The Mocking Jay Lives (Part 2 of Its Not Over Till The Mockingjay Sings) - Chapter 1 - Satine4ever - Hunger Games Series (2024)

Chapter Text

Katniss POV

It has been 6 months since I won the Hunger Games and it's pure torture I can't sleep anymore without screaming from nightmares I can't go hunting anymore without having a panic attack like this morning.

I was out hunting with Gale like before, though I don't think it will ever be like before, all Gale does is try to flirt with me and I find it unbearable, and when I try to talk about Peeta he turns furious which is also incredibly annoying. But today we were hunting and I saw a turkey. I just shot it and then I saw. Marvel and the arrow in his neck, blood pouring down.

I fall screaming, and Gale tries to calm me down but it is no use. After 10 minutes I stop and Gale looks at my shock and a little bit of fear in his eyes. I know he thinks I'm crazy and it hurts. So I spend a lot of my time with my family and Peeta. Ever since the games I have been inviting him over more often I know he's lonely and needs support like me.

The Covey seems to adore him just the other day I found my little cousins and sister at his house eating chocolate chip pancakes, at first I didn't want Peeta around but my grandma convinced me to invite him over again and then over time we spent more and more time together until I Coralina Gray pointed out how I seem to be more concentrated on what am wearing when he comes over, how I smile and laugh.

I started to realize maybe Coralina Gray was right and maybe being in a relationship with Peeta wouldn't be so bad. I just wished it wasn’t forced. As I walk home with Gale “Are you coming to the train station?” I ask him since I got back People have thought me and Gale were cousins and we have kept up the act “I think you have enough people saying goodbyes without me there” he says and I turn to him a little annoyed “only a few a truly care about” Gale smiled at that “still it might be easier if I didn’t” he says looking away from me.

“The tour is only a few weeks, Gale, it's not the end of the world. I’ll be back before the Snow melts,” I say smiling “Yeah a lot can happen in a few weeks” he scuffs and I back away from him “What’s that supposed to mean?!” I ask firmly, I know what he’s implying and it hurts that he could think so low of me. “Do we have to do this again Gale? Seriously it’s getting tiring” I say “It’s tiring seeing how much you can’t seem to leave that baker boy alone!” He says “Peeta is a part of my life now whether you like it or not Gale and I would appreciate it if you could both just get along it would make all of our lives much easier,” I say.

“I did what I had to do to make sure we both survived if I didn’t we both would be dead-”

Before I can finish, Gales puts his lips on mine and I’m too in shock to do anything. It's nothing like Peetas kisses being hungry and fiery while his lips are sweet and gentle, Gale's kiss makes me feel nothing, and his lips are rough and determined. Gale breaks the kiss and I look at him with shock and a little bit of discomfort “I had to do that once” he said before leaving me.

I just stood there in shock before going to Haymitch. As I walk into Victor Village I see Buttercup Primrose god awful Cat he hiss at me I only scuff and knock on Haymitch's door and when he doesn’t answer I barge in. “Haymitch!” I yell as I come into the house the smell of alcohol fumes around me and I spot Haymitch sleeping on the table drink and knife in hand, “Haymitch wake” I say as I try shaking him awake, but it does nothing so I grab some water and spill it on him.

“Ahhhhhhh!” He screams and yells like a madman flinging his arms everywhere not that I blame him “What are you doing!?” He demands “Cameras are going to be here in an hour,” I say walking towards the other way “If you wanted to be babied you should have asked Peeta,” I say.

“Ask me what?” Peeta says from behind me “Ask you to wake me without giving me phenomena,” Haymitch says “Oh darling you almost gave me a heart attack” I say Peeta smiles. and as I roll my eyes at Haymitch, I see he has some bread and then a tin of sweets “Here for your family I wanted to give them something of all kinds,” Peeta says handing me the tin. I look up at him and smile “Would you like some bread Katniss?” He asks cutting the bread "Oh no thank you but it’s sweet that you offered darling what did I do without you" I say kissing his cheek I can see his cheeks turn scarlet and I let out a little laugh.

“Well you seem good on the whole romance scale,” Haymitch said, taking a swing of his drink. I smile but I still can’t shake Gale's kiss from my mind. It felt so wrong and I feel horrible like I betrayed Peeta in some way and I guess in a way I had. “Peeta, would you walk me to my house you can give the cookies to my family there and Haymitch take a bath,” I say Peeta happily gets up and walks with me as I walk away I can hear Haymitch “I just did sweetheart” and I just smile at the joke.

As me and Peeta walk to my house I remember something “I should probably change. I want to wear the boots Effie gave me with my grandma's old dress" I say Peeta shakes his head. Will the preparation team make you change again?" he says I nod "Yes...Maybe I should wear the outfit for the tour,l want to see Effie's face. She was so happy when I told her about the dress that would match those amazing boots and I love it when Effie is happy” Peeta gives a warm smile.

When we get to my house Peeta hands me the tin and looks at me “I will see you in an hour" he says “Peeta” I say “Yes?” he says turning around I quickly pull him into a kiss and Peeta soon takes charge putting his hands on my waist and pulls me closer. This is better than a Gale kiss . I think Peeta quickly kisses my neck and sucks there, much better than Gales, so much better I think. He stops kissing my neck and smiles “Thank you” he says his hand cradling my face and I smile looking into his sapphire blue eyes “See you in an hour” I say before leaving.

I walk into the house with a huge grin on my face I see my family members in rage and I think for a second that Livia has arrived for another conversation she and I have gotten incredibly close thanks to those teas, but my family despises her and I can understand why, but then my Mama comes rushing to my side “Darling your back, your how was your walk?" she says I look at her confused “I was just out-” Primrose interrupts me “we have guests” I look to see two peacekeepers “Miss Barid this way please” one says I go over to my mamma and she walks with me and the peacekeeper.

Lo que está sucediendo (what is happening) I ask in Spanish so the peacekeepers don't know.

El presidente vino y está en la oficina (the president came, he 's in the office) my Mama said, “¿Quà pasa con papÁ¡, lá tienen Lumi Rose y la abuela? (what about Pa, aunt Lumi Rose, and Grandma?!) ” I ask my Mama only whispers in my ear as she walks me to the office "Allá en la cabaña en el bosque los únicos que están aquà son la bandada, tu tia Mia y tu prima Coralina Grey (there in the cabin in the woods the only one how are here is the covey, your aunt Mia and cousin Coralina Gray) I let out a sigh knowing they are far away from Snow and then I open the door.

I can see he is sitting in the plush office chair and when he sees me he offers a kindly grandfather smile "Such bravery, such spirit” Snow says then turns to the little screen he has shown me Peeta in the 74th Hunger Games “Such…content” I keep a straight face as I walk over to him “President Snow what an…Honor” I say a bit of sarcasm in my voice “My dear, I think we can make this so much simpler if we agree not to lie to each other, don't you think?” he says smiling.

Oh, you're one to talk about lying I think but I couldn't say that “Yes I think that would save time” I say he smiles and gestures to the seat across from him “Sit down, please” he says and turns off the screen I reluctantly sit down and for a good long minute we stare at each other in silence I start to play with my gold necklace when Snow starts to speak again “I have a problem, Miss Baird” Snow says.

“A problem that began the moment you revealed those poison berries in the arena” I want to roll my eyes at that, So what I cheated, you did fare worse during the 10th Hunger Games for my grandma, I think “If the head game maker Seneca Crane had any brains at all he would have blown you to bits then and there but sadly…here you are,” he says “I guess you can expect were he is” I nod “yes with his aunt Arcahne Crane,” I say a smile on my face Snow clears his throat before speaking again “yes, after that fiasco there was nothing left to do but let you play out your little scenario,” Snow says “and you live up to your grandmother's legacy cause you were very good, convinced the people in The Capital,” he says.

“Unfortunately, not everyone in the districts fell for it” I let out a shaky breath I know what's coming next and I know it's not good “I mean, you didn't know this, but in several of The Districts, people viewed your little trick with the berries as an act of defiance,” the president says “not as an act of love and if a girl from district 12 of all place can defy The Capital and walk away unharmed, what is to prevent them from doing the same? what is to prevent, say, an uprising?” he asked me.t

“Then over time, the system collapses” I looked him straight in the face as he spoke. “It must be a fragile system if it can be brought down by a few berries, President Snow” Venom is leaking from my voice. Snow laughs and shakes his head “Yes it is indeed but not in the way you imagine it”, “How should I imagine it?” I quickly counter back “You should imagine thousands of your people dead, this town of yours reduces to ashes just like District 13” At that my anger boils over a little “You would destroy the place you once called home?! The place where you once were loved, I know your story…Coryo!”.

Snow pauses for a second then speaks again “You and your grandmother both fought very hard in your games, Miss Baird, but they were games. Would you like to be in a real war?” He ignores what I said before and skips to his point “No.” I say quickly “Good. Neither would I,” he tells me, my mother then comes in with a tea tray and some of Peeta's baked goods on it Snow smiles and gladly takes it “Thank you my dear most people forget that even presidents need to eat too,” he says “you would know a thing or two about hunger wouldn't you,” I say quietly my Mama quickly leaves and Snow dips one of the cookies into the tea.

“Tell me did your mother make these?” Snow asked taking a bite of the cookie

“Peeta, he makes them for me and the covey as little treats” A small smile forms on Snow's lips "Oh. He’s such a lovely boy..tell me at what point did he realize the depth of your indifference towards him?" Ah, so this is what this is about. He thinks I am using Peeta for personal gain. He wants to know if I am like grandma , I think.

