Corpus Christi Caller-Times from Corpus Christi, Texas (2024)

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THE CORPUS CHRIST! CALLER SATURDAY JUNE 26 1337 PACE REAL ESTATE Let end Acieege AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE LOTS! LARGE Located on South Bluff overlooking the five minutes from down town Nothing like them ever offered In Corpus Christ! at the from 670000 up ONLY A FEW LEFT! Beautiful View! Restricted! Terms! DRIVE OUT TODAY Follow Ocean Drive to Directors Addition sign Representatives on the ground 1 The Real Estate Bureau 405 Texas State Bank Bldg 64 174 1S 24 15 14 10 17 15 14 67 27 7 16 4 77 I 102 14 12 64 24 45 142 6 45 New York Curb List Am Cyan Am Maracaibo Am Hup Power Ae A Kl a Cities Kendra Cosden Oil Me Kast Gas Kl Bond 2 Mi Ford Mot Ltd Gulf OU Humble Oil Nlxg Hud Pew Pan-Am Air St Regis Pap Khaittmk Dean Hid Oil Ky Sunray Oil Teyon Oil ITniled Gas Un Lt A Pow a Std Oil Sf 32 24 24 Mtewart-Wara 2 17 1T Stone A Web- 2 1 Studebaker 16 13 I7T Tessa Corp Ht 26 22 Tex Ouf Prod 2 1 Tr Gulf Sul 7 14 34 Teg I'M 0 A 2 14 TexDscLTr 2 J4 10 TMs-Wat Aa I 17 17 Tran-Aaierita 21 13 12 Tran A West Air- 3 1 13 14 f'n CarbMe II 66 tx Vn CHI Cal 3 23 72 Unit Atrcr Corp It 37 27 Unit Carbon 1 I 36 United Corp 1 4 4 Unit Fruit I 72 77 United Oa Im 47 12 11 Gypsum 1'4 166 Indus A I ra 26 29 If Real A Im 2 II 16 Rubber 17 12 26 Kterl ts 19446 624 Vanadium 7 77 34 West Un Tel (2 45 43 West El A 13 1U 141 Wilson A Co 4 6 2 Wool worth 13 43 43 Without dividend 11 15 2 7 1 2 11 lt 1744 17 14 13 2 2 1H 1 4 TO FROKWECTIVK HOME owners TO CONSIDER IN SUVINO A LOT In any Rood residential district a 50-ft lot coats from IttlE and up Which somatlmss docs not Include sidswalke storm sewers pared streets and building regulations In HUSSAR PARK large lot Tl 119-ft which equal to a lot and one-hall and can ba bought for IllSt on assy terms BBSS A PARK located on the Bluff and lust Immediately couth of Del Mar offers the Ideal home-sites Pavsd streets storm sowers eenaible building regulations many new homes under construction In this addition Inrlvs out today for full Information call Mr Bullock or Mr Haas WM MARKS A CO Ml Sherman Bldg Phone 1041 Jieaear Park Office Phono 5121 cash grain market bar Friday Wheat No I soft red winter 1721 0123 So 1 hard I1239U1V Barley No 3 nominal 701r7Jc: No nominal 6 Sorghum So 3 yellow mlt per D6 pound nominal 6224344 No mlo nominal IMittU No I whit kafir nominal liuqti No 8 kafir nom- Inal 11230242 Corn shelled' Net I white 1262 L45 No 2 yslkw 41321135 Oats No 2 red 47042c rd 44017c Fort Worth FORT WORTH June ftt Dept Hogs: Reeeipte 466 hind: 1 top IU14 paid hy email killers packer top DIN bulk good te choice -129-244-pound averages 616Mf611l6 1 good underweights averaging U4-1R- red fyi6tt packing sow 31c her 1615 and l6 Cattier Receipts 3006 bead calve TOO head good fed steer and buile toady otherwise trade very slow en plain steers and all she stock about five leads good to choice fed strars'--6 11(6 two loads goad steers 916-73: plain grosser nt 6746 medium grads 1 yearling-67(6 down butcher cows 4350575 bull 653 down mediate grade calves IIBUtMi good calvts scerraw cull rahres down to 466 good -Stocker re tv up to IMi most mocker yearling