The Daily Advertiser from Lafayette, Louisiana (2024)

CATTIRDAY, JUNE 17, 1939 THE DAILY ADVERTISER TINE Bridge Party For Visitors News Of Our Neighbors PERSONALS 0 4J ISIS PLEASE TELEPHONE THE ADVERTISER OFFICE. 1125 OR iioftl AIL PERSONALS. SOCIAL AFFAIRS. AND MEETINGS cvi ORGANIZATIONS 3 a day visiting with relatives in Breaux Bridge. Harold Sibille, Miss Emerite Burleigh and Mrs.

Lorena Andrus and son, J. A motored to Church Point recently. Grand Coteau ST. JOHNS CATHEDRAL Rt Rev. Msgr.

A. F. Isenberg, Pastor St. John and Main Sts. a I Special to the Advertiser) GRAND COTEAU, June 17 The Mrs.

Edwaid Louvierro and Mrs Irv ing Bergeron were co-hostcses Fridaj afternoon at a bridge parly honoring Mrs E. M. Hood and Mrs J. C. Redpath Baton Rouge ho are visiting their sister, Mrs.

T. C. Williams. The living room of the Louvierr6 home on West Congress St, where the party was given was most attractive: colorful summer flowers were used to lend additional charm. Mrs.

Bergeron having top score waa awarded first prize; Mr3. Williams as runner-up received second and Mrs. Ira Guidry cut the consolation. Both hon-orees were presented with a lovely token for remembrance of this happy occasion. During the afternoon the hostesses served refreshing lemonade and at the conclusion of the games they served pla ala mode, to their guests, who were in addition to the honorees: Mrs.

Fred Peck, Mrs. Jimmie Dupuis, Mrs. T. C. Williams and Mrs.

Ira Guidry. members of several cuurch organizations in Opelousas, where they were the guests took part in the procession held on the of Mr. and Mrs. Odom Andrus. Feast of Corpus Christ! after the High I Mass, celebrated at the Sacred Heart i Mrs.

Jules Smith, Mrs. Octave Guil-Catholic Church here. jbeau, Mrs. Willie Sibille and daughter. The procession continued from the Vivian, were visitors in Lafayette recent-Church to the Grotto of Lourdes, located ly on the campus of the Sacred Heart Col-1 -v Parties Given S.L.I.

Students Friday Night Students attending summer school at Southwestern Louisiana Institute were entertained Friday night by the various religious groups and extended an invitation to worship at local churches and Join In with the local groups during their stay in the city. Mrs. R. H. Bolyard was chairman of arrangements for the picnic at which the Presbyterian students were entertained in Girard Park Friday night.

The Methodist students were entertained on the church lawn at a delightful party which was featured by games. Miss Challie Beadle was chairman of this event. The Newman Cluo was host at a dance in the girls gymnasium to the Catholic students; Steve Dolron was chairman while the Baptist Student Union entertained at a party In Girls Social Room In Martin Hall on the college campus. Games were played. Miss Mildred Langston served as chairman and the Morris League entertained the Episcopal students at a picnic lunch in the garden of Miss Emily Huger.

Delicious refreshments were served at all of these delightful Informal affairs. Missionary Give Address Here Sunday Mrs. L. L. Harris, of Lake Charles, who has returned from Africa where she served as a missionary will deliver the address at the morning hour of worship at the First Methodist Church according to announcement today.

Mrs. Harris will speak on Men, Women and Missions. Her talk is being sponsored by the Womans Missionary Society of the. First Methodist Church. Local women who will also participate In the services are Mrs.

B. O. Childs, president of the sponsoring organization; Mrs. A. L.

Gilmore, wife of the pastor and Mrs. C. G. Wilkins, Mrs. A.

O. Easter-wood and Mrs. T. J. Thibodeaux, active members.

There will be no evening hour of worship since the pastor is out of the city, the announcement stated. jthe Lesson-Sermon 1s the following from the Bible For, lo, he that formeth the mountains, and createth the wind, and declareth unto man what is his thought, that maketh the morning darkness, and treadeth upon the high places of the earth. The Lord, The God of hosts, 1s his name. (Amos 4) The Lesson -Sermon also includes the following passage from the Christian Science textbook. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy: The notion of a material universe is utterly opposed to the theory of man as evolved from Mmd.

