DedSec Phantom Saga - Chapter 3 - Blackbirds_Fallen_Angel, SKing99 (2024)

Chapter Text

The weeks had continued to pass since Nolan first joined forces with the Phantom Thieves and things were going smoothly with dealing with Dusan Namec's Palace. The Basilisk's growing connection with the Metaverse's technology being a big asset to the team, augmenting the technological and strategic information provided by Oracle. The first time he had entered the man's palace had been a real surprise. Seeing the winding corridors that seemed to go on for much longer than the outside dimensions should have allowed, the floating computers, the strange puzzles built directly into the very architecture of the palace and so much more.

Lining the walls were strange pictures of wolves, of shepherds, of strange machines melding with humans. It felt almost like clues, warnings of what was to come.

And then there were the shadows that populated the Palace. They were much more human proportion than the ones from outside the Palace, thinner with more proper limbs. Dressed like slaves, wrapped in chains, with an almost sheep-like look to them. And they turned into much more powerful foes, opponents that really showed him the power of his new friends.

Seeing Joker perform a backflip, summon her Persona Arsene, and then launching a massive blast of what could only be described as hellish energy down upon an embodiment of Thor to destroy it in one hit was definitely impressive.

It had also let him understand the team's rolls more. Joker, the all rounded. Ann was the basic mage that had some healing assets while Skull was a bit of an Assist type who acted mainly as a tank. Fox was DPS while Queen was half healer and half crowd control. Noir was definitely the team's full focus tank in both long and close range while Mona dealt with the other half of the healing as well as some lower level DPS. And Futaba was able to hack the world itself to buff the team.

Nolan figured out rather quickly that his powers and skills slotted him in a rather odd place. Oracle stayed out of fights completely, but with his growing connection to the Metaverse and his hacking and social engineering abilities, Nolan could join in on the combat. His new abilities stemming from his real-world skills let him debuff the opponents to an insane degree, taking some of the more challenging encounters and turning them almost into cake walks.

Everything seemed to be going great...


“Seemed to” being the key phrase.

They had hit a snag, reaching a point in the Palace that was too much for the current level of the Snake Eye. Ergo, the team would have to wait for Nolan to become more intune with the Metaverse to proceed further… Meaning they had to put the Palace on pause at floor 7 of 10.

Not too bad, one would think, since they could just go off and deal with Charlotte Gardner's Palace right? Regretfully… no. The key trouble was finding Charlotte's palace in the first place… something the team had yet to do.

Which is where we rejoin our heroes…

Nolan sat in the meeting room again with Joker and Queen, the three sat around the main table as they studied and searched for Charlotte Gardner's palace and came up empty time after time.

"I don't get it. Why is it so hard?" Queen grumbled "We have two of her keywords..."

Nolan sighed softly, his facemask pulled down and his ball cap on the table as he looked over the map of New York City's Metaverse equivalent. He'd run through all the usual ideas he could think of and still come up dry. Even though he'd progressed so far, making leaps and bounds in a matter of days with his Snake-Eye system and his connection to the Metaverse, it still felt like it wasn't enough. Like HE wasn't enough. With all the stress he was under, he couldn't imagine the stress on the shoulders of the brunette across from him. He sighed softly, glancing at his watch and realising they'd been pondering this riddle for nearly two hours now. "Hey, girls, how about we take a brief break? We've been staring at the map for hours with nothing to show. Maybe... We take an hour, get some tea and relax a bit? Then come back and look at this with some fresh eyes?"

"It shouldn't be that hard." Joker commented, as if not hearing him "The app... We just need three sets of keywords. Three. Her name, the Palace's location, and what she views it as. We have the first two but what the hell could she see her damn home as?" The red-haired leader was clearly at her wit's end. She shifted her mask up to her forehead, showing off the full face of Rin Amamiya, a face he didn't get to see often. The young woman rubbed her tired eyes with her red gloves "You are right though, Nolan. We should step away for a moment.”

"But we have a deadline." Queen, Makoto Nijima, frowned as she lifted her iron mask like Rin had "It is April 1st. We have until May 3rd to finish this, or Blume’s analysts will realise we are gone. Put the pieces together. And... Who knows what they will do to the people back home. Sojiro, Shiho... Sae..."

Those three names were ones Nolan had heard several times by this point. Dozens of times…

Sojiro, owner of Cafe LeBlanc in Tokyo who specialises in home made coffee and curry. Futaba's adopted father, and the man who is basically Rin's own father…

Shiho, Ann's best friend outside the Phantom Thieves…

And Sae Nijima, Makoto's big sister and the only family she has…

Nolan reached across the table and gently rested his hand on top of Makoto's, squeezing softly as he hoped to draw her attention to him. "’Koto, we need to take a break. You need to take a break. An hour won't be the end of the world. Some fresh eyes on this issue would probably be beneficial. Otherwise we're just staring at the same problem and hoping the answer will reveal itself. Please, Queen, let your loyal subjects treat you to a small rest? All that stress can't be good for the head that wears the crown..." Nolan winked, teasing Makoto softly with the royal puns and references.

"... Asshole." She mumbled, blushing a bit. Getting rather flustered from his simple flirting, pulling her hand back from his "I-Fine. Okay. You're right... A break. A break is needed."

"Am I really being an asshole if I'm looking out for my teammates and friends?” Nolan fired back with a small smile, settling into his chair as he put on a confident smirk.

"It's nearly time for lunch, anyway. I'll cook up some LeBlanc curry." Rin commented, taking her jacket off and walking away. Not wanting to get the leather jacket dirty as she cooked. It was a recipe Rin knew well, having taken on Sojiro’s personal recipes after her time learning from Soniro himself. Good thing, too. It was a meal that Futaba refused to go without, insisting on having it at least every other day. Even Nolan had to admit that it was damned good curry…

"Noir might be making coffee. Let's go get some." Makoto commented, following Rin as she left.

Nolan stayed where he was, waiting a few minutes after the door clicked shut before he allowed himself to move. He sighed softly, slumping against the table almost comically as he let out a long sigh. He hid it well, but he was just as mentally fatigued as his compatriots. 'Wonder what Ann and Futaba are up to...' Nolan thought to himself, activating his Snake-Eye contact lenses and blinking his way through security feeds to try and figure out where his girlfriend's were and what kind of mayhem they were causing...

Ann was currently in her… their bedroom, going through some fashion magazines and making notes. With nothing to do, and no ideas on her part, she was working on her modelling career a bit. The 'theory', for a lack of a better term, while she was trapped like this.

Meanwhile Futaba was hard at work herself. And was in Necronomicon above the warehouse. Using all her abilities to try and unravel the world enough to help locate the final keyword they needed.

Nolan smiled softly, hacking the TV in their bedroom and letting a brief cinematic play, a recording of his first real date with Ann. The video showed the couple getting noodles together in Greenwich Village before dancing in Central Park. The video ended with a series of hearts exploding onto the screen before a laughing grim reaper appeared on screen. Seconds later a small chibi Basilisk coiled around the reaper’s neck before looking directly at Ann. The serpent hissed softly, a speech bubble appearing from the mythical snake's mouth shortly afterwards and producing the message “I love you” as the final bit of animation. The screen then flipped to smooth jazz music, a little background music for Ann to work to.

Ann blinked as she suddenly sat up, looking around in panic for a moment... Before chuckling, calling out into the air "Love you to Nolan, you dork!" She cried out before sitting back down, humming along to the jazz.

For Futaba... Nolan's efforts were a little more mischievous. He inconspicuously accessed the Necronomicon's system, commandeering the audio system and playing back a sound recording of the last time he and Futaba had made love. He played it on a low volume, smirking to himself at Futaba's reaction before he cut the recording and played another, this time a video of Ann, Futaba, and himself snuggling in bed together in the closest thing to domestic bliss the three of them could achieve at this point in time.

Futaba? She screamed at the small hacking. Well, not even hacking. Necronomicon couldn't be hacked like a normal machine, considering it was Futaba's inner self, but it could be influenced. And so... Yeah, she was scared when Nolan made the sounds of sex echo inside her chamber... Before seeing the video and huffing. Quickly sending him a message

[Thanks Basilisk, you're the best... But you try and hack my sanctuary again and I'm gonna spike one of your meals. You won't know which one, or with what. Love you.]

Nolan smiled at his girlfriends' reactions to his little bit of fun, firing back a quick message to Futaba as he did a little more influencing, hacking her goggles to show a chibified grim reaper holding a tiny basilisk in its bony hand. The snake danced for a moment before tapping its mouth with its tail and seeming to blow Futaba a kiss, a pink heart growing from the kiss before popping and showing the figures had vanished. Nolan was rather proud of how far his skills had come since joining with the Phantom Thieves, and these little gestures were fun little ways he could practise his skills.

"Ah, Basilisk, how are you?" A soft and gentle voice spoke from behind him, Noir approaching him with her ever present smile. Holding a cup of coffee in her gloved hands

Nolan quickly looked up and smiled at the woman he classified as the Team Mom, her gentle attitude, smile, and caring demeanour always made him smile. "Hey Noir. Honestly, we've hit something of a snag. Queen is doing so much her nose is almost glued to the grindstone." He stood and smiled at her, leaning against the table as he scented the air, his eyes falling on the cup in her hands. "...Ginger, cinnamon... cardamom... Is that a Chai espresso latte?"

"Yes it is." She nodded with a soft smile "A bit of an experimental blend as well, the coffee beans coming from some of our LeBlanc supply. It's supposed to be for special occasions, I know, but I feel like everyone who drinks coffee needs a bit of a pick me up right now." Noir took a sip from her own cup, humming softly before continuing. "I do miss this quality of coffee. Much better than the instant beans we have to use normally... Sacrifices and all that." She explained with a gentle smile. With her general attitude and how gentle she was 99% of the time, you wouldn't expect her to be the current CEO of one of the world's biggest fast food chains, Big Bang Burger. Let alone said chain being a family run business, Haru not having a spoiled bone in her body. "As for Mako-Chan... It's how she is. She hyper fixates. She puts her 100% in and still thinks it's not enough." Haru sighed as she took another sip. "She's done better since graduating from Shujin, the last few years having been great for her, but old habits are hard to break."

Nolan sighed and nodded, eyeing the cup she was sipping out of as he listened to her. He sat against the table, crossing his arms as he used his Snake-Eye to peer through the cameras and find Makoto wherever she was. He kept one eye on her and his other on his current companion. "I know I'm the newbie here, and your troubles aren't really my fault, but I can't help but feel somewhat responsible for her, you know? Like... I feel like there's something I can be doing to help her..." Nolan slowly grinned as an idea formed in his mind. "Noir... would you be willing to help me out with a slight touch of mischief?"

Makoto was sitting in the kitchen, sipping her own coffee as Rin was cooking. The red head was clearly talking to her friend and trying to help her.

"Mis-Mischief isn't really my thing. But I-I guess I can help. If it would help Makoto." Noir mumbled.

"It should, assuming everything goes right..." Nolan smiled, eyeing the coffee in Noir's hand. "I just need you to do two things. Brew up Queen's favourite cup of coffee and make it fragrant, and make me one of those Chai-espresso lates for me please. I want her to smell her brew from wherever she is in the base, and the other one is because I can't resist a good chai brew. Second, I need you to distract Joker. Keep that fiery redhead away from this room for as long as you can. Can you help me with this?"

"Oh, that should be easy." Haru blinked "I'll just say Skull set fire to Fox's paints again. Give me five minutes." And then, with that nonchalant statement, she walked away. Leaving Nolan alone to count himself down.

"Alright, that shou- wait, again?" Nolan fired out as Noir left, sighing softly and scratching his head as he realised he probably never would fully understand his new friends. He shook his head and went about prepping a couple things, neatly stacking documents, and finally waiting for Queen to arrive. He hoped Haru's magnificent coffee would help Makoto relax a little, but he had an idea on how to help her unwind that much more. Ann didn't call him "massage magician" from time to time for nothing...

The minutes ticked by and eventually Rin came rushing by, the red head sprinting past Nolan so fast you'd think she was trying to run him over like he'd seen her do to several shadows. Her speed alone made Nolan's jaw drop. He could almost see a Looney Toons-style dust cloud kicking up behind the woman called Joker. She was followed a couple minutes later by Noir, walking out of the room with an 'ok' sign and a nod. Noir's conspiratorial all-clear made him nod as he recovered, quickly checking the cameras as he leaned against the wall right next to the door to the meeting room, waiting in "ambush" of Makoto...

And he had never seen her so vulnerable.

Being alone, Makoto had buried her face into her palms. Her body shaking a bit, her breaking voice echoing out past the white gloves. The powerful Queen, the quick thinker and analytical mind, the one who kept the others' insanity from going too far… And she seemed on the verge of breaking.

This wasn't Queen, second in command and strategist of the Phantom Thieves. This was Makoto Nijima, a 20 year old woman trying to become a member of the police to honour her father's legacy.

Nolan slowly made his way through the hideout, sneaking his way up to and behind Makoto, his hands softly covering her shoulders before he whispered softly to her. "It's me." He muttered, not wanting to surprise her too severely as he started softly massaging her shoulders. "Kitchen's not exactly the best place to hide, you know... If you needed time, I'd happily have rubbed your shoulders in the conference room..."

"I... F-Fine..." Makoto mumbled out. Nolan had known her enough to know she wouldn't normally just agree to this. A small sign of how big this break down actually was for her. The leather of her costume was so much different than Ann's bodysuit latex. So much rougher, less malleable. And, of course, he had to be careful of the shoulder spikes.

Nolan shook his head as he looked at her. She was a shell of her former self... He shook his head as his hands tensed on her leather jacket. This absolutely would not stand. "Makoto, I'm not asking for permission, but for your forgiveness later. This is happening." Nolan hooked one of her arms around his neck before sweeping her into a princess-style carry, taking her back to the conference room, kicking the door closed behind him, and setting the team strategist onto the couch before attempting to remove the ties at her front. "Damn leather getting in the way... And those spikes are liable to stab me." Nolan muttered, silencing any objections from Makoto with a stern glare. "I may be the newbie here, but this time you're obeying my orders. No arguments, you need some stress relief."

"I-Its all one piece." Makoto admitted with a blush as she looked around. Feeling his hands going down the corset that held the suit skin tight "I'd have to... You know." The brunette looked away with a blush as she spoke. She didn't want to admit she found the new member of the team rather cute, and may have been tempted in pursuing him romantically, if Ann hadn't gotten there first that is. So thinking about how she'd have to strip down for him to massage her... She was definitely embarrassed.

Nolan sighed softly, finally giving up with the corset and simply pinning Makoto down to the couch, bracing one hand by her head as he exhaled a hard breath. "I get it, it looks cute as hell, but did you Phantom Thieves really have to pick such difficult clothes to be your alter egos?" He chuckled softly, gently caressing Makoto's cheek as he nodded softly. "I'll get up, you do what you need to do. No arguments, you're getting this massage, Makoto. And if you do argue, I'm going to find something of yours to hack and jumpscare you. You won't know what or when, but you'll get the fright of your life."

It was kinda ironic he was using almost the exact same threat Futaba has used on him not too long ago.

"We didn't choose them. Just... Okay. Turn around... Please?" She asked "We didn't choose our outfits. I'll... I'll explain while I'm changing. Just... Don't look. Please?" Her blush only darkened with each word she spoke.

"I'd appreciate some kind of explanation..." Nolan stood and put his back to Makoto, waiting for the telltale sounds of shuffling clothes before peeking over his shoulder for the briefest of moments at her, his eyes refocusing on the wall before too long.

"So, Ann's explained Persona to you before. Right? They represent our true selves, our hearts unbound, our spirits of rebellion set free." Makoto explained as she began to strip. The crinkling of leather echoing all around her "And they are summoned by removing our masks, our masks turning into our Persona in blue fire." Her heels clicking a bit as she moved back and forth a few steps, grunting quietly as she wiggled out of the suit "Our outfits are given to us when we unlock our Persona." She continued

"When we unlock our Persona for the first time, the mask forms on our face. The mask represents the self we show to the world and we have to literally rip it off. Yes there is blood, yes it hurts, but once it's removed the wounds are instantly healed as our Persona is summoned for the first time. The blue fire washes over us and changes us into our Phantom Thief outfits." Queen grunted as she struggled with her bodysuit. If Nolan was looking he'd see it was stuck against her plump backside, Makoto cursing to herself a bit as there was a little effort in her voice.

"The outfits... They are what we see as an example of rebellion." Makoto explained "Ryuji sees pirates and bikers as warriors of rebellion and freedom because of his manga, hence the form Skull has. Ann saw sensual villainesses from old cartoons, ones confident in their sexuality with a dominant edge, and saw them as freedom and liberation itself, hence why she looks like a dominatrix. Yusuke was inspired by old Japanese stories like the thief Goemon, hence why there are a lot of traditional elements to his."


Finally there it was, the thud as the leather outfit dropped to the floor. Makoto slowly slipped her feet free from the inbuilt boots.

