10 Quick and Easy Slow-Carb Dinner Recipes | Progress Blog (2024)

10 Quick and Easy Slow-Carb Dinner Recipes | Progress Blog (1)

Not sure what the Slow-Carb Diet is all about? Check out my 4-Hour Body beginner’s guide!

The Slow-Carb Diet has been my go-to way of eating for around 6 years now, and for the most part, I’ve stuck religiously to the rule that you should eat the same few meals over and over again.

A typical week usually has me eating dinners of taco mince, chilli, roast chicken, meatballs, smoked fish and then a steak on Friday. On the whole, I’m pretty happy munching through the same menu week after week, but sometimes I just want a change. I crave a new flavour – something that feels like a ‘treat’ but doesn’t stray from the main Slow-Carb elements of protein, veg and beans. And, importantly, it needs to be quick and easy to make.

So if, like me, you’ve been looking for Four Hour Body foodie inspiration, check out this round-up of 10 delicious Slow-Carb dinner recipes – you might just find a brand new staple to add to your rotation.

1. Braised Chicken Thighs with Spinach and White Beans

10 Quick and Easy Slow-Carb Dinner Recipes | Progress Blog (2)
Chicken. Spinach. Beans. Everything you need for a great Slow-Carb meal. And although the 50-minute cook time is longer than I’d usually want for mid-week dinner, I love that you can just set it and forget it for the last half hour. The only modification I’d make here is to leave out the white wine and add extra stock and a dash of white wine vinegar instead – but other than that, this recipe is good to go!

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2. P.F. Chang’s Lettuce Wraps Remade

Sometimes you just want guilt-free take-out, and this fake-out makeover really hits the spot. It’s not entirely Slow-Carb as it uses honey and chopped peanuts, but lose those two ingredients and you’re golden. You could even add some chopped mushrooms (the darker the better) to give the dish an umami flavor, and increase the volume of water chestnuts to give it a satisfying crunch.

3. Mushroom-Smothered Pork Chops

Speaking of mushrooms, this recipe from The Slow Carb Cook is easy to prepare and packed full of flavour. This would be great paired with a white bean mash and collard greens.

4. Spanish Bean Stew

I love a good one-pot dish, and this recipe saves time as well as washing-up – this is a 40-minute wonder from prep to finish. Just leave out the potato and replace with any veggie you like to make this fully Slow-Carb.

5. Bun-less Burgers Two Ways

10 Quick and Easy Slow-Carb Dinner Recipes | Progress Blog (3)

Yes, I know burgers are an obvious one, but I can’t usually bring myself to eat them without a good carby bun to go with it. These suggestions, however, have opened up my eyes to the culinary fun you can have with a bun-less burger. My favourite is the bacon, egg, mushroom and avocado option, but they’re both strong contenders. And you could always make a bean mash, rather than the cauliflower mash suggested, to check off the fiber element.

6. Thai Chicken Larb

You have to scroll down a long way to find this recipe, but it’s worth it – it takes just 10 minutes to throw together and makes a nice change from my usual go-to Mexican mince flavourings. Just add beans n’ greens.

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7. Beef and Broccoli

This dish delivers Asian flavours with a twist – instead of stir-frying, the author grills both the meat and veg and then combines at the end, but it would be just as easy to stir-fry if the mood takes you. He suggests adding cannellini beans to make it truly Slow-Carb, but black beans would hold up well too.

8. Rosemary Chicken with Oven-Roasted Ratatouille

10 Quick and Easy Slow-Carb Dinner Recipes | Progress Blog (4)

Just 15 minutes to throw this together and then 40 minutes in the oven – plenty of time to get some jobs done or just sit down with a glass of wine. Either way, this dish gives a tasty Mediterranean makeover to the humble chicken. Top it off with a white bean mash made with a hint of garlic. Perfection!

9. Low Carb Brown Butter Chicken

For a meal that feels super decadent, try this combo of chicken, prosciutto, butter and sage (plus beans n’ greens – you know the drill). Butter isn’t really allowed on Slow-Carb, so make sure you use ghee if you’re being strict – I have to admit, I use normal salted butter and it tastes AMAZING. Let me know how it turns out if you use ghee instead.

10. Buttery Shrimp with Bacon

The best thing about this dish (apart from the great combination of flavors) is that it’s lightning fast to make. Swap out the butter for ghee, pair with zoodles, raw spinach, or asparagus, and add some beans on the side. Boom.

So there you have it – 10 quick and easy Slow-Carb dinner recipes for days when your usual dishes just won’t cut it.

