Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police honor those killed in the line of duty (2024)

As National Police Week comes to an end, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police spent the day paying tribute to law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty.This comes just two and a half weeks after four officers were killed, and five others injured, in a shootout in Charlotte. It happened on April 29, as officers were serving a warrant.Those officers were among those remembered and honored Friday.The national anthem rang out from Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Officer Kelvin Moore, as he helped honor his own who were killed in the line of duty."We honor those that have given their lives and we lift up their families and friends," said Mecklenburg County Sheriff's Office Chaplain Vincent Ross. "And we ask for peace of mind, comfort for their lives, and strength for their journey." A remembrance ceremony at the police memorial was followed by a peace officer's memorial service and a wreath laying ceremony in honor of CMPD Officer Joshua Eyer, one of the four officers killed in the shootout in Charlotte."It is a reminder of what we do everyday, when we put that uniform on and we go out to protect and serve those we don't even know," said CMPD Police Chief Johnny Jennings. "We put our lives on the line for those we don't even know. But I'll tell you, everyone that responded to that scene on April 29 would tell you they'd do it all over again, and they wouldn't hesitate again."Officer Moore sang an emotional performance of Mariah Carey's song, 'One Sweet Day,' as those in attendance remembered the lives lost."To the families of our fallen officers, you don't need me to stand up here and tell you how sorry I am for that ultimate sacrifice your loved ones have given for this profession," Jennings said. "And there are no words I can say to make that pain and hurt go away."Friday's ceremonies served as a reminder of the hard work our officers do everyday to keep the community safe."We can say every single day we put that uniform on, we don't know if we'll be able to come home," Jennings said. "And this hits home for us."Also during Friday's ceremony, the names of officers we lost were read aloud during a roll call of honor.


As National Police Week comes to an end, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police spent the day paying tribute to law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty.

This comes just two and a half weeks after four officers were killed, and five others injured, in a shootout in Charlotte. It happened on April 29, as officers were serving a warrant.


Those officers were among those remembered and honored Friday.

The national anthem rang out from Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Officer Kelvin Moore, as he helped honor his own who were killed in the line of duty.

"We honor those that have given their lives and we lift up their families and friends," said Mecklenburg County Sheriff's Office Chaplain Vincent Ross. "And we ask for peace of mind, comfort for their lives, and strength for their journey."

A remembrance ceremony at the police memorial was followed by a peace officer's memorial service and a wreath laying ceremony in honor of CMPD Officer Joshua Eyer, one of the four officers killed in the shootout in Charlotte.

"It is a reminder of what we do everyday, when we put that uniform on and we go out to protect and serve those we don't even know," said CMPD Police Chief Johnny Jennings. "We put our lives on the line for those we don't even know. But I'll tell you, everyone that responded to that scene on April 29 would tell you they'd do it all over again, and they wouldn't hesitate again."

Officer Moore sang an emotional performance of Mariah Carey's song, 'One Sweet Day,' as those in attendance remembered the lives lost.

"To the families of our fallen officers, you don't need me to stand up here and tell you how sorry I am for that ultimate sacrifice your loved ones have given for this profession," Jennings said. "And there are no words I can say to make that pain and hurt go away."

Friday's ceremonies served as a reminder of the hard work our officers do everyday to keep the community safe.

"We can say every single day we put that uniform on, we don't know if we'll be able to come home," Jennings said. "And this hits home for us."

Also during Friday's ceremony, the names of officers we lost were read aloud during a roll call of honor.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police honor those killed in the line of duty (2024)


What are some dangers and challenges patrol officers face when enforcing traffic laws? ›

These officers face many job hazards, including: physical exertion, psychological and organizational stressors, and health issues. Some behavior-related hazards that put officers at risk of a crash on the job are: Not wearing a seat belt. Speeding, particularly through intersections.

Which is a basic requirement for careers in law enforcement? ›

Statewide requirements for police officers in California

21+ years of age. Must be fingerprinted. Deemed as having good moral character through a background investigation. High school graduate or equivalent.

How many police officers are in the US? ›

Number of full-time law enforcement officers in the United States from 2004 to 2022
CharacteristicNumber of law enforcement officers
9 more rows
Oct 10, 2023

What is the biggest issue in law enforcement? ›

Law enforcement agencies grapple with a range of challenges, including rising crime rates, budget constraints, recruitment and retention of qualified personnel, community relations, and the ever-evolving landscape of cybercrime. These challenges demand strategic approaches and forward-thinking solutions.

Is there a shortage of police officers in the US? ›

The survey shows that while small and medium departments had more sworn officers than they did in January 2020, large departments are still more than 5% below their staffing levels from that time, even with a year-over-year increase from 2022 to 2023.

What is the best career in law enforcement? ›

16 best law enforcement jobs
  • Crime scene technician. ...
  • Police officer. ...
  • Private investigator. ...
  • Criminal investigator. ...
  • State trooper. ...
  • Fraud investigator. ...
  • Forensic analyst. ...
  • Federal agent.
Apr 18, 2024

Why do people become police officers? ›

Many police officers join law enforcement with the admirable goal of working alongside their community and being able to see the positive impact they have as they work with the local neighborhoods. In fact, an incredible 68% of law enforcement officers chose their career path to help people and better serve society.

What is not a common requirement to be hired as a law enforcement officer? ›

The option that is not a common requirement to be hired as a law enforcement officer is 'not have been issued a traffic violation'. Other requirements often include being a U.S. citizen, not having been convicted of a felony, and being at least 21 years old. The correct option is c.

Is FBI above police? ›

If a crime is committed that is a violation of local, state, and federal laws, does the FBI “take over” the investigation? No. State and local law enforcement agencies are not subordinate to the FBI, and the FBI does not supervise or take over their investigations.

How to tell if someone is working with the police? ›

Undercover cops do not have to identify themselves, so you'll have to use other clues to figure out if someone is a cop. You could check their vehicle to see if it has nondescript plates or dark window tinting that looks like a cop car. You could also check their appearance for hints.

What are the dangers of being a law enforcement officer? ›

Department of Justice data estimates that approximately 16,000 officers suffer injuries after being assaulted on the job each year. Of the officers who are assaulted, approximately 53 are feloniously killed by civilians with another 60 killed accidentally (e.g. motor vehicle collisions or being struck by vehicle).

What are the challenges of being a law enforcement officer? ›

Law enforcement officers face many different dangerous and stressful situations in the line of duty. Some, such as gun violence, are obvious; others dangers (e.g., fatigue) are hidden, but common, and can greatly hinder officer performance. Officer performance is also affected by training and other factors.

What are some challenges to fair enforcement? ›

Final answer: Challenges to fair enforcement include systemic discrimination in law enforcement, market forces that may encourage discriminatory business practices, and the need for a diverse, competent, and ethical representation in the judicial and law enforcement systems.

What dangers and hazards arise as police officers perform their duties? ›

Law enforcement officers face many hazards in the line of duty. Though injuries from assaults and vehicular accidents are the most obvious, stress, cardiovascular disease, depression, and suicide are also serious job-related risks.

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.