The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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7' DEENDANT WINS Students COMMISSION SUIT To Give Pageant or Upper TO BE BEEBESENTED ex MONOGRAM SPECIAL Kibbe Chocolates Jackson 2 Pound Box Tallyho Brand Thanksgiving Dinner Left to right Margaret Thursday November 28 rom 12 On Ter Plate Candied Bome made Home made Half Price Portion to Children Cold 1478 Main St weather is here That winter is entirely too Song A 1 I I this con in Minimum THE TUBE A they all recommend Cn AIUU WEST INDIES MAIN AIT HELD VACUUM OIL COMPANY Makers of high quality lubricants for all types of machinery GtJlGttof the New ft 30' RCA A CTI RZtRIOTRON a quart DEC DEC DEC DEC DEC JAN JAN EB MAR APR DAYS DAYS DAYS DAYS DAYS DAYS $200 $275 $275 $200 $200 $200 $200 asks to grounds contract I I 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 I I I colorful anti historical assembly be held at Technical High school large a may con pursued Mr landers said it must be re membered that we have done the bulk of our heavy work dring the last two Besides the amount to be spent for trackage Sir landers about $50000 will be spent for new busses and for bus equipment as as be let pain put you on the sideline of life when two Prentils bring quick relief from colds headaches toothaches neuralgia and other minor recurrent ailments A new for mula balanced it will not upset the heart non narcotic not habit forming roniAto ilet Boast stable property on Market The ease is be ing year This 000 during 1929 in 1928 At the it was explained been abnormal as the company was carrying on its rehabilitation pro gram and that as its lines are now in the best possible condition there is little new work to be done General Manager II landers ex plained further last night the principal track work to be done dur ing 1930 is on Plainfield street and on Liberty street from Carew to the Chic opee line This latter stretch leads past Springfield airport and is understood to be one of the sections of rnadwav which the department will tackle' very soon It had been tn rather ragged shape for many months and is subject to gfeat traffic particularly on Sundays and holidays company will' assist in every way possible in Mr program" t'4 defend daugh am of it" Atty History will recall the scenes of the pageant which will be given in tableaux The different characters wili tell of the customary festivals of then lands The proclamation which this year announces Thursday the 28th as Thanksgiving day will be read a Go to the dealer who displays the Mobiloil announced as follows: History Al leta irtion Ceres Greek goddess Lucille Urouillet Jewess Joan Hop per Indian Armand Pare Puritan maiden Huth Moriarty child Har riet Andrus Tech boy1 Jack Kelley The others who will take parts in the tableaux are members of the freshman Englishj class? 'v Samuel Cohen Sought $2000 rom Harris Selwitz for inding Buyer for The defendant "company have the case dismissed on the plaintiffs entered into a which theynow say caused them to lose money A decision will be given later "Radiotrons are the heart of your Radio Resolved Change to Mobiloil Arctic to day i I ri Olives Chicken Boih Duration fit Voyage 16 16 16 8 9 16 2 26 DAYS 18 DAYS 1 2 LEY COMPANY SEEKS DISMISSAL CASE Sailing Data from New York 3 18 21 26 6 16 1 5 15 12 will this mofning freshman English class under the direction of its teacher Miss Leta Young will present a pageant entitled "Thanksgiving Past and to the upper classes The 'cast of characters has been KIBBE OICIAL TELLS BUYINGSTABLE PROPERTY Adeline Cheney will 1 in charge of the his tory Theresa Keller and Eleanor Sedurland are to supervise the writ ing of the class play Member clubs of the and 1 JI A will be represented in a Junior council to be formed soon under the leadership of A Lincoln Orbach Each group within the asso ciation will have one member on the executive board and will be thus granted voting power Announcement was xnade last night by Samuel Josolowitzl executive sec retary of the organization that the association will sponsor tap vaude1 ville dancing gymnasium and swim ming classes It has also been vot ed by the executive board to stage a minstrel show in the spring I A jury in superior court yesterday afternoon returned verdict for the (defendant in the suit of Samuel 'Co hen against Harris Selwitz Washing ton street shoemakpr Cohen a real estate dealer sought a commission of Home Boom Plans The executive