And if you loved those recipes, why not check out my Slow-Carb beef taco recipe?It includes instructions for cheat’s guacamole and salsa and it’s my absolute go-to weeknight dinner. Enjoy!

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10 Quick and Easy Slow-Carb Dinner Recipes | Progress Blog (5)

10 Quick and Easy Slow-Carb Dinner Recipes | Progress Blog (2024)


Is chickpea pasta OK on slow carb diet? ›

Chickpea pasta is incredible, because it has just 1-3 ingredients, so much fiber and protein, and the taste/texture versus real pasta is almost imperceptible in a hearty weeknight meal. And...it's technically slow carb-approved.

Can you eat bananas on slow carb diet? ›

You should avoid the following foods on the slow-carb diet: Fruits: Apples, bananas, oranges, berries, etc.

Can you eat sweet potatoes on slow carb diet? ›

Slow Carb Vegetables

Excellent examples include leafy greens, like spinach and kale, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, cucumbers, bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and asparagus. Starchy vegetables include corn, potatoes, squash and most root vegetables.

Can I have coffee on slow carb diet? ›

So now that we've eliminated everything in your current diet, what do you eat for this slow carb diet? Tim suggests eggs, meat, fish, legumes (beans and lentils), and lots of vegetables. It's ok to have coffee and red wine, but you should avoid soda and fruit juice.

Can you eat peanut butter on slow carb diet? ›

Is plain natural peanut butter allowed on the 4 hour body diet? This is a documented “yes” as long as it's unsweetened and has pretty much no other ingredients except peanuts. Tim warns us to be careful, though, that it's really easy to go overboard with peanut butter and nuts in general, so eat it sparingly.

What is the number 1 carb to avoid? ›

1. Sugary Foods. Most people already think of many of the foods in this category as unhealthy treats. Candy, soft drinks, and sweet desserts such as cake, chocolate, and ice cream are all expected entries on a list of carbs to avoid to lose weight.

Is oatmeal allowed on slow carb diet? ›

FAQs. Can I eat oatmeal on a slow carb diet? No, oatmeal is not an approved food on the slow carb diet.

Can you eat eggs on slow carb diet? ›

Some Breakfast Ideas for Slow Carb Diets:

Tip: An ideal breakfast of allowed foods on a slow-carb diet consists of 20-30 grams of protein at your first meal of the day. Eggs and bacon are the classic way to do this (and boost success rate by 10%).

Is avocado allowed on slow-carb diet? ›

one day a week 🙂 Basically, on the slow carb diet, you're only allowed to eat fruit on your cheat day. The exceptions to the rule: tomatoes and avocados (and avocados should be eaten in moderation – no more than one cup or one meal per day).

Why is cheese not allowed on slow-carb diet? ›

Dairy is not recommended on the slow-carb diet. This diet explains that even though dairy products have a low glycemic index, they cause your insulin levels to rise, which seems to be detrimental to weight loss. The diet says the spike in insulin caused by dairy is comparable to that of white bread.

Are canned tomatoes allowed on slow-carb diet? ›

The only exceptions to the no-fruit rule are tomatoes and avocadoes, and the latter should be eaten in moderation (no more than one cup or one meal per day). Otherwise, just say no to fruit and its principal sugar, fructose, which is converted to glycerol phosphate more efficiently than almost all other carbohydrates.

What is Tom Ferris's diet? ›

The slow-carb diet is generally a low-carb and high-protein method of eating. Ferriss believes that following this pattern of being "on" for six days straight results in weight loss because it prompts the body to use fat for energy, thus breaking down fat stores.

Can you eat brown rice on slow carb diet? ›

All grains and “white carbohydrates” are excluded six out of seven days of the week, as are fruit and sweetened/caloric drinks. This means that foods to avoid on the slow carb diet include: All bread. Rice and other grains, including whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, etc.

Can you eat cheese on the slow carb diet? ›

Dairy is not recommended on the slow-carb diet. This diet explains that even though dairy products have a low glycemic index, they cause your insulin levels to rise, which seems to be detrimental to weight loss. The diet says the spike in insulin caused by dairy is comparable to that of white bread.

What is Rule #1 Avoid white carbohydrates? ›

THE FIVE RULES OF THE SLOW-CARB DIET RULE #1 Avoid “white” starchy carbohydrates (or those that can be white). This means no bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, or grains. RULE #2 Eat the same few meals over and over again, especially for breakfast and lunch.

What foods are allowed on slow carb diet? ›

Slow carbs are those found in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, beans and grains. Minimally processed foods that haven't been stripped of nutrients, vitamins and fiber take longer to digest, thus, keeping you feeling fuller longer. They're also healthier for you.

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.