and calves M5 fibeep! Receipt 3446 all dannes stsadyt spring tomb (475 1 5A: yrarllng 7H754 aged xretbern till down' feeder yearling I400fj454 Kansas City Livestock KANRAS Cirr June Hots: Receipt 506 lharket (M an- even Ujp fll24 gwid to choir 16 ponnds up 1L KB 114: good to -choice 146-1(6 pounds 6 2(461 1ttf sows 6140125 a few 1646 and 1 above stork pig scarce Cattls Receipts 1664 calves 666: market slaw and duO: a taw loads of Hghtwaight wnstera steeca Is aril at 6396 and under meet lots butcher hetfsrs 6464R4 5 odd beef cows up 'to 6266-meet lots 666646''-166 good and choice verniers 76 -666 a few es tacts a taw tat 'o' ef heavy ralrra 6(49BM6''- i Rhseps Receipt a 1446 sheep nadf spring lamb stesdy best tracked in native spring Is mbs 6L66 most aeta 6i6(f 1L66 fed dipped spring lamb' 61946 Chiesgo livestock CHJTAGO June 2S' Hogs: Receipts 7666 top 91E16J Ht 16 pouadx flLtaftll-: semparabta-v 156-196 peunda JlLKSlIN Md goad packing oowr 154-546 pounds 66H4I147 -v 1 -A- Cauls Reralpts 1661: calves market steady on few small tats fed teens nsd yesrlingv at 611411 IS beef grades usasHy taTJ: sans- ag bull and reefers steady: practical top eauseg bull ITll entstanding Individuals 1765 good sad chafes light and heavyweight rosier IMtff M66- Sheep Receipts 6690: market ae tlvs sewing tombs strong to Rt higher yssrilngs steady to strong tithe soring lambs to larger tateresta (1175 -661225 top 165 to small ktHers 'i cupped lambs It UflM) bntk 1275 double 4 5-pound fed dipped California -spring lambs II 35 straight sheep -v steady ewee' (3J549i5A Gotlonsced NEW TORK Jons Csttea- -V seed oil advanced to 4 points serif today but reacted under pqaMattan 'h 140 aero Improved farm I miles Pelronilla Hchool per A I IM I-JL frame on large lot on Peabody Kl Uilicreet 13444 Nice hom*o 6-R brick In Dolmontn dandy valuo 140 scraa of good raw land Nueces County bargain IlIuM Chaparral business 100-foot corner escellcnt bur 115404 Tourist Court with largo Income on 104-foot corner 1544 High does rental unit 34440 yearly Income only tov44 industrial acreage and hnmexluts for ante or lease apply (20 Mesquite St Phone ill Beach office phone 1144 THOMASON RICHTER la ths cotton belt Export today 24ft making a total of 5571674 for the season thus tar Fort receipts 7231 port stocks 1229 43L York Future NEW YORK Juno 72-5Corton fu-turns closed steady 4 to 13 points higher Open High Ciora July 1224 1336 1217 1224-72 October 1336 1739 1371 1235-36 December 1234 1322 1224 January 1222 1332 1334 March 1235 1344 127 12 3 My 1234 13 43 1231 1131 Kpot eltsdy: middling 1174 New Orleans Cotton NEW ORLEANS June V-A sharp early advance wa Tcilnwsd by a softening tendency In cotton today ami most of the gain wa lost Tbs dora wa steady at net advances of 2 points Unexpectedly strong Mrerpod can! was the dominating factor In early trading The English market reported a good demand Induced by nyropoxal in the House of Common ts greatly (xpand the stabilisation fuse and lasimoing tension over the Eurbpean situation Weekly stall stir were mildly bullish but failed to stimulate any demand Mut raking for the week were planed at 215UW bat against 311646 last weak and 134046 Inst yr July rioted at 1736 October at lr24 December at 1236 January at 