“were not indifferent”. I say that makes Snow angry "DON’T LIE! He yells" I jump a little" but Snow quickly calms down “You promised” he says taking another bite “Why don't you just kill me now as you tried with my grandma?” I ask “I don't want to kill you” he says I can hear the sincerity in his voice and it makes me sick “I want us to be friends” you could be a decent grandfather I think “if not friends, Allies” he says more hopeful “what do I need to do?” I ask more seriously.

“When you and Peeta are on tour you need to smile, you need to be grateful. But, above all, you need to be Madly-prepared-to-end-it-all in love. Do you think you can manage that Miss Baird? Your grandmother certainly could” Snow says “Yes” I say “Yes what?”, “I’ll convince them,” I say "No, Convince me” Then he pulled out a white rose “For you Miss Baird,” he said smiling I remember my grandma telling me how he Gave her A white rose when she first arrived in The Capital, I take a peel off the rose and eat it “hmmm tastes like bedtime,” I say I can see Snow ball up his feist angry at the reminder.

Then as he gets up he turns on the Screen “Do convince me” he says and I turn my head to face the screen and I let out a little gasp, the screen shows Gale kissing me this morning. “For the sake of your loved ones,” Snow says and as he's leaving I yell in anger. “That's not fair, he kissed me first. I never asked for it!!” I yell Snow looks shocked that I raised my voice at him.

“Just do what I say, Miss. Baird or yours and Peeta's families will pay the price" he says not even looking at me and then I get up and yell at him “You wouldn't dare hurt my family" Snow lets out a little laugh and turns to face me. “and why is that?" he asks me "Cause wouldn't dare harm the grandchild of your beloved Lucy Gray” I say, he freezes at her name “Miss Baird, do tell me how is your grandfather?" I smile at the question "I thought you had figured it out by now with the locket and everything" That made Snow go as white as his hair. I know saying this could cause trouble but if it's the only way to protect my family so be it.

“No that’s impossible she would have told me,” Snow says, running his hands through his hair and pacing back and forth. “I thought we had agreed not to lie to each other. What has lying ever gotten you, President Snow? Do you think it brings me comfort to know I am related to you? No, it doesn't. I'm doing this for the covey and Peeta” I say firmly “What happened to her?” Snow says his eyes say more than words ever can. “And why should I tell you? You didn’t care about her fate for 64 years, why now?” I ask smugly.

“Because for the last 64 years, I thought I had killed her in the woods, so I will ask you again what happened to her after I left?!” He said more firmly, stepping closer to me. “And what do I get out of it?” I ask “Anything!!” Snow shouts “Just a please tell me she’s okay,” he says pleading, I sigh “I will tell if you to leave both, my, and Peeta's family alone, and when my child comes I want them never to be reaped into the Hunger Games,” I say Snow nods and shakes my hand “what happened to my Lucy Gray, Miss Baird,” he asks.

“She dead,” I say firmly I make the fake tears come and look down like am sad and ashamed, as I see any hope he had shattered in those two words “H-how did she d-die,” he asks “his voice choking out “she was pregnant after you left, she couldn’t leave the woods to get proper medical care cause the mayor was out for her head, she gave birth to my father but what she didn’t expect was giving birth to my aunt a few days later” I can see the hope in his eyes hearing that he had not just a son but a daughter from his beloved Lucy Gray.

“But since she didn't have proper medical care and was still recovering from giving birth to her son, she died bleeding to death,” I say. I can see the tears forming in his eyes but I don’t care. I know that childbirth is a difficult subject for him, that is how his mother and sister died. “And the children, what of them?” he asked “The Covey raised them. My father died in a mining accident and my aunt got stabbed in the heart by one of her closest friends and died almost instantly” Obviously none of that was true and all three were happy and healthy but I couldn’t let Snow know that.

“No,” he says quietly I only nod and whip the fake tears from my face “Now if you don't mind, Grandfather, I need to meet with my prep team for the tour, am thinking of wearing the outfit your wife so graciously had Tigress make for me, Oh, and tell Livia I say hi'' I tell him before leaving and I see Snow leave shortly after. “What did you say to him?” Bard Auzra asks “Nothing, just a few white lies,” I say she smiles and hugs me “Be careful Kat,” she says “I will,” I respond.

Then we hear a knock on the door. Maude opens it and there is Effie and my prep team. She is in one of her Captile outfits that she adores “Hello, Oh. There she is. My greatest triumph!” Effie yells and I happily hug her, “Our little superstar,” Flavius says “Sweet we missed you,” he says “What a cute little house! So quaint isn't it?” Effie yells.

”Of course, you, I've heard about Cennia and Tigress?” Effie says “What happened to Tigress and Cennia?” I ask nervously “Oh, dear, their Fashion stars. You're their muse. Everyone in The Capital is wearing them. Everyone!” Effie says and it makes me happy to see Tigress and Cennia finally get the fame they deserve. “Well, not everyone” a voice came from behind “Oh!” Effie says and passes by so I can go Hug Cennia and Tigress.


“Katniss,” someone softly whispers. I turn to see my sister and little cousins all in the shadows. Primrose is holding Buttercup looking at me with a worried expression, “Katniss, is this your sister?” Octavia asks I nod “Yes this is my sister Primrose holding her cat Buttercup, thone is Maude she's six, the three little toddlers are my cousins Millie Brown, Clementine Maroon, and Issac Teal, they are all 3 triplets, and lastly my older cousin Coralina Gray, shes 21” I can see Tigress eyes fill with tears at the sight of Prim.

“Oh, look how cute!” Octavia yells picking up Millie Brown and bouncing her up and down “Primrose looks just how imagined your Great-aunt would have looked like,” Tigress says “But you are my great-aunt Tigress” I whisper, Tigress only gives a sad smile “No, no your other great-aunt the one who…¨ I give Tigress a nod telling her I understand, that night with the bombs must have been very traumatic, especially for an 8-year-old girl, Tigress smiles and goes to talk with Prim who is in awe of Tigress and her tattoos thinking they are beautiful.

I turn to look at Cennia. “Are you okay?” he asks me worried, I nod “Just nervous” I say “Ready to work?” he asks I nod “All right. good” Soon the preparation team takes me away “Wait Cennia, Tigress can I wear the dress Livia had you make for me? I think it will look perfect, especially with the whole sweet little girl act,” I say Cennia and Tigress both nod and soon Aunt Mia is downstairs with the dress.

The prep team quickly got me ready after they bathed me in the pink foam bath they plucked and waxed away my hair. It was a painful experience but not as bad as the first time.

Soon they put me in my corset and undergarment and put me in the dress, it was a pencil figure velvet pink dress, that came down to my legs, with a light pink belt and buttons from top to bottom, it also had a matching velvet coat and came with a small white hat with flowers on it, Octava did my makeup and painted my lips a deep red while I made sure Tigress did my hair, and she put it braided spiral, while Effie brought out a pair of white high heel satin boots that I gladly put on.

“Oh,” Effie gasped at the TV “It's the time!” she yelled, I quickly grabbed my white silk gloves “Wait.” my mama yelled hurriedly with something in her hand “For good luck,” she said I saw she was pinning a Madges mockingjay pin on my jacket and smiled at her “Thanks Mama,” I said hugging her “She's done, she's lovely. We must feed the monsters.” Effie says “All right now” Effie pushes me out the door “You're excited, you're in love. Big Baird smiles for the camera in, 3, 2, 1” and Effie opens the door.

I hear Caesar's voice from the cameras “There she is, Katniss Baird, the girl on fire!” I smile, wave to the camera, and blow a few kisses, I then see Peeta walking out of his house. He's wearing a deep red velvet coat. I guess they tried to make him match me a little. “And there he is, Peeta Mellark the baker's boy!” Caesar says enthusiastically, as Peeta makes his way toward me I feel my cheeks warm up a little. He looks good I think, outstanding.

As Peeta walks towards me I think it's a better idea to run towards him and hug him not realizing the ice Peeta slips and falls on his back with me on top and I let out a little laugh.

I was so caught up with acting I forgot about Peeta's leg when I found out in our interview after the games I felt so guilty that I couldn't save his leg ¨Eager are we?” Peeta asks a smirk on his face, I smile as I brush a strand of hair from his face “What can I say I missed seeing your gorgeous face” I then put my lips on his and passionately kiss him I wish I could fully sink into the kiss like the one an hour ago but with the camera zooming in on my face it's impossible and it makes me so frustrated.

¨eham, anybody home?¨ Caesar asks us the camera zooming in even closer on us, I let out a little laugh ¨sorry Caesar” I say getting off Peeta and helping him up ¨Oh there's nothing to be sorry for¨ Caesar says ¨How have things been in twelve?¨ he asks us I smile ¨they have been amazing Caesar thanks to the generosity of The Capital we´ve never been closer¨ I say hugging Peeta's arm tightly ¨25 feet to be exact¨ Peeta says I let out a little laugh and so does Caesar ¨well now we must let you catch your train, but we will be updating all of you on the victory tour.¨ Caesar says and the cameras turn off.

¨good acting¨ Peetas says ¨thanks, you too ¨ he lets out a little laugh ¨almost thought that kiss was real¨ he says and I feel like he stabbed me with one of my arrows, ¨Peeta…you know I would have loved more than anything for that kiss to be real but those stupid cameras in the face it's almost impossible and-¨ Peeta cuts me off. ¨ It's fine, am sorry I shouldn't have said that especially after the kiss at the door¨ I blushed at the mention of the kiss, unlike Gales's kiss, instead of making me guilty the kiss made me feel hungry, it felt so…right.

