What you need to know about diabetic socks (2024)

If you have diabetes, you probably know to watch your blood sugar. But do you know to watch your feet, too?

Look at your feet every day.

These are some of the first words Tina Canada, RN, a certified diabetes educator for OSF HealthCare, tells people who seek guidance on their diabetes diagnosis.

Many symptoms of diabetes can be detected through subtle – and sometimes not so subtle – changes in your foot health.

That’s why if you think you may have diabetes or if you have been diagnosed with diabetes, get to know your feet.

Why feet?

For people with diabetes, the foot is a window to your health. Diabetes can cause nerve damage, known as peripheral neuropathy, which often affects the feet.

When you have diabetes, your body doesn’t make enough insulin, a vital hormone that helps sugar turn into energy. When the body doesn’t make enough insulin, sugar has a harder time entering the cell and producing energy. That excess sugar collects in the blood.

With diabetes, the excess sugar in the blood interferes with blood circulation throughout the whole body. Without proper circulation, the lining of the nerves wears off. This happens most frequently in the feet because the body has to pump blood all the way down to the tips of our toes, and that blood has travel back up to the heart.

Nerve damage to the feet can cause all sorts of problems:

  • Not being able to feel when you have a cut or sore.
  • Wounds that take a long time to heal can lead to infection.
  • Impaired balance, which can lead to injury from falls.
  • High risk for amputation for people with other health complications.

Finding the right fit

Enter, diabetic socks.

“Having good quality socks promotes circulation, prevents irritation to your feet and prevents friction,” Tina said.

Socks for people with diabetes are designed with fewer seams. This is for a couple of reasons. Fewer seams means minimal friction. Friction is something to avoid as it can cause points of pressure and increase risk for wounds or blisters. Reduced friction also means that blood can circulate more freely through the body.

Because they’re at higher risk to develop wound infections on the feet, people with diabetes need to be especially careful when it comes to keeping feet dry. A moist foot is a breeding ground for bacteria to grow in a wound and cause infection.

Diabetic socks are made out of moisture wicking material, which help keep feet dry. This might be wool, cotton or a blend of synthetic materials.

The most important thing, according to Tina? “Socks that really fit you well.”

“Socks that are too tight are going to impair circulation,” Tina said.

On the other hand, loose socks are more likely to move around and cause friction.

Fit is especially important for people with diabetes who have poor circulation and experience swelling in the feet or legs. In that case, compression socks may be recommended. These are snug-fitting socks that promote blood flow.

Compression socks should not be so tight that they impair circulation. But, because they are made with a bit more elastic than other socks, compression socks encourage the blood to flow by gently squeezing the leg.

Take care of your feet

Many people with diabetes don’t need compression socks. But, if they are recommended, putting them on first thing in the morning before even getting out of bed is a key factor.

“Put compression socks on when your legs are elevated, because the blood has already circulated down your legs.”

Once you’ve gotten up and are moving, it gets harder for your body to circulate blood to and from the feet.

Problems with your feet?

>Schedule an appointment

Once those socks are on, keep them on all day.

Tina also recommends buying a telescoping mirror at a local pharmacy or hardware store. It’ll only set you back a couple of bucks. Use the mirror to look at the bottom of your feet often. That way, you’ll be familiar with your feet. If any changes come up, you’ll be ready to take action.

Finally, don’t use super-hot water when you wash your feet. Moisturize with lotion daily.

“Put lotion on the top and bottom, but not in between the toes,” Tina said.

That can cause moisture to get trapped in nooks and crannies, which is not something you want.

If you have diabetes but haven’t gotten acquainted with your feet, get to know them and all your sock options.

Last Updated: April 20, 2022

What you need to know about diabetic socks (2024)


What you need to know about diabetic socks? ›

Diabetic socks typically are made without seams along the toe to reduce the risk of rubbing and blisters that could lead to ulcers, especially for someone with neuropathy or chronic hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). Diabetic socks also sometimes have white soles to reveal draining of a wound that may not be felt.

What is special about diabetic socks? ›

There are many benefits of wearing diabetic socks over regular socks such as: Cushion feet from friction to prevent ulcers and blisters from developing. Provide mild compression for increased blood circulation. Lightweight and breathable.

