43 Things We Don't Buy Anymore as Minimalists (2024)

43 Things We Don't Buy Anymore as Minimalists (1)

Believe it or not, if we wanted to become minimalist we had to stop buying so much. Here is my huge list of 43 things minimalists don’t buy. At least this is what we don’t buy anymore as a minimalist family of 5.

When I decided to become a minimalist I dove straight in. There was no thinking about it, I started decluttering right away.

I was convinced minimalism was all about decluttering what we already had. It wasn’t until I was done decluttering that I realized it was also about not buying as much as I used to.

In general, minimalism is more about changing the way we think about things rather than the exact amount of things we have. As we decluttered more and more we also bought less.

This was a gradual change over the last 4 years and it is still evolving.

But after 4 years of decluttering and becoming minimalist, this is what we don’t buy anymore.

43 Things We Don’t Buy Anymore as Minimalists

We slowly stopped buying these items as we found either we didn’t really need/ want them or we found a more eco-friendly alternative.

Every person has a different minimalist journey so if you still use these items that’s great, but this is what we decided to do without.

Here is the exact decluttering process I used in an actionable Decluttering E-Book.

Check out myGet Things Done Printableto stay organized and on task.

(this post might contain affiliate links, As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases)

Minimalist Home Decor Category

Fake Plants

As we were becoming more minimal and doing a lot of decluttering it hit me that I didn’t like fake plants.

I decided that I would be much happier with real plants. The fake ones just looked FAKE. I also questioned what the fake plants really brought to our home.

Real plants brought life and air and they are always changing. The fake plants just collected dust.

Here is My Favorite REAL plant.

Decor with No Purpose

Another thing that really stood out to me was all the decor that had no purpose. At one point I had a ceramic fish that was on a stand on one of my shelves.

This was a fish I found at a garage sale, and I thought it would make my home feel beachy.


43 things we don’t buy anymore as a minimalist family video:

Holiday Decor

As a minimalist, I don’t decorate for every holiday anymore. Yes, we decorate for Christmas, but we don’t decorate for Valentine’s Day and all the other small days.

Kitchen Stuff We Don’t Buy

Plastic Water Bottles

I can’t believe we went so long buying one-use plastic water bottles! After I came across minimalism I started researching how to become eco-friendly.

The first thing we stopped using was plastic water bottles. When I did the math this ended up saving us over $1000. every year!

We bought a few reusable bottles and have been using them every day since. This saves us money and the environment.

Here is a link to my favorite reusable water bottle for my kids.

Here is a link to my favorite reusable water cup with a straw (this is what I prefer to use everyday).

One Use Gadgets

Most kitchens are filled with one-use gadgets. Apple slicer, garlic press, ice cream scooper, rice maker, and the list goes on and on.

I decluttered all of these one-use gadgets and only kept the few that we use every week. It is easy to see a normal spoon can scoop ice cream and we can make rice on the stove.

Plastic Grocery Bags

We no longer get free plastic grocery bags when we buy our food. I always bring my reusable bags with me and use them.

One tip I have in case you forget your bags in the car. Just put your groceries back into the cart and then bag them in the car yourself.

Sometimes this is actually easier!

Air Freshener

Most air fresheners are full of chemicals and you are paying for a spray!

As soon as I realized this I stopped buying all air fresheners and my house still smells great.

Plugin Smelly Stuff

I don’t buy smelly plugins. Not for my car or my house.

Most of the smells make my stomach turn and what is wrong with smelling nothing?

Whenever I do smell these perfumy smells now I want to run away.

Paper Napkins

We switched to cloth napkins. I thought this was going to be a huge hassle, but it really isn’t.

I bought two sets of cloth napkins and I wash them with all our towels. They work perfectly!

Cling Wrap

If you want to save money and the environment then ditch the cling wrap.

Instead of cling wrap, you can use beeswax wraps or I like to use glass containers to store food.