"So we don't really choose our Metaverse outfits. Our clothes shift to this look automatically whenever we enter this world." Makoto continued as she laid down on the couch, sighing. Glad they had gone for a fabric one "And the outfit you chose, it ironically fits. You said you chose it because of someone you admire, right? You can turn around now."

When he did, Nolan would see Makoto lying face down on the couch. Completely naked, her face against the arm rest.

Nolan nodded as he took all the information in. His choice of attire certainly fit in a bit more with the rationale behind this world and the powers these people have. For him, Aiden Pearce was the epitome of a rebel soul with a kind heart. Granted, his motivations were selfish at first, seeking only vengeance for the death of his niece, but when he saw the ills of the world being committed around him, he acted without hesitation to stop them. Nolan was already blushing before he turned around, seeing not Queen's, but Makoto's bare body laying face-down on the couch before him. He'd be a stone-faced liar if he said the sight wasn't arousing, but his purpose here was entirely honourable. He'd be ignoring such thoughts, no matter how prevalent they may be... Though a little teasing wouldn't hurt. "If you'll permit me an observation, Makoto?" Nolan muttered as he sat next to her on the couch, pressing his hands into the small of her back and slowly dragging them up her body with enough pressure to softly pop a few tight joints in her spine.

"Ah~!" She gasped out, throwing her head back. A sudden reaction that was a combination of his cold hands, the unexpected touch, and the pressure already being applied "What... What was that?" She asked as her eyes fluttered closed, relaxing with a soft hum. Makoto lay there as her head fell back down, groaning softly at the gentle warmth washing over her as he worked.

Nolan felt his heart quicken at the sudden gasp, smiling softly as he leaned over her a bit more and kneaded into the muscles along her spine, resulting in several more small pops and cracks from her back as he eased her spine back into alignment, taking his time to truly admire Makoto's form.

Her body was the most toned out of the girls so far. Something you could tell even with her suit on, the only who came close was Joker. But even with that truth, Makoto was not overly toned. Her frame was still very much slim, curvy and feminine. Nothing even close to 'muscular' just... Toned. But if one were still in the business of comparing the team, Makoto's ass outclassed everyone else on the squad by fay. The biggest, roundest, and firmest of the team without doubt.

"You are a stunningly beautiful woman." Nolan muttered the compliment as he worked, smiling as he finally got to her shoulders and kneaded them deeply. "It's almost a shame you hide it all the time under that leather, but I suppose this world doesn't give you much choice, does it..." Nolan smiled more, unable to resist the temptation. He leaned over and softly placed a supportive kiss to her cheek before giving a light and playful slap to Makoto's backside, his hand immediately returning to her waist to knead her aching muscles there.

Makoto wanted to blush, wanted to yell, wanted to be aggressive. Calling her beautiful, the kiss and the slap, in order. But Nolan's hands just had her melt. Had her moaning as her body went limp. Had her loving his touch as she just accepted what he did to her.

Nolan smiled softly. In truth he was nervous he'd be dead right now. Makoto was a powerful woman, someone who wouldn't normally put up with such playful or direct actions. The hacker counted his lucky stars before going back to work, kneading the muscles along Makoto's back as deeply as he could, working along her spine and pressing deeply into her, resulting in a couple pops from her spine.

"How are you... So good at this?" Makoto asked as she let out a literal moan, her back arching against his almost magical touch. Her eyes fluttered closed in bliss from Nolan's touch.

Nolan could almost hear the purr of Makoto's motorbike Persona, Johanna, in the strategist’s voice. Nolan smiled softly, deeply clawing his fingertips down Makoto's back as he leaned over her more. He smiled at the noises she made, finding them almost irresistibly cute. He slithered his hands higher to knead her shoulders, smiling more at her question. "Well, I've learned a lot about causing pain in the body. But the points that cause pain are also the points that release that pain from the body. Trust me, if I wanted to I could make you scream in agony. Instead, since I've grown rather fond of you Makoto, I think I'd rather make you purr like your Persona in utterly relaxed bliss." Nolan smiled and pressed the heels of his palms against her shoulder blades, easing the knotted muscles in her back even more.

"Ah-ah-ah~!" Makoto gasped out as her back arched and her eyes fluttered closed. The bliss... His hands… She could become addicted to this. "Ah~!" She moaned without any chance of resisting.

Nolan continued his work until he was certain that there wasn't a single tense muscle in Makoto's entire back, especially judging by the team lead's soft moaning breaths. If she wasn't completely relaxed to the point she could fall asleep, Nolan would be more surprised than he was when he first entered the Metaverse.

"N-Nolan..." Makoto mumbled weakly as her eyes fluttered closed. Humming as she relaxed, feeling like her body was putty bellow him… And if he paid attention, Nolan may have noticed her thighs actually looked a little shiny. Wet. "I-I needed that..." She muttered, mumbling against the armrest in gentle bliss.

Nolan had noticed the slight wetness between her thighs, biting his lip softly as he sat next to Makoto on the couch and gently dragged his fingertips up and down her back, softly teasing her skin before gingerly tangling his fingers in her long brunette hair. "I could tell, Makoto. You were... making a lot of very cute noises... And sorry about smacking your backside. Really no way to excuse my actions there. Tell you what. To make up for it, I'll give you a massage anytime you need it. Just let me know and I'll turn you into a stressless pile of gorgeous goop just like this." As his fingers moved down her back, the Queen let out a gasp and a shudder. It was like he was playing an instrument, how ready she reacted to his touch.

"Yes~ yes, oh yes please~" she moaned needily, Makoto nodding quickly. She felt herself becoming addicted to this, already. Losing her sense of self control.

Nolan smiled softly, stopping his fingers just before they crossed past her waistline, tantalizingly close to the backside he'd playfully smacked minutes earlier. He sighed softly, dragging his hand back up Makoto's back before gently petting her head. "So... you ready to get back to work, or do you need a little more time to recover from what I can only describe as a blissed-out and beautiful puddle?"

"Y-Yeah..." Makoto mumbled with a soft nod "Need... Need a minute. You... It's like you... It's like you've trapped me in a dungeon of relaxation..."


Match Found. Charlotte Gardner. Her home. Dungeon. Palace Found.

"Huh?" Makoto blinked as her phone went off, sitting up suddenly... And almost head butted Nolan in the process, her head almost hitting his jaw.

Nolan recoiled as she shot up, just barely managing to avoid being clocked in the chin. He frowned and grabbed Makoto's shoulder, shoving her back down onto the couch and snatching her phone from her with a shake of his head. "Nooope. You're not moving unless it's to go to the bathroom. You're on house arrest for the next thirty minutes." Nolan muttered as he looked at Makoto's phone, smiling softly as he read the message. His jaw slowly lowered as he read the message again… and again…. And again… soon snapping his eyes to Queen’s with a look of blatant disbelief. “Queen…. Did we just…”

"We found it, Nolan.” Makoto nodded rapidly, a smile spreading on her lips. “We did. The app... The Metaverse. It registered the last key word. It's a complicated thing but... We did it. You did it. I wouldn't have even thought of that word if you didn't... Oh god." Makoto was looking at the newest member of the team in awe and thanks. A grin spreading across her face, one of true relief.

Nolan blushed softly, holding Makoto's phone in his hand as he finally pieced things together. Her comment about a dungeon of relaxation, he blushed softly, sitting down in the chair as he smirked and chuckled softly, a grin spreading along his own face. He met Makoto's gaze and handed her back her phone.

"I guess we truly do have a reason to celebrate. Perhaps... you should put your clothes back on, though. While the view is lovely, I'm not sure flashing me your... everything is the best way to earn the loyalty of your newest recruit. You already had my loyalty, for the record." Nolan smiled and softly tapped her nose in a gentle boop, standing and turning his back to her, letting her redress in some measure of privacy.


And Makoto let out a small shriek of embarrassment as she began to quickly get dressed. The sound of leather rustling and pulling filling the air as she tried to get back into her biker-like outfit as fast as possible. This revelation... It was exactly what they had been needing. It had saved them. It was one of the happiest accidents you could imagine. "Nolan that was... Thank you so much." Makoto sighed, tying up her corset.

Nolan smiled and turned around, having heard the shuffling leather stop for a long moment, long enough for him to assume she had most of her outfit settled. He softly smacked her hands away from the knot she was attempting to tie. He took the liberty himself, tying a secure yet elegant knot to secure her corset in place. "I'm not entirely sure what I did. It was your mind that made the accidental connection. All I did was give a beautiful woman a massage, giving her the stress relief she desperately needed..."


And suddenly she kissed his cheek, Makoto smiling at him.

"Still, thank you." She responded "Without what happened, it wouldn't have happened. Not for a while, at least. Maybe not within enough time for us to even win this. Luck or not... Thank you."

With that the Queen walked away calmly, a hand on her hips.

Nolan smiled and snapped a hand out, grabbing Makoto's hand and yanking her back to him. He hugged her softly and smirked, shaking his head as he caressed her cheek and muttered softly to her. "That's not how you celebrate with a kiss..." Nolan smiled, biting his lip as he slowly inched closer to her. "This... is how." He gently pressed his lips to hers in a chaste and sweet kiss, cradling her closely to him and gently adoring her lips with his own before pulling back and pressing his forehead against hers. "Maybe now you're relaxed enough to tell the rest of the team about our little breakthrough? And... maybe don't mention it came up while I was giving you a massage. Maybe it happened when I asked if you guys played Dungeons & Dragons?"


Makoto was frozen like a deer in a set of headlights as the kiss ended. Almost shaking as she looked into Nolan's eyes for a few long moments... Before she suddenly broke from his grip and ran away in a panic. Sprinting, surprisingly well considering her outfits heels.

Nolan blushed softly as she sprinted away, making to chase her before realizing that there was no way he could catch up to her with how well she was running... Even if she was in heels. He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he headed towards his bedroom, hacking his TV to display a brief message for Ann to read as he approached.

[Question. Would you be mad if I gave Makoto a kiss to celebrate the unlocking of the last word we needed to find Gardner's castle or tower or whatever?]

[I... Don't know? Why are you-Nolan. You just did that, didn't you?]

Even through text, you could almost hear the sigh in Ann's voice. Little did either of them know a certain gremlin high above the hideout was watching Ann on the same camera Nolan was…

[Nolan. What did you do?] Both girls texted at once.

Nolan blushed and began to panic, messaging both women the same thing as his mind began to race. [Our room. Now. We may have a crisis on our hands.]

Nolan quickly opened his door and bit his lip as he looked at Ann, closing the door behind him as he blushed. "I kissed Makoto. It was soft, and it was meant to be a celebration of finding the final keyword, but I definitely kissed her."

"Oh god, Nolan. Why?" Ann groaned as she put her head in her hands, sitting on their bed "Like, even ignoring how she feels about it all... Why did you think that was a good idea? Kissing a girl when you are dating two of her best friends?"

"Yeah, if she didn't like you, she probably would have slapped you." Futaba nodded as she blinked "If you kissed her lips at least."

Nolan blushed softly, chuckling nervously as he bit his lip. "It was soft, but it was on the lips. I... I gave her a massage to help her relax and de-stress... she kissed me on the cheek... and then I returned it a little bit closer... Oh gods how bad have I f*cked up?" Nolan groaned and slumped into the nearest chair.

"Well... She probably thinks you are trying to cheat on her friends." Was Ann's simple statement. Sounding bitter... But understanding. Of both sides.

"It's a real complicated mess you're in, buddy." Futaba nodded, patting his back

Nolan sighed softly and nodded, groaning as he ran his fingers through his hair. He let out a deep sigh, almost wilting as he cursed himself. "I... I can't see a way forward, a way to make this right. Now I'm petrified I've driven a wedge into this team..."

"Nah, easy excuse." Futaba snickered "We are Japanese, remember? The only member of the team even remotely connected to the US is Ann!"

"Half American... Never been here outside school trips and the current mission." Ann nodded

"Just say it's a confusion of cultures, and it'll be fine." Futaba assured as she patted his back "And promise you won't do it again unless she wants you to, a little white lie and it's all good."

"Well... saying it's a confusion of cultures isn't entirely a lie..." Nolan murmured to himself, sighing and shaking his head as he slowly stood. "I'm just going to check the cams and see if I can find her. Hopefully Noir isn't looking to murder me with her big f*ck-off battle axe." Nolan gave Futaba a soft kiss on the cheek before walking over to Ann and kneeling in front of her as she sat on the bed, smiling at her as he gently rose to give her a sweet and loving kiss on her lips. "Love you two, to." He smiled, using his Snake-Eye system to scan the cameras for Makoto as he left the room.

Makoto was in one of the random hallways of the Phantom Thieves base, leaning against the wall as she held a hand against her head. She was breathing hard, almost shaking a bit as she was a blushing mess. Her head in her hands as she blushed a bit. But she didn't seem upset, she didn't seem angry.

Nolan sighed softly and blinks twice, deactivating the contact lense and making his way toward Makoto. He pulled his mask up, trying to hide the faint blush on his face as he rounded the corner and approached her. "Hey... Queen? You okay? You kinda just... Sprinted out of there like a bat out of Hell... something on your mind?"

"AHHHH!" she squeaked in fear, quickly spinning around to face him. The shriek sounding like the voice of someone who was watching a horror movie. Her red eyes filled with fear as she span around... And suddenly calmed down "I-Oh. N-Nol-Basilisk. Hi. I-I didn't hear you."

Nolan jumped at Makoto's squeal, immediately snapping his hand to the shock baton at his hip. The stifled the reflex as she spoke, sighing softly as he gently rested a hand on her shoulder. "You okay, Makoto?" Nolan bit his lip, genuine concern for his friend in his eyes. "You're... A little jumpy. Do you need some more rest? Noir didn't give you extra strength coffee, did you?"

"No, no. None of that." Makoto laughed nervously "I was just... Just caught in my own head." She said nervously, brushing her hair behind her ear "I... Ann and Futaba. You aren't leading them on, are you?" She asked, the Queen quickly calming down as... If Noir was the team mother, then Queen was the team's mother bear.

Yeah, she still had that kiss fresh in her mind. Right in the front.

Nolan nodded softly at her words, before frowning almost insulted at the insinuation. He shook his head, smiling softly as he chuckled. "Not at all. Ann... Futaba... Both of them are irreplaceable to me. I've... Given them both a piece of my heart, even though Ann stole it from me in the first place. I'm not leading them on. I genuinely love them both. Is this... About that kiss after the massage?"

"Of-Of course it's about that!" She snapped slightly "I mean-why?! Why would you just kiss me unless... Unless you were just leading them on and cheating on them or something! I knew it was too good to be true, too strange, that they agreed to share you! I didn't want to believe it but-why would you kiss me?!" Makoto was pacing a bit now, gripping her head. She didn't want to admit that part of the panic was the crush she had gained on Nolan. Of course she didn't, he was dating two of her best friends. It was one facet of what made this even more awkward.

Nolan bit his lip, smiling softly as he reached out and softly gripped Makoto's shoulders with both hands, turning her to face him before gently pinning her against the wall. He sighed softly, looking directly into her eyes. "Makoto, I'm not leading Ann or Futaba on. I genuinely love both of them. That kiss I gave you... it was in celebration, not romance. If I confused you, I do apologise. My intention was to celebrate with you, and the kiss seemed appropriate given there was no champagne nearby." Nolan bit his lip softly, keeping his gaze on Makoto's as he blushed slightly, the mental image of her bare backside flashing through his mind for the briefest moment before it was put down. "I guess you can chalk it up to cultural differences between you and I. PDA's are more intimate and personal in Japan, correct?"

"Not at all." She shook her head "PDA is almost non-existent. Outside high schools. The most you'll get is hand holding, or an intimate couple sharing an umbrella. Romance like that isn't... well, out in the open." And she began to rub her own arm, her left arm crossing her body to rub her right elbow. Makoto's red eyes looking away in embarrassment.

Nolan nodded softly, gently tapping Makoto's nose as he smiled softly. "Well, you're going to have to get used to it, Makoto. I don't plan on hiding my affections for Ann and Futaba, so you're probably going to see quite a lot. But I'll refrain from anything your way, okay? And... I still hope you'll accept the occasional massage. You're way too stressed lately, and I'd be more than happy to be your stress relief."

"I.. yeah, yeah. Okay. That's fine." Makoto nodded with a slight frown, scrunching her nose in a surprisingly cute way at the nose tap. Huffing a bit under her breath "The massage thing... Yeah you're right. But considering my sister is in danger, the stress is only natural. I'd recommend you offer the same to Joker, considering Sojiro is in the line of fire as well."

Nolan smiled and tapped Makoto's nose again, muttering a soft 'boop' as he did. He nodded softly at her words, stretching his arms above his head as he smiled. "Tell you what. Whenever you need it, or Joker needs one, just hit me up. Provided I'm not... Being monopolized by Ann and Futaba... Which I think might happen if they learn I spent the last hour massaging their friend's bare back..."

"It's not my fault you didn't want to do it through my costume." Makoto grumbled with a soft smile, shaking her head "But sure. You'd have to ask Joker if she wants one though. And Nolan... Thanks."