1213 March at 1334 and May 1 1336 Hpota era unchanged with middling at 1242 Dort Receipt 72T3 for week 21(42 for season 6753794 Export 19761 for week 42921 for eeaaon 1(47444 Dort stocks 1239497 Kiock on shipboard at New Or l-t ns Galreetog and Houston 14442 last year 47312 Bpot ales at southern markets 1274 taut year 2004 New Orleans Futures NKW ORLEANS June Colton futures dosed steady at net advance of two to bln points Open High Te does July 1216 234 1113 1212 October 1336 1122 1132 1274 tXcemher 13 X4 1343 7324 1334 January 1127 1227 1 211 1211 March 1341 1144 1214 May 1347 1147 1259 1116 1 Liverpool Cotton JiVKRPOOL June 3 77466 Nits ladndlng 7I4S AmsricsJi Spot 1 limited prices two points lower quotations In pesra: American strict good middling IM goad middling 754 strict mlddlteg 736 middling (65 strict low mid dling 276 low middling 636 strict rmrl ordinary 574 good ordinary 76: good ordinary (34 Futures closed steady July 613 October I 6 Jssuary (19 March Ml Kay 113 3Ioney Rate NKW TORE June (H-CtR money steady: per sent an day prim commercfal paper 1 per cent time loan steady W-W days 1 4-6 months 1 per cent banker's acceptance unchanged redtsrauat rats New York Reserve Bank 1 per (sat Chicago Crain CHICAGO June Impelled chiefly by tadlvationa the area of lout crop fatiurs tn Canada this season may be the largest on record wheal ptlraa sured wildly today At Winnipeg wheat skyrocketed I cents bushsit the full Immediate per-miscible limit 'bkaxo quotation on wheat Jumped 3 ranis maximum gat sad held most sf the gefa Chicago wheal future desed ISO 3 rant above yesterday's finish July 9U4LU Kentemher December 11164116: corn IS4 cent up Jily Keptembvr! 3sifM6l Pecsmber 44 ft 64: nl rant fos ad vanced pel sbowini 4r cents dearer 1 (tontribuilng rmpetue te ths npward flight of wheat values wa the tact that alarming sepecta-nf European war posslbflltl war give inervased BUtir Ths largest sdvsnrs Chicago wheat value today was fn ths cue of December contracts which climbed from a low ll 1 a top of 116 and closed at 111119 Corn eats and ry' aU emulated wheat corn especially The com market wee distinguished by uanaual farrlcy of offering KoeaiMitrie of a very short crop of rye In Canada afrmed to a notable degree the mirkrl here irpturs of hog values and ef grain hoisted the provUmn markeb Fort Worth Grain FORT WORTH June De mand wa kern for wheat hut only fetr tar other light offering an the Used Cart and Truck (60) Used Cars from your PONTIAC DEALER 1929 Ford Coupe' 1929 Chevrolet Coupe 1929 Buick Sedan 1931 Ford Pickup 1931 Ford Coupe 1932 Ford 1933 Chevrolet Sedan- 1934 Chevrolet Sedan-1934 Pontiac 1934 Olds Coach 1934 Dodge Coupe 975 999 565 9145 9115 :5195 -9325 9365 -9395 --9395 --9365 I4 Mil BAKER MOTORS Cadillac CMC Tracks Used-Car Let Phone 825 Water at Twigr 4646 Housecort (64) INDIAN trailer 5K np at Corpua Chriatl com plate with stevee Inner-npruig mattrra water eyetem Immediate delivery convenient arm Corpua Chriatl Trailer and Brokerage Company 1411 Water Ht Produce Market (Courteay Genner A' Beane Nneeea Hotel SAN ANTONIO June Com-miaaloe market: Apple extra w- Ifeinua 2271 box Wineaap 2725 box Arocxdo Cuban rral Bean Texaa green 2A4 bushel Valley wax I1S6 buabel Beet 24 cent dnxen