Such fundamental errors errors send falsity Into all human doctrine and cone usions, and do not accord infinity to Deity. (p. 545) FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Rev. A. L.

Gilmore, Pastor Corner Mam and Lee Sts. On Sunday morning at eleven oclock Mrs. L. L. Harris, of Lake Charles, will speak at the First Methodist church.

Mr. Harris, who is a returned missionary from Africa, will speak on the subject: Men. Women, and Missions. Her appearance here is sponsored by the Womans Missionary Society of the church. Members of the organization who will take part in the service are: Mrs.

B. O. Childs, president, Mrs. T. J.

Thibodaux, Mrs. C. G. Wilkins, Mrs. A.

C. Easter-wood and Mrs. A. L. Gilmore.

Mrs. Waiter Stephenson will be the organist for the occasion and Mrs. I.F. Bonifay will be the soloist. While in Lafayette.

Mrs. Harris will be the guest of Mrs. J. J. Davidson, at her home on Simcoe St.

Due to the absence of the pastor. Rev. A. L. Gilmore, there will be no night service at the evening hour, but the adults of the church are cordially invited to attend the Young Peoples service at 6:45 p.

m. The church school will convene as usxal at 9.45 a. m. Dads day wl 1 be appropriately observed in each department of the school. GARRET GOLD BY EMMA PATUREAU MOUTON The day was a dreary one, rainy and bleak.

Hence I to the garret wended my way. And there In an old trunk rusted and meek found some old tokens of yesterday. A little pink slipper, Ohl dainty and sweet. With scarcely perceptible soil-stain or wear; An old battered dolly, and sampler so neat, A glove, and a top, and ringlet of hair. A lacy affair of cuplds and hearts; A tiny silk fan, and a letter or two; A drawing so crude and blotted In parts.

It must have been drawn by a Little Boy And lo. There before me, a white bridal dress. Of lace and of satin with gay orange sprays, (Adornment of bride-hood and young happiness) Beside a pressed posy of far yesterdays. I felt a sweet presence, ethereal and fair. As gently I fingered each love-token old.

The crude-fashioned picture of Little Boy Blue, The slipper, the letter, and fan spangled gold. And did I but dream It, the soft eerie sigh? ohl Was it the rain as it tripped oer the eaves? Or was it the presence 6weet hovering nigh? Or yet the low moaning of dying leaves? Although It was dreary, and rainy and gray. The day was enriched; the hours were fleet And the love tucked away In a trunk that day, Was Oh! So surpassing and wondrous sweetl Mrs. Abramson Will Speak Over KVOL Announcement was made this morning that Mrs. Nathan Abramson will speak tonight over KVOL at 7.30 oclock on the Parent-Teacher Association Short course to be held at Southwestern Louisiana Institute next weefc.

The course will open Tuesday and continue through Thursday. The fastest thing a human can do is wink an eye. First Mass at 5:15 a. m. Second Mass at 6:30 a.

m. Children's Mass at 8:00 a. m. High Mas at 9:15 a. m.

Low Mass at 11:00 a. m. Benediction at 5:30 p. m. ST.


Teurlings, Pastor Clyde and Simcoe Sts. First Mass at 5:15 a. m. Second Mass at 6:30 a. m.

High Mass at 8:00 a. m. Low Mass at 10:00 a. m. Benediction at 5:00 p.

m. episcopal church Rev. R. R. Diggs.

Pastor Corner Jefferson and Garfield Sts. Sunday School at 9:45. Mrs. E. P.

Mills, superintendent. Services at 7:30 oclock. Sermon by the pastor. Miss Delie Bancroft, choir director; Mrs. W.

A. Montgomery, organist. THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 445 Buchanan Street Dr. B. C.

Bell. Pastor Worship with us. Regular services. 9:45 a. m.

Sunday School led by Mrs H. Chatterton, assisted by an able corps of teachers. A good place for your child and a good place for you. Enter today. 11:00 oclock.

Morning Worship. Sermon by pastor. Theme: "A Role of Righteousness. Hear this message. Special music by the choir.

6:45 p. m. Meeting of the Presbyterian Young People. 7:30 p. m.