committee of the student council of the High School of Commerce has given some new plans for the Home rodm organiza tion periods until June 1930 Each home room is to be organized and considered as a club The home room teachers are to act sfe faculty ad visers A president vice president secre tary arm program make up the' officer: tc make up 'programs for the home room organization periods which come once a month an 1 submit this pro gram to Miss Jane Roberts facu'tj of the student council one week be fore the meeting The subjects to be discussed wilibe taken from the school handbooks which are'distri $2000 from Selwitz for procuring a purchaser for the latter's property at 3631 to 365 Bay street according to an agreement he alleged existed be tween them The case went to the jury after ex ceptionally sharp argumentatlvi changes between counsel Atty George Leary summed' up for the plaintiff and Ralph Spooner represented defendant Among things which Atty Leary took occasion to disclaim during his argument was that he had made di rectly or indirectly any criticism of one of the witnesses tor the ant Miss Daisy Selwitz his ter because she is a lawyer a lawyer myself and proud said Atty Leary turning to Spooner "And I am sure that the parents of the witness are proud of Arctic that makes it stand alone among winter oils Let the Mobiloil dealer help you change to Mobiloil Arctic today and you have ended all winter lubrication worries 1 RANCONIA CARINTHIA RANCONIA CARCNIA CARMANIA7 CARINTHIA CALEDONIA CALEDONIA CALEDONIA SAMARIA Members of the Wachogue Com munity church yesterday conducted a street at the church em ploying a number of model "stores" instead of the usual 'church booths The sale was followed by a series of moving picture shows in the evening' Those in charge of thesale were A L' Ellsworth Mrs Waltcr'AVlieel den Mrs William Duncan Mrs Carl Gottishe Mrs William Callahan Mrs George Madigan Mrs Earl Smith Mrs Cassidy Mrs Herbert Reed Mrs Henry Goodrich Mrs Albert May Mrs George Collins Mrs William Squires Mrs John ilkins William Brown Cassidy and George Miner (Photo by The Republican Staff Photographer) Peebles Agnes Weir Margaret MunseL Phyllis Gleason Lucille Brouillet Arlene Smith READ THIS fltlARANTT Prentils are unconditionally guaranteed to bring quicker and more complete relief from pain caused by colds headaches toothaches neuralgia and other minor ailments than any ether tablet or your druggist is hereby authorized to refund yaur money Declares Plaintiffs ormally Entered Contract in Plea at Boston Court Special Dispatch to The Republican Boston Nov 26 A demurrer seek ing to have the $1000000 suit pend ing against" red Ley st Co inc of Springfield in the federal court here dismissed was aYgued today before Judge James A Lowell and the mat ter was taken under advisem*nt John and Rufus Keeler are th plaintiffs' They said they lost prop erty valued at $1000009 located in Albany by virtue of certain transactions entered into with red ORBES WALLACE Inc 7 Governor Asks Mayor or Public Works Plans A letter' was sent to Mayor ordis Parker by Gov rank Allen asking what plans this city has for expenditures on public works dur ing the coming year iif connection with President program Similar letters were dispatched to every mayor in the state Although letter had not reached Mayor Parker's office yesterday after noon it is expected that as soon as it appgars he will turn it over to Mayor elecf Dwight Winter who will suc ceed him on January 1 Mr Wintei has already promised his hearty sup port for a program of public works ax suggested by President Hop ver It is Mr Winter's hope that consid erable progress can be made on the new crosstown boulevard during th coming year If he has his way more than the first link between Bay street and Page boulevard will be completed in 1930 School building and develop ment of the parkways in the vicinity of Watershops pond also come within scope of Mr Winter's program as out lined to The Republican recently Gov Allen's letter follows: dear Mr Mayor: order to promptly comply with President Hoover's' reefuest contained in his telegram to me ufider date of November 23 copy of which is enclos ed 1 am asking you to kindly advise me at your earliest opportunity the approximate amount your city will ap propriate and expend for public works in the next 12 months I urge upon you the great im portance of undertaking prograjji of public works sistentljz and prudently during the next year