Cantaloupee Taxaa ftli fauahrl Car-rota 22 cent down Cauliflower 11-64 orate Cherries 14-paund lug S72 Cucumber II buabel' Eggplant IZ2S btuhal Green mustard 44 cent doxan 'Lemons 21 box -Umw 14 bog Okra Valley 21-24 buahai Onion Taxaa green 44 cents dnaan white 2112 for 24 pound yellow 72 cent for 24 pounds Oranges California and Taxaa box Parsley 22 cents Hnxen raraulps 24 canu doxen Pescbes local 1224 buahai Pepper 22 buhl llunm horn grown 1113 half buahai 1 Potatoes meat wmte 2124 cwt rad 9L72 buahai Kadlaiia 42 cents dosen Rhubarb California cent pound Squash Texas 24 rents bashel yellow 1 bushel Swlwi chard 46 cent Tomatoes Texaa 72 reate half bushel Turnips 66 cent doxen Grower market Beans lima II rants quart: wax 2L22 bushel bean 1126 bushel Beats 2S cents dosen Cabbage It for1 146 pound Carrot 35 rent dosen Cucumber 72 rants bushel Corn fresh valley 14 rents (loxen Eggplants 2 bushel Garlic I rant pound Grens mustard 44 rants dosen turnips 44 cants doxen okra Valley 21-24 buabel Onions green 36 cents doxen whit fl tor 24 pounds yellow 60- rente seek Parsley 30 rants doxen Parsnips 44 rents doxen I'earhes 2132 half bushel Peas helled blanksyed I cants pound English 2372 bushel Peppers Bell iT5 bushel: hot 1 rents pound Potato local 46 ranis for 24 ponnds rad ft bushel Pumpkins green fl bushel Radishes while tip 36 cent doxen Rutabagas 24 rents bushel Spinach 21 bushel Kquash white 24 cents bushel yellow 6 easts buahai' Swiia chard 76 rents dosen Tomatoes Texas it half bushel Turnips 41 rants doxen Watercress' 16 cant doxen Watermelons total CS tents ewt Dairy products: tweet cream butter 22 cents pound sour Not 1 37 rants No 3 II cents" Poultry Geeso 16 rents pound duck 16 rants pound: guineas 73 rani head rooster I to I ranis pound turkey 6 to rants pound: hsrts 6 to 11 eents pound Fryers to 16 rent pound broiler 14 to 17 rant pound Egg 450 to (2-26 crate Position of Treasury WASHINGTON June 7S position of the treasury an June 73: Reeeipte 171 4741517 expenditure 27245644547 balance fti5A45-52132: custom receipt fur ths month 23222327023 Receipts for the fiscal year fslnre July 1) U4S773! expenditure 274474176705 including 7745719-53433 of emergency expenditure excess of expenditure 1777 3424454 44 Grow debt 1-444221174713 a de-erasee of 1261762314 under the previous day Gold assets 117776157-24716 including 2ll7M24346 of i-aettva gold Uttd Cora and Truck (60) ttyoa forges tfaoaddrcss Jest follow tta crowd! on their way to Kinsel Motor Co to buy the finest most valuable USED CARS in town! And when you get there find so reasonable that you can easily afford one! GO TO WORK CAR 1932 Chevrolet Coupe air wheels good running condition priced for C7C quick sale only yllv Kl NSEL M0T0RC0 TRADE my equity In Packard 126 sedan with low mileage for smaller ear Phone 24S4-W Ipackard ast InjuxTosin lUSEDCASS 1936 Ford Touring EAC Sedan perfect 9999 1938 Chevrolet Master A CAR Coupe Radio 9999 1936 Chevrolet CCAC Standard Coach 9919 1936 Pontiac Coupe 9RQR Radio 'i 9999 SPECIALS 1934 Chevrolet Sedan Finish upholstery OK 1935 Ford Coupe Runs and looks good 1935 Dodge Tudor New good tires perfect AAR running motor 9v9 1934 Plymouth De Luxe Sedan Rubber motor and P47E finish good 9 9 1 9 1933 Buick De Luxe