this butter would go well on anything!

First steaming the sweet potatoes made them super creamy and so delicious. I will definitely steam them for other uses from now on. The tahini butter was fantastic and I think it would be great on anything….other roasted veggies, grilled chicken breast, toast, anything!


Melted the tahini and butter in the microwave for about a minute, stir with the other ingredients. Pressure cook the sweet potatoes, voila! Dinner in about a half hour. So yummy!!

Barbara M

Cooking for one, I made half recipe. Used vegan butter and tamari instead of soy sauce and added half teaspoon grated ginger. I steamed the sweet potatoes in the instant pot for 12 minutes, natural release. Topped with sautéed mushrooms and black beans, It was delicious!


Made it tonight. That’s a lot of butter! We liked it pretty well, next time I’ll use half as much butter and more tahini. Also, I’ll brown the garlic a little. The raw garlic has tremendous staying powers. I think I’ll also use the stick blender in a deep Pyrex pitcher in lieu of the whisk.


This was so delicious and I every ingredient is something I have in my pantry. Would have never thought of tahini w/sweet potato, but together they are a natural.I must admit I'm a huge fan of sweet potatoes... I freeze them in chunks and put them in "Sweet Potato Pie Protein Shakes", stir fries, salads... everything...but I did not steam them for this recipe. I simply like my sweets roasted, in the skin, so the liquid steams off and intensifies the flavor. Other than that I followed exactly.


I finally got around to this recipe after seeing it again in a recent NYT newsletter. I skipped the butter entirely and just made a soy tahini dressing (1/4 c tahini, 1/8 c rice wine vinegar, 1 tsp soy sauce, 1/4 tsp sesame oil, add 1 tbsp cold water or more as necessary to thin, scale this as necessary). I forgot to add garlic and also skipped the lime since I used rice wine vinegar. Perhaps I don't know what I'm missing out on with the full fat version but this was pretty delicious!


I generally agree with the tasters but this was a dud for me. I expected more flavor but I get more out of the potato from just plain butter. I kept rereading the recipe thinking I missed something.


I wasn’t all that happy with the flavor until I added some zatar and baharat. Much improved. But I don’t think I will do this one again.


This was great. We loved the steamed sweet potatoes (garnet yams). They were, indeed, fluffy. I made the Tahini-butter with dark tahini, as that was all I had, and, while it looked a bit strange, we loved it on the potatoes. I didn't need any additional salt, the tamari was enough. am planning to make more of it to use on fish and chicken. The lime juice really gave it a bright tone. Will try again with light tahini for comparison, but the dark gray against the orange potato was stunning.

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Sweet Potatoes With Tahini Butter Recipe (2024)


What does tahini butter taste like? ›

Tahini has a very earthy flavor and is slightly bitter, but not overpowering. Although the spread resembles peanut butter and other nut butters, it does not have a similarly sweet flavor profile. The toasted sesame seed flavor shines through in this creamy, rich ingredient.

What is the healthiest way to eat sweet potatoes? ›

Boiling sweet potatoes retains more beta-carotene and makes the nutrient more absorbable than other cooking methods such as baking or frying. Up to 92% of the nutrient can be retained by limiting the cook time, such as boiling in a pot with a tightly covered lid for 20 minutes.

What are the tips and tricks of sweet potatoes? ›

Selection and storage tips: Choose firm, small- to medium-sized potatoes with smooth skin. Avoid cracks, soft spots and blemishes. Choose sweet potatoes with a bright, uniform color. Store them in a cool, dark, dry place for use within two to three weeks or at room temperature for up to a week.

Is it better to boil or bake sweet potatoes? ›

Baking can also cause an 80% drop in vitamin A levels, twice as much as boiling. Therefore, from a nutritional standpoint, boiling rather than baking should be recommended for cooking sweet potato.

Is tahini butter healthier than peanut butter? ›

Tahini with unhulled sesame seed contains more phytonutrients than peanut butter, and, for many people, is easier to digest than almond butter. Tahini is also a versatile ingredient because it's flavor is more neutral than most nut butters. Few people have seed allergies.