Peeta and I take a car to the train station and when I get there I see my family, or most of it, I also see the mayor and Madge and to my surprise Gale, I run over to Madge and hug her ¨have fun Katniss¨ she tells me ¨I will goodbye Madge tell your mother I said goodbye¨ she smiles and nods. I look over to my family and see Peeta being showered with love and plead to tell him he´ll be missed. I can see the tears forming in his eyes and when he looks over at me I smile.

I go over to Rye the only one of the Mellark family to show up and hug him ¨still can't believe you, my sister-in-law¨ Rye says shaking his head ¨not yet Rye¨ I tell him ¨with the way you too are going I´ll say by the end of the tour you two will be engaged and have finally banged¨ I blush at his words and slap him on the arm for such crude language, Rye leaves laughing and Gale comes up to me.

¨I thought you weren't coming¨ I said to Gale hugging him so people wouldn't be suspicious, we are supposed to be cousins, after all, ¨ Yeah I wasn't but had to show Mellark to keep his hands off what's mine¨ he says. If Gale could see my face he would see the disgust on it, I then feel Gales's hands on my ass. Still, he quickly unlocks our embrace when Peeta steps forward ¨it's time to go, Kat, ¨ he says kissing my cheek I smile and blush.

When we walk on the train I yell my last goodbyes to my family and go into my room to take off my coat, hat, and gloves, and get ready for the night, I look on my bed to find a white silk nightgown with thin straps and a v-cut neckline I put on the nightgown and to my surprise, it goes down to my ankles it's comfortable, I sit in my bed nice and cozy, my dreams are filled with rue, and prims screams yelling at me I wake up to Effies usually ¨big, big day!!¨ speech.

The prep team dresses me in a red silk v-neck blouse, with puffy sleeves that go down to my elbow, and a flowy long floral patterned skirt that goes down to my knees, my hair curled up and on my shoulders, I see tigress put little rue flowers in my hair. I silently thank her for this kind

while Peeta sits down at the table ¨nothing but the best for my two victors¨ Effie says ¨now Katniss we are going to many parties and dinners so please do wear some of those lovely dresses your grandmother had I think they will be the most pleasing” I smile and nod ¨now eat, eat, you´ve earned it¨ Effie says. Those words make me snap ¨excuse me?!¨ I say ¨Katniss¨ Peeta says softly but I ignore him ¨I said you deserve it¨ Effie repeats ¨by killing people?¨ Effie sighs ¨young lady¨ I get up and go to another part of the train and I grab some of the popcorn balls Aunt Mia made me for the trip.

I hear the door open it must be Haymitch , I think ¨I´ll apologize to Effie later¨ I say I turn expecting to find Haymitch but instead it's Peeta ¨thought you were Haymitch¨ I say popping another popcorn ball in my mouth ¨want one?¨ I ask holding out the bag Peeta laughs and takes one out. ¨Katniss you don't need to apologize to anybody including me¨ I shake my head ¨NO! Peeta I should have told you the truth about my weird behavior. It's just things have been so much more complicated since we got back¨ I say Peeta nods, listening to my every word like it is god's.

¨Katniss I know I shouldn't hold you to things you said in the games you did what you did to make sure we survived¨ I sigh ¨Peeta can I tell you something and you promise not to get mad?¨ I ask Peeta takes my hand and nods ¨this morning Gale kissed me¨ I can see Peeta's face fall the confession ¨Oh¨, ¨but I didn't feel anything, not like I felt when you kissed me¨ I can see Peetas smile rise ¨Oh¨ he says. ¨Katniss, I'm sorry¨ Peeta said rubbing his head ¨sorry for what? The kiss?¨ I ask he nods ¨I thought cause of the kiss this morning that you would want me, and when I saw Gale whispering to you and grabbing you I thought it meant the kiss for this morning meant nothing until I saw the look of disgust on your face and I had to help you¨ Peeta says and I smile ¨am glad someone helped me I seriously don't know what is wrong with Gale nowadays he never was like this before my games¨ I tell Peeta he puts his arm around me and I feel a little better.

¨You know Katniss after all the time we´ve spent together I still do not know your favorite color, I know Coralina Grey is gray, like her taste in women¨ he says ¨Morally gray¨ I correct and he lets out a little laugh ¨ Your sisters is pink, your, aunt Lumis is black, and your aunt Mia's is sunshine yellow she likes to say¨ I let out a little laugh ¨seriously though what is it?¨, ¨green, like the woods in District Twelve ¨ Peeta smiles ¨what's yours darling?¨ I ask ¨Orange¨ he says I give him a questionable look ¨like Effie's hair?¨, ¨No.¨ he says chuckling ¨not that orange, more, uh…More like a sunset kind of orange¨ I smile I then see we are pulling into 11 ¨Peeta there's something else I have to tell you before-¨ but I then spot something a Mockingjay like the one on my pin, on the walls of District 11 ¨did you see that?!¨ I ask Peeta alarmed.

“What?” he says looking around “Whoa,” he says standing up and looking behind us I stand next to him as we look.

We look behind to see cars lined up around us. As we step out of the train we see rows and rows of peacekeepers “Well I never” Effie scuffs “This is not very festive!” she yells. We get in a car and from every window I see peacekeepers from left to right, “The mayor will make some introductory remarks. And then you just have to say a few words. It's customary, of course, to give a brief eulogy to the district's fallen Tributes. For 11, that’s Thresh and Rue.” Effie says handing us the speeches she had written.

I let my head fall sweet Rue. How can I face her family? The poor family who had lost their little daughter so early because I failed to save her. I think, Peeta grabs the speeches from Effie and looks over to me “I can do the talking if you want?” he says in such a calm soothing way that I can't help but smile and squeeze his hand “Thank you” I say in a whisper he nods and squeezes my hand back.

We soon arrive at District 11 town hall. The mayor, a kind man, shakes our hands and I give him a warm smile which he happily returns.

We hear him say our names and introduce us to the crowd “Ladies and gentlemen, the Victors of the 74th Hunger Games. Katniss Baird and Peeta Mellark!” The doors open and Effie is designed for us “Smile, smile, smile, smile. Stand up straight. You're on camera.” and then it's just me and Peeta on stage.

I see Rue's family, her little siblings who look like her. “Thank you,” Peeta said “We’re honored to be here with you today. And to be with the families of your fallen Tributes…” Peeta pauses and I see him put down the cards. “Though they fought…and lived with honor…and dignity until the end, Thresh and Rue were so young. But our lives aren't just measured in years. They're measured in the lives of people we touch around us.”

I look at Peeta as he speaks, hanging on to every word “For myself, for Katniss,” he says turning to me and I give him a soft sad smile “We know that without Rue and Thresh, we wouldn't be standing here today. So in recognition of that, knowing that it in no way can make up for your loss, we’d like to donate one month of our winnings to the families of the Tributes every year, for the rest of our lives.” Peeta says.

One month of those winnings can feed a family for a year. Can we even do that? I think how would that be possible? “Thank you,” Peeta says as the audience applauds, I give Peeta a surprised look, he only smiles and kisses my cheek and whispers in my good ear “Are you okay?” I nod and we start to leave the stage.

I look at Rue's family, the big screen of her cute little face, that sweet smile that haunts me awake and asleep. I cautiously go up to the microphone.

“I just wanted to say that I didn’t know Thresh. I only spoke to him once. He could have killed me, but instead he showed me mercy. That’s a debt I’ll never be able to repay.” As I speak of Thresh I think of the District 11 boy for the 10th Hunger Games Reaper. He could have killed so many my grandma included but he didn’t like Thresh. He showed mercy and died quickly and honorably.

I look over to Rue's family. “I did know Rue,” I say, staring at her mother and younger siblings with tears in their eyes as I speak of their sweet sister and daughter.

“She wasn’t just my ally, she was my friend. I see her in the flowers that grow in the meadow by my house. I hear her in a Mockingjay song. I see her in my little sister and cousin Prim, Maude, Clem, and Millie. She was too young, too gentle.”

I see Rue's mother crying nodding her head and I look right at her as I continue to speak “ I couldn’t save her. I’m sorry, I am so, so sorry, I tried so hard to get her back to you…I did” I say I feel hot tears run down my face as I finish and I feel Peeta's hand on my back running circles to comfort me.

I then see an old man raise his three fingers in the air and do Rue's whistle. I watch as all of District 11 raises their three fingers to honor Rue. I watch as the peacekeepers come and shove through the crowd and grab the old man.

I immediately ran down the stage trying to get through “No! No! Wait! Wait! No! Leave him alone! Leave him alone!” I yell desperately as they grab him to the stage and they grab me to go through the door. I watch as the peacekeeper loads his gun and when the door closes I hear the bang and his body fall.

“No!!” I yell helplessly Peeta looks shocked as he hears the gunshot “You! No, no, no!” I yell as the peacekeepers drop me on the floor and I immediately stand up anger led by the events. I try to run and attack them but Haymitch grabs me holding me back as I yell and cures profanities at them.

“What did I do?” I ask Haymitch and Cennia pulls me away “Shut up” Haymitch whispers “In all my years I have never seen such disrespect!!” Effie yells.

Haymitch takes me and Peeta upstairs and I look down, not able to look Peeta in the eyes “You two have a very simple task.” Haymitch yells rubbing his head “I never meant anyone to get killed. He has to know that” I say tears threatening to spill down again.

“What are you talking about? Who has to know what?”, “Snow. He came to see me.” I say I can see Peeta's eyes widen “He’s worried about rebellion in the districts. He thinks that they don’t believe our love story.” I say “So he wants you to make them believe it?” Haymitch says “to calm things down.” I say.