Sedan Six wheels radio looks and A9R runs like new 919 1936 Pontiac Coach 6000 actual miles one owner Perfect in performance and CCAR looks 9099 McNafcb-Collins Motors Inc PACKARD Phone 1933 Chaparral at Lawrence Cars Wanted (61) HkfHEKT prices psld tot ussd cars Will buy you equity I South tuples Phone 2741 Wl PAY CASH FUR AUTOMOBILE! KO OROTI Phone 2712 Corner llaeouiie and Lewrssee 1 Motorcycles (65) sirers MOTORCYCLE HEADQUARTERS OF SOUTH TEXAS 1936 Harley Davidson ex-celent condition 5331 1929 Harley Davidson D-74 Plume 2470 Bud reports ef poor cosh trad Final wric fewer Bales Hi contracts Bleach- able spot nemtsnl July efesed fJ4 ftoptemhsr 627' October 62 OraSK her f26 January 622 NewYorkSIeUl (SO) LOTS! LOTS! AUTOMOTIVE Uod Cart and Truck (601 GOOD TRANSPORTATION FOR LITTLE MONEY 1 a 1929 Chevrolet CAR COUPe 1928 Buick tee Coech I wUu 1929 Ford Coach 009 -1929 Studebaker Me Sedan 1 9 1931 Hudson Qe Sedan 099 1931 Studebaker PQC Coupe 099 1931 Chevrolet Pin! Coupe 0 1 09 -1931 Studebaker ae Sedan I 9 1931 Chevrolet JE Coach 4 19 1933 Plymouth R97R Sedan ww 1 1933 Bockne Mie Sedan 1934 Plymouth R99R Sedan wUwU Winerich Motors Inc Studebaker Willis 292 Chaparral St Phone 832 BETTER PRICES AND BEST TERMS 1937 Chevrolet De Luxe Coach Discount 1937 Ford 60" Tudor Discount 1937 Plymouth De Luxe Sedan radio 91 1 9 1934 Buick JAR Sedan 999 1935 Dodge OAQR Sedan i 0099 1935 Dodge "OOQR Tudor 0099 1938 Oldsmobile 0CAE Coupe 0399 1936 Ford Kirn Tudor 0199 $460 1934 Pontiac AAAC Coach wUwU 1 1935 Chevrolet OQTR Coupe 00 1 9 1935 Chevrolet ra Sedan 0033(-' 1933 Austin fflC 1 Coupe i -V 1 09 1930 Ford Coupe iOlhrU 1931 Chevrolet A a ab Sedan 0 39 ED GROTE 323 Mesquite Street 1 BARGAINS ALL 1935 FORD TUDOR Trunk De Luxe equipment clean and worth much moe than 425 1938 CHEVROLET COUPE Knee action clean priced far under the market 9475 OLDS 8 BUSINESS COUPE New heavy duty tires radio coil spring knee action hj- draulic brakes A perfect car 9589 CENTRAL AUTO PARTS COMPANY Chaparral St Phone 541 ISM Ford Tudor Radio v' good tires $445 mi Ford Truck Dual Wheel a 1-2 Too Capacity gtJS AUTO LOANS SfeKINNEY BROKERAGE 412 Last Bt Ftioae 12tt XV 1936 DODGE PICKUP i i J--i' Oit4 of tho nicest hi town Own by an individual and only been driven 44M notnal miles Original tan and black finish I al- -most new tirea largo steel bog' bed without a blemish on It It's really one of tho nicest units we have over had A bargain -nt only a Southern Car Exchange 'i M7 Leopard 8L Farm and Land (511 NEW TORK Jua 2S-(FICppF'' steady electrolytte spog-sad future 1466 export 2416 Tin finM- Spst-- and -nesr-bF 57 fotur 3jHf576 Lead steady Jew Ysvk-sf ISCp SX Si tMM 0US spot 64 66BEM East' ML New York Slock List (By Ths Assadstsd Prs (Bale In 100 High JUow Alleghany IS 2-k At Chem A Dya I 2I2H 712 AIISs-Ch Mfg IT 44 164 Am Can 1 63 63 'A Am Car A Fdy 1646 2646 Am Ptw A 10 41 Am Had A St 26 1k Am Ron Mill 14 2SU 2416 Am fcmall A Ref- If 2516 14 Am Steel Fdr II Sfu $4 Vi Am Tel A 11 II 16414 111 Am Tot I 74'i 71 Am Wat Wka It Am Woolen 2 14 Am Wool pfd I 22 22 Anaconda 102 7 14 23 A tch 6 I II 76V 7t4 All Itefln 2 34U 24 in Avlat Corp 4 4 IV Baldwin Iaxo II 2 4 6 Halt Ohio 21 27V 7CV6 lUrnedali 7 25 24-14 Hrndia Aviat 7 JS Beth Steel 34 31 