Evening Worship. Music Under the Oaks; 'The Oak in Spend A little while In Gods house at ecentide. Strangers and visitors especially welcome. BIBLE HOUSE CHAPEL 800 Mndd Avenue (Non-sectarian Christians) Lords Day (Sunday) Meetings, as follows: 9:30 a. m.

Bible classes for all ages. 11:00 a. m. Worship Meeting. 7:30 p.

m. Bible Study on the Course of Time from Eternity to Eternity. Subject: Israel in Egypt. Week-day Meetings: Tuesday 7:30 p. m.

Bible Study in the French language. Friday 7:00 p. m. Berean Bible Band for Young People. Everyone is welcome at all of meetings.

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. C. Welto, Pastor Corner Lee and Oak Ave. The services at the First Baptist Church of this city for Sunday will be as follows: Sunday School at 9:45 a.

m. F. M. Hamilton, general superintendent. Morning Worship at 11:00 a.

m. The pastor will speak Sunbeam band will meet at 11:00 a. m. in Educational building. Evening Services.

The Baptist Brotherhood will meet at 6:45 p. m. J. W. Laughlin, Pres.

Baptist Training Union at 7:00 p. m. Mrs. J. C.

Wells, Director. Evening worship at 7:45 p. The pastor will again speak. The public to cordially invited to all services. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES Is the Universe, Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force? is the subject of the Lesson -Sermon in ail Churches of Christ, Scientist, Sunday, June 18, 1939.

Golden Text: I Corinthians 8:6. To us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him. Among the citrtions which comprise 10 Tardy. 11 His real name, Charles 13 Rodent. 15 Plume.

20 Doves cry. 21 Unit of work. 23 Being. 25 Dye. 27 Blue grass.

28 Petty demon 29 Self. 30 Before. 33 Order of snakes. 35 Kettle. 36 To surround.

37 Fifth month. 38 Egg. 39 Tissue. 40 Compact. 41 Inclination.

42 Lock opener. 44 To imitate. VERTICAL 1 To dwell. 2 Opposed to odd. 3 amor.

4 Subordinate place. 5 Apple drink. lege. Participating in the procession besides members of the congregation were members of the National Council of Cath-olio Women, of the Holy Name Society, Children of Mary, and he choir and flower girls. Miss Doris Barry visited in Alexandria recently.

Mrs. Obrien Elmer, Sr Is reported to be ill at her home here. Mrs. N. Durio and daughter, Jeanne were visitors in Opelousas recently.

Miss Francis Sibille, motored to Lafayette recently. Mrs. Bertha R. Mouton visited in Lafayette, recently. Mrs.

Edna Elmer and Herbert Richard visited friends at Krotz Springs. Bill Johnson of Baton Rouge, was a visitor here during the week. Mrs. John Oge, Carlton Oge, and Mrs. E.

Fogelman, spent a day in Bunkie. Mrs. Bella Mlzzi and daughters of Opelousas were recent visitors here. a Clarence Vincent of Krotz Springs, was a business visitor here. O.

Ware of Opelousas was a business visitor during the week. Misses Mable, Leona and Rena Smith and mother, Mrs. A. D. Smith and Miss Louise Pollingue were visitors to Opelousas recently.

Delcambre (Special to the Advertiser) DELCAMBRE, June 17 Mr. and Mrs. Orielle Frederick and son, Gerald, and Mr. and Mrs. Theo Perrin and daughter, Ruth Ellen, spent the week end in Gulfport, visiting friends and relatives.

Bom to Mr. and Mrs. U. D. Leleux a daughter.

a a Miss Dorothy LeBlanc, was the week end guest of her brother, Allen LeBlanc, in Zwolle. BBS A. J.Hymel and Theodore LeBlanc, were recent business visitors in New Iberia. Sydney Sylvester, Ferry LeBlanc, Donald Landry and Raymond LeBlanc, spent the week in Baton Rouge, where they attended the F.F.A. Convention.

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore LeBlanc and family spent the day in Lake Charles, Sunday, as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam LeBlanc.

Sunset (Special to the Advertiser) SUNSET, June 17 Dr. and M-s. Howard Sibille, and Mrs. Alice B. Gull-beau of Crowley, and Mrs.