Is tahini butter good for you? ›

As seen above, tahini is high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Studies have shown that consuming these types of fats can lower harmful cholesterol levels as well as lower the risk of heart disease and stroke. The calcium and magnesium in tahini may also work to decrease blood pressure naturally.

Can I eat sweet potatoes every day? ›

If you enjoy sweet potatoes, you can absolutely enjoy them daily. However, eating multiple sweet potatoes every day could cause a harmless condition called carotenodermia, where your skin turns yellow-orange. You may also want to be cautious about your sweet potato intake if you have a history of kidney stones.

Are sweet potatoes good or bad for you? ›

Just one sweet potato gives you 102% of the vitamin A you need each day. This helps keep your eyes healthy as well as your immune system, your body's defense against germs. It's also good for your reproductive system and organs like your heart and kidneys.

Are sweet potatoes better for weight loss than regular potatoes? ›

Sweet potatoes are very low in calories, so they can be included in a weight-loss diet. Sweet potatoes are said to have about 86 calories per 100 g and roughly 100 calories per dish. However, a roughly equivalent amount (100 g) of peeled potato contains approximately 110 calories per serving, or 400 calories total.

Why do you need to soak sweet potatoes before cooking? ›

TIPS & TRICKS to Make this Recipe: The main secrets to achieving that incredible crispy texture, is to soak the cut sweet potatoes in cold water for at least 30 minutes. This helps remove the starch from the sweet potatoes so they´re not limp & soggy.

What to put on top of baked sweet potato? ›

topping ideas:

dollop of greek yogurt, or tzatziki. a scoop of guacamole. a drizzle of creamy avocado cilantro lime dressing.

Should you poke holes in sweet potatoes before baking? ›

Do you have to poke holes in sweet potatoes before baking? Typically holes are poked into a sweet potato to prevent a potato exploding in your oven. However, the chance of that happening is low, and according to Lifehacker, sweet potatoes will retain more flavor if you don't poke them.

Do I peel sweet potatoes before boiling? ›

There is not much difference between boiling sweet potatoes with the skins on versus peeling them, but you will get a boost of fiber and potassium if you keep the skin on. The skin also adds a subtle texture to each bite. If you're looking for a smoother mash, peel the potatoes first before boiling.

Is it better to microwave or bake a sweet potato? ›

It's really the best way. Microwaving sweet potatoes cuts down cook time by 45 to 55 minutes, and, according to a 2018 study, helps maintain the potato's nutritional value. All cooking methods cause foods to lose some of their nutrients, but the quicker your potato cooks, the more nutrients it will retain.

Is tahini supposed to taste like peanut butter? ›

Tahini resembles natural peanut butter in appearance, but it's not inherently sweet like nut butters. It has the earthy, nutty flavor of sesame seeds but with a tinge of bitterness (although if it tastes unpleasant or astringent, it's past its prime).

How do you eat tahini butter? ›

Here are eight simple ideas for making the most out of the next can of tahini you purchase.
  1. Dip raw veggies in it. ...
  2. Spread it on toast. ...
  3. Drizzle it on falafel. ...
  4. Use it to make Tarator sauce. ...
  5. Dress your salad with it. ...
  6. Make a double sesame burger. ...
  7. Stir it into soup. ...
  8. Have main course baba ganoush.

What does tahini taste like compared to peanut butter? ›

No, tahini and peanut butter have distinct flavor profiles. Tahini has a nutty and slightly bitter taste, while peanut butter is sweet and nutty. Why is tahini so healthy? Tahini is considered healthy because it's a good source of healthy fats, protein, and essential minerals.

Is tahini butter bitter? ›

Bitterness is generally part and parcel of tahini - it's how ground sesame seeds taste. What you will find, however, is that some tahini can taste more bitter than others. This is down to a few things; like how that particular tahini is processed, or the levels of something called oxalic acid in the hulls of the seeds.

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