22 76 23 31 Vx Briggs Mfg 2 tn 4416 Hudd Wheel i TV 736 Burr Add Moh 2 24 '4 X4V Callaiian Zinc-fjg 1 J14 fi Calunier A Becla 4 147 13V Can Pacific Orro de Pasco 14 44 2 Certain-Teed 4 jju JJ chryeler 41 lul 1A6 Co -ola 3 151 252 A Kl 11H ltV6 t-mil SSoiv 7 jji Com with A Sou 34 34 Con ftil 4V 13V 134 c-n Can ip 4114 Vnt Mot 7 2Va life nt Oil Ie 24 4J 44 Coin Prrsl 41V 2646 furitna-Wrlght IS 54 ftougias Airo 74 V6 574 tu Pnnt de 12 134 132 Auto 1 27 22 Kl Pow A 7 1V6 11 Freeport Sulphur 14 27 74 Gen Klfl 44 23 13 Gen Fond 7 37 37 Gen Mill I 11 11 Gen Mot 67 21 16 ffctr Pub Hra 1 2 Gen Heal A tt 1 3 1 Goodrich i Gnodvr A 14 34 21 Gt No I Or rtf I 16 Gt No By pld It 46 Hood -Her 7 14 11 Houston Oil 36 13 14 ifnwa Hound 4 73 72 Hudson Mot 7 14 14 Hupp Mot 3 3 III central 17 33 23V6 Inspiration Cop 15 71 12 Int Harvester 26 147 Y46 Bit Hydro-KI A I 14 4 Int Tel A Tel 22 1 Johns-Mnvll 1 14 121 Kennecott 16 64 IT Kress fHS) 21 16 Uh-Ow Glass II 42 Lgg A My 2 24 64 Loew'a 77 74 Iirillard (Pi 1 24 24 Iiudlum 13 31 21 Marshall Field I 71 21 Mo-Kan-Tet 2 4 2 Montgom Ward 43 22 14 Murray Com I 11 NaU-Kelv IS 17 17 Nat Biscuit 74 21 Nat Xutiry Prod lit 11 12 Nat Distill 24 76 21 Nat Dow A Lt 7 IS Central HI 24 17 North Am 24 21 23 North Pacific 47 26 24 Ohio Oil 22 16 32 Fee A Kl I 1 2 Packard Mot II 1 A 1 1 2 Dark Utah 6 4 4 Penney IJC) I 17 Penn Rft 11 34 Petr Corp '3 1T 17 Phelps Dodge 11 43 44 Phillip Pet 27' 14 23 Dlymonth Off em 22 Pub Hve 7 34 16 Pullman 14 I lt I lira Oil 234 17 17 Radio 43 2 4 Radio -Keith -Or 12 2 2 Rem-Rand 27 Repuh Steel 17 24 35 Key Tob B- I 44 44 St Jos Lead 7 15 51 Hcbeniey Distill 3 46 40 Seaboard Air 12 1 1 Seaboard Oil 2 36 14 Haara-Rosb 2 47 67 Serve 1 14 22 1 Shell Union 3 1 24 77 Silver King Coal 11 12 Simmons 2 4 45 Soeony-Vacuum 62 14 1 Sou Pacific 21 45 41 Sou Ry 44 31 Sperry Corp 2 17 i4 Ktd Brand 24 If Ktd OH Cal 34 44 Bid OU Ind 12 43 42 Cloee 214 23 2646 1 16 24 25 1 S' 71 22 2 24 V6 13 21 7 24 1 11 13 25 13 190 162 1 33 12 41 2 43 16 27 123 34 -1 27 22 746 11 2b 2 1 26 JM ls 44 1144 Hi 72 14 1 73 1M 10 14 If 11 el 7 241 11 17 2 24 II 17 71 11 22 33 46 446 sss SI 14 22 1 23 36 414 44 1 27 7 1 45 ie 44 fl 43 Ktoe'etrsdyj J(t'ft11Luulgi end futar 'iC V' Wall Street NEW YORK June Rail hoisted bearish signal for the stack market today and moot share acknowledged it with a slow swing to the downside Strata and copper followed the carriers yielding 11 or part of gala scored on a preceding rally Manta dropped more than I points and New York Central Southern Pacific Pennsylvania and Baltimore A Ohio finished more than a point lower Unable to dedue dear-rut conclusions on the OMtcoms of the steel strikes and the Spanish situation tram tbs news many trader ware content to find a selling sxcuee May rail revenue reports showing not Income lagging behind expanelon In grow The rail figures together with workers' efforts to obtain a wag boo! see reed to have outweighed favorable Implication of a cnetra-senaonal gain In the weekly sartoad-Ing report A show of resistance by harassed public utility shares and scattered advances among industrials were eut-weighed The Associated press average for (9 stocks was (ft 1 tf point at 242 The rati arerags dropped a Bill paint to 321 Only slightly