"It's not my fault either that your outfit is leather and spikes. Can't do a good enough job to make you into a blushing and blissed-out puddle of goo if I can't hit the right pressure points." He spoke softly, smiling as he saw Makoto leaning in once again. He closed his eyes as The Queen nervously gave him a kiss on the cheek before she walked away again, still bright red.

Days Later

The next several days were mostly normal millings about. Preparations needed to be made for the assault on Gardner's little dungeon. With Futaba and Nolan working closely together in the Necronomicon to try and virtually map the structure, it wasn't long before the drones Nolan had built from spare parts and circuits to map practically the entire dungeon within a matter of a day or two. Naturally the loving hackers kept what they were doing inside Necronomicon during the hours-long scans between themselves... and their blonde girlfriend. When not focused on getting the pre-game intel, Nolan took it upon himself to claim one of the unused rooms in the warehouse-base, turning it into something of an oasis. Warm lighting, soft lo-fi music, Haru's special coffee blend permanently available, and a fold-away massage table that he planned to make use of. In fact, it was going to get its first use today.

With his Snake-Eye active, Nolan scanned the security cameras and quickly found Makoto. He smirked softly, quickly hacking her phone and popping up a small chibi grim reaper on her screen. The character blushed and waved at Makoto through her phone before rummaging through his sleeve and pulling out a comically oversized letter that was at least ten times bigger than the chibi character himself. A Basilisk slithered from the skeleton's cloak and nudged open the envelope, revealing a message inside.

Your Highness, the Queen,

Your presence is humbly requested for your scheduled relaxation appointment with Sir Basilisk in The Oasis. At your earliest convenience, please arrive and be prepared to release all stress from your soul. Warm Regards, Basil the Snek.

Makoto blushed at the message, burying her face in her hands. "What is wrong with just sending a normal text?" She almost cried and blushing in embarrassment, her crush having grown more and more over the last few days.

Elsewhere, as Nolan finished setting up his extra room, he found Futaba sitting outside the room. A series of green hologram screens floating around her with a few pictures on them. Nolan couldn't help but peek at one of the screens circling Futaba. He smirked, slipping around behind her and leaning into her, draping an arm around her neck and hugging her from behind as he softly pressed his lips into the space between her neck and shoulder. "Hmmm hello sweetie." Nolan smiled as he leaned against the cute redhead, placing another soft kiss right behind her ear before glancing at the screen again. "Planning what to wear for halloween? Because I think the gothic look might suit you a little better than you realise..."

"Ah~" Futaba gasped, quickly nuzzling against the hugging boyfriend she was being held by. "Nothing like that, no. Just going over our old victories. Our past missions. Always good to go over some of these things. Helps remind us when similar cognitive situations come up. This one? Makoto's older sister."

Nolan's eyebrow raised as he looked at the gothic beauty, grinning softly as he nuzzled deeper into Futaba's neck and gently bit down on the fellow hacker's neck, hiding the nibble in a gentle kiss. "So, looks like delicious curves run in her blood, huh. Tell me about her. I'm assuming this is her Shadow? I highly doubt that someone with Makoto's blood would leave the house dressed so... alluringly..." Nolan smiled, slithering a hand along Futaba's hip and gently teasing his thumb along the waistband of her suit.

"Yeah, it's her shadow." She mumbled with a nod "I feel like that's something you should talk to Queen about but... So, Sae Nijima. When we first met her, she was a prosecutor. A little bit of... Well... You know how corrupt the legal system is? Well, it's kinda worse in Japan. You are guilty until proven guilty. Defence attorneys need to work so hard, and there's a lot of social stigma that even getting called in by the police to talk about a crime you saw happen could make your company fire you because of bad press." The slim Oracle let out a soft moan as she rolled her hips back against Nolan, drooling a bit. "I-I-Ah! Focus!" She told herself "She saw the political system as rigged as she kept working. Saw rich people get away and slip under any negative fallouts, paying the right people before they are even accused let alone brought to court. So she saw the courthouse as a den of gamblers. And the only way to win... Is to stack the deck."

Futaba continued her take from there. How Sae raised Makoto, the pressure she was under. How cold she became. And how her twisted desires caused her to throw away her own morals. Until the Phantom Thieves saved her...

"We didn't actually steal her treasure though. Because of other things going on at the time." Futaba explained "Because of the plan. And Joker having to be arrested. I'm still impressed that, with words alone and a single conversation, she was able to... Not fix Sae, but put her on the path to fix herself. And then she changed profession. Deciding to defend those like Joker, who was wrongly accused, as a defence attorney."

Nolan nodded softly as he listened intently, committing each detail to memory as best he could. He smiled softly at Futaba's reaction to his teasings, grinning as he pulled Futaba to her feet and into his arms, hugging her tightly to him as he smiled into her eyes. "So, Sae not only raised Makoto, making her worthy of the milf tag, but she also had the willpower to recover from her own corrupting thoughts? Impressive. No wonder Makoto is so strong-willed. I think I've found a new level of respect for our team captain..." Nolan smiled softly, biting his lip as he pulled Futaba tighter to him, his voice dipping to a heated whisper. "Hey, 'Taba~... Are you wearing it? That cute lingerie set I bought you?"

"The-The black ones? Y-Yes. Yes I-I am." Futaba stuttered out as she nodded, blushing a bit. Looking away in embarrassment, even as she had the largest grin you could ever imagine. The Oracle even let out a little bit of her classic gremlin giggle as she relaxed further in his arms.

Nolan smiled softly, biting his lip before softly kissing Futaba's cheek. His lips gently trailed lower until he was nuzzling into her neck. His hands slid up and down her back, fingertips softly clawing at her skin as he pulled his girlfriend closer and smiled at the thought. The mental image merely a tease to him. He bit his lip, knowing he didn't have much time before Makoto arrived but reasoning that right about now she was in the middle of cuteness shell shock from the chibi message… "C'mere." Nolan whispered, gripping Futaba's hand and pulling her into The Oasis Room, smiling brightly as he gently pinned her to the closed door and kissed her deeply and slowly.

Futaba gasped and moaned. Kissing back as she wrapped her legs and arms around him, clinging to him like a koala. Biting at his lip a bit as her body rolled against his, quickly relaxing.

Nolan moaned into Futaba's lips, slithering one hand lower to grip her thigh as she clung to him and his other hand locked around her neck, hugging the adorable hacker girl tightly to him as he pinned her harder to the wall, letting her feel his swelling bul-




The knock at the door snapped him back to reality, a frustrated groan leaving him as he pressed Futaba tighter to the wall and pulled back from the kiss, panting hard as he pressed his forehead tightly against hers.

"Of all the times..." He whispered softly, smiling into Futaba's eyes before calling out to the door. "Who dares knock at the Oasis of Serenity?"

Futaba whimpered at the loss of Nolan's lips, but also trying to hold back her moans. Quickly lowering her head to kiss along her lover's neck, her body quivering a little bit. She began to roll her hips, humping her Basilisk.

"Your leader." a familiar female voice deadpanned through the door. And if Nolan had used his Snake Eyes, he would have seen Joker standing outside, the redhead in the tight lycra leotard crossed her her arms as she looked at the door, sighing as she tapped her foot lightly "I've been hearing about all the massages Panther, Oracle and even Queen is getting. I... I would really like one, please."

Nolan bit his lip, fighting back groans as Futaba ground against him. His mind raced as he tried to think of a way out of this when he smirked at his girlfriend with a devious idea. He pulled Futaba off the wall and carried her over toward the massage table he'd purchased recently, laying them on top of the sturdy table and grinding his hips hard into hers. "If I make you cum, will you be satisfied until tonight?" He whispered softly, slowly dry-humping his throbbing shaft into Oracle's core as he glanced toward the door. "Funny you mention 'Taba. I'm actually working on hers right now. I think we're almost done..."

"Depends if... You'd be satisfied." She shot back playfully even as she moaned, Futaba happily bucking against her boyfriend's dry humping.

"Oh? Can I come in?" Rin frowned "Not like it'd be something I haven't seen."

Nolan grinned softly and gave a few hard dry-humping thrusts into Futaba's core, groaning as his thick co*ck throbbed against her as he kissed her deeply and roughly. He clutched his girlfriend's thigh tightly, grinning more as he pulled back and slowly pried her legs off him. He nodded softly, biting his lip as he smirked at her. "I'll get my satisfaction later tonight with you, my dear. For now, strip and lie down on the table. I'll make you cum right in front of our Fearless Leader, 'Taba~" Nolan grinned, licking Futaba's cheek before slipping from her and making his way to the door, tossing Futaba a towel to cover her backside so Rin wouldn't see just how wet the hacker girl was. "Just a second, Joker. Need to confirm your appointment..." Nolan called out, chuckling as he glanced back at Futaba to make sure she was okay and ready before he opened the door.

And Joker grumbled from the other side of the door, you could almost hear her eye twitching

"Oh? You're gonna make me cum in front of my sister? How naughty, you per~vert~." Futaba hummed as she quickly blew him a kiss before the ginger hacker began to strip as quickly as she could, almost throwing her clothing around the room as she quickly got down to her underwear and lay face down on the bench. Making sure the towel covered her properly.

"I'm not the one dripping wet at the thought, 'Taba~" Nolan smirked and whispered across the room before he opened the door and welcomed Joker in, the redhead's adorable pout making him smile even more brightly. "Welcome to the oasis. Please make yourself at home." He gestured to a nearby leather couch before heading back to Futaba, standing next to her and dragging a teasing hand up the hacker girl's smooth thigh. He waited until Joker's eyes were distracted with something around the room before slipping his hand underneath the towel and teasing Futaba's folds through her damp panties, grinning at the soaked black lace under his fingers.

"About time." Rin sighed as she walked into the room, taking her jacket off and hanging it on one of the chairs before taking a seat. Looking around the room, clearly impressed "Hey Oracle."

"H-Hi..." Futaba stuttered, pressing her face against the pillow, trying to hide her embarrassment and pleasure as her legs quivered a bit in pleasure. She had to stifle herself by biting her lip at Nolan's teasing fingers.

"You got much longer in your massage?" Rin asked.

"However long Nolan wants to take." The orange haired girl mumbled as her hips wiggled slowly.

Nolan smiled, chuckling softly at Futaba's words as he slowly stroked his fingers back and forth, teasing her folds through the slick fabric more before he whispered into his girlfriend's ear. "I'm going to give you a vibe, 'Taba. Slip it in while I have a little chat with Rin... and tell you what, for being such a naughty and lovely girl, I want you to leave it in until tonight~" Nolan smiled, slipping a remote-controlled pill vibrator from Ann's toy collection into the orange-haired hacker's hand, giving her a gentle kiss on the neck before heading over to Rin. "So, Joker, how exactly can the team's rookie earn his keep?"

"You've done more than enough of that, Basilisk." she smiled charmingly up at him "But... I could really use a shoulder massage. You have no idea how stressed I've been."

"Mmmm~ ahhh~" Futaba moaned weakly, her legs shaking under the towel as the pleasure began to flow through her body "Is-Is it because you are stuck to using only one Persona?"

"That is definitely part of it, yeah." Rin chuckled "I feel much more limited in battle. The ones I have managed to get, been needed to sacrificed for some better gear or healing items. But... also worried about everyone at home. How limited we are on supplies. And so much more."

"I still don't one-hundred-percent understand this Persona business, but I get they're pretty damned important. But let's look at the last couple runs I've been on with the team, hm?" Nolan smiled, turning back to Futaba and blinking twice to trigger his Snake-Eye, quickly finding the remote controlled toy inside Futaba's core and tigering it, setting it to a low pace as he started kneading his hands into the small of his girlfriend's back as if he actually had been in the middle of a massage moments earlier. "I have no Persona," Nolan muttered, glancing back at Rin and scanning her for any tech he could find, testing himself against the rules of the world. "No special powers aside from my hacking skills. But even so, I was able to help out a couple times. Even saved your redheaded booty from a shadow or two." Nolan winked softly, dragging his hands higher up Futaba's body as he spoke.

"I don't want this to sound mean Nolan, but I'm a bit different." Joker explained with a soft smile, all he could detect on her was her phone. Which was normal for the red head, she didn't really carry much... Especially with the lack of pockets, her phone resting in her hanging jacket "Don't want to go into too much detail. But I'm what's known as a Wild Card. Hence, Joker. A Persona is your true self, your sense of rebellion and true feelings made manifest. Your true self you hide away."

"Like... Like how people wear different 'masks' to hide themselves or to fit into different niches in society." Futaba stuttered as she tried to hold back her moans, her feet kicking the bench for a moment "A few people are good at that, naturally. That... They have multiple 'faces'."

"And that allowed me to use multiple Persona. I was the jack of all trades on the team, fitting into whatever spot we needed." Rin continued "It's just been weird to adapt out of the spot I'm normally in."

"Mmm~" Futaba moaned, covering her mouth for a few seconds. The vibrator making her hips quake "And you-you probably do have a Persona, Nolan. It's just manifested so differently than the rest of us because of the life you've lived and your own rebellious spirit."

"But what you said is appreciated." Rin laughed with a kind smile "And thanks for saving my 'redhead booty', as you put it. ... Leading the team isn't helping my stress though either. And do you know your girlfriend's boast about you all the damn time?"

Nolan smiled and shifted around Futaba, standing just in front of her face with his hands kneading at her shoulders as he remotely pulsed the toy inside his girlfriend, giving her a gentle nudge as he nodded and listened to Her words and Rin's worries. He chuckled softly at the comment about Futaba and Ann bragging about him, the thought making him blush slightly as he continued to knead away at Futaba's muscles, his bulge unmistakable to her eyes yet hidden from Joker's vision. "I'm not sure what there is about me to be boasting for. I'm kinda mediocre in this team. I've gone through some of your past cases. Fighting literal gods? Compared to that I'm kinda... Bland. Boring. The only skills I can really offer are I know how to cook, can shoot really good, and apparently give a massage that'll leave you moaning if Oracle here is anything to go by..."

Futaba let out a shuddered moan and gave his crotch a few soft kisses, knowing that with him leaning over Rin had no chance to see

"Let's see." Rin hummed as she thought back "That you're like a big old pillow with how you're taller than them. How sweet you are. How you pamper them in the mornings. How dedicated and focused you are. How passionate you are. How you listen and care. How muscular you are under that outfit. How you spoil them as much as possible. How good you are in bed. How big your co-"

"That's enough Joker! That's enough!" Futaba called out suddenly, blushing. Even as the Oracle shuddered, her org*sm so close

Nolan blushed as Rin rattled off things that Ann and Futaba bragged about, blushing more as he felt Futaba's lips softly adoring his bulge. The moment Futaba blurted out her insistence Rin cease her list his blush only grew. He glanced down at Futaba, co*cking an eyebrow as he softly and playfully smacked her backside. "That was you, wasn't it. You little gremlin. I know you'd be the one to brag about my looks." Nolan sighed and resumed the massage, slipping to her side again and pressing into her lower back. "And please do stop, Rin. No need to embarrass her further than she already is..." Nolan smirked, triggering the toy to its highest setting right as he pressed on a particularly tight spot on Futaba's back, kneading the muscle deeply.

"Actually, it is mainly Ann." Rin chuckled but nodded, relenting on the teasing/comments for now

"Mmm~! Aaah~ aaah~!" Futaba moaned as her eyes fluttered closed. Her body shaking a bit as she came, pressing her head against the pillow. Hiding her noises as much as she could as she came in front of Rin

Nolan smiled as he eased the pressure of his hands and the power of the rotor, letting both ebb to a gentle crawl, helping his girlfriend float down from her climax as he gently adored his girlfriend's body. "Oh, so you're telling me it's my blonde girlfriend I need to punish?" Nolan smiled at Rin, winking softly at the redhead before kneeling in front of Futaba and caressing her cheek, giving her a gentle and loving kiss on her lips before whispering softly. "Enjoy your massage, my dear? Maybe I should do this with you more regularly..."

"Just need a... Minute to sleep." Futaba chuckled with a soft mumbled as her body felt like jelly, mumbling

"Well, I just need a shoulder massage. Doing it here should be fine, right?" She pointed out. Joker crossing her long legs as she smiled

Nolan smiled softly, caressing Futaba's cheek and giving her lips a gentle and adoring kiss as he nodded, turning off the toy and kissing her again before standing up and draping another towel over her as a blanket. "You sure you still want that massage? They're apparently prone to slipping you into unconsciousness..." Nolan smiled, heading over to Rin and bowing almost comically regally as he held out a hand. "Perhaps the lady would accompany me to a better chair... And consider a foot massage as well. Those borderline ballet slippers can't be comfortable..."