J. N. Lowry and baby of Elba, were visitors at the home of Mrs. c. G.

Clay. Mrs. Clyde Landry of Live Oak, who to visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos.

A. Sibille, spent this week In Crowley, as guest of her brother and sister -im-law, Dr. and Mrs. Howard Sibille. Mr.

and Mrs. Octave Guilbeau and Mr. and Mrs. Meaux Valois, were visitors in Abbeville, during the week, Mr. and Mrs.

Willie Sibille and daughter, Vivian and Mrs. Lorena Andrus, motored to Lafayette, recently. Mrs. R. J.

Castille and baby and Mrs C. G. Clay and daughter, Alice, spent Mrs. J. D.

Bernard and daughter, Mrs. Octave Guilbeau and son, James, visited Marshall Clay and sister Jeannine of Breaux Bridge are the guests of their grandmother, Mrs. C. G. Clay.

Mr. and Mrs. Raoul Moussell, Willie Sibille, and Russell Durio, motored to Church Point recently. Aristide Darby of Shreveport, visited here with his mother, Mrs. James Darby.

ashington (Special to the Advertiser) WASHINGTON, June 17 Miss Marian Babin of Whitecastle, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. Gibson has returned home. Mrs.

S. W. Hall of Beaumont, Texas, visited Mrs. F. T.

Boudreau and Mrs. W. J. Bidstrup, recently. I Mr.

and Mrs. Alf Reeves of Welsh, epent the week end at the home of Miss Alzina Lalanne. BBS Mrs. Azmar and children, motored to New Orleans, to spend the week. BBS Mrs.

L. L. Wartelle, who accompanied her sister, Mrs. P. C.

Agaisse and children of Ponchatoula, on a motor trip to New Mexico, and other points in the west has returned home. BBS Misses Dorothy Elckum and Valerie Wartelle, who are attending S. L. in Lafayette, were week end guests of L. L.

Wartelle. BBS Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Allen of Coushat- ta, were the week end guests of friends. Mrs.

W. P. Sellers and children have returned to their home in Winnsboro. They were accompanied home by Laura Louise Muller. BBS Mr.

and Mrs. Donald Brown and children of Lafayette, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. C.

Woodruff. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lyman and son of Morganza, were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Gantt Nicholson, Mrs. Curry Couvillion, who are attending L. S. in Baton Rouge, spent the week end here. Indian Bayou INDIAN BAYOU.

June 17 Born to Mr. and Mrs. Glynn Perry a daughter. Everett Perry, has moved to Beaumont, where he is presently employed. Mr.

and Mrs. Wayne Perry, spent the week end in Crowley visiting with relatives. Mrs. C. L.

Morgan and daughters, Madelene and Lydia Mae and Misses Novada Cain and Girlie Foreman of Crowley visited relatives here and in Maurice Monday. Mias Girlie Foreman, remained here several days visiting with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Perry. D.

H. Spell of Crowley visited with his grandmother, Mrs. Eliza Boulet, during the week. BBS Mrs. Lovell Llnscomb and baby Alford Roy of Sulphur and Mrs.

Hunter Mor- cWtU get ift ft tfOU- lopitttj, 4. a. "1 Tr and Mrs. ehter, Dianne, left this afternoon for Kew Orleans where they will spend sev-flv weeks as guests of Mr. Simons parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Simon. Sr. irr and Mrs.

A. J. Hardy of Henderson, raa who visited with relatives In Breaux Bridge and friends In this city have returned to their home. Earl Girouard has gone to Bayou La-Batre. for a visit of several days with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr.

and Mrs. Boni Girouard. iEalph H- Agate, Jr. of Welsh Is spending the week end with relatives In thl3 city. Mrs.

Dora Mayer of Tuscaloosa. who had been visiting with relatives in Shreveport and Alexandria has arrived to be the guest of her sons and daughters- tn-law, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Mayer and Mr and Mrs. Leon Mayer.

Gaston Blot of Carencro motored to this city during the week for a visit with friends. Mrs. A. B. Daniels and Mrs.

Ferdie Duos of Milton motored to this city this morning for a visit with friends. Miss Lucille Mead who spent a week In the city as the guest of her aunt, Mrs. 0. B. Hopkins at her home on Monroe St.

left this afternoon for her home In Marshall, Texas. Mrs. F. V. Mouton of this city and Mrs James Simon of St.