Here is a simple tutorial on how to make your own beeswax wraps.

Plastic Sandwich Baggies

First, buy some reusable sandwich bags and then you can ditch the one-use plastic bags.

Here are the reusable sandwich bags I really like.

All Things Wardrobe We Don’t Buy

Seasonal Themed Clothes

Yes, I buy clothes for different seasons, but I don’t buy seasonal-themed clothes.

What I mean is I don’t buy a special 4th of July shirt just for that one day. I no longer buy my kids all the seasonal “special day” shirts.

Over time I realized these shirts were never worn and by the time the holiday came around again no one wore the “old themed shirt.”

More Than One Type of Shoe

I am trying to only keep one type of each shoe. One pair of tennis shoes, one pair of heels, and one pair of flip-flops.

It is great to have variety, but I only wear my favorites anyway so why have more?

Latest Trends

Just because a new trend comes out does not mean we all need to go for it. Recently I heard skinny jeans are out and some kind of balloon pants are in.

Well, I don’t fall for the latest trends unless they suit my style and body type.

The latest trends are something I don’t buy anymore.

Dryer Sheets

After we bought some dryer balls I realized I didn’t need to buy dryer sheets.

This is so much better for the environment! Once we were used to not smelling that artificial smell our clothes actually last longer and smell better.

Here is a link to the Dryer Balls I really like.

Scent Boosters

I don’t buy scent boosters for the laundry. This is a newish product that we have all lived without forever.

I tried them once before realizing we don’t need extra scent on anything.

Uncomfortable “suck it in” Undergarments

Since becoming a minimalist I realized I am not going to dress in a way that is uncomfortable for me.

Nothing is worth that! This is why I don’t buy any restricting undergarments.

Believe me, we aren’t fooling anyone!


I no longer buy jewelry as a minimalist. It was never something I was into, but I realized I don’t really like wearing jewelry.

This was something I did for fashion and now I don’t see the point. I do wear my wedding ring and I have one set of earrings but I no longer buy costume jewelry.

Kid Stuff I Don’t Buy

Toys Bought Under Pressure

I think we have all been here as a parent. We are at the store and our children start screaming they want something.

In the past I would just buy it to stop the screaming, but not anymore.

Now I explain that I will not be buying any toys we don’t need before we hit the store.

Seasonal Theme Sheets

I don’t buy Christmas sheets or any other type of sheet that is only used for a portion of the year.

Latest Toys

We don’t buy the latest toys. There is always something new coming out.

This would be a never-ending cycle.

43 Things We Don't Buy Anymore as Minimalists (2)

Large Toys

Bigger is not always better. I have realized bigger toys almost never get used in our home.

Of course, this is different for everyone, but after I realized this early on I stopped buying large toys.

Things I Don’t Buy for the Bathroom

Nail Polish

I don’t buy nail polish anymore. Every time I would paint my nails they would get brittle and break.

Plus all the time spent painting my nails only to have them chip and have to redo it a week later.

After becoming a minimalist I didn’t see the point in having nail polish. It was not how I wanted to spend my time.

Back up Towels

After a lot of decluttering, I stopped buying backup towels. Each of us have 2 towels and I replace them when needed.

Hair Gadgets

I have the standard blow dryer and curling iron, but I don’t buy any more hair gadgets.

New Makeup Styles

Since becoming a minimalist I don’t buy new makeup styles.

I know what works for my face and I don’t fall for all the marketing of new products.

Face Routines

I no longer buy face creams and face routines that promise perfect skin.

There are a few products that I have used for a long time and I rarely buy “new to the market” products anymore.

Anti-aging Stuff

I don’t buy any anti aging face products besides sunscreen and a hat. Show me, one person, who does not look old after using them.

Everyone gets old and will look old eventually, no cream is going to stop that.

Expensive Hair Products

Expensive hair products can be the same as inexpensive hair products.