"I'd like to see you try." Rin smiled as she stood up from her chair, accepting his hand... Before the red head blinked and frowned "Wait... Are you making fun of my shoes?! Talk about rude!" She snapped with a slight frown , pinching his arm a bit. But the frown, the slap. It was all playful. A mirth clear as day inside her tone "So, what are we gonna do?" She asked, rolling her shoulder a bit

Nolan reacted to the pinch and slap as if he'd been hit by a freight train, selling like a professional wrestler before he smirked and yanked Rin's hand, pulling her to him and gently shoving her into a chair near Futaba's temporary napping place. "Well, later on I plan on taking Ann and Futaba on a little dinner date, and maybe going to a club afterwards. But right now? Maybe melting off a little bit of stress from the Phantom Thieves' spearhead..." Nolan smirked softly and slipped behind the redhead, softly teasing his fingertips through her hair before pushing her lovely crimson locks aside and gripping her shoulders, kneading deeply as he focused on her tense muscles.

"Be careful." Rin pointed out simply at his comments... Only to gasp as his hands touched her shoulders. Her head fell back as a moan actually slipped out of her mouth, her back arching as her heels dug into the ground "W-Wow. You're... Even better than Kawakami." Rin shuddered out with a soft moan

At the mention of the new name, Nolan's Snake-Eye scanned ctOS records for anyone in Rin's circle matching that name. The only person who came up was a teacher, Sadayo Kawakami. A lovely brunette...

"Already comparing me to your friends, huh?" Nolan smiled, working his fingers deeply and delicately to ease through Rin's stress and tension.

"Friend, former teacher, personal maid and masseuse. Take your pick." Rin admitted as she moaned, relaxing "Oh god, I wish you were around back when we dealt with Shido and Yaldabaoth. You would have made things so much easier for all of us with this~ mmm~" Joker almost seemed to belt into Nolan's touch, the ever confident and powerful leader of the team putty in his hands.

Nolan nodded softly, still not entirely used to the eccentricities of the Phantom Thieves of Heart. Most things he just decided to roll with, but learning from Ann that they'd toppled a corrupt politician and a literal demon made him prouder than ever to be associated with his girlfriends' team. "Tell you what, Joker, after this is all over and Blume's abuse of the ctOS is dead and buried, I'll plan a big vacation for all of us. Maybe an island in the Caribbean? I'm sure after Dušan Nemec's gotten some court-ordered thinking time he won't be needing his private island off the coast of Jamaica." Nolan continued to knead Rin's shoulders, feeling her stone-like muscles ease and loosen under his attentive fingers. He glanced over at Futaba, smirking softly at her before returning his focus to Rin. "So, Miss Wildcard, Is there anything else I can do to help the team? Or are you just going to keep one of New York City's best fixers and hackers tied down as a masseur..."

"I Don't... Don't..." Rin mumbled, finding it hard to focus. To even talk. Whimpering and moaning under Nolan's skilled fingers "You've been a big help. On every level. Couldn't have done this... Without you."

"Besides, the massage parlour was your idea." Futaba teased weakly

"I haven't been this relaxed since Ann and I gave each other our first times..." Rin whimpered without even thinking, her eyes fluttering closed in bliss... Before she realised what she had said

Nolan blushed as he heard the words fall from Rin's kissable lips. He faltered slightly, shooting Futaba a glance that screamed 'Really? Why didn't she tell me?' as he resumed massaging Rin's shoulders even deeper, trying to put her in an even more relaxed state to ease some more information from her.

"Did... I hear you right, Rin? You and my darling Ann... you were lovers at one point in time?"

"Hmmmm~ yeah~" she moaned, her head falling back "We... We did. Well... We-We experimented." The red head continued to let out these little noises, almost musical, as she felt Nolan pleasuring her. "We didn't date. Officially. I mean… we kinda did. But we didn’t call it that. But we did... Kiss. And do other stuff in private. A few times." Rin mumbled "We were always close. And outside Shiho, I was the only one she was comfortable with trying that stuff. Since we... We both were unsure if we liked guys or girls. ... Turns out we were both bi."

Nolan nodded softly, digging his fingers deeper into Rin's shoulders. He smirked, realizing that, once again, he'd managed to extort even more information from someone than he intended. He gently traced a hand through Rin's hair, gingerly massaging her scalp as well before nodding slightly. "Well, considering how Ann acts between me and sleepy Futaba over there, I'm not surprised she found out she was bi earlier, but I didn't expect it to be with you. Almost tempted to ask if there's certain secrets you can tell me that would make her swoon even more. I mean, you said you were her first, right?"

"First times... So clumsy and unsure of each other. Exploring." Joker explained with a blissful smile "She's tickly along the soles of her feet. I helped her realise she loved anal. We didn't... Do too much. Only a few times." It was hard to hear but there was a tone of... Longing in Rin's voice. Like she missed those times "She also realised. Loved doing it in the Metaverse. Latex... made her feel sexy. Sometimes we snuck away to... Make out."

"Hmmm. Oh yeah. I forgot I had this." Futaba mumbled, sending a picture to Nolan's Snake Eye

Nolan blushed as a chibi-looking version of Futaba popped up in his vision, his representation of a massage coming in from his hacker girlfriend. The image she showed him made him blush, his manhood immediately swelling inside his jeans as he cleared his throat and glared at Futaba. "I can imagine... You two were pretty cute together. I mean, a redhead and a blonde trapped in each other's arms?" Nolan gripped Rin's shoulders tighter, kneading her muscles deeper before glowering at Futaba, a look that screamed her punishment was coming. The tone in her voice left a pang in Nolan's heart. He loved Ann, loved her more than anything, but he hated the feeling of seeing his friends like this… "Sorry for... Dredging up old memories."

"Old memories... but not bad ones." Rin mumbled with a soft smile "They were fun times. Again, we didn't date. There were... Were no feelings there. Not a couple." Her words were becoming slurred a bit, the massage seeming to be pulling Rin into such a relaxed state she was falling asleep "Just... Friends. Exploring each other's bodies. Having... Fun. Wish I... Had someone... like that... Now... Zzzz..."

"Well... She's out." Futaba smiled, laughing softly to herself

Nolan blushed softly, giving Rin's shoulders an experimental squeeze to see if she really was asleep. He sighed softly, gently scooping Rin into his arms and glaring at Futaba. "You know you're getting spanked for that, right? That little picture you sent me was not timed anywhere near properly. And how did you even get that anyway?" Nolan sighed softly walking over to Futaba and softly smacking her towel-covered ass. "Just... get dressed. Makoto might be here any second. I told her I was waiting for her and she's been delaying this for far too long."

"Ah~!" She moaned playfully, the Oracle wiggling her hips "She said it, Panther and Joker used to sneak off a bunch to make out while we were on missions. I think they were just addicted to finally being able to kiss anyone, in general. You think I, of all people, didn't stumble across them at some point? I am insulted, boyfriend!"

The ginger hacker huffed as she slipped off the bench and began to get dressed. Giggling to herself with a small perverted glee, wiggling her entire body as she got dressed. She quickly kissed him on the cheek and led Nolan to Rin's room, leaving the Joker to rest.

And then... The Basilisk waited. And waited. Makoto never showing up for her massage, much to his confusion.

And she didn't appear the next day. Or the next. Or the next.

Or the next.

Days Later

Soon, a week has gone by. It was now April 10th, the deadline of May 3th approaching closer and closer.

Charlotte's Palace had been found, scouted, and the team was already making good way through it. The place had been a BDSM dungeon with the woman as the dominatrix, the place filled with corrupted visions of female empowerment and men dressed as maids and slaves. Even Panther, who's Metaverse self was based on a dominatrix, was beyond creeped out at the obsessive nature of this woman's distortion.

But we find ourselves at the base once more as Rin and Nolan where cooking side by side. Without her jacket and wearing an apron over her leotard, the red head hummed as she assisted Nolan. While she could cook, her knowledge of recipes seemed to go no further than a very delicious curry. The redhead having seemingly mastered that singular dish, but had no other applications for her culinary skills.

And so, Nolan was the 'head chef' of the team. Rin happy to assist him, and more then capable of following his instructions as they worked side by side

"Man, am I starving!" Skull groaned as he flopped in a chair, the blonde pulling the metal skull mask he got his namesake from up to his forehead "Can't wait though, Nolan knows how to cook such great sh*t!"

"I must say, I have not had anywhere near as much energy since Basilisk joined our team." Fox hummed as he did the same with his mask, drawing on a large pad as he sat cross legged

"That's because you're actually eating properly, Inari. Instead of starving yourself all the time." Futaba pointed out with a snicker

"She's right, Fox. And no drawing at the table." Makoto pointed out with a frown "We are here to eat, not play."

"Very well." She sighed

"Wow, look at team mother Queen. Back at it again." Skull snickered

"Skull." She frowned

"Hey, Noir, can I have ice cream after dinner?" He asked jokingly "Queen's being mean!"

"Only if you eat your vegetables." Noir shot back, having a sip of her tea

"For real?! Come on!" The blonde groaned "We're adults here, why are you going on with that kid sh*t?!"

"Because you ARE a kid." Panther smirked, Ann running a finger through her hair

Nolan chuckled at the banter going on behind him, gently nudging Rin's side as he smirked and checked the oven to see the progress of his Tourtière. "One big happy family, huh?" Nolan smirked, nodding as he pulled the meat-filled pie from the oven and set it on the cutting board. He glanced out of the kitchen to see everyone at the table, smiling as his eye met Ann's for a brief moment. He blew his girlfriend a soft kiss before vanishing back into the kitchen. "So... Who did the cooking before I showed up? I mean, I'm not the best, but Inari looked almost malnourished before I took over..."

"Yeah, that's us." Joker laughed softly "The cooking? A mix of me, Noir and Queen. Oracle survives on energy drinks, coffee, instant ramen and curry so we don't let her near the kitchen. Panther’s idea of a balanced meal is sweets and sweets and anything that's a little sweet. I swear, it all goes to her ass."

"Hey! Heard that!" Ann snapped over, her ears perking up

"Don't know what you're talking about!" Rin called back playfully before responding to Nolan again "Mona is a cat. And Skull relies on junk food." There was a few moments of silence as she thought, before sighing "Fox? Well... It's partially. Because of his... I'm gonna refer to him as his adopted father." The red head explained "He raised Fox under an older Japanese belief about minimalism, as well as how art should not be used for money. The hypocrite. On top of that, he has no impulse control, so Fox often does not even budget correctly, spending most of his money on art supplies. We all try to help him as much as we can back home, but unless we personally buy him food then he'd just spend it on the wrong thing." Pulling a knife out to cut the pie, she tapped the blade down on the counter top. The rage inside the redhead being seen for a brief moment. Her loyalty and protectiveness of her friends being one of her most obvious traits. "All because he was used to getting the bare minimum, and all of it provided to him. His art stuff, his food. Enough to live, given to him. So he never had to learn how to prioritise, how to budget, how to portion. Stuff you naturally pick up as you grow more independent. Instead, thrown into the deep end."

Nolan chuckled softly at the banter as he prepped another dish, preparing some poutine for the table as he listened to Joker's tale. He sympathised with being thrown in at the deep end. After his father passed, Nolan was effectively on his own. He reached over and softly rested his hand on Rin's, covering the blade more out of caution that she could hurt herself in her anger than anything. "Joker, I can see why you've been begging for my help lately. All that anger... It's not good for you. I know. I was in a similar place not long ago. You're not alone." Nolan smiled, feeling a bit more sympathetic toward Fox after hearing his plight, but he still wasn't fond of Fox's first introduction to the rest of the team...

"Yeah. I know." Joker smiled as she looked over her shoulder. At Nolan and then at the rest of the team "I have all of you. You're my family. I... They saved me, you know. Saved me from potentially becoming a monster." She looked back, setting the knife down and chuckling. Doing her best to make sure no one else could hear them "All of them... They came to the Metaverse because of me. Dealing with that god... It was supposed to be me. Dealing with it all... It was part of a game it set up. A contest to decide if humanity deserves free will or not. A rigged game." She explained "There was another. Someone like me with powers like my own. A Wild card who... Was alone. And became a monster. A murderer. Willing to kill, for hundreds to be murdered. All so she could take her revenge on one man." A sad smile crossed her face, shaking her head "She and I... We were opposites. In so many ways. And yet... I liked her. And she was toxic. Any relationship we could have had would have been toxic." Rin continued "Gina Akechi, the Detective Prince. Crow... The traitor of the Phantom Thieves. A warning of what I would have become if I had been alone."

Nolan gently gripped Rin's hand, turning her to face him as he locked his gaze on her eyes. He held her gaze for a moment, letting her feel the gravity of his words before he spoke. "You're nothing like him, Rin. You won't be anything like him. He shouldered this burden alone, and it broke him. You have your friends, your family, and you have me. Granted I'm still new here, but even I can see you're leagues ahead of where you should be. Where we should be. Without you, this team would be a rag-tag band of misfits stumbling through a world we can barely comprehend. But with you as the spearhead this team is functionally unstoppable. I know that you identify with Tarot arcana, and you call yourself The Fool, but you're not. If anything, especially to your team, you're The World."

"It's funny you mention that." Rin chuckled softly, shaking her head "Did you know the tarot deck is actually a story? A story of the fool that travels and grows. From a blank slate, naive and stupid to what was around them, until they grow into a fully realised person. Self actualization that lets them see the truth of the world. That was exactly what happened to me, and with them." Joker gave a soft smile and a nod...before giving Nolan a kiss on the cheek "Thanks for the talk, you always know what to say." She smiled before letting out a soft laugh "Who knows, you might be a Wild Card yourself." She joked and began to carry the food to the table

As she did so, a soft voice filled Rin's ears. A voice only she could hear

"I am thou... Thou art I... Thou hast acquired a new vow... It shall become the wings of rebellion, That breaketh thy chains of captivity. With the birth of Righteous Persona, I have obtained the winds of blessing that shall lead to freedom and new power..."

"Lavenza..." Rin whispered for a moment, looking around as if hoping to see someone... And only saw a small glowing blue butterfly flying past the window, a smile spreading across her lips

"Hey, sorry to be a trouble, but is food coming soon? I think Skull's gonna start eating his own foot if he isn't fed soon." Mona joked

"Haha, very funny, Cat." Skull rolled his eyes

Rin chuckled and shook her head, setting the table

One thing that Nolan had to get used to was eating Asian style. Which was basically buffet styled. Everyone got a plate while the food was put on their own serving plates, everyone taking only what they wanted to eat.

"Ooh~, thank you Nolan. This looks delicious." Noir cheered, clapping softly

Nolan quickly scooped Mona into his arm as he grabbed another course of thinly sliced and medium rare steak with chopped green onions sprinkled on top, carrying both the cat and the meat to the table before sitting between Ann and Futaba. He let the cat rest in his lap, slipping him a sliver of the steak before blushing at Haru's comments. "Thanks, Noir. I mean, I'm no Gordon Ramsay, but I know my way around the kitchen. Fox, stop drooling and eat. And Skull, for Heaven's sake, eat your vegetables." He smirked, glancing at Makoto with a smile before digging into the meal he and Rin had made together. He wasn't entirely sure what Joker had meant about him being a wild card, but he was always willing to help right the wrongs of the world, even if said corrections were on a more personal level.

Ann and Futaba quickly squeezed his hands and smiled, nodding and kissing his cheek, before everyone dug in. Giving a quick cry of thanks for the food.

Mona grumbled from his place on Nolan's lap for a moment, the cat's Metaverse form being the size of a toddler making sense for such an act, but he didn't enjoy it. But still, he gave our soft purrs and happy cheers at the delicious food

"Dude, come on! Not you to!" Skull groaned

"No no, this food is lovely." Noir argued with a bright smile "Oh, I must have you speak to some of the recipe designers at Okumura Foods when this is all over. They've been trying to cut down on the quality of meat used for Big Bang Burgers, to save money. But I'm sure we can find a compromise."

"Okay, so when it comes to burgers..." Nolan spoke, but swallowed his mouthful before continuing, softly scratching behind Mona's ears before giving the cat a few more pieces of steak, "And this I learned watching Gordon Ramsay on Hot Ones, it's about the blend of meats you use. If your cooks aren't grinding their own mixes, then they're doing something wrong. Hence one of the reasons I'll hesitate before crafting a burger. I'm too much of a perfectionist." Nolan smiled softly, snapping up a sliver of rare beef and offering it to Ann, smiling softly at his blonde lover as he winked at her. "Say ah, babe?"

“Skull, behave!” Panther huffed before happily grinning and opening her mouth wide, swallowing the offered food

"Yes ma'am, sorry ma'am." her fellow blonde grumbled

Queen sat there, tapping her spoon on the table a bit as she frowned, trying to focus in eating

"Skull, I can see your roots coming through. You might want to pick up some more dye next time we go shopping." Noir pointed out politely

"For real?!" Skull blinked looking at himself in the spoon "Oh crap, you're right. Thanks Noir."