Martlnville left Friday for a visit with the formers daughter, Mrs. E. C. Palfrey in Glendale. Calif.

From there they will go to Palo Alto, Calif, to visit with Mrs. Moutons son-in-law and daughter. Dr. and Mrs. Carroll Simon.

Mrs. Mouton will spend a year in California. Mrs. A. C.

Broussard of Breaux Bridge accompanied them and will spend two months visiting in Glendale and Palo Alto before she and M'S. Simon return to their homes. Mrs. O. B.

Hopkins has as her guests for the week end her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Haas of Opelousas, R. A. Kennedy of Lufkin, Texas and Dave Conolly of Livingston, Texas.

Mr. and Mrs. Ulysses Landry of Toungsville motored to this city today for a visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs.

John Hoffman of Breaux Bridge motored to this city today for a visit with friends. Mrs. George Bienvenu of Sunset visited with relatives in the city today. Mrs. Edwlna Smith of Grand Coteau returned to her home this afternoon after a days visit with friends In this city.

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver David and children Roy and Oliver, motored to New Orleans to Spend the week end with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs.

Paul H. De Clouet returned Friday night from Gulfport, where they accompanied their son, Paul H. who went to Gulf Coast Military Academy camp for four weeks. Mrs. W.

N. Smith has returned to her home in this city from Houston, Texas where she visited with, relatives and friends for several days. Miss Dorothy Smith left this morning for Los Angeles, where she will visit relatives for several weeks. Jules Krauss went to Alexandria Friday for a visit with relatives. He was accompanied home lay his wife and daughter, Julie Ann, who had been the guests for several days of Airs.

Krauss brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gourney.

Ruth Elaine Nugent who spent several days in the city as the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Thibodeaux at their home on Johnston St.

has returned to her home in New Iberia. Mr. and Mrs. Leodis Broussard of Abbeville announce the birth of a son. Richard Dale.

Mrs. Broussard was formerly Miss Monique Langlinais of this city. Mr. and Mrs. W.

B. Carter and children nave gone to Houston, Texas to spend the summer months. Mrs, Merlin Goudeau who was the guest of her brother-in-law and sister, Bifi and Mrs- Broussard In Abbeville for several days has returned to ner home In this city. and Mrs. Stanley Angelle of Breaux ridge motored to this city this afternoon for a visit with friends.

Miss Joyce T. Blanchet left this af-for Gulfport, where she wm spend six weeks at Edgewater camp. Mrs. George Bourdier left this after-her home in Opelousas after spending several days in the city as guest of her brother-in-law and slster-i -law, Mr. and Mrs.

Paul Bourdier at elr noma in Arbolada Addition. and Mrs- Glen Sudberry will leave Hot Springs, Ark. and will al-vislt in Little Rock and Camden, Ark. before returning to their home. Jimmie Rosenbloom of Shreveport has 10 be the guest of his uncle and unt, Mr.

and Mrs. Leon Meyer for sev-weeks. Tri'SSes Rutb Gauthier and Aline De-tn leave Sunday for New York bnJr nd tbe Worlds Fair. En route they will visit in Washington, D. other eastern cities.

Charles Come of Broussard mot-frlenda? tixls clty today for a visit with zftf33 uce Metancon returned Friday fiternoon to her home in Cameron af-er spending several weeks in the city. C. C. Barthe who spent several ys in Houma as the guest of her son-TW Bnd daughter, Mr. and Mrs.

Otto wurg, has returned to her home LAST RITES FOR MRS. LASSEIGNE ST. MARTINVILLE (Special to the Advertiser) ST MARTINVILLE, June 17 Largely attended funeral services were held ai a Reqziem High Mass at the St. Catholic church here for Mrs. Lu-cien Lasselgne, nee Marie Broussard, aged 68 years, who died at her home in th Third Ward.

Burial was in the family tomb in the Catholic cemetery here. Mrs. Lasseigne 1s survived by her hui-band; two sons, Clet of St. John, and Mortimer of Shreveport; three sisters, Mrs. Sylvere Robertson, of here, Mrs, Charles Broussard, of here and Sistel Winifred of the Convent of Mercy in New Orleans.