full co operation nection will aid Builders of many makes of fine rgidio sets recom mend RCA Radiotrons as Mobiloil Testifies Wil liam Lay Represented Him self as Agent oLOwner Smith Treasurer Charles Mclwaln was the principal witness yesterday aft ernoon in the suit of Kibbe Bros com pany against William Lay real estate dealer alleging an overcharge of $20 000 in the sale of the old Seymour livery street 13 years ago ing heard by Judge Thomas Ham mond and jury in superior court In examination by counsel for the plaintiff Atty Charles Bosworth Mr McElwain declared he had agreed to pay $100000 for the property toHr Lay He said he would do this only it a lower price could not be obtained and that he consented only after iicsent solicitation on the part of Mr Iay Kibbe Bros wished to use (he land as a possible site for an ad dition to its factory nearby Under cross on the tubes that have nd superior for fitie reception They are the acknowledged standard of the industry A heavy oil that lies stiffened by cold in your crankcase circulate promptly Just changing to any winter oil does not ade quately solve these difficulties Many so called oils may give easy starting but they thin out to the danger point when your engine gets hot one simple way to play safe Change to the new doiihle range winter oil which the leading lubrication specialists have perfected The new Mobiloil Arctic flows easily at below zero temperatures At high running temperatures it keeps its body and gives rich lubricating service It is this double range double value of Mobiloil Mince Pie Vanilla Ice Cream Pumpkin Pie Home made Cake Apple Pie Chocolate Eclair Home made Cranberry Pie Tea Coffee the pupils to write and su the class history and play Griffin assisted by Edith committee will The rooms arc United Electrit Light Company Will Start Immediate Construction of $200000 orest Park Springfield Street Railway Company Will Spend $150000 During 1930 Ten Cunard West Indies Cruises cleverly planned to shorten inter days Days of golden marrow warming sun just wlienharassed northern America needs it Nerves built up and tension let dowij Big executives can barge down to play golf in the exhilarating I pink magic of Nassau People who must cast a speculative eye at their I pocketbooks can exchange a cantanker ous inter fortnight for a whole sea of paint splashed islands with Havana Paris wise thrown in With the un beatable holiday atmosphere of crack fc Cunard liners their relaxing yt comfort their space sports facilities smart club atmos phere No passports required zVARiED ITINERARIES INCLUCING: $an Juan Santo Domingo St Pierre ort de rance Port an Prince Santiago Barbados Trinidad La Guayra Curacao Colon Kingston navana laasau nermudi Steamer Two local utilities at least will co operate within their financial limits in the program for immediate construc tion advocated by President Herbert Hoover Officials of the United Elec tric Light and the Springfield Street Railway companies stated emphati cally yesterday that it is their object to operate to the fullest extent possible" As its contribution the United com will begin immediat construc tion of its $290000 orest Park sub station to be located on Converse street It had originally been plan ned to hold back this project until the summer of 1930 but at arecent con ference officials decided to begin the work now The structure will be of brick and will be able to take care of a load of 3100 kilowatts It will be known as Substation 7 will take care of the orest Park area now served from the central station on lower State street Plans call Yor its completion October j930 In addition to this Robert Mitch ell of the company said last night the United' will go forward a little more speedilj with its regular pro gram The Western Massachusetts companies he said'will speed up work on new transmission lines in the western part of the state These in clude lines from Pittsfield to Lanes boro and Lee and another to the town of Becket Work on the Cobble mountain power house will also be (Speeded up Underground work Mr Mitchell said cannot be speeded up at this time of the year due to ground conditions and this phase of the com work in the city will progress about normally President 'Wood queried 'by the American Electric Railway' asso ciation on three points in connection with the Hoover program new con struction regular maintenance work and effects of the stock market on the business replied that the company would