Especially shampoo and conditioner, I have tried inexpensive and expensive and realized just because something costs more doesn’t mean it’s better.

It is more about the quality of the product and what works for your hair.

All The Other Things We As Minimalists Don’t Buy

DVDs / DVD Player / CDs

I donated all of my DVDs and the DVD player since everything is now streaming. We ended up keeping a few CDs but I no longer see any reason to add to the collection.

I now take advantage of all the apps that have free music.

You can try Amazon Music Unlimited for 30 Days Free – Click this link to find out more information.

Expensive Name Brands

Buying expensive name brands just for the name is a complete waste of money. Since becoming minimalist and taking all the value off of things I now see them for what they are.

The product itself is what matters and if it solves the need you have. Take a purse, for instance, you can have a super well-made purse for a reasonable price. Slap a name brand on it and now it doubles in price. We have to ask, why we would fall for this.


Before minimalism, I use to get a magnet from every location I went to. Soon my refrigerator was filled with magnets.

Then I decided I don’t like the cluttered look of the magnets on my fridge. Which is when I asked myself if I really needed to keep all these magnets.

The simple answer was no LOL.

Photo Albums

I had this grand plan to make a big photo album of every year of our lives. This idea came about when my first son was born. I bought a bunch of large albums and printed out a ton of photos.

Sometimes I would print 10 to 15 photos from one event. Putting these albums together quickly became somewhat of a burden. When I was about halfway through putting the first album together I lost steam.

After decluttering a lot of the things in our home I decided to rethink the “album every year idea.”

I decided I could print one or two photos from important events and stick them all in one album. Hopefully, this one album will cover many years in our lives.

Sale Items

I have found that sale items are only a good deal if you actually need the item. Whenever I get a coupon or catalog it goes straight into the recycle bin.


Going with the theme of avoiding chemicals and mysterious fragrances, I have decided to stop buying perfume.

New Phone Every Year

With every new year, there is the opportunity to upgrade your phone. I now see this as a never-ending cycle.

Now I use my phone until it doesn’t work anymore.

43 Things We Don't Buy Anymore as Minimalists (3)

Cheap Products

There is a difference between a product being inexpensive and cheap. In the past, I have bought cheap products to save money.

Most of the time they break pretty quickly and I find myself having to buy the well made slightly more expensive version anyways.

Cable TV

The first thing we stopped buying on our minimalist journey was cable TV. I thought long and hard about whether we needed it or not.

It was expensive and it took up a lot of time. TV has a way of sucking you in and wasting your time.

6 years later and we still don’t have cable TV. This was the best decision we ever made! We save $50 a month, which works out to be around $600. a year.


Most magazines are full of ads that made me want the newest trend. This was so easy to give up.

Subscription Boxes

I tried an essential oil subscription box for a month and decided it wasn’t for me. Initially, I thought it would be great because I could use the oils for all sorts of things.

But I quickly realized I only liked a few oils in the box and all the other things became extra clutter.

Now I don’t buy any subscriptions of any kind.

Gaming Devices / Games

This is a personal choice to not have any gaming devices in my home. I feel we are in front of a screen enough between computers, tablets, and phones.

Things we Don’t Buy Conclusion

So what changed after we don’t buy these things anymore? Well, one big thing is we have a lot less clutter. It is easier to stay minimalist with every item we add to this list.

We save a lot of money! Read this post on how we save thousands every month. Everything we buy equals time spent earning money. Also, each purchase takes time to research and go out and buy. So now we have extra time too!

Here is a great post on 10 Minimalist Practices That Changed My Life.

Looking to Declutter?

Check out my decluttering Ebook where I lay out the exact method I used to declutter everything extra in our home.

43 Things We Don't Buy Anymore as Minimalists (4)

Read More About How We Became Minimalist:

21 Minimalist habits that will change your life!

5 Minimalist Myths

Minimalism at Christmas Time

What You Should Stop Doing

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43 Things We Don't Buy Anymore as Minimalists (5)

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43 Things We Don't Buy Anymore as Minimalists (2024)


What minimalist don't buy? ›

Minimalists limit one-time use & disposable items.