The teams strategist took a deep drink of water, trying to keep her eyes off of Nolan

"Hey, Basilisk, can you and Oracle look over the floor plans of Charlotte's Palace tonight before you go to bed? I wanna have a team meeting tomorrow and any new info you find could be useful." Joker asked

Nolan glowered at Skull, fighting the urge to hack his phone and trigger an embarrassing ringtone for the fighter, but Ann's glance his way stopped him. He softly scratched Mona's head, thanking the cat for defending Ann as he happily fed Futaba a dumpling at her request. He took note of Makoto's apparent unease, remembering what Ann and Futaba told him about her crush on him. "Yeah, I think that would be okay." Nolan muttered, turning his gaze toward Rin as he slipped a hand under the table and softly squeezed Oracle's hand. "We've got the place almost completely scanned, save for the room Charlotte's shadow is in. I haven't been able to crack her firewall yet, but I've got a program running that'll brute force the door to our will within the hour." He glanced at Makoto, biting his lip as he contemplated his next move. "Queen, after dinner, I'd like to see you in the map room again. There's some things that don't quite make sense about the layout of Charlotte's dungeon that I'd like to clear up before doing another scan of the building."

"Babe, it's Skull." Ann whispered, patting his arm playfully. Reminding how she and Skull had a long standing friendship


"I'm going out for a ride." Makoto said as she slammed her cutlery down onto the table before she rushed off, sprinting out of the room. The mention of the meeting room, remembering that massage from a week and a half ago...

"Is Queen okay?" Fox blinked with a raised eyebrow

"I'm sure she'll be fine." Joker hummed, looking at Nolan for a few moments

"Excuse us." Panther and Oracle said as both girls suddenly stood up and grabbed Nolan's arms, dragging him out of the room


"What did he do?" Skull deadpanned, the other shrugging

Nolan yelped as he was effectively dragged from the room, struggling against Ann and Futaba as he looked between them. Confusion was swarming his mind. Over Makoto's sprinting from the room, her reaction to his honest request for help... But most of all he was slowly becoming terrified as he looked up at two girlfriends. "Hey, put me the hell down! What's going on!? Panther, talk to me, dammit!" Once they were out of the main community area, the living/dinning/relaxing room, into the corridor... And then slamming the door closed

"Nolan... Baby..." Ann sighed as she rubbed her nose "Did you really just..."

"You had a deep, passionate, sensual time with her. In private. Like that." Futaba explained as best she could "And then you kissed her."

"And she likes you." Ann added, stressing the word "She probably feels like you're sending mixed signals. Plus, overwhelmed."

"Doesn't help that she's never been with... anyone before." Futaba added "And kinda private about that stuff. Like I'm socially awkward, but she's romantically awkward."

Nolan blushed softly, standing and brushing his jeans off as he looked between Ann and Futaba. "I'm... Not entirely sure I follow. Are you saying that... That Makoto thought I wanted another 'moment' with her? I had genuine questions about how Metaverse architecture works. I thought I'd found a weak point we could exploit..." Nolan scratched his head and sighed softly. "I've... f*cked up haven't I. Again." He sighed, looking between Ann and Futaba. "What now? We can't keep going on like this. Makoto is going to burn herself out at this pace. I can't watch this team implode like my first DedSec cell did."

"Even if you didn't, she probably felt that way." Ann said honestly

"Or at least worried she'd do something stupid and panicked." Futaba added

"And don't worry, the team won't implode from something as small as this." Ann chuckled, rubbing his arm... before sighing "I guess the real question is... how do you feel about Makoto, Nolan?"

Nolan blushed at Ann's question, co*cking an eyebrow as he bit his lip. In truth he'd grown rather fond of Makoto. He admired her personal strength, saw a lot of beauty and grace in her actions. "I... I like her. A lot. I don't want to see her like this. I don't know what's going on, Ann, but I know I can't stand being stressed out and tearing herself apart."

"Well then, it looks like there is only one thing to do then." Ann frowned as she and Futaba shared a look.

The blonde and red head nodding at each other before turning to Nolan "Tell her." They said as one

"And then f*ck her." Futaba added with a grin

"Don't worry about cheating on us." Ann said calmly as she held her hand up, interrupting Nolan before he could talk "Futaba and I have honestly talked about this. And from the time the three of us have had together. Well-"

"We find it really f*cking hot when you f*ck other girls." The redhead said simply, no tact as usual "I love seeing you plough Ann's dump truck ass."

"I..." Ann blinked, her brain shutting down at Futaba's words for a few seconds

Nolan blushed, a whirlwind of objections silenced by Ann's raised hand. His head was spinning, completely blindsided by this development. His brain had completely shut down as well, unsure not only of what to do next. "Wait... So..." Nolan grumbled, scratching his head as he looked between his blonde and redheaded girlfriends. "So you're telling me... To f*ck Makoto? Are you nuts? I mean, it's not like I don't think she's hot as hell, and I'd be happy to help her destress, but this is a bit much. I'm no playboy. I'm honestly terrified I'll f*ck everything up and break both your hearts, and Makoto's as well!" Nolan had his reservations clear as day. It wasn't that he didn't want to, it was that he was afraid of the animosity that was practically inevitable. "Look, I'll go after her and tell her how I feel. But I'm not going any further unless she wants me to. And if this happens, I'm taking responsibility for her heart as well. You two understand that, right?"

"That's fine." they both nodded together

"We know you aren't a playboy, Nolan." Ann assured, placing a hand on his chest "We wouldn't like you if you were. It's part of why we know you won't 'f*ck this up'."

"Yeah." Futaba nodded "Makoto likes you, you like her. And Ann and I do not mind sharing, especially since both of us like the idea of seeing you with another girl."

"You can make this right, you're fine. We trust and love you." Panther continued, kissing his cheek "If you don't tell her, you will be messing things up. So go on, get going. She'll be out of the base if you don't get going, and then you'll be spending ages just trying to find her."

"Good luck." Futaba added calmly

Nolan smiled softly, their confidence in him made his heart soar. He gently cupped Ann's cheek and pulled her into a gentle and loving kiss, turning to Futaba and pulling her into a deeply loving and sweet kiss of her own. He hugged them both tightly to him, smiling brightly throughout.

"I love you two. I'll be right back with our strategist." Nolan smiled and dashed off, pulling on his ball cap on as he dashed to the garage and hopped onto his custom-built Dodge Tomahawk. The barely street legal vehicle was a gift from an old friend years back, and the only thing that could help him catch up to Makoto now. He gunned the engine, tearing out of the garage and into the Metaverse, following the speck in the distance that was Makoto's motorcycle.

Makoto was riding her bike, or rather her Persona. Johanna giving off blue flames from her wheels and exhausts as the Queen rushed down the streets of the Metaverse.

The motorbike was an intense beast, two large black wheels, silver-blue hubcaps, grey secures on the wheels, black pipes and vents along the front, a crown-like front piece with two red eyes at the side, a silver-blue front wheel guard, a dark black seat, silver and black handles, silver-blue back wheel protection from the back wheel. And finally on the front, a blue windscreen with a 'robotic' woman's smiling head with silvery hair flowing back behind her.

Makoto clenched the handlebars tightly, swerving around a corner dramatically "Frei!" She roared out as she drove around the corner. Makoto's element of attack was nuclear energy, like how Ann used fire or Skull was electricity, and she was using the weakest attack she had. A blast of blue energy shot from her bike and high into the air, exploding dramatically like fireworks. No fall out or left over radiation, completely safe

Nolan grunted at the sudden flash of light, dodging the blast as he slowly caught up to Makoto and pulled alongside her, his Tomahawk purring underneath him and giving him plenty of horsepower to keep pace with the supernatural motorcycle... For now. "Hey! That's dangerous! Share the road, daredevil!" He chuckled softly, seeing the frustration in her eyes. "Pull over! I want to talk!"

"I was shooting stories up, you're fine." She responded simply, frowning "And if you want to talk... Then keep up and talk." As she finished her sentence, Johanna's engine roared as Makoto rushed forth once more. Gaining speed as she rushed down the black and red streets, her short brown hair fluttering around her dramatically

Nolan smirked as she blasted ahead, grinning as he opened the throttle and his motorcycle roared. He charged forward, overtaking Makoto almost effortlessly before matching her speed. He glanced behind him at the beauty known as Queen. "How about this! A little race! First person to the water tower up ahead wins! I win, we stop and chat! Deal?"

"What's wrong, can't multitask?!" Makoto called over the roaring engines. Actually seeming a bit more aggressive than normal. Nolan had ever seen her like this in battle, riding her bike seemed to awaken this same mindset within her. Almost like she was in an action movie, or something. "But fine. If that's how you wanna play it." She growled as she lowered herself, the Queen pressing her body against her bike and reducing wind resistance as she quickly readied herself "Punch it, Johanna!" She cried out, blue flames roaring from the engine as she drove forwards at high speeds

Nolan grinned softly, gawking slightly as Makoto... no, as Queen overtook him with ease. He grinned, chuckling to himself as he triggered his Snake-Eye system and scanned Makoto's earpiece, immediately opening a private channel for them during the race. "Oh, I can multitask no problem, my Queen~" Nolan teased, his voice coming almost tauntingly through Queen's earpiece. "Can't hack if you have tunnel vision!" He roared out his words, gunning the engine to his mechanised beast, gaining on the Phantom Thieves' strategist. "It's more fun if there's something on the line, Makoto!" Nolan grinned as he pulled alongside Queen, smirking at her as he kept pace and stayed neck-and-neck with his fellow rider.

Queen gripped her bike handles tightly, clenching her teeth as she felt Johanna's power rushing around her. Rushing through her body. Her ruby eyes locked on to something in the distance as she focused, as she channelled all she could. Pushing herself harder and faster, speeding forth and over the finish line


In a tie.

Letting out a small grumble she quickly pulled to the side, her Persona's tires screeching as she came to a quick stop in an Akira slide. From how comfortably she did so, wasn't the first time she had done this

Nolan turned his bike sideways and entered the same Akira Slide, his tires screeching as he slid across the pavement. He finally stopped an inch from Makoto, parking perfectly parallel to her, making it clear he was just as skilled as she was on the bike. And yet… "Makoto, what the hell was that?" Nolan spoke, almost with disappointment in his voice. "Your motorcycle is as fast as you will it to be. You should have smoked me by a country mile." Nolan sighed softly, pulling off his ball cap and pulling his cloth mask down, looking at Makoto with genuine concern in his eyes. "You're not acting like a Queen right now. Instead you're acting like an unsure pawn who doesn't want her promotion at the other side of the board. I get it, heavy is the head that wears the crown and all that crap, but it pains me to see you like this. Please, Makoto. Talk to me. Tell me what's going on."

"It's me, okay!" She snapped as her bike vanished in blue flames. Forming on her face as the metallic mask once again as she turned her back to him in shame. Hugging herself as she lowered herself "It's... It's me. It's all me." She whispered softly "I'm scared of... Ruining everything."

Nolan was honestly dumbfounded. Of all the things he expected to hear, this was not one of them. He reached out for her, pausing and clenching his fist... before reaching out with both arms and wrapping them around Makoto and drawing her into himself. He hugged her tightly, holding her closely as he shook his head. "You have no reason to feel that way, Makoto. You're... You're not the weak link here. If anyone here is, it's me. I have no powers, no Persona, no nuclear energy weapons or spontaneous fire generation. All I have are my guns, combat skills, and hacking. I'm petrified I'll slip up every time I go out into the field with you and the rest of the Phantoms. You're one of the reasons I can even move when I'm in the field. Your confidence, your level head... It inspires me to no end... maybe..." Nolan bit his lip, slowly withdrawing from her and turning away. "Maybe that's why I fell in love with you too."

Makoto froze at those words, her eyes widening in shock.

What... What could she say? That confession just floored her.

There was so much she wanted to say. How it wasn't combat she was scared of. That she liked Nolan. Loved him. And was scared she'd do something stupid. That she'd ruin the team dynamic. That she'd hurt Ann and Futaba.

And assume Nolan wasn't useless. That made every fight easier.


And then he confesses.

Then her mind shut down.

And all that she could think of was to ask...

"What-Did you say?" She asked, feeling safe in his arms.

Nolan stepped back, unwrapping his arms from Makoto's shoulders as he turned his back to her. He grit his teeth, mentally berating himself, but he already told Makoto the truth. No way he could backpedal out of it. "It's... It's true, Makoto. I... I genuinely love you. Like I love Ann and Futaba. I... I can't bear the thought of anything happening to you. That's why I pushed so hard for you to destress, to let some of that anxiety go. I saw it eating away at you with every mission we went on, and it ate me up inside that I couldn't do anything for you. Even now I'm just dumping more emotional weight onto your shoulders..." Nolan sighed softly, chuckling under his breath as he glanced at her. "You must think I'm some kind of slime, huh? Falling for you when I'm already in love with two of your friends? Even knowing they approve wholeheartedly of my affections, it still feels weird to me."

" don't understand." Makoto stuttered as she looked into his eyes "Nolan I... I love you too. This... This is what all this has been about. How I've been acting." Her red eyes looked deep into his, as she brushed her hair behind her ear nervously "I... You... You are amazing. Kind, caring, charming, handsome. Being around you... It's like nothing I've ever felt before." Makoto explained "And... I was scared. Especially after that massage. That... That I'd do something wrong. I'd kiss you, or confess, or do something stupid. And you wouldn't feel the same. Or Ann and Futaba would be upset. That I'd ruin the team. But... You... You feel the same?"

"I... More than feel the same, Makoto." Nolan turned back to her, taking her hands in his and squeezing softly. He bit his lip, locking eyes with her as he felt his heart pounding in his chest. "I don't... Do what I did for you back in the meeting room... For just anyone..." He blushed and smiled softly. "I mean, shoulder massages are pedestrian, but what you got... The whole thing... That was something I normally only do for Ann and Futaba... It's... When you ran, I thought I'd done something wrong, I'd pissed you off. I was scared for a moment that you hated me. That's why I kept trying to bring you back for another session. I saw the stress in your eyes wearing you down, and... I couldn't live with wondering if you hated me. So... I mean... Will you give me... Another shot?"

"I... You... But..." Makoto muttered as she tried to process everything. Blushing up a storm But as she did... she grasped his hands. Slowly burning them down to her waist and around herself. Urging him to hug her close "You said... They're okay... With sharing?" She asked nervously

Nolan smiled softly, gently closing his arms around Makoto's waist as he nodded softly. He pulled her closely, gently hugging her hips to his own as his eyes flickered between hers. "Yeah... I won't give you a verbatim mostly because 'Taba used some rather colourful language, but they... They actually told me to go after you. I'd have come after you regardless, but they wanted me to confess how I felt to you." Nolan bit his lip, keeping one arm around her hips as his other hand slid up and gently caressed her cheek. "So... Do you... Accept my feelings, my Queen?" There was a moment of silence... Before Makoto suddenly jumped into his arms. Smashing her lips against his in a deep passion filled kiss, moaning against his mouth as she showed him how she felt.

No words needed. The Queen just letting out all of her passion, her love, into the kiss. Her brown hair blowing in the wind as both of her white gloved hands dug into his hair and tugged a bit. Not painfully, but almost as if to remind herself this was real.

Nolan yelped softly as she jumped into him, his arms immediately wrapping around her as he surrendered into the kiss. He melted into her, hugging Makoto tightly as his lips adored and worshipped hers. He followed her lead, groaning softly at the tug of his hair and returning it with one of his own, sinking his fingers into her hair and tugging softly before pulling her deeper into the kiss.

This was real. This moment, this adoration they shared, it was all real. Nolan knew it, and he wanted Makoto to feel every ounce of his love for her.

She wrapped a leg around his waist, the leather clad biker taking one of his hands and bringing it down onto her large luscious ass. The serious woman giving him permission to touch and play with it as much as he wanted. Large, plump, oh so soft but still firm. It was like a dough in his hand, even through the leather and nylon

Makoto's red eyes flickered open for a second as she broke the kiss, panting. Almost trying to make sure that this was all real, that Nolan hand't disappeared while her eyes had been closed, before she dove in once more, slamming her lips against his for another kiss.

Nolan panted hard as Makoto broke the kiss, his chest rising and falling in deep breaths as he cradled her cheek in his hand and gave a tentative squeeze of her ass, pulling Makoto closer as he muttered softly. "I'm here, Makoto. I'll always be here." He breathed out before his voice was swallowed again by her lips. He stumbled back slightly from the force of her kiss, moaning deeply into the passionate lip lock before turning around and swinging his leg over his motorcycle and laying Makoto down on the bike's fender, laying himself atop her and hugging the woman closer as his tongue gently scraped along her lips, a soft whine from him begging permission to deepen the kiss further.

Makoto shuddered as she was pinned to the bike. Moaning against his lips as she eagerly opened her mouth wide. Giving him permission, letting his tongue enter her mouth... As her tongue was already darting out and running around his. Her inexperience was noticeable, but she clearly knew what she was doing. As she did she rolled her hips. Her chest pressed tightly against his while her hips where grinding against his, her core got through the nylon

Nolan moaned heartily and slithered his tongue along hers, invading past her lips and eagerly exploring beyond the passionate and fervent kiss. He chuckled at her eagerness, moaning more as he returned her fervour in kind and scraped his tongue along hers. His hips pressed down harder against hers, letting her feel the reaction his body had to her. His stiffening bulge pressed against her core, throbbing slightly as he ground his hips into hers. He could have kept kissing her forever...