“You know Katniss, you shoulda told me that before I went out there, and tried to give these people the money.” Peeta yells “I tried!” I yell at Peeta running towards him grabbing his hands in mine desperately “On the train I was about to tell you but then we pulled into 11 and I didn’t have time to tell you.

“I have a family too, Katniss, people I need to protect!” He says yelling at me gripping my hands, it almost makes me think he’s talking about me “What about them? Who protects them?” Haymitch yells pointing out the window.

“I made sure he wouldn’t hurt me, or our family but we were not out of the clear,” I say Haymitch gives a laugh “And how did you get Snow to do that?” I sigh and look down at the ground.

“Cause I had information he wanted”, “and what would that information be?” Peeta asked, “What happened to the woman he loved?” Haymitch let out a laugh “his wife?” I shake my head “No a covey girl” Haymitch freezes at the words.

“Haymitch please, just help me through this trip. Please, just help us get through this.” I beg “This trip? Girl, wake up.” Haymitch says snapping his fingers “This trip doesn’t end when you get back. You never get off this train. You two are mentors now. That means that every year, they’re gonna drag you out, and broadcast the details of your romance. Every year your private life becomes theirs. From now on, your job is to be a distraction. So people forget what the real problems are.”

That’s it. I’m in the same golden cage my grandma was in and trapped just like her, I think “What do we do?” Peeta asks “You’re gonna smile. You’re gonna read the cards that Effie gives you. And you're gonna live happily ever after. Think you can do that?” Silence “huh?” Haymitch says “Yeah?”, “come here.” He says and hugs me. I watch from the window as the man’s body is dragged away by peacekeepers.

“You're going to be okay. I promise.” Haymitch says and I try to believe him, I do.

Over the tour, we try our best to be perfect while people scream at us. We kiss on camera, we read the stupid cards, and we say it all with a stupid cheese smile.

The night two days before we arrived in the capital I woke from dreams of Rue and Prim's blood covering them screaming at me why I let them die. I wake up screaming my head off and then I hear footsteps and someone slamming my door open. Peeta.

Peeta POV

I wake up to Katniss' blood-curdling screams and I quickly put on my robe and barg open her door. I see her sitting in her bed. Her eyes are red, her face is sweaty and she’s frantically trying to wrap her grandmother's orange shawl around her body, trembling. And it makes my heart break at the sight.

“It was just a dream, I am sorry,” she says with guilt all over her face “It’s okay. I get ‘em, too.” I tell her “Goodnight,” I say heading back to my room then I hear her voice from behind it is so broken like a child’s “Peeta. Will you stay with me?”

I look over to see her face. I see her eyes pleading with me to stay “Yeah.” I say and immediately get into bed with her. I’m in bed with Katniss Braid. The girl I’ve had a crush on for 12 years is laying her head on my chest and I could not be more nervous.

I pull her trembling body closer to me “Always.” I whispered as I held her “Peeta your leg, take off your prosthetic!” She yells, getting my leg off of me and laying it gently next to the bed. She then leans back snuggling into my chest.

I then wake up and see I am not in my room. I feel something warm on me. I look down to see Katniss pressing her body into me holding my face tightly close to her chest as she has her legs wrapped around my hips.

I try to carefully untangle us before Effie finds us in such a compromising position but Katniss refuses to let me go.

“Wake up, big, big, day and-“ Effie stops short on seeing the scene in front of her “Oh dear!” Effie screamed, running to Haymitch not knowing what to do. Katniss started to open up her gray eyes and when she saw me she smiled not like those cheese fake ones for the cameras, this one was a smile at Katniss's real gorgeous smile.

“You stayed, thank you Peeta '' she said with such kindness in her voice, almost love. god, I wish I could kiss her, really kiss her and hold her and worship her- am soundly pulled out of my thoughts with Tigress's laughter “Oh my god this is too good hahaha!!” She says taking Katniss out of bed and into the hall to get ready.

Katniss POV

I walk into the dressing room and see my outfit it’s a long skirt dress with pink roses and a velvet top was deep pink color, the sleeves were long off the shoulder with a puff and the neckline was sweetheart, they put my hair down and curled it then put strands in a big silk pink bow. The whole time Tigress kept giving me little smirks and stares. It was aggravating.

I walked into the room and saw Peeta and Haymitch there already and I sat down next to Peeta as Haymitch spoke “Snow is watching us. If he wants you to pacify the districts, I promise you, he’s not happy. Instead of being in love, you two sound like you’re reciting from a drilling manual.” Haymitch says I frown.

“You try reading the stuff Effie gives us,” Peeta says "I let out a snicker at that “Tell that to President Snow when you see him two days from now.” Haymitch says “I’m open to suggestions.” Peeta says I stand up straight “We could get married,” I say smiling “I mean it’s bound to happen sometime right? Why not now?” I say shrugging.

“Ha, it does make a start I’ll give you that.” Haymitch says looking over at Peeta for confirmation I see Peetas head is down he doesn’t even look at me when he answers “Yeah, sure. Let’s do it.” Peeta says quirky standing up and going to his room.

“What’s wrong? I thought he would be happy.” I say Haymitch sighs “Katniss, he wants this to be real not just some way to survive. He wants you to truly be married.” I hung my head down. I hadn't thought of that. I mean I wouldn’t propose this if I didn’t want a fraction of the marriage to be a little real.

“You could do a lot worse, you know that. Right?” Haymitch says pouring another glass I nod and walk out of the room and I mock on Peeta's door “Peeta, can I come in? Please.” I beg to hear the door click and I see Peetas face. He looks up at me with a sad look but gives me a small smile.

“Peeta what’s wrong? I thought you would be happy with this” I say he shakes his head “Katniss I have put up with so much but if we ever did get married I…I wanted it to be for us.” He says “But it can be!” I say taking his hand. “When we get back from tour we can have a toast.

We can invite my family and your brothers, and maybe Delly and Madge.” I say Peeta smiles a little bit. I can see the sadness in them too

“Peeta, do you want to marry me?” He looks up at me shocked that I would even ask the question “Of course I want to marry you! I just…I want to be real not just for the cameras or-“Stop him before he could finish “Peeta I wouldn't offer marriage if I didn’t want a little part to be real who knows maybe it all won’t be an act” I say he looks at me hope in his eyes “you mean it?” I nod and he smiles and hugs me.

The next two days are a nightmare of cameras, speeches, and Engagement outfit fittings.

Tigress showed me photos of my grandma's toasting dress with my grandfather. I knew that one day when both my grandma and grandfather were drunk, Covey made them do a toasting but never told my grandfather what it meant.

Sejanus sent Tigress the only photos of the toasting and she took inspiration for my engagement dress from that. Soon we arrive in the capital and we go to the interview room. Tigress and Cennia separate me and Peeta and take me to the dressing room to get ready.

I gasp as I look at myself in the dress the top is a light yellow with long off-the-shoulder sleeves and the side yellow fabric is connected to my wrists so the fabric flows as I move my arms, the rest of the dress has two deep purple fabric skirt and a deep blue in the middle the dress goes down well with past my feet and is flowy and comfortable.

I watch as Octavia does my hair in a low updo bun. Flavius does my makeup and puts on a dewy makeup look making me look like a rainbow. I walk onto the stage. I see Cesar and hug him smiling. He compliments my outfit and I see Peeta look at me awestruck as the cameras roll.

Just when you think things couldn’t get any better, going into a very special quarter quell. Our two lethal lovers…My favorite expression.” Caesar laughs as does the audience at the joke “…from District 12 have surprised us with a new twist in their love affair. Let’s take a look.”

As Caesar walks towards us Peeta gets down on one knee. I gasp and look into his blue sapphire eyes as he speaks with such love and devotion “Katniss Braid will you make me the happiest man in all of Panem and marry me and become my wife?” He asks me to smile with tears in my eyes ``yes! A million times yes darling” I say he smiles and puts the ring on my finger.

“A fairy-tale ending for the two star-crossed lovers,” Caesar says, then Peeta picks me up and spins me around. I kiss him as he does. I look in the audience and see Snow smiling and getting up on stage. I also see Livia with and I can see the tears in her eyes as she smiles and walks up with her husband.

“Congratulations you two on the engagement,” Snow says shaking Peeta's hand Livia walks over to me and hugs me tightly “am so happy for you my little bird you deserve happiness with someone who loves you,” she says I smile “Thank you Livia as do you and am sorry you don’t have it” I whisper in her ear “she smiles and kiss my head before going over to shake Peeta's hand.

Snow approaches me and shakes my hand “Your acting is superb I almost thought you were happy and in love…almost” I feel the color drain from my face.

“As a gift for the two star-crossed lovers the party in the capital will be changed to an engagement party to celebrate the happy couple and I will invite the other victors to come and celebrate” President Snow declared the audience went wild as Caesar tried to calm them down.

As we walk off stage I see Snow shake his head and whisper in my ear “Be careful my dear granddaughter, we wouldn’t want you to end up like your grandma would you?” I freeze and Snow walks away. I then feel Peeta pull me closer and walk me to the dressing room for the party tonight.

“I can’t believe it !” Effie yells “An engagement party with all the victors on such short notice how will everybody get here in time?!” She rambles “Haymitch just takes another sip of alcohol and ignores her “You have to take a bath and wear a suit” she yells pointing a finger at Haymitch.

“What?! f*ck no” he yells Effie only gives him an angry look “Come on princess we can talk about this!” Haymitch pleaded but to no avail, as Effie grabbed him by the collar and dragged him out.