Another thing minimalists try to significantly limit is one-time use and disposable items. Some of the items in this category include paper towels, napkins, plastic wrap, single-use water bottles, paper plates, and plasticware.

What percentage of people are minimalists? ›

Fewer than one in five (17%) Americans describe themselves as minimalists. Almost a quarter (23%) say “I am not a minimalist, but I would like to be.” Others aren't so convinced. A plurality (31%) of Americans have no interest in becoming a minimalist.

What is the rule of thumb for minimalists? ›

20/20 rule for minimalist living

The Minimalists Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus invented this great minimalist rule: If you don't use it and you can replace it for less than $20 in 20 minutes, you can declutter it! I LOVE this tip. So often we hold onto things because we think we might use something one day.

Is minimalism owning fewer possessions? ›


Like I mentioned before, minimalism is intentionally living with only the things I really need—those items that support my purpose. I am removing the distraction of excess possessions so I can focus more on those things that matter most.

What is the 20 rule minimalist? ›

In the video, professional organizer and TikTok user Spaces By Emily shares, “If you are trying to figure out whether or not to get rid of something, use this rule: If it costs less than $20 to rebuy, and you currently don't use it and haven't in a while, get rid of it.”

Do minimalists spend less money? ›

A minimalist budget isn't necessarily about spending less money. It's about spending money on fewer things, so you're only spending money on what you truly value.

Are minimalists happier? ›

According to a survey by the Simplicity Institute, an organization that surveyed 2,500 people across various countries who self-identified themselves as living with fewer possessions, 87 percent of respondents indicated they were happier now than when they owned more possessions.

Which country is the most minimalist? ›

Japan is the established leader when it comes to minimalism. There, the philosophy is rooted in Zen Buddhism, which encourages followers not to become overly attached to material possessions and to focus on happiness and mindfulness.

Do minimalists believe in God? ›

Whatever your religious beliefs, we have no spiritual advice for you. The beautiful thing about minimalism, though, is it works whether you're religious or not. We personally know minimalists who are Christian pastors, minimalists who are practicing Buddhists, minimalists who are atheists.

What is the 90 90 rule minimalistic life? ›

Created by Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus of The Minimalists, the 90/90 rule is a decluttering process that requires you to ask yourself two questions about objects you're not sure about: Have you used it in the past 90 days? And if not, will you use it in the 90 days ahead?

What do the minimalists wear? ›

Simply, a minimalist wears their favorite clothes every day. Most days I wear jeans, a teeshirt, and a pair of boots. Or, when I feel like it, I wear a crisp white button-up shirt, jeans, a blazer, colorful socks, and a clean pair of dress shoes. (I avoid logos because I refuse to be a walking billboard.)

Where do minimalists keep their stuff? ›

Sleek, hidden storage is key in minimalist organization. Furniture that includes storage spaces or drawers helps maximize space and keep your home from looking cluttered. Space-saving furniture ideas include storage ottomans, window benches, and storage trunks—and don't forget about under the bed storage!

Can minimalists have hobbies? ›

Some people can have multiple hobbies at the same time. Being a minimalist hobbyist, you can also do the same. However, you may want to consider activities or interests that won't consume too much space in your home.

What are the cons of living a minimalist lifestyle? ›

Con: Impacted Social Life

So, although the simplicity of a minimalist lifestyle might improve your mental health, it might also make you feel unconfident about your social standing. Hosting will be especially awkward. Every time you invite company over, you will have to explain why the rooms are so bare and boring.

What are examples of extreme minimalists? ›

Extreme minimalism is about choosing to live with the absolute essentials and nothing more. Examples of extreme minimalism include willingly living without furniture and owning less than 15 items.

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

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Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.