spend approximately $150000 on new work duringJhe eom compares with $a00 and nearly $l000Q00 office of the company that the last two had Credit Union Philip ox president of the Spring field Credit union announced yesterday that the new bank was functioning and that loans were being made for the first time Many of the teachers have taken out shares in the union agd others are waiting for the monthly salary check to do likewise To Write Class History The 12B class executive committee of the High School of Commerce has chosen With freezing days coming pttener part of the defense attorney Joseph Elv Mr McElwain admitted he had loughtthe property only because he though it was worth $100000 He also said Mr Lay had offered to buy back the property at the price lie had sold it Misrepresentation Charged Kibbe Bros alleges as reason for its suit that Lay hail represented himself as acting tor the owner of the prop erty George alter incent Smith who had set a possible price of $80000 on the property Thev alleged he had bought the property for $80000 from Smith and had sold it at oa $20000 profit to Kibbe Bros Mr Lay denies making any misrepresentations Mr McElwain outlined the history of the transaction under questioning by Atty Bosworth He said that dur ing the week ot March 6 1918 Mr Lay came to his office and urged the pur chase of the property He said that the real estate dealer set $100000 as the price desired by the owner George Smith The treasurer of the plaintiff com pany alleged that on March 15 1916 he gave Lay a check for $5000 to bind the barganr and said that the price of $100000 was agreeable only in case a lower price could not be obtained In the cross examination of Mr Mc Elwain Atty Ely emphasized that Mr Lay had sold the property to Kibb Bros company not acting as an agent for Mr Smith but closing a profitable deal on the land which he had bought from Mr Smith Mr McElwain in cross examination answered that Kibbe Bros had not hired Air Lay to act as a real estate agent in the' purchase of the property He also admitted that Kibbe Bros companj' had paid $100000 because It was worth that amount whether bought from Lay Smith or'anyone He declare that the purchase had been unanimously approved by the board of directors The case will be continued this morning at 10 Charles YV Bos worth is counsel for Kibbe Bros com pany and Attys Joseph Ely and William Giles for Mr Lay reshman English Class at Tech High Prentils or ACHES AND PA IKS THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBtICAfc SPRINGIELD MASS: WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 27 1929 wo Local Utilities Report Tabic Celery Bisque of Sole Bearnaise Sauce Sluffed Turkey Dressing Cranberry Sauce Sweet Potatoes Mashed Potatoes Buttered flashed Turnips Dinner Bolls Lettuce Salad Mayonnaise Home Made her because she is a member th Judge Thomas Hammond presid ed giving the case to the jury at noon 1 Intention to Co operate In Prosperity Program Trade School Officers Election of officers of the senior class of the Springfield Trade school was yesterday' afternoon A group had been selected last week by the nominating committee and these names were posted for the students' consideration The ballots were pass ed out and then voted on with Ernest Tague being elected president Carlton Jarrett vice president Charles Thompson secretary'' and Kenneth Ramey treasurer New Ease in Gear Shifting To further lighten the load winter driving condition place oa your engine have the transmission and differential drained and refilled with Mohiloil This unique lubricant remains fluid in coldest weather and will not "separate and harden Ease of gear shifting and smooth performance are assured where Mobiloil is used 85c When you buy your Thanksgiving Day candy from this ponu lur annum c1 1 luunugmm ouectat voir hnv i 4 A Tj uuacs ui uie uesnest cnocoiates available anv are at nnv price Every box in thp salp fanri curjCij vul ahi LUIlb vl cantiy lor ijfr? one oav selling) has Pppm rlplivomd Ll TriLI i i Ixvlll me rkiuoe eanay Kiicnens this week The Monogram Special nrice saves vnu kkp uu every uox are rp*rn ar RPn fj nrtlinrl 1 I centers creamy mocha vanilla manlp Yionnormirii chocolate raspberry centers crispy peanut eineis ana nougatmes No Mail or Phone Orders On Sale Today Only 77 1 v7' wT? li It a 1 1 Ml till fssiK I ml WnLir Im WW I 1 7 I I i II 1 1 I 1 1 I (Candy Basem*nt Special i Ke lilce A.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.