“Well…that was interesting,” Peeta says I burst out into laughter when I look at the engagement ring. It's a big one “What do you think of the ring?” Peeta asks “I like it, it’s just…I didn’t expect this to my something you would pick” I say “ I didn’t the Capital did” Before he could continue Cennia knocked on the door “Sorry love birds but I need Katniss to get ready for tonight's engagement with the party, also Peeta Tigress will be taking over your outfits for tonight” Cennia says Peeta nods and kiss my forehead before going over to Tigress who happily greets him.

I smile as I walk into the room with Cennia “Togress asked me to give you a rainbow look and I happily agreed I did add my special touches of course but I loved the distinction Togress went” I smile at the words after much waxing, plucking, and styling I was ready.

The dress is something else entirely. With layers of fabric that are multicolored with different patterns, it has a tight corset to extenuate my breasts. The straps are thin, the fabric looks like thin cloth, and the back fabric is sewn in to ruffle the skirt.

My hair is put in a Baird headband, and the rest is curled down. Cennia then gave me my orange shawl to wear and my grandma's necklace. I smile and walk out.

I see Effie gasp at the sight of me as she fixes Haymitch's hair “You look handsome, don’t both my boys look handsome” Effie says grabbing Peeta and Haymitch's arms.

I look at Peeta. He is wearing a white blouse with black stripes and black pants with a white rose design. It was very planned for the Capitol but Peeta made the outfit look nice.

“Yes Effie…they do,” I say looking at Peeta he blushes while Haymitch gets in the car for the party.

Once we arrive Effie walks with us Haymitch on my side and Peeta on Effie's “The Presidential Place. The party of the year. Eyes bright. Chins up. Smiles on." Effie says, accentuating her hands “I’m talking to you, Haymitch.” “Don't worry sweetheart, I’ll be at the bar all night. Out of sight, out of mind” he says chuckling Effie sighs and rolls her eyes.

“Please children make me proud” she turns to Haymitch “This one has already failed me” I and Peeta laugh silently “Now, there’ll be photographers. Interviews. Everyone will be here to celebrate your engagement. My Victors.” Effie sighs as we stop at the entrance.

“Breath it all in children. This is all for you” she says turning towards us “It's cozy.” Peeta says I smile. “Attitude,” Effie says Haymitch pats Peetas shoulder “Nice one,” he whispers Peeta takes my arm as we enter the ballroom.

As we walk there is applause left and right I hug Peeta's arm tighter as People poke and touch me. “You look gorgeous in that dress, I don't know how I am going to take my eyes off you” he whispers in my good ear. I blush at the words. As we walk, soon we get inside the ballroom. Effie is by our side with Haymitch by hers.

“The library, all mahogany. Hello, hello!” Effie was enjoying our engagement party more than us, then I saw her “CORALINA GRAY BAIRD!!” my cousin turned around and ran towards me “Katniss!!” she ran and hugged me “What are you doing here!?” I yell “The First Lady had me and The Victors fly here on the president's private jet and Tigress had a dress for me.

I turn to Peeta and he smiles “Surprise.” Peeta says smiling, I pull him down and kiss him on the lips “Thank you.” I whisper Peeta nods to Effie then takes me and Peeta's hand “Come, come, much to see.” She yells.

“It makes you sick, so you can eat more,” says Octavia, “I think it's time for a dance,” Peeta tells me and grabs my arm. I can already see Effie dancing with Haymitch. I see him whisper in her ear and she laughs as she slaps his chest, not a Capital Effie smile, a truly happy smile.

“People are starving in the districts and here they eat so much they need to throw up,” Peeta asks “I couldn't agree more. Most of this food could feed District 12 for 6 months.” Peeta nods.

I then see someone behind Peeta “Hello mind if I cut in” the handsome man asks. I look to see Finnick Odair, The Capital heartthrob. “Hello, Finnick Odair, right?” Peet6a says, laughs “The one and only,” he says I look over to see an old lady and a young lady with red hair “Peeta why don't you talk to Finnick while I talk to the ladies over there I want to say hi, it was lovely meeting you Finnick,” I say.

“Hello your Mags right?” the old lady gives me a warm smile and nods. Haymitch had briefed me and Peeta on the Victors who would be coming to the party “And your Annie Cresta I love your dress” Annie gave me a shy smile “T-thank you” I could tell she wanted to be here as much as me.

“Mags, you had a friend named Coral, right?” Mags nods her head shocked that I know of her friend “My grandma Lucy Gray says she felt so bad for Coral's death and wished she could have told you she was sorry” I whisper so no one will hear me talk about my grandmother. Mags smiles and hugs me “Thank you” she mouths and I smile “I like your song in the interview it was pretty,” Annie says softly.

“Thank you,” I say “Are you going to sing again?” she asks “Yes it's a special song for my fiance,” I say “That's s-so romantic!” Annie says with a smile on her face “Oh! Annie, do you want to see some photos of my little cousins?” Annie smiles wide, “Yes, I would love to!” she says and I pull out the photos I keep in my family's pocket.

I look over my eyes to see Coralina dancing with Johanna Mason The Victor of The 71st Hunger Games. I also see Peeta and Finnick talking and laughing up a storm and I was happy that Peeta might have a friend other than me and Haymitch. Another guy who has lived through it years ago and taught Peeta how to navigate through it.

I see Peeta and Finnick walk toward us again. “Hey you ladies, have a fun time?” Finnick asks us Annie clings to his arm and sees Finnick look at her lovingly “Yes Katniss was so nice and she showed us photos of her adorable baby cousins” she tells Finnick smiling I can see how happy he is that Mags and Annie had such a good time talking to me “ I can't wait to hear her special song” Annie tells me taking my hand.

“Thank you, you better keep this one close Finnick she is so sweet like honey,” I say winking at him Finnick laughs “Trust me. I know,” he says “You better keep your Fiance in the eyes of our some Captil girl might sweep him up.” Finnick tells me Mags slaps him on the head shaking her head “am joking Mags! Anyone can see how much he loves her, right girl on fire?”

I smile and grab Peeta's hand while nodding “Why don't you and Annie and me and Peeta go on the dance floor and catch up with my cousin and Johanna?” I say Finnick smiles and nods as he leads Annie to the dance floor.

“It's nice what you did for Mags and Annie,” Peeta tells me as we dance. I smile and shake my head “It was the right thing to do, and honestly Annie is amazing to talk to” I say “I guess crazy and crazy work well together” Corlina says as she and Johanna cut in.

“Yes, I suppose they do,” Peeta says. I then see The First Lady get on stage and grab the microphone “Thank you all for coming to the engagement party of our two star-crossed lovers, I have only known the amazing girl on fire for a few short months but I can say without a doubt that I love this girl. Now come on up here Katniss.” Livia yells and I run up on stage “What's happening?” Peeta asks, “You’ll look gorgeous.” I tell him as I run on stage to Livia and hug her.

I wave to the audience screaming my name “Thank y’all, you don't know how much this means to me and I have a treat for you and my fiance” I say as Corlina Gray comes on stage and gives me my grandma's guitar. “My grandma wrote this song for my grandfather and I want to play it for my dear finance as a way to show my love,” I say pointing to Peeta he looks up at me with a confused look on his face. Haymitch smiles and Effie on the other hand. Mags, Annie, and Finnick smile and cheer me on, and I see Coralina Grey talking to Johanna who is listening to her intensity.

Livia walks back to her husband, son, daughter, and granddaughters. I start to tune the guitar and I hear the backup music and I imagine I'm back at home with Covey.

“Everyone's born as clean as a whistle, As fresh as a daisy, And not a bit crazy, Staying that way's a hard row for hoeing.

As rough as a briar, Like walking through fire, This world, it's dark, This world, it's scary, I've taken some hits, so, No wonder I'm wary, It's why I, Need you, You're as pure as the driven snow.

Everyone wants to be like a hero, The cake with the cream, or the doer not the dreamer, Doing hard work, but it takes some to change things,Like goat's milk to butter,Like ice blocks to water.

This world goes blind, When children are dying, I turn into dust, but, You never stop trying, It's why, I love you, You're as pure as the driven snow.

Cold and clean, Swirling over my skin, You cloak me, You soak right in, Down to my heart, Everyone thinks they know all about me, They slap me with labels and spit out their fables, You came along and you knew it was lying, You saw the ideal me, And yes, that's the real me.

This world, it's cruel, With troubles aplenty, You asked for a reason, I've got three and twenty, For why I Trust you, You're as pure as the driven snow, It's why I, Trust you, You're as pure as the driven snow”

I see the audience scream and calp as I bow. I look around for Peeta but he needs to be seen. I feel my tears running as I walk off stage “You were spectacular simply amazing” Effie says hugging me “Good job sweetheart” Haymitch says.

I saw Finnick, Annie, Mags, Coralina Gray, and even Johanna Mason come and tell me the song was beautiful and I was amazing, but they were not the people I wanted to talk to even though their company means a great deal to me. I then see Peeta trying to get away from a bleach-blond girl who held him back.

I see her playing with his jacket and putting her hands everywhere on him and it makes my blood boil “I’ll be right back.” I say giving Annie my shawl as I stomp over to Peeta and the girl. “There you are darling I've been looking for you everywhere,” I say, talking to Peeta's arm and glaring at him.

“Sorry but me and Peeta were having a good time before you interrupted,” the girl tells me “am sorry but is there something you want from my fiance?” I ask the girl racking Peeta up and down and smiling “In fact, yes there is, I want him in my bed” and at that, I lose it.

“Excuse me! But the only bed he will be in is mine and why don't you walk away!” I yell and she looks at me and gasps that I dared to speak to her like that “Why you little 12 whor*!” she says, slapping me. I fall back and as I hold my face, she gives me the leverage I needed “Ahhhhh! My face! She punched me in the Face!” I yell and I see people whisper and glare at the girl for hitting the Capital darling.