Can you wear diabetic socks if you are not diabetic? ›

In fact, you don't even have to have diabetes to benefit from them. But that all being said, not all diabetic socks are created equal. So if you're in the market for some socks that will help protect your feet from damage, you should make sure you know what to look for.

What material is best for diabetic socks? ›

Diabetic socks can be made from many types of fibers. We recommend merino wool for a variety of reasons, including its natural thermoregulating and moisture control properties. Merino wool simply offers a wider range of benefits that allow it to outperform cotton or synthetic fibers.

How should diabetic socks fit? ›

Proper Fit

Choosing socks that fit properly is crucial for individuals with diabetic feet. Socks that are too tight can restrict blood flow, while loose-fitting socks can cause friction and lead to blisters. Ensure the socks provide a comfortable and snug fit without constricting the feet.

What's the difference between compression socks and diabetic socks? ›

Diabetic socks aim to protect the feet and reduce the risk of injury or irritation. Features that help achieve this include being seamless, moisture-wicking, and padded. Compressions socks are tighter-fitting socks that apply gentle pressure to the legs and feet to help reduce swelling and discomfort.

Why are diabetic socks so tight? ›

These are snug-fitting socks that promote blood flow. Compression socks should not be so tight that they impair circulation. But, because they are made with a bit more elastic than other socks, compression socks encourage the blood to flow by gently squeezing the leg.

Is it okay to sleep with diabetic socks on? ›

Wearing them all day can also help reduce fluid buildup as the day goes on. Remove your compression socks before you go to sleep unless your healthcare provider tells you to sleep with them on.

What should you not do to a diabetic feet? ›

Never use a heating pad or a hot water bottle. Shake out your shoes and feel the inside before wearing. Remember, your feet may not be able to feel a pebble or other foreign object, so always inspect your shoes before putting them on. Keep your feet warm and dry.

Do diabetic socks help with neuropathy? ›

Diabetic socks typically are made without seams along the toe to reduce the risk of rubbing and blisters that could lead to ulcers, especially for someone with neuropathy or chronic hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). Diabetic socks also sometimes have white soles to reveal draining of a wound that may not be felt.

What are Dr Scholl's diabetic socks made of? ›

Scholl's® Socks are constructed with premium technologies designed to provide all-day comfort and relief. From Blister Guard® yarns, TempRite™ Technology, and protective cushioning, to non-binding comfort tops and smooth toe seams, our socks provide a difference you can see and feel with every step.

What color socks should a diabetic wear? ›

Try to choose socks that: Are white or light-colored to make it easy to spot any bleeding or drainage, for example, if you have a cut or an ingrown toenail. Fit well and aren't too tight. Are made of a synthetic fabric or wool to wick away moisture.

Who should not wear compression socks? ›

If the top of the stocking at the thigh or calf is too tight, it can create a tourniquet effect. This actually blocks or slows your blood flow. You shouldn't wear compression socks if you have severe peripheral artery disease (PAD) because it makes the blood vessels in your legs narrow, reducing your blood flow.

Do diabetic socks keep your feet warm? ›

There are many different types of socks for people with diabetes. Generally, they're designed to minimize foot injuries and keep feet dry and warm.

What do diabetic feet look like? ›

changes in the colour and shape of your feet. cold or hot feet. blisters and cuts that you can see but don't feel. foul smell coming from an open wound.

Why are diabetics only supposed to wear white socks? ›

White or light-colored socks can allow you to easily see if you're bleeding or have a draining wound on your foot. Seamless toes. Seams can irritate the skin, leading to blisters and wounds. Many diabetic socks don't contain seams or have nonirritating seams.

Do neuropathy socks really work? ›

Do compression socks help manage neuropathy? The short answer is yes! Brands like OrthoSleeve are recommended choices when it comes to peripheral neuropathy due their ability to improve blood flow thereby alleviating symptoms that accompany this condition.

Is there a difference between medical compression socks and regular compression socks? ›

Effective Pressure: Medical-grade compression stockings provide higher pressure levels compared to non-medical-grade stockings. The graduated pressure helps counteract the effects of gravity, enhancing blood flow and preventing blood from pooling in the legs.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.