Nolan cursed under his breath, panting and whining into the kiss as he struggled with himself and with Makoto to get free, scrambling for his phone. He finally broke the kiss and pulled Makoto into his neck, panting softly as he whispered to her. "Please... please be a good girl, Makoto." He answered his phone and slowed his breathing, unable to stop his hips from grinding into Makoto's. "Y-yeah? Hey Ann. Guess who I managed to catch up to and have a heart-to-heart with?"

[Oh, thank goodness you found her.] Ann breathed a sigh of relief, nodding [I'm glad everything is going well for you... What's that noise?]

The noise Ann was talking about... Was Makoto. She was panting and gasping as she gripped his arms and back. The kiss... She wanted more. So much more. She kissed his neck, kissed and bit, as she continued to roll her hips against his, grinding her core against him. Feeling hunger for his throbbing crotch

Nolan groaned softly and pressed his hips harder into Makoto's, trying to keep her from moving as he held the phone away, whispering harshly into Makoto's ear, something Ann could just barely almost comprehend. "Makoto, what did I say about being good? Calm down for a second." He kissed her cheek softly before bringing the phone back to his ear and talking with his girlfriend. "That's... Makoto. Our heart-to-heart left her a bit... Emotional. I'm lending her my shoulder to lean on."

"I can't... I can't help it!" Makoto whimpered as her eyes fluttered closed as she hugged him tightly. Shuddering and grinning softly "I've never felt... like this before."

[Oh, okay then. Glad you're both okay.] Ann commented with a small blink [Is she part of the-hey! Futaba!]

[Nolan, if you and Queen are getting busy just say and we'll hang up. We get it.] the female hacker said innocently before breaking into a pervy giggle

Nolan bit his lip as he pressed his hips harder into Makoto's, trying to keep her still as he was certain she heard Futaba's little gremlin giggle. He glared at Makoto, holding the phone off to the side again as he whispered into Queen's ear. "Behave yourself, Makoto. Please. I'll kiss you as hard as you want when I hang up, okay? Just... Stay still? Please?" He softly kissed her cheek, nuzzling into her as he groaned softly at the feeling of her. Biting his lip, he brought the phone back to his ear.

"I-I'll try." Makoto hissed out as she closed her eyes, using all the self control she had. The brown haired woman biting her lip, shaking a bit as she tried to resist the urge to taste the forbidden fruit she had finally sampled.

"Futaba, you know I'm going to spank you for that comment. Have some more respect for your teammate than that." Nolan scolded his girlfriend, his glare almost palpable through the call.

[OOooh, you promise Daddy?] Futaba teased with a mocking tone followed by another Gremlin [Wha-hey! Panther, give that-]

[Enough of that, Oracle.] Ann huffed, having clearly taken the phone off of Futaba [We're glad you're both okay. Don't stay out too long... did you two get together?]

"I'm... Actually planning on bringing her back home soon." Nolan replies, biting his lip as he clung to Makoto, pressing her harder to his bike as he softly kissed her cheek. "I've convinced her to let me give her that massage I've been hounding her for the past week. So maybe it's a step in the right direction." Nolan smiled softly, biting his lip as he tentatively pulled Makoto's lips into his neck and continued. "She-she's starting to come around to the idea of needing some strong stress-relief, Ann…”

[Well, bring her back and have fun. Love ya, and talk to you later. We're going out on a money run, so see ya when we get back.] Ann responded, the beautiful Panther's voice flowing. Showing her smile in just her tone of voice

"N-Nolan..." Makoto whimpered, urging him to hurry up. Looking into his eyes hungrily as her fingers dug into his cloths and ran down his back "Please~"

Nolan smiled softly down at Makoto. Locking eyes with her as he softly pressed his forehead to hers. He spoke slowly, his words directed at both Makoto and Ann. "I love you, my dear." He smiled, softly kissing Queen's lips as he nuzzled closer to her and softly blew a kiss towards his phone. "You be safe, love. Come back in one piece, and ludicrously richer. I can't wait to see you again~. I love you~" Nolan smiled, hanging up with another blown kiss to his girlfriend before pocketing his phone. He smirked down at Makoto and leaned down, giving her another sweet kiss. "Now, where was I... Oh yes, I was trying to convince you to come back with me and finally get your message..." Nolan smiled, caressing Makoto's cheek as he pressed his forehead to hers. "Or... Do I need to convince you a little more?"

"I-Yes~! Yes!" Makoto mumbled, pressing her head against shoulder "F-Fine. If-If it will stop you from being worried." she said, once again feeling guilty, as she shifted her sitting on his bike. Her legs resting around his hips, removing almost all space between them besides their clothes. "I'll let you give me another massage." she chuckled, shaking her head at how aggressively he was pursuing this.

Nolan smiled softly, laying fully on top of Makoto as he felt her legs close around him and tighten. He blushed softly, the feeling of her leather-clad core pressing against his slowly swelling bulge made all sorts of ideas swim through his mind. He chuckled lightly, gently pressing his forehead to hers and placing a loving kiss against her lips. "I'm pursuing this so strongly, Makoto, because you are in desperate need of some stress relief. And..." He blushed softly, pressing closer to her as he softly turned the ignition key, the motorcycle roaring to life beneath them and rumbling as he pulled on the throttle. A chuckle left him as he pressed his cheek to hers and whispered into his Queen's ear. "I honestly... part of me wants you in a locked room with me again... The thought of making you blush, smile, and sigh as I melt the stress away... It's a very appealing thought..."

"You are making it sound so naughty and weird." she responded with a light giggle, running her hands over his shoulders and arms. Makoto's red eyes sparkling with mischief as she groaned against the roaring engine and how close Nolan was. Makoto kissed him deeply for several moments. It was not long, but it was deep and passionate, with the brunette panting as she pulled back and reluctantly slipped out from his grasp "We should... head back." she responded as she removed her mask, letting her bike Persona take shape once more.

Nolan whined softly as she slipped from underneath him. He sighed softly, watching her move almost wistfully before a slow smile spread across his face. He reached back for her and slipped his hand into hers, tugging her to him and cupping her bare cheek before locking his gaze on hers again. "Race me. One more time. Back to the base. You win, and the massage will continue until you say stop and I'm yours until you're satisfied. I won't even throw anything on as a condition if I win, because I know you'll smoke me this time. I believe in you, Makoto. Show me how fast you really are.”

Makoto's eyes widened at his works. Freezing for several moments. Her ruby orbs were wide, almost shaking a bit as they glistened. Looking deep into his own as she let out a small gasp. Feeling his soft embrace. His gentle caress. His care and kindness...

A tear almost fell from her eye as she smiled and nodded, giving him a quick kiss

"You better take this seriously." She warned, quickly getting onto Johannah and revving the engine majestically "Ready when you are."

Nolan smiled, his lips still warm from her kiss as he slipped onto his Tomahawk, revving the powerful engine and making the steel beast purr. He smirked softly, glancing over at the beautiful biker next to him. "Take this seriously? Tell you what. Here's how confident I am you'll win-"

The next sounds to fill Makoto's ears were the roaring of all ten cylinders of the Tomahawk's engine before he shot down the road without even giving a countdown. Was he really this confident in her? Stealing a headstart like this?

Yes. This confidence and more.

"I-You little- BASILISK!" Makoto roared as she revved her engine and took off like a rocket. The tires screeching as she charged forth, blue flames washing over as her red eyes shone out of them like a demon within the blue inferno that washed over her form. The Bike roaring louder and louder and louder as the Queen charged forth towards him faster and faster and faster "JOHANNA!" she roared out, the bike sounding like a wild lion with its loud roar.

It was clear that Nolan wasn't holding back. Not at all. His hand was cranking the throttle, putting every bit of the 500-horsepower engine to full use as he tore through the vacant streets of Metaverse New York City. He glanced behind him, smiling brightly as he saw Makoto... No. As he saw Queen not only following him, but gaining on him. And startlingly quickly.

"COME ON, QUEEN!" Nolan screamed into his headset, cheering Makoto on as he pushed his engine into the red. "FIVE-HUNDRED HORSEPOWER IS NOTHING COMPARED TO YOUR SPEED! PROVE IT TO ME!"

The flames continued to roar and rise, Makoto driving faster and faster. The blue fire licking against the Tomahawk, the Queen pushing past dramatically.

The tires screeched as they let out a loud roar. The engine and Makoto's voice merging as one as she bolted further ahead.

Nolan grinned brightly as he watched Queen close in on him quickly... and pass him, rocketing down the road like a bat out of the deepest pits of Hell itself. He smiled more, his eyes not falling to the temptation of roaming her curves as she passed him. Instead, his focus was on Johanna's rear view mirror. His smile only grew at what he spotted.

Makoto... was beaming.

"Haha!" Makoto laughed as her bike rushed by, as she forced forth like the wind. Her heart soaring as she rushed down the roads faster than she'd ever felt before. For the first time in a long time... She felt free.

And soon... The race was over. The two returning to the warehouse, Makoto arriving leagues before Nolan, winning the race almost effortlessly.

Nolan smiled and yanked his motorcycle into a long Akira slide, pulling up next to the race's winner and hopping off his bike with the exuberance of a man in love. He ran to Makoto, ensnaring her in his arms and hugging her tightly to him as he spun her around. "f*cking knew you could do it. f*cking knew it!" Nolan was beaming like the morning sun as he pulled back, caressing Makoto's cheek before softly kissing her forehead. "I guess that means... You'll be wanting that massage now..."

The silver bike vanished the second that Makoto had finished, a good two to three seconds before Nolan had arrived... and she yelped as she was picked up. She felt his powerful arms wrap around her slim waist, lifting her off the ground as she began to laugh. Feeling weightless and safe within his arms. And when sat down, after he kissed her forehead... she pulled him into a deep and hungry kiss, moaning softly for several moments, before breaking the kiss. "If you're up for it, sure." she smiled gently.

"Up for it?" Nolan smiled, softly pressing Makoto against the steel wall of the warehouse they called a base. He swiped his phone along the digital lock, hacking the door instead of unlocking it and smiling as it slid open.

"Makoto, my Queen, I'm damned well insisting. You've been dodging me for far too long." He grinned more, pulling Makoto into the building and turning her toward the room he'd converted into the rec area, or ‘relaxation grotto’ as Fox had come to call it. "Go and wait for me. Get yourself ready. You won the race, after all. I'll tell the others that you're back and safe. Plus... I think Ann and 'Taba would appreciate the update..."

"Right, right, you-you go tell them. I'll be waiting." she chuckled nervously as she looked over her shoulder. But the smile never left Makoto's face, even as she let out small little giggles and blushed. A mix of nerves and excitement coursing through her veins. The red eyed beauty kissed his cheek as she pulled away, running down the halls of the hideout. Giving a small wave over her shoulder as her heels clicked along the cold hard ground, her hips swaying as she had a near skip in her step.

Nolan smiled softly, unable to resist watching Makoto's swaying hips as she almost sauntered away. He knew she knew exactly what she was doing, and it only made his heart yearn for her even more. He chuckled softly, shaking his head as she rounded the corner, blowing her a kiss that he hoped she saw in her peripheral vision.

The moment Makoto was out of sight, Nolan activated his Snake-Eye and sent a quick message to Ann and Futaba, smiling softly as he jogged to his room.

[Hey girls. Can you come to my room real quick? Got some good news for you two~]

A few simple text messages back and forth, some light flirting and confirmation, until...

Ann and Futaba entered the room not too long later, the two lifting their masks up on their foreheads as they approached their lover. "Hey baby, you okay?" Ann asked as her heels clicked a bit, the latex clad blonde reaching down to unzip her thigh high boots "You know, sometimes I hate these heels." she joked a little, while Futaba gave a playful giggle

"They make your ass bouncier." the team Navi giggled.

Nolan smiled softly as Ann and Futaba joined him, waiting for the door to close before he tossed his jacket onto their bed and walked up to them, turning his attention to Futaba first and pulling her into a deep and powerfully dominant kiss, reminding the sassy ginger to show at least some respect. He didn't leave Ann out of his affections, breaking off from Oracle and pulling Panther into a deep and heart-meltingly loving kiss of her own. He adored them both for a few seconds before pulling back, blushing slightly as he bit his lip. "Now that I... have your attention..." He chuckled softly, hugging both of them snugly to him. "Makoto... will be joining this little polyamory. At least, she will as long as you two say she can."

Both of them had deeply enjoyed the kisses, moaning against him for several moments. Enjoying his closeness, his warmth


And then both gave him a deadpan look

"You do know... We already have that, right?" Ann deadpanned "When we told you to chase after her and tell her?"

"Yeah. We encouraged you to go and nab her." Futaba added "Why would we have a problem?"

Nolan smiled sheepishly before hugging both Ann and Futaba closer to him, chuckling nervously as he basked in their closeness for a moment. "I just wanted to be sure. That, and I'm still kinda getting used to this polyamory thing." Nolan whispered to them, kissing them both again before sighing. "I just... Want to make sure I'm being the best I can for you two... And now for Queen as well. This is uncharted territory for me. Forgive me if I need confirmation every now and then that I'm doing a good job..."

"It's fine, it's fine." Ann assured, patting Nolan's cheek gently "It's new for all of us as well."

"Yeah, and you've been great. Best boyfriend ever." Futaba agreed, giggling softly as she nuzzled against him softly. Humming gently at his warmth like a happy kitten.

Nolan smiled, hugging Ann and Futaba tighter before dragging them both backwards towards their bed. He bit his lip, glancing between them as an impish glint shone in his eyes. "In that case, perhaps I should tell you what Makoto didn't want getting out? About how we were making out right when you called..."

"Oh, we worked that out." Ann chuckled as she leaned against him, running her pink gloved fingers across his chest "You two weren't exactly subtle." she chuckled.

"How did her lips taste?" Futaba asked with a gremlin grin.

Nolan smiled softly, holding back a groan as he felt Ann's fingers along his chest. He bit his lip, smiling softly as his hand trailed down Futaba's back to grip her ass tightly. He squeezed hard as he pulled Ann into a deep and loving kiss. "She tasted sweet and strong..." He hummed as he pulled back, smiling at Ann before kissing her again. "Not surprised there. She'd had Haru's coffee before she ran off." He smiled again and grabbed Futaba's hand, flinging her onto the bed as he winked at Ann, breaking from her to walk over to Futaba and laying on top of her, fitting himself snugly between her legs. "I pinned her to my bike just like this. Once I told her I felt for her the same way I feel for you two, we couldn't help ourselves..." He grinned, leaning in slow and mumbling his words. "Wish I could say it started soft... But she needed... This." He crushed his lips to Futaba's, kissing her hard and rough, his tongue spearing her lips and seeking out her own as he kissed her in an exact mirror to the kiss he'd shared with Makoto.

Futaba shuddered as she gasped and moaned, quivering under Nolan's teasing. Feeling tiny and weak under him in a way that she just loved.

"Don't be so cruel Nolan, you know how she gets." Ann giggled, kissing along his neck as she ran her fingers along his shoulders from behind. Giving him a mini-massage of her own "It's gonna take me ages to calm her down as you spend your time with Makoto. How mean~"

Nolan groaned at Ann's words and hands along his shoulders, smiling as he broke the kiss with Futaba before turning his head and sinking his hand into Ann's hair, pulling her into a deep and loving kiss of her own as he pressed his hips harder to Futaba's. He held Ann's lips against his for a few seconds before slowly pulling back, chuckling as he planted another few soft kisses against her cheek. "I know you'll find a way, love. Either that, or I could tell her to hold herself back and wait for me to spoil her myself..." He smiled warmly and lovingly at Futaba, biting his lip as he caressed her cheek. "Think you can do that for me, hun? Hold back until I can spoil you rotten like the gorgeous gremlin you are?"

"Ann is... Is gonna rock my world..." She panted and moaned, grinning softly as she looked up at him blissfully.

"Now go. And make Queen feel like the luckiest woman in the world besides us." Ann teased as she pulled Nolan off Futaba and gave him a playful shove towards the door.

Nolan smiled as he was shoved along, turning to Ann at his doorway and pulling her into another tender and loving embrace. He graced her lips with another sensual and sweet kiss, pulling back with a smile as he blushed. "I love you, babe. I guess... It's time to spoil my next girlfriend..." He couldn't even believe the words he was saying, but meant them all the same. He gave Ann another kiss. It was quick, but it was loving. The kiss filled with oh so much heart on both ends. Ann wrapped her arms around him, moaning a bit.

But not a lustful moan, just ones of satisfaction.

Breaking the kiss, Ann looked into his eyes. Her blue gaze almost sparkling as she patted his cheek "Go on baby. She's gonna love it." She urged, watching him go and gave a confident "Love you to!" after him.