above ths year's low Galveston Spot GALVESTON June (FV-Bpcd cotton dosed steady 2 points (tS-12 Inch) Iw middling tflf strict low middling -1131 middling 1312 strict middling 1323 good middling U73: strict good middling 1311 middling fair Avers Middling Price 1264 NEW ORfJ5ANK June Ths average pries of middling cotton fra dey st southern spot markers was 1224 ranis pound average tar me pest 136 days 13(2 sent a pound New York Cotton NEW YORK June Ffrmfl at Liverpool and a snutU number of July notices caused him to rally further today although gains were partly lost In the aflemeoa October which had advanced from 1236 to 13 3 reacted 10 1134 and closed at 1112 final price were 4 to tl points net higher The market opened 6 to If polnl higher when notice against only 134 bales were Issued In July contracts sad on itrragth at Liverpool At the htghe the market wa to IP points net advance hut after the first hour thrr was soma scattered profit-taking and- KquMatloa promoted by rantiaued warm ery wsntaet Say! Who Is This Gwy? OUT OUR WAY -1 FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Lots and Acreage (50) LEOPARD STREET LOT with email building Priced to eelL KITH WRIGHT NEYLAND RCALTV CO Ph 710 SEE US FOR Morning-Ride addition lota paved afreets all utilities corner 1250 Ineido 1021 Rare opportunity Ocean View Monte Site 144 ISO Terms Ideal I -room brtek home in Del Mar beautiful 1 awn and shrubbery Many other desirable homes for sals right price and right location BARGAIN corner lot facing South Dsl Mar MR8 II EDWARDS Phones 431-171 204 Mesquite LAWRENCE DRIVE LOT car business or homes Phone 2444 104 ACRES all In cultivation no dead cotton 96 per aero Paul Cos Land Co 714 Nixon Bldg phono 1741 corner Leopard Street Rplendld location Excellent future Priced to eelL NEYLAND REALTY CO Phono 724 SAXET HEIGHTS Lot-Sale LARGE LOTS WELL DRAINED All utilities pavsd streets sidewalks easy terms Drive to Field Office PHONE 2444 or 1441 Form and Lands (51) 44 acres of good land aU In high state of cultivation Located less than miles southwest of city Will sell at a bargain with good substantial cash payment RUSSELL SMITH 144 Sherman Bldg Office Ph 2141 Residence Phone 2444-W We have' 220 acres of fino Mark land located between Driscoll and Blabop all la cultivatioa that wa are offering at the ridiculously low price of S4V4V per acre Thla land is not leased for oil and none of tbs royalty has been sold Wa are reserving one-fourth of tho royalty only Anyone who la looking for a real bargain SEE US A DRESCHERA EON 241-7 Furman Bldg Phono 247 Oil Lands and Leases (52) ROYALTIES leases and ofl payments for sale la all nearby all fields fL Licensed Dealer 41S Sharmaa Bldg Phone 1701 LEAKER royaltleet ell payments A WINS HIP Licensed Dealer 204 Sherman Bldg Phone 4211 I-YEAR Commercial Lease Blocks 2 and -4 Section 24 Flour Bluff Garden Tracks Cal 4124 LEGALS NOTICE 1 Bids wilt be received In the office of the Purchasing Agent In ths City Hall Corpus Christ! Texas up to and Including 4:00 Tuesday July 0 A for the following Two ehlorinators of the manual control solution feed visible vacuum type as manufactured by Wallace and Tlernan or equivalent in which the chlorine Is metered under a psrtlal vacuum These