“Rosalina!” a voice boomed behind the girl “Grandfather, this girl-” President Snow stopped her.

Grandfather, she's the president's granddaughter, Oh sh*t. I think as Snow approaches us.

“What were you thinking!? Slapping this Victor for no reason other than, pure jealousy? Go to your room in the palace, your grandmother and I will speak to you there later!” Snow boomed and the girl glared at me as she left.

“Miss Baird, are you alright my dear?” he asked and helped me up. “Yes, I think so,” I said, whipping my fake tears from my face. The truth is I have been through worse and her slap didn't hurt, it just took me by surprise. “Katniss! Are you alright?!” I see Coralina Grey, Effie, Haymitch, Finnick, Annie, and Mags come running toward me asking me if I am all right.

“I see you have made some friends, Miss. Baird.” Snow says I nod “And who might you be? You're certainly not a Victor.” He says I see Coralina Grey try to hide her face behind me but to no use “C-Coraline Grey Baird sir” she says Snow looks at me shocked “My older cousin, my aunt's daughter” Snow nods “yes, you and the other Victors are free to leave Miss Baird and please forgive me for my granddaughter's horrible words.”

In the car, I didn't say a word to Peeta or even when we got back to the train home I was too mad. How dare he leave when I performed Pure as the driven Snow for him. I shower and put on a green silk nightgown and my shawl.

I walk towards the kitchen to grab a glass of water but when I see Peeta I turn around “Katniss wait!” he says grabbing my hands “Let me go now!” I say he shakes his head “No you have to listen to me come on. Coralina Grey, Haymitch, or even Effie could hear us, let's go to my room.”

He then takes me to his room and shuts the door “What the” he stops me “No Katniss listen to me please I know why you are angry and you have every right to be, I did listen when you sang and I loved it I loved every word that came out of your mouth at the end the president pulled me away and talked to me” I let out a sigh knowing that Peeta didn't want to leave it makes me feel better. But my anger was now pointed at Snow. How dare he take Peeta away making me think that he didn't care.

“To my surprise, Snow asked me if I truly loved you and of course, I said yes he smiled and told me and I quote. A woman like that comes around once, cherishes her or someone else will.”

I smiled at least Snow was convinced of the love story so I and Peeta's families would be safe.

Peeta continues to tell me the rest “I agreed and Snow shook my hand, then when I was leaving that girl. Rosalina came up to me and kept flirting with me, saying how much better she was than you and to be honest I had never wanted to hit a woman more after she slapped you,” Peeta said, anger dripping from his voice that made me smile.

“I found it hot that you got so jealous, and I was so happy that you defended me,” he confessed to me.

I smile and walk a little closer to him, pinning him to the wall. “So you found it hot when I got jealous?” I say in a seductive voice, Peeta sighs “You have no idea” he breathes “Show me.” I say Then as the words leave my mouth snapping whatever gentleman-like self-control he had. Peeta lifts me and switches our places, with me pinned to the wall. He has both my wrists in his large hand while his other hand slowly goes under my nightgown as he kisses me hungry and lovingly, while his lips are soft and sweet.

The shawl still clung to my body “Peeta'' I let out a little moan when his lips go down to my neck and suck on it “Bed” I pant, and he carries me over and flops me down as he crawls over to me I put the Shawl on the floor I then feel Peeta's hands on my hips “Katniss are you okay with this? Cause we can stop.'' He tells me I shake my head. I was starving and Peeta was the only thing I was craving at the moment.

“Oh thank god, I don't think I could handle it if you wanted to stop,” he says, kissing me harder. Soon our clothes are scattered around the room, and I snuggle close to him and fall asleep after hours of screaming his name.

I woke up on Peeta's chest and his arms wrapped around my waist. I smile remembering what happened the night before and I reluctantly get up so I can take a shower and get back to my room before anyone gets suspicious. I grab my grandmother's shawl and wrap it around my chest covering my breasts and back.

I then feel Peetas grab my arm and I turn around to see him “Is everything okay? Do you regret last night?” he asks pleadingly. “No…I don't I just want to take a shower and head back to my room so no one suspects anything” I tell him Peeta smiles and I lean down and kiss him softly “I’ll see you in a bit handsome” I say grabbing my nightgown Peeta smiles as I walk out of the room. I quietly look around before going into my room quickly showing, drying off my hair, and waiting in my robe for Effie to wake me up.

“Wake up it's a- OH!” Effie says seeing I’m awake “Morning Effie'' she smiles and walks toward me and kisses my cheek “How are you my dear?” she says gently touching my cheek “am sorry I couldn't help you I was talking to Haymitch when it happened, and well let's say when we got back he was not happy,” Effie tells me and I smile “thank you, Effie for all your kindness the Capital dose does not deserve such a kind heart” I can see her smile.

Then it was back to escort mode. “Yes then come, come Tigress and Cennia are waiting for you,” she tells me I smile and sit down on the chair in the dressing room and I see Tigress run toads me and hug me tightly then turn my chin from side to side “OH!! I was so worried, where did she hit you?! Are you okay? Is the wound infected?” I let out a little laugh “Tigress is fine nothing a little makeup won't cover” I say, she sighs in relief and starts to get my outfit ready.

The outfit is a light green dress that goes down to my legs with a tight bust and a fabric bow on the bust. It also has a thick long matching green coat, white gloves, a little plain white hat, thick skin-colored stockings, and heel brown leather boots which are very comfortable. My hair is put up in a low bun.

I walk out and wrap the shawl around my neck. I smile and see Peeta wearing a matching color coat like me. “Katniss about last night, does this mean…” I nod “Peeta I don't want to rush and say I am as deep in love with you, but I do want to try and see if this can work,” I say Peeta smiles and then he gets down on one knee.

“Katniss Baird I have loved you since I heard you sing since we were 5. I have loved you with all my heart and I promise I will love you far after I die. Will you marry me for real and have a toast with your friends, and family watching? Will you marry me?” He asks to pull out a ring with a gold band, a rose engraved on both sides and a white pearl in the center.

“Yes! Yes of course” I say, taking off my capital engagement ring and putting on the one the Peeta had picked out for me, the one that was forever to lay on my finger for the rest of my life.

He kisses me and I wrap my arms around his neck then I feel a chill and see the doors open in District 12. I see people charing and at the front, Mama, Prim, and the covey all happy they scream, and hug, and kiss. Coralina Gray tells them everything about her time in The Capitol. While we walk away from the train station I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn around to see Gale “Catnip can we talk?” he asks “Of course can tomorrow work I know it's your day off” I say he smiles and nods and I see him glare at Peeta as he walks by.

“As we enter my house I see a huge poster and Peeta's brothers pop up throwing confetti. This a sign in big bold letters saying Happy Engagement!! I smiled and laughed as I saw “I knew it, I knew it” Rye screamed and hugged me “Now let's see the ring” he said and the covey and Primrose gathered to see it “It's so pretty” Prim gushed “It lovely” aunt Lumi rose said “Perfect” aunt Mia exclaimed “now that's a ring” Maude Ivory yelled CC nodded in agreement.

We all sat down to eat and chat about the tour saying how I showed them true covey fashion in that dress. I laugh “Peeta shouldn't you have asked permission before proposing to my cousin?” Maude asks Peeta to freeze and looks at my father who glares at him and raises one eyebrow “Yes Peeta, shouldn't you?” Peeta looks down “It was kind of a spur-of-the-moment thing.” Peeta says “ Bard Azura gives him a glare “So marrying Katniss is not that important?" She asks Peeta to shake his head “No! No, I have always wanted to marry her, I mean, oh” Peeta sighs, hiding his face in his hands.

My Pa burst into laughter “Don't worry boy we were playing with you” my Pa said getting up to pat his shoulders “They did the same thing to me when I proposed to Lumi Rose” Aunt Mia said bringing out the fresh pie from the kitchen.

“I wasn't joking,” Bard Azura says “Leave it alone Bard.” Tam Amber whispers as she sighs but does not look happy. The rest of the night went well “Come on Katniss, sing us a song!” Aunt Lilly yelled and I smiled and grabbed the guitar “What song do y, all want?” I asked “Bury Me Underneath The Willow” Aunt Lumi Rose yelled, “Why do you love sad songs?” Primrose asked Aunt shrugged “I like the drama” she answered.

“This world's so sad and I'm so weary, Weeping for the one I love; But then I know I'll never see him Till we meet in heaven above.

Bury me beneath the willow, 'Neath the weeping willow tree; And when he knows that I am sleeping, Maybe then he'll think of me.

Next Sunday was our wedding day, But will you tell me where is he? He's gone 'way off to court another, And weeping here he has left me.

When they told me that he did not love me, I thought, "Oh, how can it be?" Until in a dream, an angel whispered, "He never has or will love thee."

Then bury me under the weeping willow, Under the weeping willow tree, And when he knows that I am sleeping, Maybe then he'll think of me.

Plant on my grave a snow-white lily, And on my tomb a turtledove, So if he sometimes comes to see me, He then can see I died for love.

But bury me under a willow, Under a weeping willow tree, And when he knows that I am sleeping, Maybe then he'll think of me.”

I finished singing and the Covey clapped and put down their instruments ``That was wonderful my darling” my grandma said, pulling me into a close embrace. She then grabbed Peeta's hand “We are so happy to have another person join this family you are welcome here Peeta remember that” I saw Peeta smile and hug my Grandma, and she smiled and winked at me “I have to say. It's nice having another strong, blond blue-eyed murderer in the covey again” Maude Ivory exclaimed holding her third whisky.