Nolan smiled as he jogged down the halls of the hideout, passing Haru and giving her a small wave before finally arriving at The Oasis Room. He felt his heart pounding in his chest, more from the anticipation of what was to come than the little bit of cardio he got on the way here. He took a deep breath to calm himself, slowly opening the door into the dimly-yet-warmly lit room. "My Queen~, your humble Serpentine Servant has arrived to tend to you…”

Sitting there, on the bed/massage table, was the smirking Makoto. The Queen, naked, lying on the towel. All ready for the coming massage, her legs kicking back and forth. "That's good. I was worried you were gonna leave me here all alone." She teased with a wink.

Nolan smiled softly, a light blush warming his cheeks as he saw Makoto gloriously nude and almost presenting herself for him. He chuckled softly, tossing aside his jacket and shirt, leaving his chest bare for her to admire as he grabbed the bottle of massage oil he'd purchased during his last foray into the real world. "Now why in the world would I do something like that?" Nolan spoke softly as he triggered his Snake-Eye, hacking and dimming the lights further before turning the warmer lights up slightly, bathing the room in a gentle fire-orange glow as he walked over to Makoto's side and gently kissed her neck and shoulder. "What reason would I have for leaving you here alone after finally getting you all to myself?"

"Ann or Futaba may have stolen your attention away." She admitted shyly, Makoto shuddering in desire under his gentle kisses and soft caresses. The woman let out a soft moan as she felt his skilled touch, an almost magical experience just from the soft brushes.

Nolan smiled softly, gently kissing a line from Makoto's shoulder and up her neck before placing a feather-soft kiss to her cheek. With a smile, he stood and squeezed some of the massage oil onto Queen's back and gently spread it across her skin, making her body shimmer slightly like the goddess she was. "I will admit, Panther and Oracle are distracting in their own right, but... You see..." Nolan smiled and pressed his palms into Makoto's back, resulting in a couple pops being eased from her spine, "After that kiss we shared on my bike... I can barely think of anything else but you..."

"Mmm~, you sweet talker you~" Makoto purred, even groaning a bit. She had shuddered a bit when the oil touched her skin, her back arching on instinct... Only to moan as his skilled hands slid across her back. "God damn... It Nolan... Your hands are just... Too good~" Makoto moaned a little, her eyes fluttering closed as she relaxed against the massage bed.

Nolan smiled softly, chuckling as he slowly dragged his hands up and down Makoto's back, his fingertips clawing into her skin and targeting the tensest muscles he could find before kneading them so deeply it would have felt like her muscles could never hold an ounce of stress ever again. He slowly moved around the massage bed until he was standing in front of Makoto's head. If she were to look up, she would have seen an impressive bulge already throbbing inside his jeans… "To be fair, my Queen," Nolan smirked, slithering his hands up to her shoulders and almost clawing his fingertips into her skin, "Not the first time a beautiful woman has told me that in this building... Though the last time I heard that it was whispered into my ear~"

"Nnnggghh... Oh god Nolan~" Makoto groaned softly at the sensations dancing across her body. Her back arching a tiny bit as let out relaxed noises. It felt like her body was melting, her eyes fluttering closed as she soaked in the gentle bliss. Her red eyes caught sight of Nolan's bulge for just a moment, her nipples growing hard against the table at the thought.

Nolan smiled softly, gripping Makoto's shoulders and kneading her muscles gently and deeply, slowly sinking to a knee and smiling into Makoto's nearly blissed-out expression. He slipped one hand to the back of her neck as he leaned in for a soft and slow kiss, gingerly adoring her lips before pulling back with a smile. "Ready for more, or do you need a moment to come back to reality?" Nolan chuckled softly at his own quip. Makoto was certainly giving him more vocal reactions than either Ann or Futaba, and he couldn't help but think about just how cute it was...

"Don't... Don't you... f*cking stop..." Makoto gasped out weakly. Her body shaking in bliss, a stupid smirk across her face. She felt like she was floating, Her world is nothing but relaxation and comfort. The gentle kiss making it even more comfortable.

Nolan smiled and gently kissed her once more, cradling her in the soft and loving embrace as he adored her lips with his own. After a long moment, Nolan pulled back and softly kissed her forehead. "Keep moaning like that, my Queen, and I might have to gag you." He winked softly, chuckling at the little tease before slipping behind her and onto the massage bed, softly straddling her thighs with his bulge gently pressing against Makoto's towel-covered ass. His hands returned to her lower back, pressing into her spine and gingerly kneading what felt like an inordinate amount of stress from her body. "Save that sweet song for later, okay beautiful?"

"To quote... Futaba... Kinky~" Makoto teased... Only to let out a surprised moan. Feeling his bulge between her asscheeks, a deep pleasure suddenly rushed through her body that had her toes curling. She flushed brightly and pressed her face into the pillow. Hiding herself while trying to focus on the massage for now...

Nolan rolled his eyes as he dragged his hands up and down Makoto's lightly-oiled skin, clawing his fingertips along her spine and targeting the tense knots in her muscles as he pressed his hands deeper into her skin. "Futaba needs a little attitude adjustment, in my opinion. Unfortunately spanking her doesn't seem to be working..." Nolan muttered under his breath, taking a moment to lean down and press himself fully against Makoto, his chest tightly to her back as he nuzzled his lips into her neck. He softly kissed her neck as he trailed his fingers along her sides. "Has anyone ever told you... you're addictively cuddly?"

"You tried telling her 'no sex' and... Keeping to that?" Makoto asked before letting out a deep moan, her eyes crossing for a moment. Her back arched, her toes flexing and curling, her body covered in a wave of shivers as he pressed into her. "Nnn-nooo~!" She moaned out "No one has... Had ever said that... To me before."

"I've given that idea some thought," Nolan smiled, nuzzling his lips a little deeper into Makoto's neck as he softly kissed her skin. “She does seem to be a rather hungry gremlin, doesn't she…” He gave Makoto's cheek a gentle peck before sitting back up and clawing his fingertips down her back once more, making sure there wasn't a single ounce of tension in her spine before he slid his hands lower and gripped the outside of her thighs. He kept his hips snug to her ass, letting her feel the stiff tent in his jeans as he kept her legs parted with his own. "But I'm more concerned with you at the moment. You are irresistibly cute, Makoto. Try as you might to be a badass, I'll still have this image of you moaning and sighing in bliss to prove just how cute you are... Not to mention how needy you were when I had you pinned to my bike~"

"Can't I... I be both?" She asked as her lip quivered a bit. Oh god the feelings that were rushing through her body... She never imagined anything like this was possible~! It was like her body was melting from the inside out, but it was also giving her the most intense relaxation and pleasure she had ever felt. She bit her lip, glancing over her shoulder at him before her eyes flitted to his jeans. "Don't you... Feel overdressed? Those tight clothes... Have to be... Hurting?" She grunted out

Nolan bit his lip at Makoto's words, a smile coming over him as he slowly lowered himself back down on top of her, snuggling into her and softly kissing her neck again. "Maybe they are a little snug in... certain areas... Though I'll only rectify that after I finish with your legs, My Queen." Nolan smiled, gently combing his fingers through her hair before turning her face to his and kissing her deeply and lovingly. He savoured her lips for several seconds, making sure his message was clear. She was the priority right now, not him. He pulled back from the kiss after a long several seconds, slipping off Makoto's hips and standing beside her, his hands wrapping around her upper thigh with his fingers dangerously close to her core before squeezing as he slid his hands down towards her feet.

"Mmm~, but I... I want my boyfriend to be as comfortable as possible~" Makoto mumbled out as she broke the kiss, her eyes fluttering as she looked Nolan deep in the eyes as she bit her lip. The brunette let out another deep moan as her jaw fell open, her toes curling blissfully as she felt her brain almost melting for a few seconds.

Nolan chuckled softly at her words, squeezing her leg tighter as he moved up and down her thigh, walking around her to switch to her other leg after a few moments and gently smacking her towel-covered backside as he moved. "Easy there, darlin. Don't think you can distract me that easily. You've been dodging this message for far too long." He smiled, kissing her lower back as he massaged and kneaded the muscles in her other leg. "I'm not stopping for anything until you're a puddle of brunette goop."

"Fuuuuuck..." Makoto moaned into the pillow as her eyes crossed. Little did Nolan know she already was a literal puddle. Having had two quiet orgams under his skilled fingers, the red eyes beauty feeling like she was being unravelled by her skilled lover.

Nolan smiled softly as he dragged his hands back up Makoto's leg, finally finishing the full-body massage. He smiled down at his girlfriend, nodding softly to himself as she looked every part the puddle of relaxed brunette goop he'd promised to turn her into. He smiled softly, gently dragging his fingertips up Makoto's leg, teasing along her backside and up her spine as he slowly walked around and crouched in front of her, grinning as he ran his fingers through her hair before cupping her chin in his hand and raising her eyes to his. "How was that, my Queen? I doubt very highly you'll skip out on me the next time I insist on relieving you of your pent-up stress..." Nolan winked before gently pressing his lips to hers in an almost chaste kiss, though it was clear to his girlfriend that he wanted more, that choice would be hers to make.

Makoto whimpered into the kiss as she tried to get another, tried to keep the wonderful sensations going, but he moved back. He moved too far. Her body was too relaxed, too limp to reach for him. The massage made her entire body feel like literal jelly. Her powerful muscles that could knock out a guy a full foot taller than her with one punch... Not even able to try and support her weight.

Nolan chuckled softly at Makoto's current state. He'd promised to massage her into a puddle of goop, but he didn't expect it to be an almost literal promise. He wrapped his arms underneath Makoto's arms, slowly dragging her off the table and into his grasp as he stood, holding her nude frame snugly to him as he slowly made his way to the couch and flopped down on top of it with Makoto snugly in his lap. "Take your time, Queen. Neither of us are going anywhere until you say so." Nolan smiled, slipping one arm lower and wrapping it around her waist, pulling her closer as he gently caressed her cheek with his free hand.

"I-P-Please... Please don't stop." she asked weakly, Makoto letting out a little whimper "Please... Please Nolan. I want... I want to go further. I want... want us to feel good." she begged weakly, her words soft as she reached down to grasp at his crotch.

Nolan blushed at the feeling of her hand on his already sizable bulge. He chuckled softly, nodding as he bit his lip, rocking his hips into her hand as he gingerly pulled her a little closer. His lips hesitated, nerves overtaking him for a moment, but that nervousness died the moment he caught Makoto's gaze. He lost everything else in that moment. Fear, doubt, and disbelief. He pulled Makoto into a deep kiss, adoring her lips with his own as he turned and gently pinned her to the couch, pressing his hips into hers as his hips ground into his Queen's, dragging his bulge against her bare core. His hands worked quickly, one hand staying in her hair as his other unzipped his jeans and slowly began working them down his hips. He couldn't wait any longer. He needed her.

Makoto melted into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck. Pushing her body close to him as she rolled her hips. The red-eyed beauty ground her hips down against his bulge... until he freed it. The Queen's eyes widened as she froze, her breath going harder and faster as her face turned bright red. "I-I-I..." she stuttered out "I that-that-p-penis... I-I've n-never seen one b-before..."

Nolan blushed softly, biting his lip as his boxers around his ankle suddenly felt like they weighed a metric ton. His arms slowly squeezed tighter around Makoto's hips, pulling her tighter to him and unintentionally pressing his stiff shaft against her folds, making him groan behind a bitten lip at the feeling of her sensitive flesh against his length. "I... I promise... I'll be gentle, okay Makoto?" He bit his lip, gently kissing his girlfriend's lips as he squeezed her backside and gently rocked his hips into hers.

"Hmm. I... I want it." She assured with a soft moan, rocking her hips back against his. She didn't know if Nolan noticed or not, but she was definitely moaning louder each time he squeezed her backside than when he wasn't. The Queen reached down, Makoto spreading her soaked puss* lips as she waited for him to enter her. Biting her own lip as she looked at him with love and anticipation in her eyes.

Nolan squeezed Makoto's ass harder, grinning softly as he met her gaze. Oh, he definitely knew her ass was her weakness. Whether it was before her sharp little noises or after, the secret was well and truly out now. He kept squeezing and kneading her backside, pressing his forehead against the brunette’s as he held her gaze and slowly pushed her hips down, using his grip on her ass to guide his foot-long and wrist-thick co*ck as slowly as he could into Makoto's virgin depths.

Makoto was glad she broke her own hymen when she was younger, in an aikido accident, because she knew the pain she was feeling right now would be so much worse. As it was? The pleasure was... It was magical. Makoto moaned as she was filled, her crimson eyes looking deep into his own as she felt her ass being toyed with by his powerful hands. Her thick ass clapped slightly as she took his entire length, groaning as she slowly began to grind against it.

Nolan grit his teeth as he felt Makoto's inner walls spreading open to welcome his length. He panted softly, letting out a shuddering breath as he felt her ass finally come to rest on his thighs, his manhood pushing far deeper than he expected to go into her. She'd taken him completely into her womb on the first try! The thought was making his head spin... Or was that her dancer's hips slowly working his shaft...

"Y... You feel... You feel so good~!" She moaned deeply, gently gripping his shoulders as she adjusted to his length, filling her completely. Her hips movingly slowly as she bit her lips, wanting to feel his hands. Feel him. Makoto wanted to feel him EVERYWHERE~! "I... I want more." She stuttered out in please "P... Please f*ck me~!"

Nolan groaned as he buried his lips into Makoto's neck, humming as he kissed, sucked, and licked her skin. Her words made him crave exactly what she needed: f*cking her senseless. He adjusted his weight slightly, pinning Makoto down a little harder as his lips found hers once again, shamelessly adoring her as his hips started slowly pumping into her core. He moaned into her lips, the feeling of her formerly virgin inner walls clinging to him made him moan even sharper as he hugged his Queen almost desperately to him.

"f*ckf*ckf*ck!" Makoto screamed in bliss, wrapping her legs tightly around him as she panted, moaned and drooled. The normally well kept, calm and collected Makoto completely unravelled under her lover's amazing movements. Her body bucking, curling and shuddering against him "You-You feel so good~!" she moaned, her red eyes crossing "Nolan~!"

Nolan silenced Makoto with a deep kiss, his tongue piercing her lips and deeply dancing with her own. He trapped his girlfriend in the kiss, curling one arm around her neck to hold her closely as his hips softly and deeply clapped against hers. He hummed and mewled into her lips at the feeling of Makoto's arms and legs wrapping tightly around him, the tightness of her embrace only making his hips pump that much harder into her formerly virgin core. Makoto's world felt alight in pleasure and joy. Sensations she had never felt before rushing through her body like dancing waves of electricity, making her very skin tingle.

The noises she was making into the kiss were noises she did not think were possible to come out of her. And if she was not feeling this wonderful feeling down to her very core, her very sense of self, she would be ashamed of being able to make such noises. Her tight virgin core sucked him in deep, her juices flowing freely around the magnificent co*ck thrusting in and out of her. Her womb hungrily anticipating the aftermath.

Nolan moaned deeply with each lustful noise Makoto made, swallowing her voice in the kiss as the shameless sounds of pleasure she made only made his desire and fire burn hotter for her. He grunted deeply, dropping his hips slightly harder into hers and making the couch beneath them rock and creak in protest of their passionate lovemaking. "G-gonna... Cum~" Nolan finally groaned, barely able to get out a single syllable as his tongue was solidly tied with Makoto's. His heavy sack churned as he speared her womb again and again, clinging desperately to his Queen as his apex approached alarmingly closely.

"Wait! Waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait!" Makoto urged desperately, drooling a bit as she kept her hips bucking. Trying to get him deeper and deeper inside her "So close! So close! But... But not inside! Not safe! Hold... Hold out! So close, please! Pleasepleaseplease!" She was stuttering, stammering, her words barely getting out as pleasure racked her brain.

Nolan grunted and gritted his teeth, clenching his jaw tightly as he used every ounce of his willpower to fight back the inevitable even as he thrust harder into his girlfriend's core, slamming into her hips loud enough the claps of skin echoed off the walls. His grunts became pained as he slowed his hips, doing everything he could to hold back the unstoppable force. "C-can't... Much longer!" He groaned out, his hips beginning to shudder as he gripped Makoto tighter and tighter. "Where! Tell me where... You want it!"

"On... On me! My st-stomach! B-breasts! My face! My mouth! Anywhere~!" Makoto begged as she rolled her hips up and drooled, before letting out a pathetic noise. As she came. Her red eyes closing tight as her puss* exploded around him, the Queen letting out a beautiful noise into his ear as she felt the bliss explode through her.

Nolan growled at her words, panting hard as every sound, every touch, everything from her was almost too much. His eyes widened the moment he felt her lustful juices coating his hips, her inner walls convulse around him. He felt his dam beginning to crumble as her inner walls almost milked him for his seed. "M-Makoto! f*ck!" He panicked, finally prying her legs open and unlocking himself from her as he ripped his hips back and scrambled up her body, hovering over her torso as he gripped his shaft and stroked his length hard. His groan was immediate, as was the deluge of thick ropes of his seed that fired from his tip. He painted her breasts and face in thick streaks of cum, finally slumping forward and grabbing the edge of the couch as he panted hard, his drooling co*ckhead just barely not touching Makoto's lips.