ehlorinatora shall be delivered and Installation supervised by a factory engineer and guaranteed for one year against defects la workmanship and materials One cblorlnator shall have a capacity of 4 pounds and 14 pounds of chlorine per twenty-four hours One chlorlnator shall have a capacity of 40 pounds 1S4 pounds and 340 pounds In twenty-four hours Chlorine tors shall be pedestal mounted and working parts of apparatus such as chiorL nator pressure reducing valves Chlorlnator meter and vacuum relief shall' ba mounted In a hard rubber tray under a glass bell-jar provided with a water seal and snail be putrnry visible while la operation Furthermore an these parts shall ba readily accessible without the necessity of removing any bolts screws The chlorine pressure reducing and constant flow valves shall ba float operated utilising water on the diaphragm" The calibrated glass chlorine orifice flowmeter shall ba accurate to within 4 of the true delivery of chlorine on aU flows within Its wnrklne range 1 --f 't----v- '-The City of Corpus ChrlaH A McCAUGHAX Mayor Tho City 1 of Corpus Christ! JERRY HUNGER Purchasing Agent AUTOMOTIVE Used Cart and Trucks (60) -Drive your present enr to our used ear lot Look over the fine selee- -tlon of used ear on display and i ask our reprasentattvo about ear C4-M-S0 Guarantee Used Car Bond Possibly your present ear will act as down payment 1 JACK INC Distributors Do goto-Plymouth Water Et BED-CAR IDT AT 211 WATER STREET Phone BITS REAL ESTATE TRIBBLE I MARKET "OLD RELIABLE1 4 Wbolestle and RfUB We Bay Live Slock Ab4 Tribbfc Son Ml Mcnqgttn 9L rkm '-C--- IT lOSSERI "I -t- 6f4v'ei- o' Vjw' ry williams: OUR ROARDING HOUSE FROM OBSERVATiOki I'D SAY "THAT YOU LADS AHE co*k)SUMtbJ(3 ALTOaETMER IDO MUCH HCfT WATERS YES goad 1 shall invewt A I3AD6ET WILL PROPORTION) CFP EMOLK3H HOT WATER TD HAVE VOOR BATH URKiEH 1 BATHS ARE 50 AWD MX) WANT TD PARBOIL JM TUB QU FVflHTLY SHOULD PAY THE TARiPPtt HAFP RAF with MAJOR H00PLE USTEMMUO WHY WT 5AV 2ND SHOULD YEARNI TOSJZZLB IN) AN) IRON) StNJKWMEK) CAN) COOK ANJ E66 LIRE YOU CM ANY Pid fit JNJ MY CELL 7 AMD SPEAKOdO CP HOT WATERYCU ARB IM JTWHAYABOUT A PAM IN) MY STALL SO 1 CAM SHOO OUT LAST W'NTTERfe AlRTWAT BOOM f5rOHcnT7H LEAVES OM YH -TABLE CURLINJO UP AORTCAOE WHY DON'T VOU UJCH OFF SOME PLACE THEY PONT HMOW YCUR TRUE VALUE? rou mjoht COLLECT A LITTLE MORE MUAVBER OME MAM POESMT coUNrr-C Choice farms near Raymond villi Willacy Col Very productive cotton onions potatoes and aU kind of food Ovor 231000404 income from Val ley agrieultural products during last 12 months according to Market Bureau Free transportation to proepoeto able to buy Bmail farm home nr aa much fine land aa you want Beveral choice tracts la the raw Priced so low that you can own them improved for much leas than ths averago -t' market level Don't fall to maka thla trip with us Apply at Thomason and Klehtor'a eQlco Meequlta BL Ph 212 -t1 1 tc" vVV Vs 'i vV If I r' 1 -V4' 1 Vw' V'- i 1 -ft W'AM VX Jr s' s- -'yr e'x-i- --dp I-1-- I -r 5 "'r'v 7 4 lr.

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Corpus Christi Caller-Times from Corpus Christi, Texas (2024)
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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.