NEW BAR HAS ITS OPENING HERE TODAY The formal opening of Johnnies Bar, located on Jefferson Street took place today and John Carlin, owner and manager of the new establishment was receiving congratulations on the opening of this new bar, Mr. Carlin stated that it will be his aim to serve the public at all times with the very best of liquors, wines and beers. He stated that the establishment has been completely air conditioned and all the latest fixtures and bar equipment has been Installed. The personnel of the bar will Include Fenwick Smith, James Carson, and Roy Patin, bartenders, with Mr. Carlin as supervisor.

Funeral Verna Mae Hebert Held Friday (Special To The Advertiser) ABBEVILLE, June 17 Funeral services were held Friday at 5 oclock p. at the St. Mary Magdalene Catholic church here for Verna Mae, 17 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Evence J.

Hebert of Abbeville who died Friday morning at 1:35 oclock following an illness. Surviving besides her parents, are a brother, Claude Edwin, and three sisters, Annie Lou, Anna Belle, and Claudia Nell, The pallbearers were Louise Helen Trahan, Irene Joyce Trahan, Helen Edna Trahan and Ellse Campbell. Burial was in the new Catholic cemetery here. In Italy and Spain, the cow is superseded by the goat as a milk giver. William Penn occupied the first brick house in America.

gan of Crowley, were visitors at the home of Mrs. Eliza Boulet. Mr. and Mrs. W.

A. Dubose and children Dalny Dean and Berlyn Rae, of Lake Charles, visited relatives here. Mrs. Oraphene Hoffpauir, spent several days here as the guest of Mrs. Eliza Boulet and family, A surprise party was given at the home of Mrs.

Laura Boulet, In honor of her 78th birthday. Norwood and J. D. Hoffpauir of Crowley were business visitors here recently. tl si 1c itimon 13 ft on Wedding Ring $30 SINO 1697 OFFERS AID IN SWIMMING CLASSES (Special To The Advertiser) ST.

MARTTNVTLLE, June 17 Scoutmaster Marcel Blackie Bienvenu of the St. Martlnville Rotary Club Boy Scouts Troop 27 stated this week that he would be glad to eonduct classes for swimmers. He has a senior Red Cross life saver, Andrew Bienvenu and several Junior life savers who can give valuable tips on safety measures. Those wishing to get instructions are asked to get in touch with him at the Messenger office. Scoutmaster Bienvenu said that there is no reason for anyone to drown as a result of cramps.

With a little instruction and practice in relieving cramps, even a weak swimmer can reach safety. The porpoise devours Its own weight In fish every day. HORIZONTAL 1,5 Pen name of the author of Alice in Wonderland. II To plunge in water. II Genus, of 14 Mass of bread 16 Kiln.

17 Student at a military academy, 18 To love excessively 19 Beasts home. 36 Lad. 20 Clique. 37 Vocal 22 Afternoon meal. 23 Age.

24 English coin. 26 Stationary point. 30 He was Answer to. raassin dliftisPrc tmmm composition. 40 White lie.

43 Class of birds. 44 Military assistants. 46 Christmas, Previous Puzzle 6 Maple shrub. 45 Kind of snow 7 Explanation shoe, of an action. 48 3.1416.

8 Ancient. 49 Sun god. 9 Booty. 50 Form of by nationality. 47 To dress up.

31 Uncles. 48 To beseech. 32 Assembly. 51 He was a 34 To doze. noted 35 To drive.

by profession. Tke most important tiling in clioosing her diamond is to get Quality she can le proud oh Can you tliei he satisfied with lesser Quality!" The exquisite heauty of our genuine Orange Blossom rings will cjuickly convince you of their fine (Quality, yet their prices are very moderate indeed. See these rings before you choosel WBSV1DUALITY All funeral services are not alike. They differ widely, according to the facilities offered by the funeral director, his personality, and his progressiveness. Services conducted by this concern prove that.

They have a unique individuality that gives them greater beauty and meaning. And they are distinctly personal, forming an impressive tribute to the departed that will ever remain a treasured memory. DAUTERIVE BERIMING COMPANY, INC Lafayettes Oldest Establishment Day And Night Phone 737 Official Funeral Directors For The First National Life Insurance Co Engagement Ring $75 i.

The Daily Advertiser from Lafayette, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.