Makoto had let out a shriek of pleasure as the cum splattered all over face and breasts. She had never felt as sexy, as erotic, as she did now. Having her lover's cum splatter across her body as the aftershocks of her own pleasurable high rocked her to the very core. It had been the greatest org*sm in her life, the red eyed brunette quivering in ecstasy as she tried to regain herself… Her boyfriend's co*ck dangling in front of her lips was too great a temptation for her in this state and frame of mind. Leaning up slightly, she kissed the co*ckhead that was almost touching her, as if thanking it for the pleasure.

Nolan panted hard, his chest rising and falling as he loomed over his girlfriend. He chuckled softly, his eyes roaming her cum-covered form with a soft groan, drinking in just how sultry and erotic she looked. Her lips adoring his still-solid co*ckhead forced a soft moan from his lips, a chuckle leaving his lip-bitten smile as he gripped his shaft and gently lowered his hips to poke his stiff manhood against his Queen's irresistible lips. "If that... was a thank-you... perhaps you'd be willing to clean me off before our next round? Because, trust me, Makoto, I'm no one-shot wonder. Ask Ann and Futaba..."

Before Nolan even finished his words, she was sucking him down. Makoto bobbed her head eagerly along his length as she looked him in the eye and moaned against his flesh, tasting the evidence of their combined lust. She was almost as unskilled as Futaba had been, but she wasn't choking that much… Nolan let out an embarrassingly loud moan, one that would certainly have caught the attention of anyone in the hall had they heard it, and left absolutely no mystery as to what was happening within the Fox-dubbed ‘relaxation grotto’. He chuckled softly, grinning as he gently rocked his hips, matching Makoto's movements as he gently thrust into her eager lips. Her slightly sloppy eagerness was only making his blood burn hotter, his manhood throbbing with each inch she swallowed past her lips.

"F-f*ck, Queen... My Makoto... You look so cute coated in cum with my co*ck in your mouth~" Nolan smiled, biting his lip as he threw a little charm into his teasing words, running his fingers through her hair as he watched her work him over.

Makoto blushed at his words, eventually pulling back. Freeing him from her mouth as she panted, as she blushed, looking him in the eye "D-Don't talk like that. It-It's embarrassing." she mumbled softly as she rubbed her cheek, her red eyes filled with love and lust "W... What should we do now?" she asked

Nolan blushed softly at her embarrassed expression, immediately firing off a small string of apologies as he grabbed some tissues and wiped Makoto's face clean of his seed. The moment she was completely clean, Nolan dropped onto her and planted a deep and intimate kiss on her lips, gingerly sucking and adoring her lips and tongue with his own as he slowly rolled them over, putting her above him as he laid back on the couch. His arms slowly dragged up and down her back as he worshipped her lips, a small smirk coming over him as he suddenly grabbed her ass and squeezed about as roughly as he possibly could.

Makoto moaned into the kiss, giggling at how kind and sweet he was being, breaking the kiss to let out a deep moan. "Is... Is that what you want to do next?" She asked, blushing and smiling. Enjoying his hands oh so much.

Nolan smiled softly as she moaned, his hands kneading her ass even more, squeezing tighter to force even more of those sweet moans from her throat. "I'm... Tempted to ask... If you want to do something... But I don't know if it's something you'd like doing..." Nolan smiled gently, biting his lip as he hugged Makoto tightly to him and kept roughly playing with her ass, slowly slipping a finger between her cheeks to tease it against her backdoor.

"You want to f*ck my ass, don't you?" Makoto asked playfully and with a blush. She moaned under his gentle holds and bites and caresses, her puss* already leaking once more. A coy smile spread across her lips as she looked Nolan in the eye. "You... You can do it." She whispered with a slight nod "Stick it in my ass."

Nolan bit his lip, smiling softly at Makoto's words as he squeezed her ass tighter, gently massaging her backdoor a little more as he pulled his girlfriend in for another kiss, this one deeper and slower than before. He slowly worked his middle finger against her asshole as he squeezed her ass cheeks harder, his manhood throbbing against her abdomen as he felt the wetness of her puss*lips against his shaft. "It's more of... I think you want me to do it..." Nolan smiled, breaking the kiss for a moment and locking his eyes on Makoto's, holding her gaze as he slowly pushed his finger inside her ass.

"Little of Column A, little of Column B-EEEEE!" Makoto grinned... And then shrieked out, as she felt his thick fingers inside her ass. Throwing her head back from the surprise pleasure as she moaned in a way she'd blush about if she wasn't so horny right now. "Oh god... Oh god... Oh god..." She changed between pants, the Queen's face bright red.

Nolan chuckled at Makoto's response, smirking softly as he slowly worked his finger deeper into Makoto's backside. He kept his eyes on hers, memorising her expressions and reactions as he slowly started working his finger in and out of her ass, teasing her more as he chuckled softly. "Seems... Someone's pretty sensitive back here..." He smirked, pulling Makoto in for another kiss as he continued his work.

"Yeah I... I guess I am~!" Makoto panted and moaned as she closed her eyes in bliss. Rocking her hips against his pistoning finger "I... I never knew I liked it back there. Never knew that... that it felt so good~!"

She threw her head back as she moaned, her juices flowing down her thighs quickly.

Nolan bit his lip, tangling his fingers in her hair as he pulled Makoto into a deep and loving kiss, his lips and tongue slowly adoring hers as he slowly slipped his index finger into her backside, gently working her asshole with his fingers as he rocked his hips into hers. His co*ck throbbed against her core, shaft dragging along her folds as he moaned blissfully into the kiss. It was clear what he wanted, more of Makoto of course, but he wouldn't dare make a move unless she asked him for it.

"C... Come on Basilisk. P... Please. Just f*ck... f*ck my ass already." Makoto begged weakly as her ass was tight on his finger, almost sucking them in as she bit her lip. Each kiss from him sent more fire through her body as her eyes fluttered closed. Her body wanting more and more, and telling him as much as her juices dripping down her thighs and onto his hips.

Nolan smiled at Makoto's words, fingering her ass slightly deeper for a few more seconds after her borderline pleading reached his ears. He smiled more, slowly pulling his fingers back out and pulling Makoto in for another kiss before he slowly pushed her back to sit her up on his hips. He smiled at her for a moment, taking the briefest of seconds to sketch the look of this goddess of a woman into his mind. "Say that again, Queen? Sounded like... You wanted me to do something... Maybe you could say it a little more clearly?" He smiled, biting his lip as he winked teasingly at her.

Makoto suddenly snarled as her red eyes snapped open. Grabbing his hand, she ripped it from her hole and grabbed his other hand, pinning his arms above his head as she glared down. The Queen's red eyes almost looked to be leaking fires of pure fury and desire as she gazed down at him. "Nolan. If you do not start f*cking my ass this second I am going to handcuff you to the massage bed and edge you for three hours! And then I'll storm out, go to Ann and Futaba, and have a three way all night with them while you are trapped here! Understand?!" She threatened.

Nolan grinned deeply, chuckling at the sudden aggression from Makoto. The burning of her crimson eyes made his heart pound in his chest, his smile only broadening as he leaned up quickly and stole a deep and passionate kiss. "God f*cking dammit I love you~" He grinned, twisting hard and grabbing her wrist, taking the pressure she was using to hold him down and using it against her. He slipped sideways, flinging Makoto face-down onto the couch before scrambling behind her and dropping himself against her from behind, his chest tightly to her back. "The threat wasn't necessary, love~" He groaned, sucking her neck roughly as one hand gripped her own tightly and his other grabbed his shaft to guide it to her sensitive backdoor. "But damn if it didn't make me want to f*ck YOU!" He groaned out his last words, pushing his manhood into Makoto's ass.

His co*ckhead pushed past her backdoor, freezing for a fraction of a moment before he pushed his hips hard into hers, groaning loudly with each inch of his co*ck that her ass swallowed whole, not stopping his thrust until he felt her gorgeous ass clap against him and her inner walls enveloping every inch of his shaft.

Makoto was about to say something else, to show how aggressive she could be to get what she wanted… But she melted as soon as she felt him fill her ass. Letting out pleasure filled groans as her whole body quaked, her eyes fluttering shut as she arched back against him at the feeling of her ass clapping against her lover's abs. "Fu-Fu-Gods-Gh~!" Makoto squeaked out between the powerful thrusts, unable to even form words as her eyes fluttered closed in bliss once again.

Nolan groaned deeply as he pressed himself tightly against Makoto, his chest to her back as his co*ck throbbed inside her heavenly ass. He struggled to think as he ground his hips into hers on instinct. Somehow her ass felt just as good if not better around him than her virgin puss* did! "F-f*ck... Your sinful ass... I feel like I'm going to cum already, my Queen~" Nolan groaned into her ear, nibbling and sucking on her earlobe as he gave a shallow but strong thrust into the brunette's ass. "You're making some pretty cute noises right now. Weren't you about to say something aggressive and dominant?" He smirked, giving another shallow and strong thrust into Makoto's ass, his heavy balls softly slapping against her folds as he squeezed her hand tightly and slipped his other arm around her hips to hold her tightly to him. "Or... are you going to keep moaning sweetly as I keep wondering just how lucky I am to have earned the love of a woman like you?"

"Mnjnngaahh~!" Makoto murmured out, a strong of nonsense noises as her entire body felt aflame with ecstasy like she'd never imagined. Her lover's balls getting covered in her puss* juices as her eyes crossed a bit. "So... Big. Hurts... so good." She whispered, finally getting some words out before looking over her shoulder "I'm... The lucky one. But my... My patience only lasts so long."

Nolan chuckled softly, grinding his hips into his girlfriend's ass as he pressed tighter to her and kissed her sweetly and lovingly. His hand around her waist dragged between her legs, softly teasing her folds before slipping his fingers inside her core, his hips beginning to rock into hers as his fingers pumped in and out of her depths. "Then perhaps... I should stop going easy on you? Though, if I stopped going easy, your first time back here would be over far too quick... forgive me, Makoto, but I'm greedy. I want to make this last a bit longer." Nolan smiled, kissing Makoto's cheek before beginning to pump his hips in earnest, clapping his hips into her ass as his fingers curled to attack the Queen's weak points.

“Nghaa... Ahh~! Aaah~! Aaah!" She gasped out in bliss, her eyes fluttering closed as she grinned "I don't... Don't know if I'd be able to last too long." She had to admit, rolling her hips back. His every touch sent jolts of magic through her body. Her eyes shut tight as she let out more magical noises. Makoto looked so much more vulnerable right now than Nolan had ever seen her before. Her softer side, a special show just for him. Rather than the powerful Queen.

Nolan grunted softly with each movement of her hips, her ass bucking into him as he thrust deeply into his girlfriend's backside. He grit his teeth, the vulnerability and honesty his Queen showed him immediately forced him into motion. He lurched forward, pressing his chest harder against Makoto's back, pressing her tightly against the couch as he spooned her closely. He threw all caution and hesitation aside, turning Makoto's face to his and ensnaring her lips in his, kissing her powerfully and deeply and refusing to let go as he started thrusting more purposefully. He hugged Makoto tightly throughout, even stopping his teasing of her core in favour of embracing her as tightly as he could. In this moment of pure and unspoken honesty, Nolan accepted Makoto's vulnerability and promised her nothing less than everything he was.

Makoto moaned as her red eyes closed tightly, the love and pleasure rocked through her like waves on the shore. An org*sm was already rushing through her as her tongue did its best to match his. She knew neither of them was trying to dominate the kiss. The two just lovingly embracing one another. The org*sm came shooting through her body, Makoto's puss* almost exploding its juices below her as her legs kicked and curled. Her fingers gripping Nolan's arm tight.

Nolan groaned hard, fighting his rapidly rising climax with all his might, and failing miserably. Makoto's blissful moans were just too much to resist, he couldn't hold back even if he wanted to.

In truth, he absolutely didn't.

Makoto's org*sm triggered his own, his hips pushing hard into hers as he came powerfully. He moaned into her lips, kissing his girlfriend powerfully and deeply as he flooded her guts with his seed.

Makoto moaned into the kiss, one of her hands tangling in Nolan's hair as she let her tongue swirl around his, letting the two feel as one as the ecstasy rushed through them both like magic. Soft purrs echoing out of the kiss from Makoto's chest. Her ass was milking out every last warm, powerful, drop of cum deep inside her and filling her up completely.

Nolan panted softly as he surrendered to the kiss, letting his hips grind against Makoto's ass as he sank into her, pressing closer and closer as he relaxed into the sensual grip of the Queen of the Phantom Thieves. He held her lips against his, his tongue softly dancing with hers for minutes more before he slowly pulled back from the kiss, gently panting against her cheek as he pressed his forehead to her hair and inhaled her scent. "Are we... are we done... because I sincerely hope not. I... can't get enough of you, my queen~"

"You... you can?" Makoto panted deeply "I... w-wow. No wonder Ann was... was okay with adding Futaba and now me. I don't think I'd... I'd be able to keep up with this every day." The red eyed beauty kissed his cheek, a loving smile across her face. "I think... one more? For... for now."

Nolan smiled softly, nuzzling into Makoto's neck as he slowly dragged them around until he was sitting up with Makoto in his lap, her back to his chest and his thick and steel-hard manhood still lodged inside her ass. He gently peppered her neck with kisses, keeping one hand on her inner thigh as his other hand slowly dragged up Makoto's torso and gingerly worshipped her curves and breasts. "Then, my Queen, how shall your humble Basilisk serve you?"

"Mmm. I don't know." Makoto admitted as she leaned her head back to rest on his shoulders. Her fingers danced across his arms and legs, fingers gently running her nails against his flesh. Her red eyes fluttered closed in bliss as a wide smile spread across her lips.

Nolan grinned softly, pulling Makoto closer to him and gently bouncing her on his hips, as he gingerly nuzzled his lips into her neck. He hummed at the warmth of her body against his, squeezing every curve she had as his co*ck throbbed in her backside. "Perhaps... another massage? Though I think you moaned harder when I had you on your back here..."

"Don't... tease me." She growled a bit with a gentle, loving, smile. Makoto rolling her hips happily "I'd take your... massages any day. But... maybe after we do more." Makoto put her lip as she kept moving her body against his, reaching back and gripping his neck softly. Her fingers brushing his neck and collarbone. "Should... would you want a... a titjob?"

Nolan groaned more as Makoto moved her hips, his balls throbbing hard as he heard her low moans. He chuckled softly, pulling his lips from her neck before shamelessly adoring her lips with his own. He chuckled softly, groaning with her as he gently nodded. "I'd... rather be the one worshipping you, but if you insist, I'll never refuse you." Nolan smiled, gently hugging Makoto's hips to his as he smiled into her neck. "But... can I have... just one more moment of you in my arms? Please?"

"You've already done plenty." She assured, kissing him back softly. Her tongue brushed his lips lightly as she broke. A small groan left her as she felt him squeeze her tight.

"That massage... Everything you did... It was magical. You deserve to... Feel good too." She responded with a smile as she nuzzled against him "But sure... We can stay like this for a bit longer..."

Nolan smiled as he held Makoto closely, resting his chin on the top of her head as he chuckled at her words. He wrapped her tightly in his arms, squeezing her to him and relishing her warmth for as long as she'd let him.

Still... there was this gnawing in the back of his mind. Even if he'd done a lot for everyone, there was still so much more to do. They'd unlocked Charlotte Gardner's palace, mapped the complex out in its entirety, but there was always that one x-factor, that one unaccounted for variable that presented itself. Nolan grit his teeth slightly as he squeezed Makoto tighter, swearing to work even harder to protect the ones he loved.

"You're nervous about the Palaces, aren't you?" Makoto spoke as she felt him tighten his grip. She offered a reassuring smile and softly stroked his cheek. "Don't worry, we've got this. Together. Don't focus so much... We've killed a few gods, but only standing side by side." Shifting herself she gave a gentle kiss to his cheek, smiling up at him as he looked down at her. "And you haven't even seen us go all out. Just you wait. When this is over, it'll be because we worked together and we won. It will all work out. Okay?"

'More nervous than you realise.' Nolan thought, sighing softly as he felt a wave of fatigue wash over him. He suddenly felt as if his head weighed a ton and a half, groaning softly as he held Makoto snugly to his chest. "I know... I know you're right, babe." He muttered, shifting slightly to lie back down on the couch with the brunette beauty atop him. "Maybe... maybe I'm just thinking about it too much. Rather a sin to be thinking about anything other than you right now, huh?" He smiled, trying to disguise his nervousness with some flirtations, hoping the trick that got Futaba distracted would work on Makoto.

"Though... perhaps we should get some rest for now. I mean... we've both had a rather... interesting few hours..."

'And... for what I'm about to do... I need all the rest I can get.' Nolan thought as he yawned rather hard, harder than he expected to as he settled into the couch.


DedSec Phantom Saga - Chapter 3 - Blackbirds_Fallen_Angel, SKing99 (2024)
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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.