“Maude Ivory!” Baird Azura says taking the whisky out of her hand “What does Maude Ivory mean Lucy Gray?” Peeta asked with a look of fear on his face. My grandma sighed “Let's just say Katniss's grandfather was not a man who liked to be threatened”, “Especially when you threatened his beloved Lucy Gray” CC chimed in.

“Let's all not forget Mayfair.” Tamb Amber chimed in, and the covey nodded “The mayor's daughter who was murdered” my aunt Lumi Rose laughed “Let's just say Peeta her murder was no accident” Peeta's eyes widened at the words and he turned to me “Is this true Katniss!?” I hang my head down “Mayfair had threatened to have my grandma and the covey killed, and my grandfather, quickly wanting to protect them, picked up one of the illegal guns my grandfather's friend Sejanuse Plinth had bought and shot her in the back.”

Peeta sighed “The worst part is he didn't even regret it” my grandma chimed in “he just was happy I was safe” Peeta nodded “Well thank god you're nothing like my grandfather,” I said Peeta smiled and I gave him a sweet kiss. “Okay love birds, break it up” I see Rye winking at Peeta ``Come on little brother Mom going to kill you if you don't come home,” Rye says, and knowing Mrs. Mellark I think she just might.

“Katniss, since we had dinner with your family, why don't you have dinner with ours?” Nick, Peeta's middle brother said “I do not know your mother kind of…hates me,” I said Rye smiled “We’ll try to keep her in place don't worry will be there the whole time and so will Peeta'' Rye said “Of course, I will be there! My fiance is meeting my family, '' Peeta said. “Still can't believe you're marrying Katniss Baird, it is a cold day in hell,” Nick says Peeta rolls his eyes and gives me a quick kiss on the lips before leaving with his brothers.

“You picked a good one.” My uncle Damin whispered in my ear. I nodded in agreement as I went to sleep. Tomorrow I have to talk to Gale and I just hope he will be supportive of me and Peeta and keep being my best friend.

The next morning I woke up early and grabbed my father's hunting jacket. It is big but comfortable.

I walk out the door with my bow and my braid hits my back as I walk. I climb over the wall and into the woods, I see Gale and walk over to him “Gale hey.” I say Gale turns and frowns at me “What's wrong?” I ask him to shake his head “What's wrong? What's wrong Catnip!” He says I look at him confused “You think it's easy watching you kiss him and be all lovey-dovey with baker boy,?! No, It's not! And it hurt even more to see you accepting his proposal!” Gale yells.

I look at him shocked “So this is what it is all about? Are you jealous?!” I say crossing my arms. Gale grabs my arms looking at me pleading “Of course I am jealous, I love you Katniss” he says and kisses me.

I immediately stopped him “No! Gale this is wrong am engaged to Peeta” I yell Gale rolls his eyes “We can run away and get married” Gale says smiling I shake my head “No Gale you know I can't leave I have the covey and-”, “And Baker Boy” Gale says coldly I look down “you want to marry him” Gale says glaring at me “I can't leave him” I say.

“What changed you told me you only were around him cause your grandmother wanted you to” I keep my head down “No…Katniss please tell me you and he didn't ” I start to walk away “Goodbye, Gale” Gale grabs my arm “Let me go, Gale!” I yell “No,” he says then kisses me again I try to push away again but I can't because he is too strong and he pins me against a tree.

Gale pried my mouth open and put his tongue in my mouth. I wanted to scream, I wanted to run but I couldn't. I then hear Gale yell and fall holding his face and I look over to see Peeta and Maude “Katniss!” Peeta yelled helping me up “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” Peeta says Glaring at Gale. I shake my head “No, no…not much” Peeta nods and picks me up “Come on let's get you home.” He says I nod “How did you find me?” Peeta smiles and points over to my 8-year-old cousin who had just kicked Gale and smiled triumphantly.

“Maude said she heard yelling and couldn't find you anywhere so we went over the fence and well…I saw you kissing Gale and I saw you were trying to push him off, and for some reason, my anger got the best of me, and I Punched him hard.” Peeta says I nod, we climb over the wall and Peeta carries me again.

Maude smiles and makes kissing noises “How about some cheese buns Katniss?” Peeta says my mouth waters at the thought of the cheese treat. We arrive in his empty house and I smile as I watch Maude help Peeta bake. I then burst out laughing as I saw Maude throw flour in his face after they put the buns in the oven.

“Oh, you want to play that game uh, Muddy Maude?” Peeta said “Bring it on Peeta Bread '' She yelled. I watched as Peeta ran around and picked her up in his strong arms. Maude giggled as Peeta picked her up and spun her around the lonely house filled with laughter. I then hear the oven beep “My cheese buns” Peeta says plopping Maude on the couch with me and running to open the oven before they overcook.

“Phew got them just in time. Now who wants cheese buns?” Peeta says holding the truth I smile as Muade runs up and tries to grab a bun while Peeta holds the tray high telling her it's too hot to eat Maude just glares at him and just like the girl she was named after Maude kicked Peeta's leg and that made him lower so she could grab a cheese bun. I burst out into laughter.

Peeta brings me a plate of cheese buns and sits down next to me as I fest on the golden treats. “I have to say I have been hit by adults, and kids our age, but never an 8-year-old. '' Peeta says, shaking his head “Don't take it personally she likes that with everyone it means Muade likes you,” I say Peeta smiles at that. Then the phone rings Peeta gets up to get it “Hello Mellark residence, oh hey dad yea 5:00 dinner sounds fine let me just ask Katniss” Peeta turns to me as I had just stuffed my mouth with another cheese bun “Would 5:00 be okay for dinner at my parents I know you've been through a lot” I smile and nod “Its fine” I say but I can't stop my stomach from knotting.

“Have you seen your mother since you got back?” Peeta shakes his head “Barely she only came for the cameras and the money for the bakery” I put a comforting hand on his back “I wish…I wish I had a family like yours, so full of music and happiness always looking out for one another never raising a hand” I nod “Well now you do remember we are getting married” Peeta nodded “Speaking of which don't you have your wedding dress fitting?” I sigh and roll my eyes “Yes tomorrow”

I then hear a scream and I look over to see Maude holding her hand, tears in her eyes, Peeta and I rush over to see what happened “I-I went t-to go c-clean the p-pan but I g-got burned!” she cried “It doesn't look that bad you’ll be fine in a week or two” Peeta says I picked Maude up and carried her “I should take her to Mamma she’ll know what to do” Peeta nods and I can see the guilt in his eyes.

I walk out and Mamma immediately goes into doctor mode and helps Muade with her burn, Aunt Lily and Uncle Nicholes come and hug and kiss their daughter, and I go upstairs to talk to Coralina Grey. I find her hanging a poster of Johanna Mason in her new luxury room.

“Whatcha doing Coryo?” I ask Coralina Gray falls back at the sound of my voice “Ahh! Kat you scared me” she says “Is that a poster of Johnna Mason?” I say she nods “Yes if you must know I think I have met my dream girl,” Coryp says “Johanna Mason is your dream girl?” I know Coralina Gray has a weird taste but I didn't think it would be crazy.

“Yes we had a wonderful time at your engagement party dancing and talking and she gave me her number. We talked last night. It was amazing, oh” I sighed and nodded “Just don't fall in love too quickly remember what happened to Grandma?” I say Coralina Gray puffs.

“I know, I know it's all you think about, You are so scared of ending up like grandma you don't live Peeta has given you everything and you still can't see it I know you're scared Kat we all are It's been years since we let another boy date a baird girl and our grandma's dating history is not the best, but please try to be more open with Peeta” Coralina says taking my hand “okay” I sigh “I should probably get dressed am having dinner with his family.”

I get up and go to my room and see my grandma has left out some of her old clothes. It was a pink dress with multi-collared patches around it with spaghetti straps, a v-neck, and lace from top to bottom. I put on my purple high-heeled boots and put my hair in a quick braid. “Aunt Mia, did you make the pie?” I ask if she smiles and hands it to me as I walk downstairs. “You look lovely now, show them who makes the best pie in all of Penam,” Aunty Mia said and kissed my cheek.

I walk out the door warping the warm pink velvet coat Tigress had designed and Cennia had made. I don't know what I would have done without my great aunt and Cennia there the best. I get to the bakery and Rye immediately opens the door.

“Look who is here, my little brothers' lovely fiance!” Rye yells happily ushering me inside. Nick takes the pie from my hands and lays it on the table. I see Peeta come out with his father. He takes off his apron and runs over and kisses me “Hi Kat,” he says between the sweet kisses “Kat?” I say he smiles against my lips “What you don't like?” he says with a hint of nerves in his voice “I never said that.” and I pull him into another searing kiss.

“Excuse me, I came here to eat, not watch you make out with…the seam girl” I hear a female voice say as we look over to see Mrs.Mellark in all her horror. “Mom sorry,” Peeta says breaking apart “They're engaged, let them kiss Winifred,” Mr.Mellark says Mrs.Mellark rolls her eyes and we sit down at the table. Rye gives me a thumbs up which makes me feel a little better.

“You look lovely as your mother did when she was your age Katniss,” Mr.Mellark says I smile “Thank you, am so happy that you and your sons have welcomed me” I see Peeta smile happy that his father and brothers seem to like me, then Mrs.Mellark speaks.

“So Katniss, are you pregnant?” she asks I almost choke on my water when the words come out “W-what?” I say “Well it's the only reason my son would dare marry you if you did not manipulate him into sleeping with you and then baby-trapping him,” She says “MOM!” Peeta and Rye yell “WINIFRED!” Mr.Mellark yells “You can't say things like that to my fiance, and for your information Mom she is not pregnant,” Peeta says “Then why would you marry her we all know her grandmother was a whor* who f*cked a peacekeeper, who to say she won't do the same!? You can do so much better than this seam scrum! ” Mrs.Mellark yells, I grab my coat “Thank you for your hospitality but I think I should go,” I say.

“Katniss!” I hear Peeta yell but I’m already out the door and I don't stop until I get home and slam the door. Bard Azura, Maude Ivory, and Coralina Gray are the only ones up considering it Telenovela night “Kat what happened?!” Coryo asks as I fall crying leaning on the door for support.

“Mi amor tell me what's wrong,” Bard Azura asks, rubbing my back. I tell them everything and I can see the anger in Maude Ivory and Bard Azura's faces. I curl up and bury my face in Coralina Gray's chest, we then hear a knock and Maude Ivory opens it “Is Katniss okay I came as quickly as I could but my mother kept yelling at me and we had I fought as soon as I got away from her I ran over here” Peeta says “don't let that boy in!” Bard Azura says “It's f-fine,” I say Maude Ivory nods and opens the door wide for Peeta.

Peeta comes rushing to my side immediately, Coralina Gray lets me go and Peeta immediately pulls me into his arms “Katniss I am so sorry I was so angry at my mother after you left I gave her a piece of my mind, and told her she won't get a cent from me until she apologizes. My mother went mantle at that I told her that I would talk to people who talk about my fiance in such a rude manner”

I smile “Thank you Peeta,” I say “Can you stay with me tonight?” I ask Peeta “Always” he whispers and he brings me to my bed and lays in there with me. I see Bard Azura give him glares as we walk upstairs Maude Ivory following her.

I wake up to my aunt Mia shaking Peeta awake “What's going on? What time is it?” I ask Peeta, rubbing his eyes, “You. Boy, you have to go. Now before my wife and the rest of the covey find you here” she whispers Peeta nods, puts on his shoes, and climbs down the tree near the house. I lay back down and I didn't fall asleep.

The next few days are wedding day fittings. I like wearing flowy dresses like my grandma's but these dresses are just plain old hideous, I give no hate to Cennia or Tigress. I know that Snow has been keeping them on a tight leash since our engagement party. “Are we finished?” I ask “Almost one more dress,” Cennia says I sigh as my team gets me out of the dress. Tigress gives me a comforting smile and pulls out the last dress “This one the First Lady personally requested for you to wear” Tigress says smiling “Saving the best for last” Cennia says I smile at that and get ready to wear the new dress.

I look in the mirror at the long dress with a white pearl beading heart-shaped cut with long flowy off-the-shoulder sleeves and a pattern that makes it look like the woods in twelve and the veil is covered in dandelions and pearls. “Lady Athena Raymond's wedding dress inspired this dress,” Cennia says I turn my head “Who's that?” Tigress smiles “That's her maiden name, her full name is Athena Reymond Snow, wife of Crassus Snow” I pale at her “This was her wedding dress?” I say Tigress shakes her head “Pieces of her wedding dress most of the original pearls were sold during the dark days when food was scarce” I nod.

“Come now let's get you through this shoot.” I nod and we get through the last Pictures me and Peeta wake home and watch as Caesar pulls out the photos of me in the ugly dress and the lovely last one. “I hope I get to wear the last one,” I tell my family they nod “Speaking of dresses when are you and Peeta having your toasting?” Maude asks “Tonight remember?” I froze. I had forgotten about the toasting tonight. We had planned to do it in Peeta's house. My grandma, aunt, Pa, and Peeta had left to go set up. Haymitch had said he would be there which I was most grateful for.

“I FOUND IT!!! I FOUND IT!!” my Mamma and aunts squealed as they went downstairs with a white dress it was plain and long with off-the-shoulder\

sleeves that were the shape of flowers and a veil that had colorful flowers “Oh Mama your toasting dress I couldn't” my Mama shook her head “Yes you must it's a tradition, now go put it on please for me” My Mama begged I nodded and ran upstairs my aunts did my hair fluffing and curling it, while Bard Azura went to get my grandma's shawl to wrap around during the cold weather. I was amazed to see candles and chairs there. I had asked Haymitch if he would be there and walk me down along with my father to which he happily agreed. I smiled at Peeta, his brothers by his side with Delly of course, while Coralina, Prim, and Madge by me.

“You look breathtaking,” Peeta whispers. I smile “Oh in this old thing” he smiles I look up and see “Livia what are you doing here?!” I saw the First Lady “Peeta told me and I thought this would be a perfect way to piss off my husband” she says I let out a laugh “I wouldn't want to miss your… What do you people call this?” Livia asked.

“A toasting it is how you get married in twelve,” my Uncle Domain tells her “Ah, that I couldn't miss both your weddings, and who better to witness your wedding than The First Lady” Liava says I smile “Thank you” she nods and the rest of the tossing goes off without a hitch.

“With this bread you both have eaten I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride,” Livia says after we finish eating our bread. Peeta grabs me by the waist and pulls me into a kiss. I happily accepted it and I heard our friends and family cheer. “I will be heading out,” Livia said I shook my head “Come now Livia would you like to stay for cake or dancing?” I asked Livia “Maybe I will stay for a while to get some photos for Tigress, of course,” she said and I smiled as the Covey broke out their instruments and played. I saw Livia talking to my grandma “I thought you were dead?” Liva said “Nope just to your husband,” My grandma said Livia laughed. Both were incredibly drunk.

When the party ends I stay in Peetas house happily taking off the old dress and lying in bed Peeta wrapped his arms around me “I love you Katniss” Peeta whispers as I start to fall asleep I tell myself I'm closer leaning into the words. Sadly our peace would be ended.

Time skip (cause a lazy)

Gale has gotten better from his whopping thanks to my Mamma and sister. He came to apologize for what he did. I forgave him, he was my best friend after all other than Madge, but I could tell Peeta did not buy it and I can understand where he came from. If someone tried to kiss my finances and then wanted to be friends I would be pissed off too.

I asked Hazal if she and the family were okay. Hazel says they're fine now that they know Gale is alright and that my family's kindness is more than enough to help her and her family. Posey is playing with the twins, Rory and Prim are looking through the plant book and laughing, and Vick is playing with Muade.

“Quarter Quell day,” Peeta said as he walked in an arms filled with ingredients “Oh Peeta you're here!” Aunt Mia yelled running from the kitchen “Yup got the stuff you asked for” Peeta said as Aunt Mia dragged him to the kitchen “It's so nice to have another baker in the family” Aunt Mia yelled to Peeta as she and he started to prepare the ingredients “My wife made us a chart so we could keep everything organized am usually very messy but thanks to Lumi Rose am more organized.” Aunt Mia says showing Peeta the very neat checklist for ingredients.

As Peeta and Mia talked and cooked Aunt Lumi and I spent time together walking and talking like old times the hob had burned down recently and most of the covey had been distraught at the news I knew that the hob meant a great deal to Muade Ivory and grandma the most, Muade Ivory had practically been raised in the hob performing, while that where her grandma had most of the only good memories of her grandfather cause they could not be seen thought outside of the hub and the tree.

“Katniss darling you alright?” Aunt Lumi said snapping out of my trance “Oh, yes. Sorry” my Pa put his hand on my shoulder “Nothing to be sorry about Kat we're just worried bout you, it's your first reaping since…” my Pa paused. Me and My Pa had been much closer than me and Mamma and I knew when I was reaped it reaped his heart out.

“Am fine Pa don't worry besides I have all of you, Peeta, and even Haymitch to be there… it's just I wish I didn't have to, I wish I could erase it.” My Pa nods and pulls me close into I side hug “well whatever happens well be by your side”, “Your father's right” my aunt says “We will make sure you have the support you need” I smile as we walk into the house.

“Hi Kat” Peeta calls out I see him holding a tray of cheese buns “Made some for tonight.” He said bringing them close to me I tried to grab one but he pulled the tray away.

“Nope. Dinner is in less than 20 minutes you can wait till then” he says “But they are warm and smell so good” I compline I was so stressed out I barely ate a thing, but Peeta just shook his head and gave me a quick peck on the lips “don't worry they’ll b plenty to eat later” I smile and walked away the time goes by aggravatingly slow but when they call dinner I immediately run to the table and stuff my plate with as much food as I want.

Hamitch laughs as Muade Ivory pures him another drink, Peeta and I smile and laugh as we eat and we hear the funny stories of the covey in its youth. Then the News comes on and the President and First Lady come on the stage.

A young boy opens a box and President Snow opens it and looks at the card I can see his face scrunch as he turns to his wife who smiles sweetly the President sighs and begins to talk. “To show that not even the strongest among you can go without the might of the capital this year the tributes will be pulled from the victory pull of one woman and one boy.”

I can feel my blood run cold at the words I hear my Mamma and aunts cry out tears streaming down. I hear Peeta gasp as he grips my hand tightly, Haymitch screams and throws his bottle at the TV. I feel sick I throw up, right there, Peeta immediately goes into protective mode and rubs my back and I hear a glass shatter and I see my grandma her body shaking and she lets out a gut-wrenching sob “I can't go back in there I can't” she screams.

“I’m going not you grandma,” I say she shakes her head “I can't let you-” I stop her “I am as far as Snow knows you are dead and I am the only female Victor left,” I tell her. I look up at Peeta “am going back into the games” I say my voice cracking.

The Mocking Jay Lives (Part 2 of Its Not Over Till The Mockingjay Sings) - Chapter 1 - Satine4ever - Hunger Games Series (2024)
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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Author information

Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.